Thursday, August 30, 2007

august 29 & 30, 2007 - amazing grace...

top of the evening, friends....

well, i've taken alot of heat for not updating my blog this is for wednesday and today. i had no idea what i write is so

yesterday - trish went and picked up her mom, janet while her daughter stayed with me (everyone thinks i'm fragile and can't stay by myself staff lt. carl roark, my fiscal officer stopped by to see me and gave me a multitude of updates. he was very helpful.

captain kevin teaford and his wife becky stopped by and brought me a gallon of sweet tea. they are so thoughtful!

afterwards, several of us went to dinner at o'charleys, where i ran into trooper davis, from the west jeff post. he and his family were very nice.

today - captain dave dicken stopped by to give me more updates. i'm so thankful to work with him. i've never seen anyone able to multi-task so effortlessly and eloquently! thanks dave!

tom chozdin, our OSP exercise physiologist stopped by and brought some wonderful homemade granola and chocolate cookies. mike hunter - he CAN bake and bakes well!!!!

mary pfeifer and her parents stopped by and we went to eat at....can you guess....the rice bowl! lol if you haven't figured it out, that's one of my favorite places to eat!

kelly & glenna - fish may very well have taken a few parts. is it normal to wear a trenchcoat in the summer??? lol

laura mourne - up to a whopping 102 pounds!!!!! but i am working out every day, and eating well to try and "bulk up." lol what about you? oh, i forgot, i'm not allowed to ask that!!! how fair is that??

debi flowers - good hearing from you girl! it's been a long time. i'm mending every day. as i've said before....God created my leg....He can recreate it! thanks for the prayers. give me a call sometime. i hope your family is well!

becky - sorry the sgts are making you nuts...that happens when the boss is away! hopefully mary will be back soon to get them in

jeff collins - amen, are so right about our Savior. He had my attention He's REALLY got it! lol God is so good, and i know He has other things in store for me...i just need to be quiet and listen. thanks for your uplifting words!

please pray for DX Supervisor dale robirds' dad - he had a grapefruit-sized cancerous tumor removed from his colon this evening. the surgery went well and they think they got it all, however he will probably have to undergo chemo in the near future. please keep the robirds family in your thoughts and prayers.

also, please continue to pray for my skin graft to heal...while it's looking still looks bad. my time is running out on preventing another skin graft. if it doesn't look better by tuesday, the dr. may very well take more skin from my right leg.

as always, i appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and concerns. your notes brighten our days and certainly help with our recovery.

may God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you....

lisa - 1095


Gentle Ben said...

It is amazing that all these cookies, rice bowls, and every other thing to eat have brought you back to 102. It is good that you got your appetite back. It's a wonder you have time to eat with all the well-wishers and friends stopping by. Of course when they bring cookies... Gotta love it!


Anonymous said...

Major, we desperately need to clear something up from your August 24th blog. You stated we all took turns riding the chicken. I did not ride the chicken. I repeat," I did not ride the chicken!" Just for the record, I ride "HOGS". I'm afraid my reputation may have been tarnished.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Major, what's up with Kelley and Glenna Williams asking you to make sure your Harley wasn't missing any parts after I visited? I think you should fire Kelley just for being a slow-learner.
After all the years he and I worked together you think he would know I'd have taken the whole motorcycle.
Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

You looked fantastic this morning my dear, so glad I was able to make it. You really are something else, and give us all so much inspiration. Love you girl, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Wow... sounds like yesterday was a great day for you, girl! All those great visitors, going out to eat, and then a gallon of sweet tea too???? Man! You had it made in the shade yesterday!
Will definitely continue to pray that your skin graft starts healing up better! With all these people on the direct line to God, it should be better in no time!
I hope you have a great holiday weekend, both you and Mary!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Seems that one ship with a load of blue paint crashed into a ship carrying a cargo of red paint. after some investigation the best evidence at this time is that the crew has been marooned.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, Lisa:

We just spent the past four days with Lt.Kathy McKinney with the Florida Highway Patrol at the Summit on State Police and Highway Patrol Recruitment, Hiring and Promotion. She sends her best to you and Mary. She enjoyed her visit to Ohio and carries fond memories of you.

From your blog, it sounds as if you are doing well and healing in all of the right places...except for that darn knee. We pray that it heals enough for the doctor not to do another graft.

A short update on Cory Winfield. He had surgery on Wednesday to repair his pelvis. The doctors were pleased with the way the surgery went and don't think they will need to do another one. He is being slowly taken off of the meds that have him in a coma and he is beginning to move his mouth and head, which is a good sign they say. Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers.

We understand the weather has cooled down a bit in Ohio...Florida is still very hot! Who goes to Florida in August?? LOL We will return on Sunday and hope to get over to visit next week.

Positive thoughts and prayers will be headed your way to help that skin graft heal!

See you soon,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only
God keeps You Going - 709

Anonymous said...

Becky - Find your happy place! I would love to hurry and get back to work, this is not a vacation I would plan, it was only supposed to be a 4 day weekend - lots of time to reflect. Everyday is a day forward. Grace has brought this to us, and faith will bring us through it. Thank you for all of the cards, comments and prayers. - Mary

Anonymous said...

You mentioned "INKY" and wondered who that was...hmmm should we get out the Post 39 "collection book" to recall and share? LOL

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your calls about my dad. He is doing much better than was first thought. You will never know what effect you have on other peoples lives. You are truly an inspiration, and an angel in disguise. There will most definitely be a special place for you in Heaven one day. Even with the things you are going through, you still have time to worry about others. Thank you for being my true friend. I am looking forward to our motorcycle ride in the not to distant future. Take care and I will see you soon. We love you......

Dale and Naomi