Sunday, August 5, 2007

august 5, 2007 - He is my strength. my fortress, my hightower

top of the afternoon, friends....

i had a bit of a rough night and morning due to some awful nausea, but thank God for my friends who went and got some pepsid, which was a tremendous help! i was finally able to eat the wonderful dinner that kathy mccarthy so graciously provided.

i had physical therapy today. it went very well. my therapist said she was thrilled with my progress--what a blessing that was.

the teafords visited today and brought the biggest piece of cheesecake i have ever seen. i think they are serious about fattening me up!

thanks to essie winfreys family. they mowed my grass yesterday. i am so humbled by the outpouring of kindness from my my family and friends. without you folks i would most certainly be in a rehab center somewhere.

dianna, trish and terry are are fully aware that i hate watching tv...but they have rented 3 movies today and are making me watch them. i guess i'm a captive audience. please save me....but dianna said don't try to rescue me during the movies--she said she hates to be interrupted.

on a more serious note...please keep a lady by the name of gina herbert in your prayers. on 6/28, she was also involved in a very serious car crash. she too was hit by a left of center driver, who did not have a valid license. she has major damage to both legs, which has necessitated multiple surgeries. after her stay at grant hospital, she has been recuperating at the wexner heritage village. she has worked for public safety for over 26 years.

mary sends her regards. she continues to mend. her next appt is next week...she's anxious to get back to some sense of normalcy.

well, trish just hooked me up to my antibiotic iv....i really had other ideas about a movie snack...popcorn would have been nice.

thanks again for guys are too much.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

This is your chance to gain an appreciation for sports. Go Ohio State! Or you could always cheer the Fl. Gators! No excuse for not watching and learning about some sports (especially FOOTBALL!!!)
Take care. Keep doing what you're doing.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...


It was good to talk to you this afternoon. I know earlier today was will have those moments. I am praying that those moments happen less and less.

I will stop by this week and check in on you.

Praying for you daily,


K.McCarthy said...

Well good evening Major, so good to see you today and share some jokes (at my expense I might add) LOL !!! You always make me laugh and its good to see you smile. I miss you so much!!
I just love your animals too!! Amy is starting to warm up to me a little more and Sissy was cuddly.
When I got home Madagan was not a bit happy with me, as he knew I was with ANOTHER DOG !!! wheew, this was not a good thing. He got over it quickly when I got out the bacon treats... a way to a dogs attention span is through BRIBERY!! works every time. Come to think of it, works on Bill too :-) LOL !!!!
I know that you had a rough morning and didn't sleep well last night so tonight you should sleep like a rock. Are the movie nazis still there and whats up with no popcorn, geeez!!! Its a movie afterall.
Thank you so much for letting all of us that love you help you and Mary during this difficult time. It means alot to all of us prayer warriors.
Well I am going to bid you a restful evening tonight until I talk to you tomorrow.
By the way, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE !! and all of ours prayers are helping you and Mary heal faster, both Mind and Soul.
Love ya girl, Kath.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there,Lisa. There will be rough spots in the road, but they will lessen with time. Know that we love you and lift you up in prayer. Keep the faith and the great outlook, girl. God has a plan for you and has probably already set it in motion. Take care. Love you, Cindy.

Anonymous said...

you dont use your stove and you dont watch tv, oh my. Looks like the board games better get brought out and all of the last 4 months crosswords from the dispatch.

Anonymous said...

Stopped to see you, as we have spoken in the past, we all fall short. However, your faith and spirit are strong. I know you will continue to heal, and grow, physically, mentally, and spiritually. You are a wonderful friend and confidant. Each of us are set upon a path, we don't always know what obstacles we must overcome to fulfill his will, as long as we know we are charged with doing his work we will make it through. Keeping you in my prayers always.

Gentle Ben said...


Good luck with the weights. You'll be arm wrestling Harley types again before you know it. Home-ecky-becky? That's a new one. You say that like it's a bad thing. Even I cook. I'll make an appointment one of these days to bring you something fattening and good too.


Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, you are truly an inspiration to all of us. We miss you ! And I'm not just saying that because the supply of Smarties is depleting. Hope to see you soon. Love the blog and pictures. Isn't technology wonderful?

Anonymous said...

Yummy! An antibiotic IV? How tasty! Just the right thing to have while watching movies!
I'm glad you were able to get some meds to help out with the nausea. It is simply awful to be really nauseous like that... blech!
That is wonderful that your therapy is going so well. If the therapy Nazi is pleased, that really says something about your progress.
I'm surprised that giant piece of cheesecake made it to you intact, knowing how Kevin T love sweets!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day girl and continue to rest and heal up quickly. You are Mary are both probably the toughest biker chicks around!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lisa. Just got caught up on your blog. Lynette and I are SO glad that you're back home. That's half the battle right there. Got a big laugh out of you needing to be "saved" watching t.v. Be careful, the next thing you know, you're going to be hooked on the soaps!!

Love you and Mary lots! Get well soon.

Robin (and Lynette)