Friday, August 3, 2007

august 3, 2007 - better is one day in His house than a thousand elsewhere

top of the morning, friends...

well, here i am, being forced to eat breakfast and take my meds AGAIN! soon i'll be subjected to my daily clot preventing belly injection - oh, joy! (lol). trish, my sister terry and my dad have become quite the nurses and taskmasters...the don't give me any breaks! (someone save me!)
just family and friends are terrific.

you, however, should have seen trish and my dad changing the dressing on my leg a couple days ago. they made a big production of putting on the rubber gloves, while dad dabbed trishes forehead with a cloth. he said he'd seen it done on the surgery channel many times. i did, however, get a bit nervous when he pulled out his pocket knife. they are crazy!

i have my 2nd therapy session today at noon...pray for me! actually, i'm looking forward to it. i've lost 25 lbs over the last 3 weeks , so i need to eat and work my muscles to stay strong--and i will!

please continue to pray for us...that is why we've had such miraculous recoveries.

may God bless you....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

I’m available for chiropractic work if you need it! We keep you in our thoughts and prayers and please call if you need any assistance.

Anonymous said...

25 pounds, are you kidding me! You can not afford to lose 1 pound let alone 25. Seems that maybe someone should be force feeding you! Just kidding, but seriously you need to give that body some food.

I am sure that "they" are working you hard, (God love 'em!) and at times you wish they would just go away (it is ok to admit that, I am sure they know how you feel by the look in your eyes!), but you are making progress and that is what matters.

Take care and don't waste time shooting eye daggers at the therapist 'cause they just bounce off!

Karen Morefield

Anonymous said...

There can't be anything left of you if you lost 25 lbs. We need to send a "major" care package of Snicker bars and other goodies to fatten you up. Hey, if you need anyone to administer those shots in the stomach, just call. I got really good at giving Len his. I spoke with your dad last night to check on your progress. We're all thinking about you. Hope you're getting plenty of rest. You're gonna need that in the months to come. Just keep improving and making progress. You troopers have strong constitutions and you don't know the word "quit". We continue to keep you and Mary in our prayers. Hang in there girl. We'll think about you this weekend, we're going to Mid-Ohio to see the Super Bike races.
Lots of Love,
Shelly and Len and the whole clan

Anonymous said...

You've lost 25 lbs???? Oh my gosh, girl--can we bring you a sandwich or an ice cream sundae??? Poor girl. That is evidence and proof positive of what your bod has been through with all the trauma and how hard it is working burning calories to heal itself. I guess we will all have to take turns coming over and force feeding you goodies during your recovery! Hee hee...
Good luck with your therapy session today, kiddo. I had one earlier this week for one of my old injuries and look like a leopard from the bruises caused by the "sadistic but effective" physical therapist I have! So I can just imagine how hard your therapy is, girl friend! But hang in there--just keep telling yourself, it's GOOD pain! (yeah, right!)
Have a great weekend--and order a pizza or eat some ice cream or something, will ya??? We can't have you losing another 25 lbs.--we won't be able to see you! :)

Terri (Pike Co. Woman)

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa

Love keeping up with your blog and seeing your progress. You best be eating 10 times a day girl before there is nothing left of you, 25 pounds wow.

Thanks for the update on Mary too, I will have to send her an email.

What a wonderful family you have there for you when you need them that is what family is all about.

Keep up the good spirits girl and best of luck with the up coming therapy.


Anonymous said...

Miss you "big time girl." You must eat like everyone says. We want you to mend as quickly as possible - so "eat up." We think of you and Mary everyday and wish you both well.
Maria had her tonsels out and is on the mend as well. She says "Hi".
Love you,
Bill and Pam Watkins

Anonymous said...

It's time for a trip to the Rice Bowl to fatten you back up!! I'm sure the candy in your office is gone by now, and I haven't even been in there!!! Shoot, you barely weighed 100 pounds before all this, so you don't have much to spare (I know, but you could still kick my butt in a heartbeat). The therapy is going to suck for awhile, but you're just getting back to your fighting shape. Call if you need anything--cookies, candy bars, harassment, a good laugh!!


Anonymous said...


I could give you 25 lbs. and then some if we could figure a way to do it that didn't involve cutting, suctioning, oh well. Hang in there, girl. If you shrink much more, you'll be the incredible shrinking woman and have to buy your clothes in the toddlers' section. Seriously, take care of yourself and eat those extra nourishing, delicious foods that help you gain weight back, milkshakes, smoothies, ice cream sundaes. Just thinking about them makes me gain weight. Love you, Lisa. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Lisa LaRae whatever are we going to do with you girl? Tell Terry to make you a banana spilt cake. A couple of pieces of that should be good for 5 pounds. I am with Cindy on giving you some weight but probably more like 50 or 60 pounds but no cutting involved. Keep hanging in there girl. You are in our prayers.

Jerry and Gail

Anonymous said...

Major, Due to your losing 25lbs. I guess I need to make a trip to Rooster's and bring a big order of hot wings next time I come to visit.
Sorry,I nearly forgot you could never really eat "HOT" wings.
You'll need to let me know what "CANDY" flavored wings you would like.

Your Retired Bud

Anonymous said...


You are an inspiration to all. Your faith is undeniable. I know you will get through this and God has a plan for you.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
I have only passed you occasionally in the hallways of Shipley and Academy while I was attending inservices, so I have never been formally introduced to you, but I want to let you know that people all over the state are thinking of you and Mary. You were always one of the first ones to send a card to someone who has been sick, had a baby, or just have a smile for a fellow Patrol employee passing by, God takes care of people like you. You have a purpose still unfulfilled so hang in there !! You are an inspiration to people throughout the state. I have been checking your webiste everyday and wanted to write to you. Our family is going through a mending of sorts and even though his injuries are quite different than yours are, we are encouraged by reading your blog with your progress everyday. You deserve for a fast recovery and I know it is tedious working with the therapists but your inner strength along with God's will keep you going. Just remember how many people you have pulling for you, even ones you do not know....Take care of yourself and I pray for your speedy recovery.

The Thompsons