Friday, August 17, 2007

august 17, 2007 - Christian under construction....

top of the morning, friends....

well, my appt. with the plastics dr. went well. in fact, he said that when this all happened, he was not optimistic about my leg. he said yesterday that he was very optimistic. that was a blessing!

after my appointment, i took the girls (terry, mariah, and trish) to the olive garden. there, i proceeded to try and pick up my iced tea with my injured hand and spilled it in my chicken parmesean. i was so embarrassed! fortunately, they took pity on me and brought out a new plate. the girls thought it was a pathetic attempt to get more

elzie (you know...the retired guy) just called and is on his way over. he wanted to know if i could fit him into my i should have had him bring over some wings. lol

i think john born is coming over at 3p. it will be nice seeing him. senior staff has been wonderful about calling, writing, and visiting. i could not work with a better group!

please pray for a friend of mine - glenda woodgeard. she is a DX employee in district 9. she has been battling thyroid cancer for some time and they just found more cancer. she is very young and has 2 small children. she is such a wonderful person and friend and she could use your prayers. she goes in for another surgery september 10.

michelle (my stepmom)....i got the blog message, however, did not get your card. thank you for thinking of me and your kind words. i appreciate everyone's prayers. it's probably been 20-25 years since i've seen you! i pray all is well with you. may God bless you.

well, my next dr. appt. is thursday...we'll see how the graphs are progressings....

more later.....the elz-man is here!


lisa - 1095


K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major, That is such GREAT NEWS from the surgeon and it is so uplifting for us all to get this news!!!! aaannnd man what some people won't do for free food these days, can you just believe it?? LOL !!! God love ya sweetie.
Hey I love the Christian under construction. Is there anything in the "GOOD BOOK" about the bionic woman-that would be you.
Well I will tell you, his love and guidance is certainly shining on you. The big guy has bigger plans for you that we aren't even aware of yet. What I want to know is how you got into his good graces, and how many of your GOOD friends can be there with you ??? !! Does he know that you say bad words from time to time ??? LOL
ok, enough laughing and I am not even THAT funny today...:-)
ok, I wanted to send you a short blog before S/Lt. Roark cracks the whip again, man I can't wait until you get back here, he is really MEAN, especially in his OLD AGE TODAY (its really Sunday). LOL :-) !!! You will have to ask him about today, there were gremlins in his office sometime yesterday and photos to prove it. hhmmm. Talk to you soon girl love ya and Mary LOTS !!!!!!!!

Gentle Ben said...


Outstanding on the optimism of the doctor! Next time you go to Olive Garden, butter your bread - not your fingers! Chicken Parmesan - mmmm! Hope it fattens you up some.


Anonymous said...

Major: I am glad that you finally have that Elzie working and doing something..ha,ha.
I will say a prayer for your friend as well and hope that they can get her to where she needs to be. It is great to read this BLOG every day and keep up on your progress. When will Mary be able to return to duty ? how is her progress coming along ?
Please let us know if you need anything? we will be glad to help out in any way......
Oh by the way, you need to send some more goodies for your office goody jars, the pretzels, and other items are getting low..LOL :)
Be good and have a great weekend, will check on your progress early next week.
God Bless

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

What great news! Just keep healing and before you know it, you will be the miracle all the doctors are wondering about. I miss your daily thoughts for the day, but get to enjoy your blog. You remain in our prayers. Laughter is the best medicine as long as it doesn't make your bladder weak, especially since your get up and go isn't what you'd like it to be right now. Keep smiling, dear. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Very happy to hear good reports on your recovery. Healing thoughts coming your way, always.

Julia & Jim

Anonymous said...

Hey, girl!
Tea and chicken parmegan? Hmmm... not a good combo! I hope you ate half of it and THEN got them to bring you another one! You could use it to put that 25 lbs. back on, kiddo.
That is great news from the doctor today! All right! Just goes to show what having an army of people praying for you (and your attitude) can do! And laughter also is a great healer... with all of US around, how could you help not laughing????
Will be over to see you sometime in the near future, woman. It sure does everyone who reads your blog a world of good every day to find out how well you and Mary are both doing--I can be in a "so so" mood, read the blog, and I'm feeling uplifted for the rest of the day. Hey, WE'RE supposed to be the ones cheering YOU TWO up, ya know????
Well... I am sitting at my computer and feel a small, cat-like one head-butting my shin, which means it's either time to pet her some more, time to feed her some more, or both!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and keep up the good thoughts, both of you!

Pike Co. Woman
P.S. When do we get to see some pet photos????

Anonymous said...

Christian under construction, I like that. I think that I am addicted to this blog. It reminds me of when Terry and I were addicted to the soaps. We couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. Those things don't interest me at all anymore. Sounds like you are making steady progrees. Keep up the good work.

Praying for you.

Jerry and Gail

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

Just a quick note to let you know that I have been keeping up with you through several mutual friends. I so hated to hear about your accident. You and Mary have been in my prayers. It has been many years since I have seen you, I think it was the day that K.A. Fellure became a Sergeant or it was the day we went to the Trooper of the Year dinner. Boy how time flies! Karen Bail gave me your blog site so that I too can keep up with you. Take care and may God continue to bless you and your recovery!

Onward & Upward
Paula Williams-Wray

Anonymous said...

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