Monday, August 6, 2007

august 6, 2007 - He is my provider

top of the afternoon, friends...

i hope this message finds you well.

in spite of some minor numbness in a couple of fingers, i'm finally able to type with 2 hands -- that's a real victory!

my nurse came and changed my pick line today and took a look at my leg. she said everything looked good -- another victory.

jeff shane stopped by to see me this afternoon. i told him that my arm muscles will look like his when i get back into

colonel collins and melanie schropp also stopped by to see me. they gave me the scoop on whats going on in the division. sounds like the fair is going well, as well as everything else. i hate not being in the loop! Lord...i can't wait to get back to work and life.

my nausea seems to be in check with the pepsid, but it is still a struggle to eat enough. i just don't have much of an appetite. i'm confident that will change, but i just can't afford to lose any more weight.

the movie that terry, trish, and dianna made me watch last night was very good for the first 5 minutes, until i fell asleep. they ridiculed me to no end. oh, the abuse i must endure!

my next dr's appt is thursday. i hope they will remove my final drain and staples...but will see.

my nurse visits on mondays, and i have physical therapy tomorrow. i hope to get into town tomorrow to go to the bank and take terry and trish to lunch. it will be our second 'girls day out.' that should be fun.

todd donnell (one of my cubs) called today and graciously offered to give me motorcycle riding lessons--very funny!

well, enough for now...please continue to keep mary and me in your prayers, as that's been the best medicine of all.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Thank God that you are on the road to recovery. You remain in my prayers.

Lynda Gallucci

Anonymous said...


Glad you're home and on the way to a full recovery. Been keeping up on your progress through the blog. Know that you and Mary are in my daily thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

So glad to hear about your progess. Although I have to say, if you end with arms like 730, I will scared!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I have missed a couple days. All the great progress is wonderful. You continue to amaze us all with your fast advancement in the area of recouperation. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
I too watched 3 movies this weekend, however I did not fight it, but I did fall asleep.

Anonymous said...

Always a blessing when your sense of humor hasn't sustained injury! Course laughter is the best medicine, LOL! You and Mary are in our thoughts and prayers...

Josh and Lia Black, Mt. Orab Ohio

Anonymous said...

Major: you seem to be progressing each day, just do not overdo it. just a little bit each day and get stronger. Was really glad to hear that you have some feeling back in the hand. Sounds like Mary is doing well also, and that is great news as well.....
As far as the movies, maybe you could just watch them in stages and try and keep notes (LOL).. ha,ha....
Just kidding.. well take care and keep us updated when you can..let us know if you need anything?
God bless you

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Hi Major and Mary!

So glad to read you are both improving! Attitude is everything!

Just wondering, where was the big chopper located in your pictures? That is hilarious! It should be in that Weird USA book!

Keep the faith,
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

It's a joy to read your blogs ... keep the sense of humor as it will definitely get you through anything. You and Mary are in my prayers daily. Glad to hear she is progressing so well, I finally got her address and am going to send her a card. Try those weight gain drinks that's what Eric had to do to gain enough weight to get into the Academy. Kathy Imhoff