Saturday, August 4, 2007

august 4, 2007 - refinement by fire....

top of the morning, friends...

well, here i am dining on a mcdonalds breakfast burrito with trish and dianna. i do believe this might just be the breakfast of champions!

had a great day yesterday....therapy went well....had several visitors too. thanks to kathy mccarthy and company, i'll be in food for a while, as well. she offered to see if my stove actually worked, as she knows i'm not much of a 'home-ecky-becky.' i told her no....if the stove is used, it might void my warranty. simply serves as counter space and resell value, for when i sell my home, as far as i'm concerned.

alan (and wendy) forbes dropped off the most beautiful homemade card i've ever seen! when alan grows up, he could be an artist.

elzie stopped by again. his view on life and perpetual 'elzie-isms' are always insightful and entertaining. i think he may have been dropped on his head early in

i had dad pick up some strap-on type weights so i can attach one to my left arm since i can't grip weights yet. that way i can start to work my arms and upper body, at least.

dianna kept me quite entertained last night with some very unusual new dance steps to the tune of 'dirty dianna.' i wish you could have seen it. frankly, i think i'm traumatized by the whole ordeal.

mary called yesterday -- she continues to mend well. she really enjoyed our visit earlier this week. we hope to see each other again soon. i know she's anxious to get back to work too.

i'm waiting for my occupational therapist to arrive. this will be my first one, so i'm not sure what to expect.

thanks again for keeping mary and me lifted up in prayer. we need it more than anything. also...thanks for the blog entries. they are inspirational and sometimes humorous. when i'm having a bad day....the blog ALWAYS cheers me up.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...


Have a wonderful day. Cool photos. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Hey from D-9, Have a lot of people asking how you are doing and we continue to update them. Most everyone has the website for the "blog" and while some may not be writing, they are reading your comments and keeping up with you in that manner. Everyone down this way seems to be doing well and things are going along okay. Just wanted to share a word of encouragement this morning, hang in there and keep the faith. you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

Good morning,

It is so good to hear from you on your Blog and knowing you are back at home. I am so happy for you to be back at home with your babies, your family and friends. You and Mary continue to be in my prayers as you both endure your healing process. God is truly working through both of you showing us His miracles in both of you. Hang in there and stay positive. I love all the pictures on your Blog. We all miss you at work and hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...


I love your shades.


K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major, sorry I missed telling you good morning today!! I thought about you alot today as I was up early and at Mid Ohio for the Motorcycle races. Man you just wouldn't believe the bikes I saw today!! and everything else, wheeww!!!! Needless to say the hotter it got outside , WELL YOU CAN ONLY IMAGINE. Fill in the blanks Lisa !! Say no more, know what I mean???
Ok, enough about that. I hope that you were up and around and at least got in couple of miles, NO SLACKING !!! You really looked great Friday, although we are going to fatten you up a bit and that is that !!! And I am stubborn too girl, so no lip out of you!!
Amy and Chrissy are just wonderful. It just goes to show that all the love that you give
out shows in all that you do, Lisa.
I will pray extra hard again tomorrow at Mass for you and Mary and I will see and talk to you very soon. YOU INSPIRE ME TO BE A BETTER PERSON. Imagine that??
I love the pictures on the Blog too. Love ya girl !!
p.s. make sure people use the booties or I am going to set up shock therapy for anyone getting the carpet dirty. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Major, Now let me understand what I've read tonight. We have Dianna dancing and prancing to "Dirty Dianna" and Kathy offering up shock therapy. WOW! Sounds like a party to me.
And for your information I just happened to have been wearing a helmet when I was dropped on my head.
Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... after reading your blog today, NOW I know why I was asked at work yesterday by someone if I knew which Michael Jackson album contained the song "Dirty Diana"! Too funny!
Sounds like it was a pretty good day for you. And don't worry--even though it might not seem like it sometimes, you have LOTS and LOTS of more good days ahead, girl. Just follow the docs' and the therapy Nazis' instructions, get your rest, and consume more breakfast burritos, and you're well on your way!
Both you and Mary hang in there--with both of your guts and everyone else's prayers, you are both certain to be back in no time at all.
Sure made me feel great to read your blog today and found out you had a good day! I'd say you've definitely earned it (and then some!).

Hang in there,
Terri W. (Pike Co. Woman)

Anonymous said...

Yes, do be careful about voiding the warranty on your stove. You should probably just stick with eating those delicious rice cakes I introduced you to during my visit. Or maybe now would be a great time to learn some home-ecky-becky type things. It will give you a way to focus your energy. I bet you still have Italian pasta sausce in your freezer from my visit. Cooking will just be another challenge to add to your list of things to triumph over. I tried calling the other day and left a message. I am glad to know that the "blog" has a way of lifting you up. My love to you and all your supporting cast. You are blessed.
Talk to you soon,
Kathy (FHPLT)

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

We are so glad to hear you are finally at home and that you continue to improve. Good for you! Sounds like everyone is keeping you entertained and taken care of, which is wonderful news. We continue to think of you often and send our positive thoughts your way.

Now for our contribution to keeping a smile on your face and giving you a laugh. If you thought Dianna's dancing was traumatic, wait until you see Tony in pink spandex.

Click on the link below to start the show!

Hopefully the link will work for you. ENJOY!

All our best,
Tony & Lainie

Anonymous said...

Major: Hooowww Yooouuu Dooiiin ? Sounds like you are starting to get back to yourself a little bit... It sounds like everyone is really helping you out and taking good care of you. We sure do miss you around here. If there is anything you need please let us know and I will make "Fish" bring it to you (LOL) :)
We are always keeping you in our thoughts and prayers

Kelley & Glenna Williams