Thursday, August 9, 2007

august 9, 2007 - Another blessed day....

top of the evening to you, friends,

sorry it has taken me so long to get to the blog today, but this day has been so hectic!

i had a dr's appointment with my plastic surgeon at 1:30pm. he said my leg looked better than expected. he removed about a gazillion staples (some of which hurt like %*&$@*^!!!!!). if that wasn't painful enough, when he removed my final drain, i darn near came out of my wheelchair! but the good thing is - my leg is staple and drain-free! aside from a few stitches put in by the bone dr, my leg is looking better.

the dr prescribed me vicodin instead of the percocet, as well as zophran for the nausea. while i still got sick after taking the zophran, i think i may not have waited long enough after i took it to eat. i'm optimistic that it will help.

thank you kathy milam for the inspirational note on my blog! and thanks to you and chuck for the best homemade chicken noodle soup i have ever eaten! it was delicious and just what the dr. ordered!

thank you laura pascuzzi (better known as "PASKOOOOOOOZEEEEE") for the inspirational book as well as the etch-a-sketch! you and jules are too much!

thank you uncle sonny for the very heartfelt letter. it meant more than you know. i know since johnny passed away after a motorcycle crash, you've had an aversion to two wheels, but you've always been so supportive of my passion. i love you and thank you for being you.

hannah reid - it was pleasure meeting you at buckeye girls state! who would have believed that we'd be talking again! what a small world. thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and card. please keep ole todd donnell in line...i did my best during his field training time, but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's just kidding....i think of him as one of my own!

please pray for kaila mcgarvey....trish's 17 year old daughter. she was rushed to the hospital this evening with severe abdominal pain. trish has been so faithful in helping take care of me. they would certainly appreciate thoughts and prayers!

thanks to everyone else for everything you've done!

in Christ and abundant blessings....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, I am glad to hear that the doc changed your meds. Maybe you can hold some food down long enough to do you some good now. Keep the Faith and that positive attitude and you will be up and running in no time. Hang in there.

Love & Prayers
Jerry and Gail

Gentle Ben said...


Just got back from Florida where we watched the space shuttle take off. Skybus makes it cheap and easy flying into St. Augustine, where there is now another prayer chain started for you. I've got an address for a great B&B for you when you are ready and a whole list of great eating places. Oh, by the way, just for the heck of it we visited the world's largest Harley dealer (in Daytona) for you. They said if you want one, you have to come down and get it yourself. Hope you can keep your food down. You'll need your strength to ride one all the way back.

Mike & Connie

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Lisa. Some people just don't do well on any pain medication. The nausea can be more debilitating than the pain. Once I switched to Aleve and Advil, it was much easier to keep food down. You continue to think of others even when you have such a lot on your plate. Get well, dear, so that we can celebrate you and rejoice in the fact that you are alive and finally on your feet again. Lots of people are praying for you who don't even know you, but if they did, they'd be as honored as I am to know you. Love you, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lisa,
Great news from your appointments. Glad they changed your meds. More prayers answered
Just in case no one has mentioned it, you might give the BRAT diet a try: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Very bland I know but it may be just what your tummy needs.
More Love & Prayers

messenger said...

Good morning Major. Everyday I read your messages and everyday you begin with giving God the glory. This has been very encouraging to me. I have been fighting some of my own battles and your positive testimony through this storm has given me the strength to make it through mine. Thank You! I am learning there is really no use asking God why we must go through hard times; but instead thank God for allowing us to be used as testimony to help others. I know you didn't choose this course but thank you, for helping me.(Romans 8:28)PEACE

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major Lisa: Wow!!! We are happy to hear all the achievements that you have made in the healing process. Prayers have such an awesome power of helping others in times of need. The good LORD knows how many have been praying so faithfully for you and Mary to continue getting stronger and mending your injuries. We too shall keep you both in our thoughts and prayers for brighter smiling days ahead. That's a promise.
Sending you a smile :-)
Tom & Brigette

Anonymous said...

Poor girl!

You certainly DID have a hectic day, poor thing. Make sure you take it extra easy today to make up for it. Your healing body needs much pampering and rest (and nutrition) to help it do its job.
I'm glad the doctor switched your meds--hopefully that will help you out a lot with that horrid nausea.
Just take it easy today and maybe watch a couple of the movie Nazis' movies and chill with your "kids". I know you have to be tired after all that goings on yesterday.

Have a great day today!
Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Just a question, if you don't mind... What did they do to repair your leg? I had heard at one time that you were missing a huge part of bone and your leg was broken in ten places. Are you full of titanium rods like a bionic woman? I'm sure you've had to share these details a million times, but I was just wondering...

Keeping looking up and your food down : )
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...


I am so happy to see all of the progress you are making. It shows that faith and positive thinking have definitely given you speed on the road of healing. (Just don't go over the limit :) )

I hope the new med's help the nausea - if not, let me know and I will pick the brains of a couple of the doctors here to see if they have any ideas.

Keep up the great progress and attitude!

Missey "Altier" Standley

Anonymous said...

Please hurry back. I need someone to tell my bad jokes to. I have been saving up.

You are missed.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Major: Howwwww Yoouuuu Dooiinn ? I really miss that !!(LOL) It sounds like you are truly bouncing back !! Just keep pushing on and soon you will be back here pestering all of us (and we truly would love that!) Your supplies in the office are starting to dwindle and you need to re-supply them !! (just kidding) hope to stop and see you soon) please take care and I will check the blog on Monday to see how your weekend was ...

God bless you

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa we read your blog everyday to see how you're doing! Glad the dr. appt. went so well, I can only imagine the pain you're going through, I'll call uncle sonny today and tell him you wrote to him, you're so right, he does understand your passion. The wk.end you got home he said to me I can't talk to Lisa yet Boo, I said that's ok so I'm thrilled he was able to take the time to write you. You're in our prayers, love Coz' Boo and Lee and Uncle Sonny xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
Wanted to drop you a line and share with you that Len took me to my first Super Bike race at Mid Ohio this past Sunday and don't you know it rained. We stayed around walking in the rain with our trusty rainsuits, my hands were shriveled, it was miserable, but I was having fun!!! They delayed the race so we came home in the rain. Are you getting the picture that I spent most of my day on the bike in the rain! But hey we were having fun! I am hoping for sunshine next year. At least I got to see some of the racers. That was pretty cool. Anyway, glad to hear your drains are out and things are progressing well. Those drains are no fun, been there, done that. Keep up the good work. We'll make it up some day to vist.
Hugs and kisses,
Shelly, Len and the Clan

Anonymous said...

I hope the new meds work out. Don't forget what Jules does for a living. You can always ask Doc Jules if you have questions or concerns about your meds. I'm volunteering her. You can't afford to loose any more weight you scrawny little thing.

It's been hot as blazes here, but the ride home from work this morning was the perfect temp and I could have rode for hours! I thought of you. You would have loved it.

This vampire has asked for a tranfer to a day job after 22 years on nights. Wonders never cease.


Anonymous said...

I see I have been volunteered, but I am always open to ???. I will remember you are a "civilian" and not correct your spelling (e.g. Zofran!")

OK... so I find out from this blog Laura is transferring to days?!?!?! Wait until I get home!

The Etch-A-Sketch is to help get your wrist back into shape. When you are moving better, I will send a DDR (Dance-Dance-Dance Revolution) game your way. My boys are experts if you will need any coaching.

Keep The Fair & Press On!

Love, Jules

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa,
Greetings from sultry Florida! Jim and I have been thinking and worrying about you, and yet it seems you have been blessed with a great spirit and recovery to match. You have a healthy perspective....we wish only the same for your healing.

We head for Key West on the bikes in mid September - picking up some friends in Ft. Meyers for the trip. I tried to get Kathy McKinney to join us, but she is too dedicated. She and I had fun in Baton Rouge though - held a baby cute.

Our prayers are always for you and swift recovery.

Lots of love,
Julia and Jim Grimes