Wednesday, August 8, 2007

august 8, 2007 - He is my provider

top of the morning friends....

i had a really rough night last night due to the severe nausea i've been experiencing. we have determined it may be the percocet, but we're really not sure, since i'm on 3 meds. i've stopped taking it until we get ahold of my dr. at grant to see if he can either prescribe something else or give me something other than over the counter for nausea. i try to eat, but not much wants to stay down, so that's miserable. not a good diet plan! i need to eat to gain weight (you'll probably not hear that too

otherwise, things are good. i have been trying to work out each morning with some light weights to get my strength back. muscles are resilent, i'm told, so i hope they will bounce back. i was used to working out every morning before work - so this is hard for me.

mary didn't get to visit yesterday, so we think she's coming today. it will be good to visit again.

thank you finance & logistics for the very nice harley basket! you guys are too much!

also thank you athens for your lovely basket as well.

thanks to everyone for the cards, flowers, gifts, thoughts and prayers. i have never meant to neglect thanking anyone, but in the beginning, i was pretty well medicated and others were updating my blog for thank you all!

rachel dicken even baked some homemade dog biscuits for chrissy and amy. dad and my nephew michael even tried one and said it wasn't

tom dean, bob markowski, dave dicken, and carl roark stopped by for a visit. it was nice seeing some of my patrol family. tom and lisa sent me a beautiful candle entitled, "survivor."

tom reffey sent me some soda and popcorn flavored jellybeans for my next round of movies that the movie nazi's make me endure.

raejene stopped by and gave me an "easy button" to help with my

my occ. therapist just left. she worked a bunch with my hand...she said i did very well. that was another blessing.

enough for now....please continue to pray.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Darling, so sorry it was a rough night, and I sure hope they get the meds situated, you MUST eat! All the carnies at the fair said to say Hi when I was there on Monday! Tell Mary Hi and that we are always thinking about you two!
Love ya, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa,
I haven't read your blog since last Friday. I worked at the great state fair on Monday and was only here for a half day yesterday....had to go to Urgent Care to get diagnosed with bronchitis. I have been coughing for 8 days now, and I figured it was time to bring on the drugs to help my body rid itself of the crud! Anyway, enough about me...I have had the best time catching up on your blog. You are cracking me up, girl!!! I know I laughed out loud several times. And I have figured out that you must get your wonderful sense of humor from your dad....he sounds like a wild and crazy guy!!! I think Wendy and I are going to try to come by after work one evening next week. Since she knows where you live and I don't, I will follow her. I sure hope you get to eat without hurling real soon. You NEED to eat, girl. I know you know that, but 25 pounds??? How could you lose that much? You only weighed 65, didn't you?? lol. Hey, still praying for you and Mary and I think, by the sound of your blog, He is listening to all of us. See you soon! Love ya! Blessings to you, too!

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor- Your strength and positive spirit is such a great inspiration. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

You poor girl! I bet it is the Percocets making you that nauseous! I had to take anti-nausea meds one time when they prescribed it to me. Blech! After losing 25 lbs., you can't afford to be nauseous for long! I sure hope your doc gets that all straightened out for you ASAP.
Wow! What great friends who even make your doggie friends biscuits! That is awesome! Doesn't surprise me though--it sure is obvious that a whole LOT of us care bunches and bunches about both of you.
Praying that your tummy feels better soon so that you can keep progressing in your recovery and not be so miserable--nausea is such a nasty feeling! Yuck!
Hang in there, kiddo!

The Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, we are still keeping you in our prayers, I'm sure you're gonna have some rough days, but even when you're frustrated remember the man upstairs is listening and watching over you. We love you, Coz' Boo and Lee xoxo

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, good evening !!
ok, you need to tell your Dr. to get your meds straightened around so you can get some sleep so your body can heal. How awful, girl !! I am certain that your whole body just aches right now!!
Had a meeting today with 904, he is such a great guy, boss and friend. He made me laugh, what a hoot he is, who would have thought? LOL!!! you tell him I said that i will just deny it. oooppsss, its on the blogg too, I am busted !!!
How wonderful that you will all finish with your MBA together!! We also have a full size Lisa cut-out in your office now so we can all feel normal again. It has a snarly face on it and has electric shocks coming from the fingertips and keeps yelling at me. Just kidding, sounds funny anyhow. I know I have quite an imagination.
So tell me did I get my humor from you or you from me. hmmmmmmm. Hurry up and get better so you can get back to work !!!
Your cut-out even gives me a hard time too LOL !!!
Love you and Mary amd praying for your safe and speedy recovery !! WE NEED YOU BACK AT GHQ!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, haven't sent you anything in awhile, so tonight I want to send you many Blessings, filled with the Faith of a true believer in Christ, Love, that comes from the very bottom of myself and Dave's heart, Patient's that God is giving you everyday. None of us know what we may someday have to go through until it happens. Stay away from those percocets. I can take them, but the walls move around along with other furniture with Dave. Watching for you everyday. Just never at the right times. Have a very good nights rest. I know how those therapy sessions can be. Stay brave, hope to meet you soon............. Marlene and Dave

Anonymous said...

"The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of god's health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body."
- Harry J. Johnson

I so thought of you, take care,


K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, top of the morning to you girl!!
Are you still in bed, common time to get up and give this world all you got today.
I hope that you had a restful sleep last night. Your body needs to heal.
I am back at it again this morning, someone has to do your job while you are out, GEEEZ !!! LOL !!
Be nice to those therapy nazis and the movie nazis or you will get the shock treatment and like it!!! LOL!!!!
HERE IS WISHING YOU A GREAT DAY TODAY and I will blog (don't cha just love IT talk) you later today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Kathy Milam here. I can't stop thinking about you. I too had a serious accident 7 years ago which involved my leg. I fell 20 feet off a cliff and landed on big bolders. Needless to say my bone was sticking out of my leg. It started to break right below the knee and spiraled down to below mid calf where it preceded to come out of my skin and then toothpicked down to my ankle. I have heard from my orthopedic surgeon that i am famous now as he uses my xrays for seminars. hahahehe. he said my leg did everything possibly wrong it could have done. hahahehe. After many surgeries and lots of drugs I am now back to normal. When the accident happened I was at Mohican Wilderness with my brother and a friend and lets just say I was not sober. I had asked God a week earlier to do something because I could not quit this lifestyle on my own. Well guess what, He heard my prayer. hahahehe. I had just gotten my insurance the day before the accident(God). I had after a nasty divorce just managed to save some money so that I could afford to be off work for a few months(God). My brother was living with me at the time so he could take care of me(God). I could go on and on about the way God took care of me but you get the idea. Lisa, as soon as I hit the bottom I KNEW this was my answer from God! Even through all the pain I never once regretted my accident because after a year of not being able to drive and God healing me of my addictions I was able to get in my car and drive to church and went straight to the alter! It's the best thing that ever happened to me. I lived with an external fixator that some people call a bird cage that ran from my knee to my ankle. It was three halos, one right below my knee, the other mid calf and the last one at my ankle that had 27 metal rods drilled through my leg attached to the halos. It was quite painful to say the least. hahahehe. the pinholes would get infected and that was major pain! But, after 6 years the Lord finally took ALL of my pain away. I was so used to having constant pain that it took me a few days to realize that I was no longer in pain! hahahehe. Many wonderful things came out of my accident, Chuck! hahahehe. God sent me a wonderful, strong christian man! And many wonderful friends that have helped me along my journey. Sorry to ramble on and on but I have been wanting to talk to you ever since I hear about the accident. Chuck and I would love to drop by and see you and I can bring you some of my famous homemade chicken and noodles! I will continue to pray for you lisa and mary. God bless you both!!! Love, Kathy Milam.....

Anonymous said...

See, Lisa? Your blog is a wonderful thing. I just read Kathy Milem's blog entry. What a testimonial that God is GOOD! To have such damage and suffer for so many years with pain and now, pain-free??? That is only through the work of a MUCH higher being....the medical professionals do wonderful things, BUT I firmly believe that they are led by the power of God to work their miracles.

Hope you're doing well today and also hope you get your meds straightened out. I am really looking forward to seeing you next week. Tom Dean told me you looked great and he enjoyed his visit. I am so blessed to be working with this group.....Holy intervention, again, I think. Working in Field Ops has also allowed me to get to know Ms. McCarthy better...another blessing. She is a peach, huh? Looking forward to seeing you next week! If you're able to eat by then, Wendy & I will stop and get dinner for all of us on the way. Take care!

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, good evening!!
I know that you must be feeling really bad today with not being able to eat and feeling sick all day.
Tell those doctors that they had better earn their wage and get your pain meds straightened out!!! Do you want me to go down and talk with them?? If I can procure BEARS and Command Units I can certainly get this handled. LOL :-)
Seriously (not that I can be, very often) you are in the best of care with Di, Trish, Terry, your Dad and of course all of your fan club out here praying for you and Mary(that would be us).
But no fear the food WARRIORS are on the way to your rescue so stand by sweetie!!!
That Kathy Milam is incredible along with her husband Chuck!! Her story is just moving Lisa, wait until you talk with her. We are truly blessed!!!!
Love ya, talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Doctor Mark said to tell you to try the following prescription: Take two Tylenol #4 with Codine and wash down throughly with Budweiser...he advises you'll feel like dancing!! He did!!

P.S. We really do hope you're feeling better today and not having to deal with nausea. Still praying for you & Mary every day!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad night, glad to hear tht your staples are out, every day is a day forward. I pray for your progress. I know you have the faith, I pray for you to have the strength. Continue to let your friends, family and God go support you and be there for you through this. Love ya