Thursday, November 1, 2007

november 1, 2007 - another prayer answered....

top of the morning, friends....

well, i survived therapy on tuesday, and went to the bone doctor on wednesday. he FINALLY gave me a surgery date in november!!! i won't post the date on the blog for security reasons, of course, but rest assured, it's soon! he told me that the surgery would not be as bad as the one's i've endured thus far and that i'd probably have a 2-day (or longer) hospital stay - depending on how i feel. he says that i will have a follow up visit about 1 week after the surgery and that he then won't see me again for about 7-8 weeks. until then, i'll still not be weight-bearing. i'm so thrilled that i won't have to wear a full cast, nor will i have to have an external fixator (unless things turn badly). unfortunately, the prediction that i won't walk until the beginning of the year may be optimistic. he says it may be well after the first of the year...but i'm going to prove him wrong.

while i was at the dr's office, i met a young black lady (i didn't get her name), but i have to tell you how inspirational she was. she is 21 years old and about 2 years ago, she too was involved in a motorcycle crash. she indicated that an elderly lady turned left in front of her, causing her to crash her suzuki 500 motorcycle. this resulted in both of her legs becoming severely damaged. unfortunately, the doctors were unable to save her right leg, resulting in her becoming an amputee. her amputation was just above her right knee. while she still walks with a cane, she had such an unbelievably positive attitude. she made me feel so optimistic!

another success story is that of sergeant scott rike, of the patrol. he too has been very inspirational to me. he has battled a serious, life altering physical illness for some time now that actually resulted in him having to file for disability retirement. the great news is that now he has returned to duty! he and his wife are also expecting a baby! two more prayers answered!

another recent inspiration was this short video. if you get a chance, please watch it....i promise you won't be disappointed. it really demonstrates the IMPORTANT things in life! the link is:

last night, my friends, neighbors, and my sister terry built a big fire in my portable fireplace out in the driveway and passed out candy while eating a huge pot of chili spaghetti that my sister made. we had a great time sharing ring-tones, jokes, and just good ole fellowship!

i continue to pray for the retired captain walt ashbridge family. as i mentioned before, he passed away while waiting on a second double lung transplant. unfortunately, due to my dr's appt., i was unable to attend the funeral. he was a great man. please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers as well.

also continue to pray for officer cory winfield from marion. while he has made great strides, according to colonel and brenda collins, he has a long way to go at dodd hall. God has performed great miracles here!

dan r. - i appreciate the advice on moving a potato chip. who knows when that tidbit of information might come in handy! you crack me up, sir!

elzie f. - i have conducted an ad hoc survey of the folks who travelled to gatlinburg with us. everyone remembers you riding the chicken. sorry, hoc surveys don't lie.

brian b. - i won't be intimidated! i've painted racing stripes on my wheelchair, buddy! i'm ready to smoke your **^$#^*)_! bring it on! just don't cry like a girl when i thump your hiney!

mccarthy - it is a fact....i HAVE pulled your fat outta the fire more times than i can count!

more later....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Great news! Remember success isn't measured by the size of the steps you take, but the attitude with which you take those steps. I feel sorry for whoever is challenging you to wheelchair races. I do believe you mean to smoke them with the exhaust from your wheelchair. You go, Girl! Anyway, it's good to see you are still positive and still seeing the trials and tribulations of others, even as you go through yours. What an inspiration. Keep up the good work both with your continuing progress and with your ongoing testimonial to the power of His love. Has Mary challenged you to a wheelchair race yet? I imagine she's waiting for the crutch races! Love and prayers, Lisa and Mary. Cindy

Anonymous said...

poor poor lisa. you havent seen me lately. my guns are huge, i wheel chair to mcdonalds every morning for an eggmcmuffin before i come to work. about 8 miles each way. my friends all call me steve austin because im like bionic. may 1, 2008 you pick the place. oh, and bring a shop vac, and the SMV sign to glue on your back.

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, this is the news that all of us prayer warriors have been waiting to see !!! CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!
Oh god, that means that I will have to rat out the person(s) responsible for draining your candy supply in your office. Of course, you know I would never do anything of the sort, BUT, I have done the low crawl before and I am certain I will be doing it again when you return... LOL !!!!!
Sounds like you had fun last night. 904 and 1434 dressed up as law enforcement officers yesterday. Pretty convincing costumes. You should have seen it. They had candy whistles, guns and tasers. Of course I don't think they are allowed to carry real bullets LOL !!...GO FIGURE !!! LOL !! I can feel you smiling.
Oh well, gotta go, I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS. You will be running with 1434 in no time. Love you and Mary !!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major! I read your blog every chance I get......I love how you continually thank individuals for being an inspiration to you, do you have any idea how many people you inspire on a daily basis?? Me being one. I am glad to hear that you finally got a surgery date.

God doesn't just give us what we can handle;
He helps us handle what we are given!

Keep smiling!
Karen Morefield

Anonymous said...

Thank God you finally got your surgery date! Hallelujah, girl! And I can understand you wanting to prove the doctors wrong (about not walking until the first of the year); but don't push it TOO hard! Or else I will unleash the therapy Nazis on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will certainly be wonderful to get this surgery behind you, woman! I know it will go well; and soon you will be up and around again like your old self!
But you make sure and do what the docs tell you, o.k.???????
Sounds like you had a great Halloween! Unfortunately I couldn't be home for my very first night of trick or treaters, so I left a big tub of candy on the porch with a note for folks to help themselves. Had lots of folks call me "dumb" and tell me that all the candy would be stolen and gone when I got home.
But there was still quite a bit left when I got back home from working at school that night. I enjoyed telling the naysayers that they were wrong--the candy wasn't all stolen as they predicted!!!! Made me feel good that night!!!!

Have a great weekend, girls!!!! Hopefully we will be having more beautiful fall weather we can all enjoy!

Pike Co. Woman