Sunday, November 18, 2007

november 18, 2007 - I will never leave you, nor forsake you...

top of the evening, friends....

well, here i sit at grant hospital on sunday night. i was hoping i'd be released today, but i had rough night last night and a rough day today. my hemoglobin was low and i was running a little bit of a fever, so they decided to keep me. where they harvested the bone from my right thigh as well as where they fixed 2 small grafts in my left calf were very sore. unbelievably, where they fixed the 10 inch piece in my left thigh didn't hurt too incredibly bad. i did, however, feel like i'd been hit by a - no pun intended! hopefully, tomorrow, they'll release me.

lt. colonel finamore and major booker came to see me after the surgery. i guess i was very talkative and cordial, but i don't remember much about the visit. the drugs they gave me were intense. i was told it would take me 1 1/2 hours to get out of recovery. i wasn't out of recovery until over 4 hours passed! then, i still slept most of the day.

colonel collins and his wife, s/lt. collins also visited today. they were thrilled about the bucks win.

major atkeson, his wife suzie, and their son luke also visited today after church.

major brooks as well as dxs dale robirds checked on me just before i entered the hospital.

i really appreciate everyone who has called, visited, or simply sent up a prayer for this surgery. while i'm very, very, very sore....this is my first step in walking again. i hope to come back after the first of the year in some limited capacity...then full duty as soon as i can.

thanks to dianna for updating the blog and visiting this weekend. she's been a great friend. i think that she raided my fridge!

my sis terry and my dad as well as my nephew michael were up as well for part of the weekend. they worry about me way too much!

thanks to everyone who has checked on my dogs and cat, as well as house-sat for me. you guys are lifesavers!

also, thanks to the wonderful staff at grant hospital. they have been great and have catered to my every need. of particular note are nurse mary, nurse lashalle, and nurse connie - they are stars!! i'm not, however, looking forward to my visit by the physical terrorists

also thanks to sgt. scott rike who has been such an inspiration to me. he was forced to take a disability retirement a while back, due to a serious, and life-threatening condition. but thank God, he has been able to return to full duty. faith and sheer determination prevailed! above is a picture of his really cool tattoo, which depicts his faith, his love for his wife, as well as his love for the patrol.'re my hero. oh, yeah...and congratulations on the fact that you and your wife are expecting!

hopefully, i'll update you folks from home tomorrow. but until then....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Soooooo glad to hear that things went well with your surgery. I continue to pray for you and Mary every day - pray that you heal, walk and feel your oldselves again! Sounds like you haven't been lonely!! Some day I'd like to drive down & see you, but will be sure to call first to make sure you're not out gallivanting around the state...hate to make that drive only to find you not at home! :-) Anyway, just wanted to let you know I care & I'm praying for your speedy recovery again. Talk to you soon, my friend.
P.S. Holly is doing better; she has gained 2 oz. Tonya is home & is driving (or being driven) back & forth to see her every day.

Anonymous said...

My dear, thought about you all weekend, didn't want to visit, as I know you need rest, the prayers were of course said. Sounds like it was rough, but you are one tough lady my dear. Alan said he is getting more riddles ready for you. Love you, Tom, Wendy and Alan

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
I prayed that our surgery would be a success!! It sounds as if everything went well. U904 kept us posted on your status too.
I am certain that with the in depth procedure that you had, they had to put you in a deeper sleep state. God love you honey, what you have been through!!
Bill and I will visit you soon!!
Love ya!! p.s. you will be lifting weights now very soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor girl, I'm sure you ARE very sore! No wonder! Glad they are keeping you medicated where you at least can catch some rest. That is what your body needs now the most--rest and nourishment and as little stress as possible.
So let everyone who loves you take care of the details, etc. All you need to concentrate on is YOU and getting YOU BETTER!
I am so glad that the surgery went well. Next comes walking! I know it won't be fun at first, for sure... but the end results will definitely be worth it. So hang in there, woman; and keep being tough just like you always are! You will shortly be on the "downhill" after all the many mountains you have climbed.
The prayer warriors (and from the blog counter, MANY OTHERS) are all pulling for you and praying for you!
Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything at all, woman! We are all here for you!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...


Keep up the good work. Remember the pain proves you are still here and that there is healing in progress. May you continue to be richly blessed, and my your healing process bring you many steps closer to complete recovery and a return to duty. May God bless you and keep you close to His heart, my dear! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5

How great it is to hear you came through just fine. What is a little pain to such a strong lady as you. It won't be long until you are up and at it again. You already know that prayers work, and with the support group you have, you are on your way to the top of the mountain. I can't wait to see you up on your feet again, so we can go to lunch, or dinner, or whatever just so we go, maybe Millies, or your choice of places. Hang in there, and please let me know if you need anything at all. Tell your dad I say hea.....I love you....
