Monday, October 22, 2007

october 22, 2007 - expect God's blessings....

top of the morning, friends....

wow, where does the weekend go?!! i do hope, however, you were able to get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather!

on thursday evening, wendy and alan forbes came over to watch "ice age 2." we had a great time watching the movie, eating pizza, and listening to alan challenge us with riddles. unfortunately, none of the adults were smart enough to get any of we're going to study up for his next visit.

on friday, i traveled to jackson, ohio to attend a benefit luncheon and chinese auction for glenda woodgeard, one of our DX employees. she is in her late 20's, has 2 small children, and has been battling thyroid cancer. please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. if you wish to donate, please contact lt. troy johnson, of the jackson district headquarters.

i then traveled to the 4-winds nursing home to visit my good friend, ernestine abrams. ernestine is 90 years young, and is one of my dearest friends. she also could use some thoughts and prayers. she just recently gave her heart to the Lord. we are so thrilled about that! my friend joyce channel was with her when she got saved, and was instrumental in leading ernie to salvation.

i got to eat at one of my other favorite restaurants (bankok palace) in chillicothe on my way back. nothing like kung pao chicken, unless of course it's chicken almond ding from the rice bowl!

i couldn't believe how much more the trees had turned in southern ohio! i drove around hammertown lake just to enjoy the scenery!

my sister terry then came up and spent the weekend - we had a great time. she even brought her very scary and haunted doll, "kailee" (pictured above) with her. the only scarier doll is "chucky!" she scared the bajeebies out of me!

on saturday, we went to the circleville pumpkin show. we waited in traffic for 2.5 hours to eat some of the best, yet most unhealthy foods on earth! we had fried pickles, fried pumpkin blossoms, chocolate frozen bananans, and lemonade! no wonder my stomach is messed up! lol

on sunday, i went to church, had lunch at lilly's with ty and don grimwood before going to capital city motorcycle club for their "beanie and weenie" ride, which is the last ride of the year. unfortunately, this was yet ANOTHER ride i missed, but it was great to fellowship with some of the best people on earth. even elzie fish graced us with his presence. he really does need something to do in his retirement. if anyone knows of a job for elzie, please give him a call. he's just hankering to work again! lol oh, by the way....i heard he got lost AGAIN on the poker run. the guy really needs a GPS.

for those who know "rich, the lube guy," he just had a stint put in his heart this past week. he too, could use your thoughts and prayers. i spoke with him saturday, and while he sounded tired, his spirits were good and he really appreciated the call. he was instrumental in mary's and my benefit and hosted the auction.

gina herbert of the governor's highway safety office is still healing at home after her horrific crash earlier this summer. she continues to wear halos on each leg. wendy said she has had a rough couple of weeks. please continue to put her on your prayer list as well.

josh weaver, of our OSP motorcycle unit had a mishap on his patrol cycle last week and sustained some foot damage. please keep him in your thoughts and prayers too.
i have therapy on tuesday and thursday, as well as YET ANOTHER plastic surgeon appt. on thursday. i'm hoping for a surgery date! stand with me on that!

please continue to also pray for retired captain walt ashbridge. terri west informed me of the following information: Condition for Retired Capt Ashbridge remains the same however cards can now be sent to the address where his wife Pat has taken up residency. MetroLofts, Attn Pat Ashbridge, 4555 Forest Park Avenue, Apt. 314A, St. Louis, MO 63108

laura & jules - thank you so much for the beautiful shirt! you guys are too thoughtful! i will wear it with pride now and next year, when we take our next road trip!

stephanie alberts - it was great seeing you in church yesterday! thanks for letting me hold your baby...she is beautiful! why do you suppose she cried when i held her? coincidence? i'm not so sure! lol also, thanks for being so faithful to write to the blog and for keeping mary and me in your thoughts and prayers. please say "hi" to keith for me.

lydia wagner - brian wouldn't have a snowball's chance know where! lol i apologize for not listing you as a donor for the was an oversight. please forgive me!

brian bender - the seat release on the 2001 roadstar is a bear! tell your friend to keep working on it, as you have to keep messing with the ignition switch to get it "just right" to open. my dad and i fought with it numerous times, as did elzie fish, when he changed the oil for me. the dealership may be able to help out. i still have my manual if he wants it, i think. give me a call and we'll discuss the mailing arrangements. also....on the wheelchair race....dude.....i've had lots of practice and i don't want to make you cry. lydia's wouldn't have a chance!

michael from D9 - i sent you an email with the answers to your questions. i hope the answers weren't too vague for your assignment. good luck on your grade! i too am a graduate of O.U. - great school!

kelley and glenna williams - thanks to you as well for keeping up with me via the blog! i appreciate you watering my plants. it's no surprise they're doing much better under your supervision! lol keep them healthy....i'll be back! also, please to to keep captain dave dicken in line during my absence. i know that's a tough charge, but someone's gotta do it.

linda p - i think the colonel and brenda agree with you on the 2 seater convertible! i hope to find a low mileage, older, and cheap one once i get my medical bills all taken care of - first things first, you know. i'm glad you enjoyed the pics. i hope to plan another "chicknic" in the spring, after i'm able to get around a bit better. give me a call when you want to visit...just to make sure i'm home.
colonel & brenda collins - outstanding news on cory! God is so good! a little patience and alot of prayer has done a world of good. my prayers continue to be with him in his recovery. God must have plans for cory, as he has for mary and me. we now just need to be quiet and listen for His call. thanks again for keeping in touch. it means more than you know.
more blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Your sisters doll is very scarey!
We had such a good time Thursday, you and Trish are the best, hopefully next time Mary can join us, we will need the help against Alan.
Sounds like you had a funny fun filled weekend.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

You are always so thoughtful to remember all the others who are in need of prayer. It isn't hard to see why you have such an impact on people. You are a little Prayer Warrior Dynamo.

You and Mary remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Hopefully, your sister took Kailee home with her because that doll could give you some pretty serious nightmares. Otherwise, how would you get any sleep?

Good luck with your appointments this week. I'm sure God continues to work his miracles. Love you, Cindy.

Anonymous said...

I'm predicting 10,000 hits by Wednesday!!!! Just think each hit is probably also a prayer multiplied by AT LEAST two or three more people!

We serve an AWESOME God!

Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

YIKES! That doll is SCARING me! She's even creepier looking than the Chucky doll I have on my desk! I wouldn't turn my back on her, especially in the dark!!!!!!
Wow... you are one of the busiest bees I have ever heard of, girl! You put non-injured people to shame! Even though you shouldn't be power washing your driveway from a wheelchair (and yes, I have seen the photographic evidence!!!!). So don't try and deny!!!!
No wonder the blog wasn't updated--you have been too all-fired busy spreading cheer and optimism to so many, like always. You and Mary are both truly amazing souls, which is why you are both so dearly loved.
I hope your appointments go well this week and have my fingers crossed (and prayers sent up) that all is well, and you will get the surgery appointment soon!
Have a great day!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

P.S. Did you happen to notice that every time you closed your eyes and then opened them, that doll was a little CLOSER to you????? Hee hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

MAJOR,I didn't get lost.I checked the route out in the 1st place and
that was my 2nd time riding it. You're just mad because I didn't seperate those half and half tickets for you. Hey,its your leg thats healing your hands work fine.
Trish and Terri must really have you spoiled. Wait till I talk to your dad. A doll! At first glance I thought it was you! That knife is just like the one you carry in your riding boots isn't it?
Thanks for stopping down Sunday.
Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

I read this blog every day because you are so motivating. Now I can't wait to log on because it is so entertaining! I like scary movies, but the doll was a bit much. I had to look a second time to make sure it wasn't real! Goodluck this week. I just know all will work out for you. 1355

Anonymous said...

Major: we really wanted to come and visit you during this time, just seems like everytime we get ready to head that way, something else comes up..I have been keeping up with you and Mary via this blog and the reports from "Retired Guy" of course he tends to forget things anymore ..LOL...... :)
Hey glad we could keep your things going around here...I sure will try and keep an eye on the Captain but you know how hard that can be ?? You take care and get better soon and get back here and fill those pretzel, candy, and cookie jars back up....LOL

God Bless you

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

It was really nice to see you at the thing for Glenda last week. She was thrilled to see you there, as we all were. It is always great to see you back in D-9. We all miss you very much. I thought you looked WONDERFUL. I hope your next surgery goes just as planned and you are up and going in just a short time. Have a wonderful day. Naomi said to tell you hello. We love you...

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...

Need I say that promotion boards are not the same. I cold have used that doll with a few candidates. Better than PA but as you know that would not be too hard. I got next court date, will be there. Praying Dr. appt will set up surgery date.

Chat with you soon.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sweet Pea,

I pray the doctors appt goes well today, let us all know how you are and what the doc said.
You and Mary are always in our thoughts.
Love, Wendy

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, woooo, that doll is very, very, scaaawwwrrry !! Did the knife come with the doll or did you add that ??? I'll bet Amy was pissed thinking, is this chic going to live with us ?? LOL !!
Sorry I have missed the blog last couple of days, out of town.
I just loved Terri's comment, it made me laugh, about waking up and the doll is even closer... just think of it this way, she may be more friendly than the movie and therapy nazis!! LOL !!!
When you start talking to her is when we all should start worrying..
You are a traveler girl, I think its great!! Did you see Mr. Pickle at the Pumpkin Show, He is certainly MY FAVORITE. :-) Quit thinking dirty thoughts Lisa, you know I didn't mean that in a bad way. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!
I am praying for your surgery date to be very soon so you can get back here. WE ALL MISS YOU SO MUCH, all of you and Mary's prayer warriors are waiting for you two to be back in shape and back to work soon !!
Love you both, gotta go U1494 needs reoriented to his desk since he has been out getting educated. HAVE A GREAT THURSDAY !! talk to you soon...