Thursday, November 15, 2007

november 15, 2007 - and whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive (Matthew 21:22)

top of the morning, friends...

wow, what a difference a day makes! yesterday, i walked the dogs (with crutches & 1 leg up, of course!) in just my shirtsleeves because it was so warm. today, it's windy and very chilly!

last night, i went out and had wings with my good friends, trish, dirty di, christy, and don & ty. we had a great time. it was trish's actual birthday, so her other friends wanted to treat her to a night out. don even picked up the bill! i just love those OTCS guys! lol while we all had a great time talking, i especially enjoyed my talk with don, as we discussed where God wants us both to be. i've known don all my career, as we graduated from the same academy class. i've seen a wonderful transformation take place in my friend....and what a great friend he's been!

captain kevin teaford and s/lt. brian landis from our HRM section visited a couple of nights ago to explain some benefit issues to me. i had a fire built in my driveway in my outdoor fireplace, so we all sat around the fire and talked. it was very nice. i really appreciate them taking time to visit me. kevin and i even commented that it kinda felt like our old D-9 Jackson days!

my sister, terry and my dad are coming up tonight to visit. they've been here alot to help since my crash - bless their hearts! they try to give trish a break. she's been such a great friend through this ordeal.

my surgery is right around the corner and i can't wait! i know i'll be a bit sore, but i'm so excited to walk again. my goal is to come back to work after the first of the year. please pray that that occurs.

also, please pray for connie willbarger too. she's the executive secretary in our operations section and she just lost her mom. she needs all the support she can get right now.

i'll update you after surgery and let you know how it goes. maybe i'll even post some more photos to demonstrate my progress.

in the meantime, take a look at this has inspired me to believe that i can do ANYTHING i set my mind to - regardless of my circumstances. you won't be disappointed!

until later, continue to be blessed....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Amazing video. Some have huge obstacles to overcome, but they do it with triumph. Some have little hurdles and balk at the thought of putting any effort into the task at hand. I see you and Mary in the huge obstacles category, triumphant in the end. It is true that one can be angry at the circumstances, but that is misspent energy. How much more inspiring it is to face the obstacle head on and with faith-filled steps climb over the obstacles in one's way to overcome great adversity with an awe-inspiring courage. You rock, Lisa and Mary.

It's true that anger will not make the situation better, and you are right not to spend too much energy wanting revenge. How much more can you accomplish when your focus in on the positive aspects of healing, forgiveness, and success. The man who hit you has enough self-loathing, that anything more would just roll off him like water off a duck. However, if prayer finds him in a better relationship with God and he can find peace within himself, then your trials will not have been in vain. He was obviously a lost soul. Perhaps he will find salvation in your forgiveness. May you continue to heal and find peace in your faith and the love of friends. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

I know it is about time......I wish you the very best on your surgery. I know you will do just wonderfully. You have what it takes to handle anything that comes your way. Besides we are all right there with you, praying for a successful surgery and a speedy return to your normal life. Please let me know how it goes and please, please tell me if you need anything at all. You are truly my hero....Hang in there... I love you.....Have a wonderful day...


PS: Tell your dad I said hello and I miss talking to him,too.....