Monday, October 29, 2007

october 29, 2007 - fruit of the spirit....

top of the morning, friends....

another weekend has passed and was (as always), a bit too short!

on friday, colonel collins, major john born, and retired major rich rucker came over to see me. they gave me updates on the division and changes in the retirement system. it was a very nice and informative gathering.

my dad and his wife mary came over on friday as well. they brought me a beautiful hand-made bench that dad made as well as a new snow-blower. dad is convinced that i won't be shoveling snow this winter! lol i told him that it just provides some needed exercise, and would be part of my therapy, but he didn't buy it.

my sister terry came over and stayed for part of the weekend too. she and i went shopping at wal-mart yesterday. i think we bought out the store. we stocked up on halloween candy for the trick or treaters (yeah,

last night, i went and spoke to a drivers ed class about DUI/OVI for my friend, raejean. raejean is a former trooper who now works for the insurance industry. she asked me to speak on the topic from the perspectives of trooper and victim. it was alot of fun. we went out for a bite to eat afterwards.

right now, i'm waiting on a phone call about my surgery date. hopefully, it will be soon. i'm anxious to get it over with.

i have therapy on tuesday this week.

elzie f. - ANACONDA???? wow....that's a stretch! oh, yeah, on the '63 falcon issue....i would be happy to oblige....although, i can't be responsible for the way it turns out. i'm on meds, you

terri w. - i'm so sorry to hear about the passing of retired captain ashbridge. he was a good man who fought a good fight. please keep his family in your prayers - they really need it now.

mike h. - i think you're right....i'm about to be put through the mill. but - strength comes from adversity. i'll just have to look at this as another challenge in my recovery.

fred g. - i'm sorry we keep missing each other! i'll give you a call sometime this week.

i'll let you all know when i have more information. continue to expect God's blessings....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

God bless you two girls! Both of you have trudged (and continue to trudge) such long roads with still more to come... hopefully the crest of that hill will be appearing soon, with the downhill side not too far behind! Keep hangin' in there like the brave warriors you both are! By the looks of the counter on the blog (over 10,600 at last look); there are SO MANY folks checking in on both of you every day! That is so amazing! But I know why they do--it's always such an inspirational start to the day, pulling up the blog and reading both your comments and those of everyone else! And all the great pictures too (well, that is except for Kailee!!!!!!!! Yikes!)
I hope both of you have a great day today and a better one tomorrow!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

A word of encouragement ....

An ant can carry 20 times his own body weight, which is useful information if you ever need help moving a potato chip.

Keep pushing forward.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

MAJOR, Sorry for saying that snake I was walking on would end up the size of an anaconda by the time I got thru telling the story over and over. I under estimated. Already its gotten as long as the "TAIL OF THE DRAGON"! And by the way, I did ride the Dragon but I didn't ride the chicken.

Your Retired Bud

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5

Hope you are doing well today. It was good to hear that you are getting closer to the surgery to put you back on your feet. We are always thinking about you, and wishing you the very best that life has to offer. You are such a Trooper in so many ways. Please let me know if you need anything, at all. Naomi says to tell you hello. We love you.

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sweetie,

I hope the surgery will be sooner than later, as I know you are so ready. You and Mary have been so patient. We are always thinking of you two.
Love, Wendy

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
Love the pic of you with the mower LOL !!! YOU HAD BETTER NOT BE SHOVELING EITHER GIRL !!!
Thanks for sending that cookie email to my home email. Now Bill is waiting on COOKIES for petes sake!!!
I am certain that you are wanting to get the surgery over with before the end of this year, that would be great!!
Are you and the fishman arguing again!!! geez, isn't it great he like a big brother. I am glad he is keeping you in line.
Well gotta go, 1494 is opening another can of cold ravioli, poor guy.
I am heading over to your office and getting my daily dose of whipppings from your life-size poster that keeps telling me that "I got your fat out of the fire again McCarthy!!"
Love you and Mary and praying for your healing!!
Talk to you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Major: We loved the picture of you mowing the lawn.. If I had known that you were able to do all of that , I would have hired you to come over and handle my lawn while I was at work .. LOL....
Sounds like you and Mary should have a little side business doing odd jobs for people !! LOL
Well it looks like the goodie tubs in your office are finally out !! we really need you to come back and fill them up..
Miss your smile and good attitude around here...again please take care and be careful with all the power tools and equipment....

God Bless ya !

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

ive got a wheelchair now and can already do wheelies. strength training has begun. youre going down taylor, this wheelchair race will have your friends sucking up whats left of your self esteem with a shopvac at the finish line.

-Brian J. Bender

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you here in Jackson.Hope everything continues going great for you.
Kevin B

K.McCarthy said...

Good Morning Major,
so whats up, no update GEEZ, you are so FIRED !!! LOL!!!
Is Kailee still chasing you around the house, oooohhh she was so scarrrrrwwwwyyyyy!!
I am praying that your surgery is scheduled soon as I am certain that you are too..
Your prayer warrior are hard at it out here for you and Mary...frankly our heads are hurting LOL !!
ok, I told 1434 that we are gonna have to reorient you to your office when you get back in here. It better be soon, I have that cardboard cutout of you dressed up. And you could use your imagination with that one :-)!!!!
You need to give us time to to fill up your goodie containers. I have no idea how they emptied out...I KNOW NOTHING !!!! Maybe Kailee did it ??
Love you and talk to you soon.
Hey love you girl, gotta go.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Lisa:

Everything sounds like it is going in the right direction. Your lawnmower, your future surgery and healing process, maybe your snow shovel (a snow-blower would be easier!). Keep moving forward!

We attended Walt Ashbridge's funeral yesterday. It was a nice ceremony with several friends and Highway Patrol (active and retired) personnel. As many of us reflected, Walt would have wanted us to enjoy the day remembering him and his love of life. His spirit will stay with us all. Pat and the family are very thankful for all of the prayers and kindness offered to them in this difficult time.

We thought you might like to know Cory is having surgery today to replace the pieces of his skull that were removed when his brain was swelling. It has been about 9 weeks since the pieces were removed and they were "stored" in his abdomen to keep them fresh. His surgery is at Grant, but he should return to Dodd Hall to continue his physical therapy and recovery. He has made amazing strides in the past two weeks, but remains weak. He and his family appreciate all of the good thoughts and prayers being said for him.

You and Mary continue to receive our prayers and positive thoughts. Maybe you will be walking by Christmas! Keep your positive attitude. Many people from other police departments make comments to us about your amazing recovery!

Butch and Brenda