Tuesday, December 11, 2007

december 11, 2007 - therefore, do not worry about tomorrow (matthew 6:34)

top of the evening, friends....

i hope you didn't have to do much outside during this past rainy weekend! thank goodness the rain wasn't snow, or we'd all still be digging out.

praise God i got the hospital bed removed from my living room last week! right after the hospital supply guy left, the carpet cleaners came and cleaned my carpets! my house is almost back to normal, as i can now sleep in my own bed. most of you know what a "neat freak" i am, so these events were huge victories for me.

the last 3 weeks have been pretty rough. i'm just now starting to get around without immense pain. unfortunately, i slipped and fell on a sidewalk this afternoon, as i was trying to get some exercise on my crutches. thankfully, i'm only a bit sore, i think. i banged up my already injured hand, elbow, and foot, but i don't think there's any significant damage. this was all in an effort to walk my poor dogs. they've suffered along with me. i used to walk them at least 2 miles a day, and we'd either go to "wagtail trail" or hargus lake to hike on the weekends. they so enjoy the opportunity to get out and run.

i go see a dietician this week regarding my celiac's disease and have therapy. i also go consult with an attorney regarding my case this week.

once again, i was subjected to another one of "dirty di's" dance shows on saturday night. frankly, i just don't know how much more of these exhibits i can stand! she created some dance moves to the song, "the way i were." i don't think i've ever laughed so much!

another couple of praise reports:

my sister's and laura's abnormal mammograms came back fine. they were both so relieved. they also wanted me to thank you all for your wonderful prayers.

my stepmom, mary is doing much better and was transferred to rehab. she may come home friday. she was only the second person to be put in the new middletown regional hospital and they included her in a newspaper article this week. i'm thankful she should be released soon, as my dad is really running himself ragged.

quote for the day:

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

Erin Majors

thanks to my friends at alum creek for the wonderful cookies they left in my door! you guys are too much!

thanks to captain dicken for the endless updates to keep me abreast of OSP happenings.

also thanks to nora fish....while i've never met you, you've been so faithful to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. please thank my old church family for me for sharing my story with you. i appreciate the cards you've sent me.

thanks to everyone who included me on your Christmas card list this year. while i've been gone from the patrol on disability for 5 months, you folks have continued to remember me. there's nothing like my friends and patrol family!

hopefully, i'll have more to write after my visit with the attorney. until then, be blessed.....!

lisa - 1095


Susie Q said...

I am sure that getting that hospital bed out of there was a very welcome change.

Sounds like things are begining to look up for you. Keep your wonderful attitude and continue to give God the praise. He is our source of strenght.


Anonymous said...

Great news about the mammograms and step-mother Mary.As for the daily quote concerning candles. I'm sure on Trish's recent birthday if one candle from her cake was used to light all the others,it would have been a stub by the time they all were lit. And the next time Di dances please call. I'll bring a bunch of one dollar bills and come right over.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Be careful for gosh sakes so you can get back here. Wishing you the best for the holiday.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Um... maybe it's just me (and I understand your wanting to), but I think walking two dogs while you're on crutches kind of dangerous? I'm glad you weren't hurt worse, although any extra injuries right now are definitely not good! Your body has enough to do healing all the other injuries, girl! BE CAREFUL!
There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed! I know that has to feel awesome for you. When I moved into my house, I slept on one of those inflatable beds for weeks--once I finally got the waterbed all set up and was able to sleep in my own bed, it was heavenly!!! So I'm very happy that you get to go back to snoozing in your regular bed.
That is awesome news about the mammograms. Those are soooo scary when they come back abnormal like that. Been there, done that. Too scary.
Well, take care of yourself and NO MORE FALLING DOWN!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

It is good to hear you are getting better, and getting your house back to it's normal surgery room clean condition. I really miss the world saving chats we used to have, but we will resume those in the very near future. I wish they could have fixed the part of your brain that says "I think I will do something really off the wall and walk my dogs on crutches", but I guess you got that training down here in the Hills with all of us. It is good to hear your step-mother is doing better. Your dad is my second HERO, you are my FIRST HERO, but he is just almost head to head with you. What a great and strong man he is.....He definitely will have a special place in Heaven one day...Please call me when you feel like it. I haven't bothered you for a couple of weeks to let you get better, but rest assured the calls will resume Signal 41...I hope you continue to get better minute by minute.....Tell your dad I said hea.....Naomi said to tell you hello. We love you....


Anonymous said...

Good news! I'm glad your sister and Laura's mammograms brought good news. Girl! You need to be very careful. Your children understand when they don't get their extra long walks. Just concentrate on getting yourself well.

Glad to hear your stepmother is also improving.

We missed you Sunday night at the Golden Corral. It would have been nice if you could have joined us. The turn out was excellent and enjoyable.

Take care. Get well. Be blessed!
Love you, dear. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Major: Hoooowwww Yooouuu Doooiiin? have not sent a message in a while thought I would say haowdy !!
It sounds like you just start doing better on the recovery then something happens to set you back a bit ! (falling down) Sure hope that this Holiday season is a good one for you. This next year will be your year I can just feel it..
You are one of the most positive people I have ever met..You keep plugging along, keep that smile on your face, and always remember.. if you need help... Call "Retired Guy" he does not do much anymore anyway...LOL !!! :)

Stay Safe (no more falling down) LOL

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Dear Major Lisa Taylor
Hello i am your ex mother inlaw
Michel's neighbor Jon.Michele asks me for up dates on your condition.
also a lady she works with who knows you asks Michele if i have any news about your situation.
they both want you to know they are
keeping you in their prayers & want to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS & a HEALTY,HAPPY,PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. please refrain from walking your dogs without a friend with you.

Anonymous said...

Hey-Hey Ms. Taylor, It's been a long time since we'd chatted. You know how stuff can "bog" you down?
Read Matthew 6:33 which comes before Matthew 6:34 that I saw was posted on your blog 12/11/07.

Anyways, keep your eyes on Him and be comforted. Trials, adversities, hardship are ways to get your attention and forces us to look within at something that must go!

For me; pride is my downfall. It's that "Trooper-Thang" you know? So I started to patern my thoughts and actions as Jesus did. And humilty was screaming at me but I couldn't get it. "See what my beloved Son did for you on that cross? And you carry a chip on your shoulders?"

I learned the value of identifying with Jesus Christ. "WWJD" is nice to say, but do I live as He did on earth? Do I hold grudges, fear flesh and blood, refuse forgiveness --give or receive?

It's what matters most! The scriptures come to life for me now that I've had suffering in my life.

Do you think it's the only way we'll shut-up and listen? Peace be with you, Jeffrey