Monday, December 31, 2007

december 31, 2007 - So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed - (John 8:36 NIV)

top of the evening, friends....

here it is, the end of 2007, and i pray that 2008 is wonderful for each one of you. with each year, comes new opportunities and adventures. i am so excited to return to work and school! i just know that the coming year will bring great things!

i don't really have any grand plans tonight, other than maybe getting something to eat. my sister has invited me down, but i'm not sure about the weather, so that's kinda on hold.

dianna and her mom came over last night for some homemade green beans, red skinned potatoes, cornbread, and cottage ham (whatever that is!!!). oh, yeah...and custard pie. we had a great time, but i think we all ate too

the above picture is of me and my dad, ross. we were preparing for a beautiful day of riding. it's obvious that i received my "passion" for motorcycling from him. he had me on a mini-bike at about the time i could walk, so i guess he can't blame me for my favorite hobby! we can't wait to get back on our bikes this summer.

i received an email from retired lt. mike hunter (from the athens post) that i felt compelled to share with you (i hope you don't mind, mike). he is one of the many people who have inspired me more than you know (thank you again, mike!). i'm so honored that he chose me as his "purpose" in riding for 2007. the following is a part of his correspondence:

"On June 15th a friend and I rode our bicycles 70 miles to Zanesville and stopped a troop to talk to him about you. I had just gotten back into bicycling with a little bit of seriousness, as I was trying to get "back" into shape (feeling soft and fat), and I was looking for motivation. The overnight trip got me going, and I kept it up. Well, as your recovery started, I thought about doing some serious riding with a purpose - to reach 3000 miles from the 13th of June for the year. It was your recovery that motivated me, as I saw no signs of self-pity, and a lot of gritty tough work and pain. I worked all summer at it and into the fall. Getting a full-time job put a crimp into my riding time. Winter brought a new challenge - COLD!!! Nevertheless, as my riding season was dedicated to your recovery effort, I decided I could not fall down on the job. I had a crankset meltdown yesterday afternoon and had to hitch a ride to the bike shop (with much dread). However it was an easy fix, and I finished my 42 mile ride at 9PM. I have 2954 miles as of today since your accident. My lights and winter riding gear have gotten a workout. (Even now as it is only 35 degrees, I am procrastinating by writing this e-mail! LOL). I will ride the last 46 miles (since I started counting) this afternoon. You have shown a lot of courage. Your crutches have gotten a workout (don't fall any more). My 27-year-old Panasonic touring bike has too. Solidarity! Keep up the great work. I see a future of motivational speaking for you, and until you start talking, no one will know your story as you will get out of your chair and stroll brisky to the podium to begin - just like most everyone else. Gotta go ride."

retired major fred goldstein - thanks buddy, for the call today. you always are kind to call and check on my progress. i'm so thankful that your knee is progressing and you are feeling better with each day.

major bob brooks - thanks to you too, for your phone call. you and mildred have also been great about calling me to see if i needed anything and to update me on OSP issues. i appreciate that more than you know.

retired lt. colonel gil jones - i'm so glad that your daughter is showing progress! the prayer warriors are at work for you, friend.

elzie fish - if i'm home, some refreshments will be here! be safe, my doesn't sound like the weather will be cooperating for our annual "new years motorcycle ride."

dan richhart - i DO appreciate your humor and frankly, i'm going through

laura pascuzzi - thanks for the phone call today. you always know how to lift my spirits. i'm glad that your shoulder is healing nicely. we've all had to learn to be patient, haven't we???

tina phillips - i know you're ready for retirement....but i'm not - yet! i want to go out on MY terms, not on disability, if possible! thanks so much for your help with the attorney, court cases, etc... it's great to have a "protector" in WV. who would have guessed we'd have been here a couple of years ago?

quote for the day:

"Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there"

Bob Proctor

well, until we talk again, in 2008, continue to expect to be blessed!
lisa - 1095

Thursday, December 27, 2007

thursday, december 27, 2007 - God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope that you all had a great Christmas and will have a very happy new year!

i spent Christmas eve at my sisters, where "controlled chaos"

the many kids make it so much fun! they had a great time and it was so enjoyable to watch them open their gifts. i came home later on Christmas day and have yet to put my stuff away! and i might add....i got way too much stuff for Christmas! my family and friends were way too generous! as of now....i'm planning a quiet new years eve at home.

i continue to get better with each passing day, thanks to all your prayers. i'm hoping that by january, i can actually get back down on the floor to resume my exercise program. it's a little difficult to do it via wheelchair. since my last surgery, i've been unable to get onto and off of the floor by myself, as the healing of my good leg has been slow. i did, however, walk 1.6 miles with my crutches yesterday, but boy...did it wear me out!

well, providing that my doctor releases me after my appointment in late january, i'm planning to return to work in early february and will return to my master's program in march. carl roark, dianna white and i only have four classes to complete for our MBA' we're very excited to get those goals completed.

i got a great surprise on Christmas eve - julie smith from our fleet section came to visit and brought along a lovely gift basket from her and my other friends at fleet. i was honored that she spent her lunch hour visiting with me! we had a chance to catch up and chat a bit. while she was here, my retired bud, elzie fish showed up as well. he always brings some "spice" to the conversation. lol we all had a great time!

quote for the day:
"the strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home"


elzie fish - dianna says, "no" to the dancing in front of matter how good your costume might be!

terri west - thanks for the gluten free website! actually, we've been trying to new recipes that aren't half bad! the homemade stuff is certainly better than the store bought stuff!

dan richhart - i can't wait to hear your new material. it gives me something to look forward to!

to my "favorite all-time secretary-" i have been blessed with GREAT one are you????

ginny higginbotham - it was great hearing from you both by phone and on the blog! i hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season! don't spoil the grandkids too much! i don't know if i ever told you or not, but i really cherish our friendship and i appreciate how you always kept my fat outta the fire!

colonel butch and s/lt. brenda collins - thanks so much for the update on cory! what a wonderful Christmas present for him and his family! we'll continue to keep them in our prayers.

retired lt. rick imhoff - thanks for the offer! you've been a great friend over the years, so it's no surprise that you offer to help! if i can do anything for you....let me know as well.
you continue to be in my thoughts too.

retired lt. colonel gil jones - we are all praying that your daughter recovers from her recent illness. the "prayer warriors" are at work! we will continue to keep her and your family in our thoughts.

until we talk again....continue to expect God's best!

lisa - 1095

Friday, December 21, 2007

december 21, 2007 - “O favored one [endued with grace]! The Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28 AMP)

top of the evening, friends....

well, here it is less than a week before Christmas, and i haven't sent a single card out! forgive me. with all that's been going on, i have been very remiss. thank you all for the Christmas cards and continued thoughts and prayers, particularly during this holiday season. They mean more than you know.

i visited my plastic surgeon on tuesday. he was extremely pleased with the progress on my hand and even cleared me for strength exercises. until now, we simply worked on range of motion. he looked at my leg and once again described how unoptimistic he was when we started this journey and how pleased he is now that i have kept my leg and will soon (hopefully) be walking again. that really encouraged me!

i had therapy twice this week and my physical therapist is also pleased with my progress. she says that most of my hand function is normal - which was also very encouraging.

on thursday, i traveled to jackson, ohio to check on two of my elderly friends: ernestine abrams and joyce channel. ernestine was one of my neighbors when i lived down south. she is now in a nursing home in jackson. she is 90 years old and can certainly use your prayers. joyce is a member of my old church family. i got to visit her at home and catch up on everything. she recently had back surgery and could too, use some prayers for healing.

jane hawthorn - it was wonderful talking with you. gosh, it's been 25 years since we've seen each other or talked! i hope you have an opportunity to visit so we can catch up as well. may God bless you and your family!

kim campbell - i am so sorry to hear about the passing of your mom. my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. as you know, my own mom passed 2 years ago and there's not a day that goes by that i don't think of her. you spent a lot of quality time with your mom over the last year. you can cherish those memories forever. please call if i can do anything.

ernie & jane howard - thank you so much for the lovely centerpiece! you guys are too much! i hope you and your family have a great holiday. please say "hi" to dexter and francie for me too. who knows....maybe i'll see you in middletown soon.

my OFLS staff - thank you guys and gals for the "trader joes" card. you have no idea how much that will come in handy with my eating problem! i appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for the jobs you do all year long. i'm so blessed to work with such quality people!

nora fish - i traveled through your neighborhood the other day in a quest to walk my dogs. i didn't know which house you lived in, or i'd have stopped. you have been so faithful to pray for my recovery. even though we've never met, i feel a special bond with you. thanks so much for your cards and prayers. please send my regards to cheryl and jed.

elzie - dianna said she really didn't care about your "feel good factor"...she just wants cold, hard furthermore...."fred astaire????" we don't freakin' think so!

kelley & glenna williams - i hope you continue to get nourished in my absence!

dan richhart - merry Christmas to you as well, my friend! i really miss your "joke of the day."

nurse julie - thanks for the blog entry. i hope you knee continues to heal. please keep me posted.
colonel butch & brenda collins - thank you so much for the book! i appreciate you thinking of me and the rest of the senior staff during this holiday season. i will read and cherish it! while i haven't yet read the book, i have heard of tony dungy and his inspirational faith. what's the latest on officer cory winfield? we've all had him in our thoughts and prayers.

quote for the day:

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

until we talk again.....expect to be blessed,

lisa - 1095

Friday, December 14, 2007

december 15, 2007 - though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil; for You are with me (psalm 23:4)

top of the afternoon, friends....

it's saturday morning and boy, is the snow coming down! i think i'm in for the day...i sure don't want to risk falling again.
oh, friend laura pascuzzi wanted to know when i was going to post a picture of a "real bike" and a "real woman" on the's laura with her harley davidson road glide motorcycle. frankly, the color hurts my eyes...but to each her own! lol she was behind me on her bike the day mary and i were hit.

it's been a very busy week. i went to see a dietician and to therapy on wednesday. thursday, mary and i met with an attorney about our case and then we stopped at the casino in wheeling on our way back. of course, mary and trish ate ice cream while i lost money!!! on friday, i had "breakfast at the barrel" at 6:30am, therapy in the afternoon, and a holiday dinner in the evening.

i'm feeling better with each passing day. i still have alot of pain in my good leg, but it's much better than it was. as impatient as i was, i've learned more patience than i could have ever imagined. i've had to....otherwise i would have lost my mind. this time to reflect, however, has helped me realize what's really important in life and to develop some additional life goals.'s all good. as i've said before, many, many, many more blessings than "bad stuff" have occurred out of this ordeal.

amazingly enough, the blog site has over 20,000 hits now. i'm forever amazed that so many people care enough to check on our progress. we love and thank you all for watching out for us.

quote for the day:

"he who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree"

Author Unknown

a good friend of mine, former trooper debbie (bragg) chapman sent this link to me and i wanted to share it with you. it really explains God's love in such a fundamental way. enjoy:

to the ladies and gentlemen from the "excellence" dinner - mary, trish and i want to thank you all for a wonderful evening. thank you for the invitation and a great time of fellowship. you folks truly do a wonderful job each year with this event. reverend ellsworth and colonel collins both did eloquent jobs speaking!

mary taylor - welcome home, stepmom! i pray that your rehab continues at home. we all know how important "home" is when you're away from it for so long!

the welling family - i'm so sorry about the passing of jimmy. my family and i will continue to pray for you during this terrible time.

mary pfeifer - i got from a very reliable source that today is your birthday!!! wow....45 looks good on you!

wendy forbes - thank you so much for the beautiful bracelet! the inscription touched me more than you'll ever know. trish is very appreciative of the lovely ornament as well. you're such a good and faithful friend!

jan (from aviation) - thank you so much for the very heartfelt letter! your words brought tears to my eyes. you, friend, are the one who inspires me! thank you again for taking time to write such as thoughtful letter!

laura & jules - thank you for the beautiful planter! i pray that laura's surgery went well and that she makes a complete and speedy recovery! have a very merry Christmas!

breakfast at the barrel folks - guys and gals, i had a great time friday! thanks for meeting me and sharing a meal. that time of sharing and fellowship means more than you'll ever know.
colonel & becky costas, major born, captain dicken, s/lt. roark, lt. white, wendy forbes, major booker, captain teaford and his wife becky, and son cody all showed up!

steve & sandy belyus - your crash reconstruction book was very helpful for the attorney. thanks again for all you two have done for mary and me after our crash. your kindness will never be forgotten.

dan richhart & the kelley williams family - i'm trying my best to come back quickly. i've heard you folks are starving without my endless supply of pretzels, licorice, and candy. kathy mccarthy told me that everyone's looking that true?

jon (neighbor) - thanks for checking on me. please tell michelle that i'm fine and will recover in time. God has a plan for me....i just need to listen and be sensitive to what He says. no matter what happens....everything will be A-OK!

elzie - dianna wants to know if you'll just give her the dollars rather than have her dance for them. please let her know. we'll all be anxiously awaiting your response.

until we talk again.....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

december 11, 2007 - therefore, do not worry about tomorrow (matthew 6:34)

top of the evening, friends....

i hope you didn't have to do much outside during this past rainy weekend! thank goodness the rain wasn't snow, or we'd all still be digging out.

praise God i got the hospital bed removed from my living room last week! right after the hospital supply guy left, the carpet cleaners came and cleaned my carpets! my house is almost back to normal, as i can now sleep in my own bed. most of you know what a "neat freak" i am, so these events were huge victories for me.

the last 3 weeks have been pretty rough. i'm just now starting to get around without immense pain. unfortunately, i slipped and fell on a sidewalk this afternoon, as i was trying to get some exercise on my crutches. thankfully, i'm only a bit sore, i think. i banged up my already injured hand, elbow, and foot, but i don't think there's any significant damage. this was all in an effort to walk my poor dogs. they've suffered along with me. i used to walk them at least 2 miles a day, and we'd either go to "wagtail trail" or hargus lake to hike on the weekends. they so enjoy the opportunity to get out and run.

i go see a dietician this week regarding my celiac's disease and have therapy. i also go consult with an attorney regarding my case this week.

once again, i was subjected to another one of "dirty di's" dance shows on saturday night. frankly, i just don't know how much more of these exhibits i can stand! she created some dance moves to the song, "the way i were." i don't think i've ever laughed so much!

another couple of praise reports:

my sister's and laura's abnormal mammograms came back fine. they were both so relieved. they also wanted me to thank you all for your wonderful prayers.

my stepmom, mary is doing much better and was transferred to rehab. she may come home friday. she was only the second person to be put in the new middletown regional hospital and they included her in a newspaper article this week. i'm thankful she should be released soon, as my dad is really running himself ragged.

quote for the day:

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

Erin Majors

thanks to my friends at alum creek for the wonderful cookies they left in my door! you guys are too much!

thanks to captain dicken for the endless updates to keep me abreast of OSP happenings.

also thanks to nora fish....while i've never met you, you've been so faithful to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. please thank my old church family for me for sharing my story with you. i appreciate the cards you've sent me.

thanks to everyone who included me on your Christmas card list this year. while i've been gone from the patrol on disability for 5 months, you folks have continued to remember me. there's nothing like my friends and patrol family!

hopefully, i'll have more to write after my visit with the attorney. until then, be blessed.....!

lisa - 1095

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

december 5, 2007 - it is through Him that we've received grace (romans 1:5)

top of the afternoon, friends....

what a beautiful first snow! i have to admit, it's much prettier when you don't have to go and handle accidents in i always worried about getting hit while working the road in bad weather....i never imagined i would be hit by an impaired driver, while off duty, on vacation, at 2:30pm in the afternoon! how ironic is that? anyways, it was breathtaking when i woke up this morning.

my left leg isn't giving me much trouble, other than it doesn't want to bend beyond 49 degrees. my good leg, however, is still extremely sore. i was told by my bone dr. that the reason it's so sore is that the surgical team inadvertently poked a hole in my right femur as they harvested bone and marrow. he said that because they were so aggressive, it occurred, but they needed to get as much as they could to repair my left leg. unfortunately, i can't exercise as much as i did prior to the surgery yet, as i can't get down on the floor to work out. what exercise i do has to be either from the bed or wheelchair. to compound the issue, i pulled a muscle in my lower back a day or two ago. it makes getting around a bit challenging, but it will be okay. otherwise, i feel great....i'm eating good....and putting on a little of my weight. another victory!

retired major fred goldstein called me this morning. he's been so faithful about checking on me! he now works for public safety.

major peyton watts also called from the academy. i spoke with both him and captain andy stritmatter. they updated me on the upcoming graduating class. boy, time flies!

mike & connie hunter - thanks for the blood! you just never know when you'll need it! i appreciate your thoughts and prayers as well.

elzie fish (my retired bud) - i think the budweiser just may have affected your mind! i'll admit the restaurant i chose in tennessee was less than desirable, but if you'll remember correctly, no one, other than me, would "step up to the plate" to choose a place to eat. just because they served "tofurky" and bean sprouts didn't make it all bad, now did it???? besides, the soy burger you ordered looked edible. furthermore....the goldfish in the fountain were alive and well when i left. that's my story and i'm sticking to it! one more thing....christy clark and i are the best thing that's happened to capital city motorcycle club in years! it's about time you got some good looking women on board!

quote for the day:

"If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator."

W. Beran Wolfe

prayer requests:

terry salyers (my sister) - her mammogram came back abnormal and she goes in for more diagnostics on monday. she's very nervous about this, as our mom's sister has battled breast cancer. terry is not only my sister, by my very best friend!

laura pascuzzi (my motorcycle friend from iowa) -her mammogram also came back abnormal and she goes in for more diagnostics tomorrow. laura's mom died from breast cancer, so you can imagine how concerned she is. laura was behind me on her motorcycle when i was hit in july. for years, we've taken a big, yearly motorcycle trip together. i suspect we've seen 1/3 of the country via motorcycle together.

trish scarberry (ironton post) - her mom passed away unexpectedly. she was one of my many great secretaries in district 9.

mary taylor (my stepmom) - as i stated earlier, she had a knee replacement a while back, then recently fell and broke her hip. the dr's were concerned that she had had a stroke and possibly broke her ankle. praise God, she didn't have a stroke nor did she break her ankle. they believe she may have a significant b12 deficiency, which could have caused some of her symptoms. she is preparing to enter rehab.

woody triplett (trish's grandfather) - he is suffering from melanoma in his lungs and is going through chemo now.

vicki moreland (my friend from middletown) - her knees are deteriorating and she needs knee surgery. she is concerned that she can't be off work for that long, as she's a single mom raising 2 teenage kids. she is such a good person who is experiencing some pretty tough times right now.

more later.....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Thursday, November 29, 2007

november 29, 2007 - i will lift my eyes to the hills....

top of the morning, friends.....

i hope you had an opportunity to enjoy yesterday's beautiful weather! i worked in the yard all afternoon. a friend and i mowed, trimmed, and planted a new mum. i couldn't believe that i was mowing - probably for the last time of the season - on november 28, 2007! of course, all my work was done on my tractor, as i'm still non-weight bearing. my yard is just as green as can be! while i was out mowing, a trooper from the statehouse stopped by to visit. i was shocked that he even recognized me, all bundled up. it was very nice of him. after mowing, i built a fire in my portable fireplace and had lunch there.

i have a dr's appointment today with my plastic surgeon. i hope he takes the stitches out of my hand from the last surgery, and allows me to bear weight on that hand.

my next appointment with my bone dr doesn't happen until next week. i can't wait. i hope he removes the staples and stitches so i can actually get that leg into the shower again!

unfortunately, my stepmom, mary fell yesterday and broke her left hip. it was the same leg that she just recently had a knee replacement on. she's having surgery today at 10:30am, where the dr. will put in a plate and screws. please keep her in your prayers.....she's been through alot lately - and so has my dad. i'm sure he's had his belly full of hospital visits between mary and me!

i talked with retired major fred goldstein this week. he's finally back to work after his knee replacement and seems to be doing well.

please keep patrol historian michele vaughan in your thoughts and prayers as well. she and her daughter lost everything to a fire recently. they need EVERYTHING! if you'd like to donate, please contact connie willbarger, OSP operations 614-466-2300.

laura mourne - thanks so much for the postcard from the biltmore! that area is definitely one of my favorite places in the world!

kathy mckinniss - good hearing from you! i know exactly the song you're talking about! i like it too. sometimes songs can really say what we're feeling, can't they? i'm looking forward to watching the "closer" marathon too!

quote for the day:

"We need to understand that thoughts are tools.
Are we using them as productively as we can?
Are our thoughts serving us well, or are we their victims?
It's up to us."

Dr. Tom Morris

i hope you have a blessed day....

lisa - 1095

Sunday, November 25, 2007

november 25, 2007 - better is one day in Your house than a thousand elsewhere....

top of the evening, friends.... we are at the end of another weekend....i don't know where time goes!
the above picture was taken on halloween night - obviously before my last surgery. we had just passed out the last of the candy and eaten the last bowl of chili spaghetti that my sister so graciously made.

on thanksgiving, i wasn't feeling up to traveling to my sisters for dinner, so my friends and i had a roasted chicken and a multitude of vegetables. no bread, noodles, or mac & cheese due to my new gluten-free diet - thanks to finding out i am highly allergic to wheat, rye, barley and oats. it's rough, but i'm adjusting. i guess i've had this condition (celiac's disease) long before my crash, but after the crash, it was highly accelerated, causing me to be sick almost everyday. now that i know what to eat, i'm eating well and finally putting some weight back on.

on friday, i had an appt. with my regular dr. who sent me to mt. carmel west to have dopplers done on both legs to ensure i didn't have any blood clots. thank God there weren't any! i'm still extremely sore and have trouble standing and using crutches, although it's getting easier each day. i have to say that this surgery was the roughest thus far.

i will be continuing my hand therapy, but my leg therapy will stop until i get the green light from my bone dr.

my sister terry and mary came up this weekend as well as trish and di. we all had a feeding frenzy and watched movies. we ate at o'charley's and applebee's and watched "grumpier old men," (which reminded me of my relationship with dirty di) "bug," and "hostel." i think these guys are trying to make me fat and lazy! actually, after the first week, i finally started working out again with my hand weights. i didn't feel much like it last week. di is once again on one of her famous "lose weight quick" diets. she says she's lost 5 lbs for "the biggest loser" contest at work, but frankly, i don't see

on a good note, mary hopes to return to work this week, if she gets the clearance - but she's still on crutches, so it would have to be light duty.

thanks to registrar mike rankin, BMV for the beautiful white roses! they were delivered late friday. that was extremely thoughtful and they really lifted me up.

gary & annette humphries - hey guys! thanks so much for writing and for not giving up motorcycling! i need to live vicariously through you guys right i'd love to hook up with you guys and talk sometime soon. i'll send you an email once i'm a little more mobile and you can either come over or we can meet for dinner. i hope all is well in your neck of the woods. good hearing from you!

alvin cox - yes, we've been friends for years, and how surprised i was to see you after all this time. i pray your back surgery went well and you continue to improve. did you ever sell your beautiful motorcycle? we do need to get together too over a cup of coffee or tea. good hearing from you as well!

laura mourne - thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. i was, however, disappointed that there was no question in your blog entry. i look so forward to assisting with your insatiable quest for

wendy forbes - thank you too for your never-ending supply of cards and well-wishes. you continue to boost my spirits more than you know. give alan a big kiss and hug for me. we need to have another movie night!

terri west - NOOOOOO KAILEEEEEEE!!!!! i'll do whatever i need to, to ensure that nightmare doesn't happen again!! don't give my sister any ideas! thanks to you too for always being so thoughtful to write and lift me up.

jen stabler - thanks for calling and checking on me on thanksgiving morning. i hope your trip and visit with your family was great. don't spend any of that "left-right-center" money...i need an opportunity to win some of it back!

boo & lee - you guys are too much! i appreciate you calling. terry said that when i was in the hospital, you checked on me every day. i'll be down to visit just as soon as i'm able. God bless you!

dale & naomi - i love you guys too! i hope your holiday was great and that you were able to spend it with your family. i apologize for not calling you back the other day, but it's been a rough week. we'll get together soon.

tina - sorry for not updating the blog sooner or calling you back. like i said, it's been a tough week, but every day gets better. hope all is well in your world. i'll call you soon.

more later...until blessed!

lisa - 1095

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

november 21, 2007 - He gives me strength and endurance...

top of the afternoon friends.....

i got home yesterday afternoon from the hospital. the dr's kept me a while longer than expected due to my hemoglobin and blood pressure being so low, combined with the fact i was running a bit of a fever. i've received 11 blood transfusions thus far in this journey, which has it's own risks, but they sure have made me feel better. i can't yet stand without assistance, as the dr. had to be extremely "agressive" in harvesting bone and marrow from my right leg to use in my left one. they had to put 120 cc's of bone in my left leg, which was the most my dr. has ever done. he indicated that he's only done 10 of these procedures, so he wasn't sure my right leg would initially support me. it is extremely weak and feels like i've been hit by a car (oh, yeah...i was! lol). my left leg has been placed in a brace that will give my knee support, yet allow it to bend 90 degrees. my left hand is a bit sore from the dr's removing a plate, but that pain is minimal compared to my legs.

here are a couple of pictures post surgery. they had to open up my "flap" from my previous surgery to do the bone grafts. one pic is of my hip where they entered to harvest the bone and marrow from my right femur.

mary and sgt. rike both called me at the hospital to lift me up. my dad and my nephew michael came up friday, as well as terry and dianna. trish has continued to help me - otherwise i'd have been in a care facility long ago. wendy and others have continued to send cards and prayers, not to mention the multitudes of visitors i've received! elzie and captain dicken continue to check on me and keep me laughing. thanks to everyone who reads and writes to the've really been my window to the world and have helped me tremendously! i've got such a great support system of family and friends.

if i can stand long enough, i'm going to go and get cleaned up and try to enjoy some of this weather via my borrowed electric wheelchair (thank you, mary & sharon!).

i have two links i'd love you to see. one is about determination. the other is about Christmas. they both touched me and i hope you enjoy them:

more later....thanks for everything and happy thanksgiving, friends. continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20, 2007

Lisa has been released from Grant Hospital and will be resting at home. She is still very tired and says she feels worse this time than any other time - spirit is strong but body is still weak. She hopes to be feeling much better by next week, and up to taking calls and having company again. She appreciates your continued thoughts and prayers.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

november 18, 2007 - I will never leave you, nor forsake you...

top of the evening, friends....

well, here i sit at grant hospital on sunday night. i was hoping i'd be released today, but i had rough night last night and a rough day today. my hemoglobin was low and i was running a little bit of a fever, so they decided to keep me. where they harvested the bone from my right thigh as well as where they fixed 2 small grafts in my left calf were very sore. unbelievably, where they fixed the 10 inch piece in my left thigh didn't hurt too incredibly bad. i did, however, feel like i'd been hit by a - no pun intended! hopefully, tomorrow, they'll release me.

lt. colonel finamore and major booker came to see me after the surgery. i guess i was very talkative and cordial, but i don't remember much about the visit. the drugs they gave me were intense. i was told it would take me 1 1/2 hours to get out of recovery. i wasn't out of recovery until over 4 hours passed! then, i still slept most of the day.

colonel collins and his wife, s/lt. collins also visited today. they were thrilled about the bucks win.

major atkeson, his wife suzie, and their son luke also visited today after church.

major brooks as well as dxs dale robirds checked on me just before i entered the hospital.

i really appreciate everyone who has called, visited, or simply sent up a prayer for this surgery. while i'm very, very, very sore....this is my first step in walking again. i hope to come back after the first of the year in some limited capacity...then full duty as soon as i can.

thanks to dianna for updating the blog and visiting this weekend. she's been a great friend. i think that she raided my fridge!

my sis terry and my dad as well as my nephew michael were up as well for part of the weekend. they worry about me way too much!

thanks to everyone who has checked on my dogs and cat, as well as house-sat for me. you guys are lifesavers!

also, thanks to the wonderful staff at grant hospital. they have been great and have catered to my every need. of particular note are nurse mary, nurse lashalle, and nurse connie - they are stars!! i'm not, however, looking forward to my visit by the physical terrorists

also thanks to sgt. scott rike who has been such an inspiration to me. he was forced to take a disability retirement a while back, due to a serious, and life-threatening condition. but thank God, he has been able to return to full duty. faith and sheer determination prevailed! above is a picture of his really cool tattoo, which depicts his faith, his love for his wife, as well as his love for the patrol.'re my hero. oh, yeah...and congratulations on the fact that you and your wife are expecting!

hopefully, i'll update you folks from home tomorrow. but until then....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16 9:10pm

Lisa is resting well after 4 hours in recovery. She was talking and eating that delicious hospital food before I left. They took both plates out of her arm and fixed some of the mobility problems with her knee. When she feels better she will be back on the blog with more to tell and more of those lower case letters you've all grown to know and love. I've decided to camp out at her pad with Chrissy, Sissy, and Amy and keep them company. They don't talk back (ha ha). Besides she has more food in her fridge;)

Dirty D

November 16, 2007 10:30am

Lisa went into surgery at 7:30am this morning and is now in recovery. The surgeon said everything went well and she will be in recovery for the next couple of hours. Her family and Trish are there with her. The surgeon was impressed with her positive attitude and said that can make such a difference on the final outcome. She will be kept at Grant for a couple days. Your continued prayers are appreciated, she is so anxious to return to work and a normal life. We will keep you all updated on the blog, and when she's feeling up to visitors.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

november 15, 2007 - and whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive (Matthew 21:22)

top of the morning, friends...

wow, what a difference a day makes! yesterday, i walked the dogs (with crutches & 1 leg up, of course!) in just my shirtsleeves because it was so warm. today, it's windy and very chilly!

last night, i went out and had wings with my good friends, trish, dirty di, christy, and don & ty. we had a great time. it was trish's actual birthday, so her other friends wanted to treat her to a night out. don even picked up the bill! i just love those OTCS guys! lol while we all had a great time talking, i especially enjoyed my talk with don, as we discussed where God wants us both to be. i've known don all my career, as we graduated from the same academy class. i've seen a wonderful transformation take place in my friend....and what a great friend he's been!

captain kevin teaford and s/lt. brian landis from our HRM section visited a couple of nights ago to explain some benefit issues to me. i had a fire built in my driveway in my outdoor fireplace, so we all sat around the fire and talked. it was very nice. i really appreciate them taking time to visit me. kevin and i even commented that it kinda felt like our old D-9 Jackson days!

my sister, terry and my dad are coming up tonight to visit. they've been here alot to help since my crash - bless their hearts! they try to give trish a break. she's been such a great friend through this ordeal.

my surgery is right around the corner and i can't wait! i know i'll be a bit sore, but i'm so excited to walk again. my goal is to come back to work after the first of the year. please pray that that occurs.

also, please pray for connie willbarger too. she's the executive secretary in our operations section and she just lost her mom. she needs all the support she can get right now.

i'll update you after surgery and let you know how it goes. maybe i'll even post some more photos to demonstrate my progress.

in the meantime, take a look at this has inspired me to believe that i can do ANYTHING i set my mind to - regardless of my circumstances. you won't be disappointed!

until later, continue to be blessed....

lisa - 1095

Saturday, November 10, 2007

november 10, 2007 - love keeps no record of wrong... (I corinthians 13:5)

top of the afternoon, friends!

wow! what a firestorm of comments we've received regarding the punishment of the gentleman who hit us!

please don't misunderstand mary and me....we're angry that this happened, as our lives and the lives of those around us have been greatly changed and we've been terribly inconvenienced. however...we've both forgiven him. that's not to say that he doesn't deserve jail time. if nothing else, maybe it will assist him in getting clean. we simply hope that justice will be served.

thank you all for your very supportive and candid comments about this topic. we appreciate your insight. we've spent our careers removing impaired drivers from the highways. we never expected to be hit by one. but, we both feel that things are the way they are supposed to be and we'll deal with it in the best ways we can.

my sister, terry and i went shopping at the new target store in grove city today. what a nice place! of course i spent way too much money!

tonight, we're going to eat out with some friends. i think that even dirty dianna is planning to come. trish's birthday is next week, so we thought we'd surprise her with dinner. she's been so great to me since my wreck. it will be nice to do something nice for her.

dad came up today and brought me some firewood for my outdoor fireplace. he also brought me an think he has brought me every tool i own. i sure love that man!

to everyone who helped with and/or contributed to the benefit - mary and i are slowly getting cards sent out. with dr's appt's and therapy, we whittle away at it the best we can. please forgive us if we've missed anyone - it certainly isn't intentional. dianna and don tried to keep very accurate records, but we fear we might fail to thank someone.

mary and her parents came up thursday night. we had a great visit! while she was there, retired sergeant steve belyus came over and brought 2 copies of his in-depth crash reconstruction of our wreck. he retired from the patrol and now works for the governor's highway safety office. he also has a crash reconstruction business. thank you steve for your hard work and unbiased investigation. we really appreciate your professionalism! i'm sure it will assist with our case.

major mark atkeson and captain bob markowski stopped by to see me this week as well. of course i hadn't had a shower and my house was a total wreck! i probably frightened i do, however really appreciate their visits.

well, i'm gearing up for my surgery! thankfully, it will be very soon. this will be a real step in the right direction in allowing me to walk again. hopefully, after the first of the year, there will be some semblance of normalcy in my life. thanks again for all your thoughts, prayers, visits, and cards. the power of prayer has never been demonstrated more powerfully in my life.
please pray for the family of mary lou schehl, the post secretary at marietta. her daughter passed away this week. she leaves a husband and a son. they desperately need all the prayers they can get to get through this tragedy.
also pray for tonya, daughter of former norwalk post dispatcher jane bell. she is having complications during pregnancy and they are trying diligently to keep her from going into labor and delivering too early. the baby needs further development.

nurse paula - i just got your card and very thoughtful gift! thank you so much for everything. you are one of the people i miss greatly at the shipley building. can't wait to see you and "catch up" when i return!

colonel finamore & s/lt. campbell - thanks for your call yesterday. you've both been so faithful about checking on me and updating me on what's going on.

captain dave dicken - thanks again for all your updates as well. you've continued to keep me "connected" through this ordeal. i could never have asked for a better "wing man."

more later...continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Monday, November 5, 2007

november 5, 2007 - if God is for us, then who can be against us? (romans 8:31)

top of the morning, friends....

well, another weekend is behind us and the time change has happened once again. i really have a hard time adjusting to the fact it is totally dark by 6pm. sometimes i'm in bed by 8pm because it has such a huge psychological effect on me. but, come spring, we'll do it all again!

i'm really getting psyched up for my upcoming surgery. i can't wait to get this hospital bed out of my living room and get my house and life back in order! my family and friends have been nothing less than outstanding through all of this. i'd like to give them their life back too. i want to return to work more than you know!

congratulations to my niece, erin, who won "most photogenic" at the "americas role model" pagent in worthington, ohio. her 4-year old daughter, jillian won her category overall last year and she had to turn over her crown to the winner this year. they are both absolutely beautiful! not that i'm biased or

colonel jack walsh called me again to see how i'm getting along. he and his wife, huey are now in their winter retreat in florida. i really appreciate his thoughtfulness. he was the first colonel that i served under. what a gentleman!

i just received a call from a friend who's been kind enough to monitor my case in WV during the multitude of pretrials. a new prosecutor has been assigned our case. she informed me that the individual who hit mary and me is willing to plead guilty, providing he serve no jail time. while this is a joint decision that i need to discuss with mary, i already know my thoughts on the matter. of course, that's not a topic for the blog.

elzie f. - thanks for the call the other day. i'm sorry i missed you, friend.

tina p. - thank you so much for your friendship and your professional assistance. who knew when we met a few years ago what was in store today? i appreciate your help!

brian b. - let me get through my next surgery, then watch out! you're the one going down! may 1 is fine, but you'll be the one wearing an SMV sign. my arms are HUGE! i've been bench pressing toyotas in preparation for our match. the shop vac will be there to suck up what's left of your dignity!

wendy f. - i'm sorry i didn't get to hook up with you guys last night....i ended up having company. can i please take a raincheck? i'd love to meet you guys on another night.

heather d. - thanks for the call....i'm sorry i missed it. i appreciate you thinking of me too. we'll get together soon.

kathy mccarthy - i cracked up when you said that 904 and 1434 dressed up as law enforcement officers for halloween!

karen morefield - thank you so much for YOUR encouragement! God doesn't call the equipped - He equips the called! i sure miss seeing your smiling face.

be blessed....until next time......

lisa - 1095

Thursday, November 1, 2007

november 1, 2007 - another prayer answered....

top of the morning, friends....

well, i survived therapy on tuesday, and went to the bone doctor on wednesday. he FINALLY gave me a surgery date in november!!! i won't post the date on the blog for security reasons, of course, but rest assured, it's soon! he told me that the surgery would not be as bad as the one's i've endured thus far and that i'd probably have a 2-day (or longer) hospital stay - depending on how i feel. he says that i will have a follow up visit about 1 week after the surgery and that he then won't see me again for about 7-8 weeks. until then, i'll still not be weight-bearing. i'm so thrilled that i won't have to wear a full cast, nor will i have to have an external fixator (unless things turn badly). unfortunately, the prediction that i won't walk until the beginning of the year may be optimistic. he says it may be well after the first of the year...but i'm going to prove him wrong.

while i was at the dr's office, i met a young black lady (i didn't get her name), but i have to tell you how inspirational she was. she is 21 years old and about 2 years ago, she too was involved in a motorcycle crash. she indicated that an elderly lady turned left in front of her, causing her to crash her suzuki 500 motorcycle. this resulted in both of her legs becoming severely damaged. unfortunately, the doctors were unable to save her right leg, resulting in her becoming an amputee. her amputation was just above her right knee. while she still walks with a cane, she had such an unbelievably positive attitude. she made me feel so optimistic!

another success story is that of sergeant scott rike, of the patrol. he too has been very inspirational to me. he has battled a serious, life altering physical illness for some time now that actually resulted in him having to file for disability retirement. the great news is that now he has returned to duty! he and his wife are also expecting a baby! two more prayers answered!

another recent inspiration was this short video. if you get a chance, please watch it....i promise you won't be disappointed. it really demonstrates the IMPORTANT things in life! the link is:

last night, my friends, neighbors, and my sister terry built a big fire in my portable fireplace out in the driveway and passed out candy while eating a huge pot of chili spaghetti that my sister made. we had a great time sharing ring-tones, jokes, and just good ole fellowship!

i continue to pray for the retired captain walt ashbridge family. as i mentioned before, he passed away while waiting on a second double lung transplant. unfortunately, due to my dr's appt., i was unable to attend the funeral. he was a great man. please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers as well.

also continue to pray for officer cory winfield from marion. while he has made great strides, according to colonel and brenda collins, he has a long way to go at dodd hall. God has performed great miracles here!

dan r. - i appreciate the advice on moving a potato chip. who knows when that tidbit of information might come in handy! you crack me up, sir!

elzie f. - i have conducted an ad hoc survey of the folks who travelled to gatlinburg with us. everyone remembers you riding the chicken. sorry, hoc surveys don't lie.

brian b. - i won't be intimidated! i've painted racing stripes on my wheelchair, buddy! i'm ready to smoke your **^$#^*)_! bring it on! just don't cry like a girl when i thump your hiney!

mccarthy - it is a fact....i HAVE pulled your fat outta the fire more times than i can count!

more later....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Monday, October 29, 2007

october 29, 2007 - fruit of the spirit....

top of the morning, friends....

another weekend has passed and was (as always), a bit too short!

on friday, colonel collins, major john born, and retired major rich rucker came over to see me. they gave me updates on the division and changes in the retirement system. it was a very nice and informative gathering.

my dad and his wife mary came over on friday as well. they brought me a beautiful hand-made bench that dad made as well as a new snow-blower. dad is convinced that i won't be shoveling snow this winter! lol i told him that it just provides some needed exercise, and would be part of my therapy, but he didn't buy it.

my sister terry came over and stayed for part of the weekend too. she and i went shopping at wal-mart yesterday. i think we bought out the store. we stocked up on halloween candy for the trick or treaters (yeah,

last night, i went and spoke to a drivers ed class about DUI/OVI for my friend, raejean. raejean is a former trooper who now works for the insurance industry. she asked me to speak on the topic from the perspectives of trooper and victim. it was alot of fun. we went out for a bite to eat afterwards.

right now, i'm waiting on a phone call about my surgery date. hopefully, it will be soon. i'm anxious to get it over with.

i have therapy on tuesday this week.

elzie f. - ANACONDA???? wow....that's a stretch! oh, yeah, on the '63 falcon issue....i would be happy to oblige....although, i can't be responsible for the way it turns out. i'm on meds, you

terri w. - i'm so sorry to hear about the passing of retired captain ashbridge. he was a good man who fought a good fight. please keep his family in your prayers - they really need it now.

mike h. - i think you're right....i'm about to be put through the mill. but - strength comes from adversity. i'll just have to look at this as another challenge in my recovery.

fred g. - i'm sorry we keep missing each other! i'll give you a call sometime this week.

i'll let you all know when i have more information. continue to expect God's blessings....

lisa - 1095

Thursday, October 25, 2007

october 25, 2007 - my cup runs over...

top of the evening, friends....

well, this week has flown by! i don't know where the days go!

therapy went well on tuesday and thursday. rina, jeremy, and norma (the therapy nazi's) were kind to me. i was bruised and battered, but it was a "good bruised and battered." lol

i mowed grass again today, under the watchful eye of my friend, trish. she is so afraid i'm going to hurt myself. i have to admit, it does feel good to actually accomplish something! hopefully, we can plant some mums tomorrow. i finally was able to get the picture of me teaching her how to edge to post on the blog...pretty funny!

i went to the plastic surgeon today and got the green light to see my bone doctor to have the orthopaedic surgery done! praise God! while it will be a rough surgery, i need to have it so i can bear weight on my left leg. the plan is to replace 10 inches of bone in my left thigh (with a cadaver bone), replace 2 one-inch pieces of bone in my left calf, and take marrow from my right leg to fill the cadaver bone. the dr's also plan to remove both plates from my left hand/forearm. the bones have healed sufficiently that they can remove the plates that are impeding my pinky finger and wrist movement. the dr's will put their heads together and come up with a date they can both be available for surgery.

i talked to mary today. she's still going to physical therapy and anxious to return to work. she was extremely disappointed that she was not able to be there for her post inspection, however, she said she was very proud of her post "team" for the way they handled the inspection preparation. the inspection went very well. unfortunately, she may have to have an MRI done on her left ankle, as she has very limited range of motion. because of the position of her ankle on the motorcycle, i think it probably took the same brunt of the crash that my leg did. please continue to pray for her healing as well.

update on retired captain walt ashbridge: he has developed 2 infections, one being a blood infection which is what the doctor's did not want to see happen. they are still optimistic and are treating the infections with antibiotics. however, time is really of the essence now to get the lungs within the next 2 weeks. he continues to need our prayers now more than ever!

on october 6th, mint john grandson of rosemary suffered a ruptured aneurysm on the right side of his brain. he was stabilized and they transported mint to children's where a drain tube was inserted in his head to relieve fluid pressure and allow time for further evaluation for a course of action. testing revealed the rupture and two additional aneurysms-a small one in the frontal lobe and a larger one on the left side. his condition was such that a catheter process could not be performed so they opened a "window" in his skull to clamp the ruptured vein. they were also able to isolate and encase the one in the front. as of now, the left aneurysm is "stable" and doctor's want him to heal some from the surgery before going after it. We celebrated his 15th birthday on October 12th. he then had to deal with vasospasms caused by spinal fluid on the brain. normally the brain absorbs the fluid but due to trauma, is not functioning so mint's "brain drain" relieved the pressure and was finally removed on the 18th. while his condition continues to improve, the doctors say that he will be in ICU for at least another week and then a hospital stay...not sure how long. this family also desperately needs our prayers!

unfortunately, i've heard that the "kailee" doll has given many of you nightmares. i apologize for that, but i have to say....welcome to my world! lol my sister terry is twisted, don't you think?

tina p. - the promotion boards will NEVER be the same without our teamwork! in fact, pennsylvania will never be the same after our visit. lol when's the next court date...i've heard nothing yet.

terri w. - kailee wants to come visit you......!

dale r. - it was great seeing you guys in D9 last week. thanks for the hospitality. i miss you all!

laura m. - we DO serve an AWESOME God! thanks for your testimony!

elzie f. - shhhhhh! what are you talking about? a butcher knife in my boot?????!

tammy w. - thanks for visiting the blog. you continue to be one of my best and dearest friends. i'm glad we've had the opportunity to see each other and reunite after several years. let's not let time and distance keep us apart again. i pray that you remain strong during this tough time in your life. continue to rely on Him for courage and guidance.

i'll write when i have more information. thanks for continuing to read the blog! be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Monday, October 22, 2007

october 22, 2007 - expect God's blessings....

top of the morning, friends....

wow, where does the weekend go?!! i do hope, however, you were able to get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

on thursday evening, wendy and alan forbes came over to watch "ice age 2." we had a great time watching the movie, eating pizza, and listening to alan challenge us with riddles. unfortunately, none of the adults were smart enough to get any of we're going to study up for his next visit.

on friday, i traveled to jackson, ohio to attend a benefit luncheon and chinese auction for glenda woodgeard, one of our DX employees. she is in her late 20's, has 2 small children, and has been battling thyroid cancer. please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. if you wish to donate, please contact lt. troy johnson, of the jackson district headquarters.

i then traveled to the 4-winds nursing home to visit my good friend, ernestine abrams. ernestine is 90 years young, and is one of my dearest friends. she also could use some thoughts and prayers. she just recently gave her heart to the Lord. we are so thrilled about that! my friend joyce channel was with her when she got saved, and was instrumental in leading ernie to salvation.

i got to eat at one of my other favorite restaurants (bankok palace) in chillicothe on my way back. nothing like kung pao chicken, unless of course it's chicken almond ding from the rice bowl!

i couldn't believe how much more the trees had turned in southern ohio! i drove around hammertown lake just to enjoy the scenery!

my sister terry then came up and spent the weekend - we had a great time. she even brought her very scary and haunted doll, "kailee" (pictured above) with her. the only scarier doll is "chucky!" she scared the bajeebies out of me!

on saturday, we went to the circleville pumpkin show. we waited in traffic for 2.5 hours to eat some of the best, yet most unhealthy foods on earth! we had fried pickles, fried pumpkin blossoms, chocolate frozen bananans, and lemonade! no wonder my stomach is messed up! lol

on sunday, i went to church, had lunch at lilly's with ty and don grimwood before going to capital city motorcycle club for their "beanie and weenie" ride, which is the last ride of the year. unfortunately, this was yet ANOTHER ride i missed, but it was great to fellowship with some of the best people on earth. even elzie fish graced us with his presence. he really does need something to do in his retirement. if anyone knows of a job for elzie, please give him a call. he's just hankering to work again! lol oh, by the way....i heard he got lost AGAIN on the poker run. the guy really needs a GPS.

for those who know "rich, the lube guy," he just had a stint put in his heart this past week. he too, could use your thoughts and prayers. i spoke with him saturday, and while he sounded tired, his spirits were good and he really appreciated the call. he was instrumental in mary's and my benefit and hosted the auction.

gina herbert of the governor's highway safety office is still healing at home after her horrific crash earlier this summer. she continues to wear halos on each leg. wendy said she has had a rough couple of weeks. please continue to put her on your prayer list as well.

josh weaver, of our OSP motorcycle unit had a mishap on his patrol cycle last week and sustained some foot damage. please keep him in your thoughts and prayers too.
i have therapy on tuesday and thursday, as well as YET ANOTHER plastic surgeon appt. on thursday. i'm hoping for a surgery date! stand with me on that!

please continue to also pray for retired captain walt ashbridge. terri west informed me of the following information: Condition for Retired Capt Ashbridge remains the same however cards can now be sent to the address where his wife Pat has taken up residency. MetroLofts, Attn Pat Ashbridge, 4555 Forest Park Avenue, Apt. 314A, St. Louis, MO 63108

laura & jules - thank you so much for the beautiful shirt! you guys are too thoughtful! i will wear it with pride now and next year, when we take our next road trip!

stephanie alberts - it was great seeing you in church yesterday! thanks for letting me hold your baby...she is beautiful! why do you suppose she cried when i held her? coincidence? i'm not so sure! lol also, thanks for being so faithful to write to the blog and for keeping mary and me in your thoughts and prayers. please say "hi" to keith for me.

lydia wagner - brian wouldn't have a snowball's chance know where! lol i apologize for not listing you as a donor for the was an oversight. please forgive me!

brian bender - the seat release on the 2001 roadstar is a bear! tell your friend to keep working on it, as you have to keep messing with the ignition switch to get it "just right" to open. my dad and i fought with it numerous times, as did elzie fish, when he changed the oil for me. the dealership may be able to help out. i still have my manual if he wants it, i think. give me a call and we'll discuss the mailing arrangements. also....on the wheelchair race....dude.....i've had lots of practice and i don't want to make you cry. lydia's wouldn't have a chance!

michael from D9 - i sent you an email with the answers to your questions. i hope the answers weren't too vague for your assignment. good luck on your grade! i too am a graduate of O.U. - great school!

kelley and glenna williams - thanks to you as well for keeping up with me via the blog! i appreciate you watering my plants. it's no surprise they're doing much better under your supervision! lol keep them healthy....i'll be back! also, please to to keep captain dave dicken in line during my absence. i know that's a tough charge, but someone's gotta do it.

linda p - i think the colonel and brenda agree with you on the 2 seater convertible! i hope to find a low mileage, older, and cheap one once i get my medical bills all taken care of - first things first, you know. i'm glad you enjoyed the pics. i hope to plan another "chicknic" in the spring, after i'm able to get around a bit better. give me a call when you want to visit...just to make sure i'm home.
colonel & brenda collins - outstanding news on cory! God is so good! a little patience and alot of prayer has done a world of good. my prayers continue to be with him in his recovery. God must have plans for cory, as he has for mary and me. we now just need to be quiet and listen for His call. thanks again for keeping in touch. it means more than you know.
more blessed!

lisa - 1095