Tuesday, August 7, 2007

august 7, 2007 - He is my healer

top of the morning, friends...

praise God i was able to sleep through the night! it was wonderful! i woke up at 730 am and worked out a bit with small hand weights. that made me take a nap...lol it seems the smallest exertion just wears me out...but i know that will lessen with each passing day.

the movie nazi's made me watch another movie last night - "premonition'. i'm not sure whats going on, but the last 2 movies they've made me watch have involved some sort of car crash...what do you think these guys are trying to do to me???? i've had enough of that, i think...lol

laura mourne....thank you and your church for the lovely quilt! i will treasure it. also, in answer to your question about the big motorcycle mary was on -- there is a motorcycle museum in maggie valley, NC that we always visit when my dad, my friends and i make our annual gatlinburg trip. this huge and functional bike was on display and mary had the opportunity to ride it in the parking lot. it was hysterical! she thought it was pretty cool.

speaking of mary...i think her folks are going to drop her off for a visit today. it will be good to see her again. she so appreciates everyone's kindness.

major ludlow just called. when i told him i'd certainly ride a motorcycle again, he ordered me to ride a 3-wheeler....lol

my sister, trish and i walked the dogs again last night. while it was quite warm, it was good to get outside again. trish pushed the wheelchair while terry held the leashes. i think terry wasn't quite sure who was walking who.

well, i must go and take a bath...which is quite an ordeal these days. i must start preparing for the physical therapy nazi, as well as attempt to sort through this mound of medical paperwork i have received. after that, i must finish my last finance paper so i don't have to take finance again when i return to school.

God bless dianna white and carl roark. we started this masters program together in january with the hope of graduating in may. i, of course, must sit out the next trimester. they have both dropped out with me, saying that "we started this together...we'll finish this together." of course, this made me cry.

major mark atkeson, ginny higginbotham, s/lt. sue rance-locke, capt. michelle henderson, and chris vincenty all just visited me...of course all before i got a chance to clean up....i must look afright! sue, michelle, and chris have threatened to kidnap me and take me to the argosy. of course terry volunteered to help them....lol

keep up the good work, prayer warriors....


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's awesome to have visitors, but feels bad when you don't have a chance to clean up! Believe me, I'm sure you thought a whole lot more about it than they did, girl! Even just bathing and getting cleaned up can leave a person exhausted when they have been through as much as you have. Make sure you plan enough time in there so you can rest if you need to. I remember when I was at home, I thought I was FINE... took a shower, did the hair/makeup and had to sit down and REST! Broke out in a sweat and everything--sure took away my delusions that I was just fine! So make sure you book some rest time in there when you are getting ready and cleaned up for anything. I'm sure with all your injuries it takes a whole lot longer too!
I hope you and Mary do get to spend some time together today--you guys certainly share a life long bond now--both coming through this together, with it being such a miracle that you both are still with us. A miracle for which we are all very grateful.
Hope you have a good day, and the therapy Nazi isn't TOO hard on you! Does this one make sure you can't hit them like mine does??? Hee hee hee...
Have a great day, woman! And keep on truckin' (or is that bikin')????

Pike Co. Woman
P.S. I'm glad you explained to Laura about that HUGE bike in the picture--I was wondering about that one myself!

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear you in such good spirits. Watching movies...relaxing...walking the dogs...sounds like you're on vacay!

I was really touched to hear that a couple of your classmates decided to take some time off as well. Even I got a little teary eyed!

There is a spanish adage that says (loosely translated!)..."tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you what kind of person you are..."

You have such good friends because YOU'RE such a good friend.

--Sylvia M.

Anonymous said...

So good to hear that you seem to be improving each day...keep up the good work. You and Mary continue to be in my prayers daily!

P.S. Check your email :-)

Anonymous said...


It sounds like you are doing well. We didn't even go out to walk the dog in the evening...it is WARM!

Small gains with the hand weights will definitely having you look like Jeff Shane.

We continue to keep you and Mary in our thoughts and prayers. Keep looking to the future and focusing on you final goal.

God bless!
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

I think you should start small, maybe a honda ruckus, then build back up. As for movies, I would recommend some animation, they say someone who laughs 100 times a day has the same heart muscle as someone who runs 10 miles a day!

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
You just crack me up, do you have any idea how much you and Mary are loved??
Sorry just now getting to BLOG you, my siamese of 15 years passed away Monday, I didn't sleep much last night. I know bummer, but they give us so much joy in our lives just as you do girlfriend !!! so life continues, right !!! and we are so fortunate that you and Mary are with us. The big guy decided that you two are going to be around to torment us for a loooong time to come !!
Frankly, I am surprised that you haven't needed your stomach pumped after eating my cooking, LOL !!! If you can withstand that, you can take anything!!! LOL.
Love you and Mary alot, and talk to you tomorrow.
Get another good nights sleep, its good for your body, because that is when it heals and rejuvenates itself the most !~! I just love telling you what to do, I know that this is short lived so I am enjoying it now. LOL !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello there Major, we will continue to keep you and yours in our prayers. I wish you could have seen the alligator we had just for you. Missed you in Louisian but I am certain you will be there for all of us next year. Godspeed...........

Anonymous said...

Well just think, with all this theatrical studying and analyzing you will have the qualifications to be a movie reviewer when you retire. Now that I think of it, with this finance knowledge in your hip pocket, you could be headed for an Executive Producer position. My suggestion is you relax and keep studying, your friends know which ones you need to watch.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
Take Care, tina

Anonymous said...

You need a picture of some real bikers on your blog...surely you must have one of me and Jules... with you and Mary of course!

The wedding went off without a hitch and all my company has gone home. Won't write now, but will call you tommarow.

Thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

Good morning, it was my pleasure to see you and to be in your company on Saturday. You are always an awesome person in my eyes. I admire you so much and after our discussion the other day my admiration for you has grown even stronger (which I do not see how that could be). Love you, tell your doggies Essie said hi! Smile... I hope you have a good day and tell Mary I said hi and take care of herself. Love You Major. Essie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the bike! I will have to talk to Mary about riding it. I can't even imagine what it must have been like to witness : ) I'm quite sure Austin and Cody would just have to ride after seeing it. We'll have to stop in on our next trip to TN so I'll get directions from you soon.

Keep working on getting better!
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa, I'm sure glad you're doing a little better anyway. You seem to be in good spirits which is always a good thing. If you do go to the Argossy, I sure hope you bring back some bucks. I know my mom and dad didn't do so good. They got lost on their way there. It took them 3 hours there and 3.5 hours home. Go figure. I'm going to be taking them to the Belle Terra pretty soon. Take care and keep getting better. Hope to see ya soon!!!

Sam, Deanna, and Carla

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the biggest strides are taken in the smallest steps. That may sound contradictory, but sometimes the strides we are making on the inside aren't as visible as the steps we take on the outside. Coming to terms with the body's limitations for the moment, and having the mind set as well as the determination to get better, are important to the healing process. No matter how small the steps are as you recover, may you continue to be hopeful and positive. That is the greatest inner stride of all. Your experience and the way you are dealing with it is a testament of your faith. You may never know how many lives you have touched, or how you have helped them along the way. Your hope and joyful spirit are like a ripple in the current of life that keeps expanding from the inner circle. The wider the circle spreads, the more people are touched. That's a pretty powerful message of faith. Love you, Lisa. Cindy