Tuesday, August 28, 2007

august 28, 2007 - i can only imagine....

top of the evening, friends....

well, my nurse came for the last time today. she said that because i'm relatively mobile and no longer have a pick line, nor am i on a regime of antibiotics, she said she cannot justify coming back. she did say she really enjoyed her visits and would like to come and visit, but not on a professional level. i think she had fun here. i think i'm like the "hospitality room" of home visits...lol she was a very nice lady.

elzie (AKA - my retired motorcycle buddy) came to visit. he even started my harley for me, as it hadn't been started for a couple of weeks. bless his heart. he said he rode it to cleveland "just to put some miles on it." i'm sure he rode it purely for selfless reasons...lol i felt bad because i fell asleep during his visit. he graciously accepted my apology since i'm on meds. otherwise, he might have just beat me up....lol

major bob booker and one his guys from OIS stopped by on their way back from cincinnati. bob's one of my dearest buddies in the patrol. i cherish his friendship more than you know. his wife, cheryl is doing great after knee surgery...in fact, she went back to work this week, working 1/2 days!

my afternoon consisted of taking chrissy and amy for a long walk (of course, i was in a wheelchair), and a mcdonald's happy meal. how can life get much better than that???

i talked to mary earlier. she was working on a story about our wreck for the local paper. wow...its amazing what's newsworthy these days....! lol

thank you again essie...you are a lifesaver! even while i'm on disability...you continue to take great care of me!

mark fellure - thanks for your kind words....i hope your Christian rock group is still performing....i really enjoyed hearing you guys sing.

kim - thank you for your kind words as well. i appreciate your offer of help. continue to take care of my friend, mary.

kathy...i hope your flight went well. i tried to take care of bill in your absence...lol

otherwise, things are good here...just settling in for the night. i'm trying to leave my leg uncovered to accelerate the healing of the skin graft on my knee. please pray that it will heal enough in the next week so i won't have to do another skin graft. those are like the worst case of road rash! i'd really like to get the bone surgery underway so i can start therapy. the dr's say it will be after the first of the year before i walk. i think i can do much better than that!

mike hunter - thanks for always being faithful to keep in touch on this blog. i appreciate your prayers, as i know mary does. miss you, friend!

steve & sandy belyus.....thanks again for all you're doing to help our case! your friendship and professional expertise are second to none. i love you guys!

may God bless you all....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Good Morning my Friend, sorry I have been absent from the blog, I had a migraine that had me down, whew.
The zoo sounded absolutely wonderful, I am so happy you are getting around, that sure helps the whole mood. You and Mary are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love you, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Major: sounds like you are really coming along well ! that is great news.. I feel that the man upstairs has been listening to all those prayers that everyone is sending out for you. At least your spirits sound great and like I said before ..you finally were able to make the "retired guy" do some work..although I would check to see if all the parts are still on the bike ... LOL.. :)

We want to stop and see you soon as well , just wanted to make sure that you were up for it..

talk to again soon

God bless

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Debi Flowers said...

Lisa: my mother just sent me information about the accident you and Mary were in. I am so sorry that I have not contacted you earlier. I just spent the last hour reading your blog and it is amazing your resilance and recovery. I wish you only the best of everything as you truly deserve nothing less. Gods speed on you recovery.

Debi Flowers

Anonymous said...

Great seeing you yesterday and especially when you raised your leg. A wonderful accomplishment. I thought to myself: "careful, be careful.." Then I realized you had been working up to that point.

You have done so well. What a difference a month makes..and now comes September. Keep it going.

Thanks for your kind words and know you & Mary have a huge fan club.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Maj Lisa & Lt Mary,
We here at the Marietta Post, continue to send our well wishes and prayers of a speedy recovery to you both. Please tell Mary...to hurry up and get back to work cause' these Sgts are starting to get on our nerves...LOL!
Just kidding! Mary Lou told me to say that...hee hee.

Anonymous said...

As always, your spirit and your sense of humor continue to brighten the lives of others. It is wonderful news that your progress is steady and that your faith is unflagging. May you and Mary continue to shine in the promise of His grace and mercy. May His love put wings on your feet to a speedy recovery. Thinking of you both and wishing you a good day with much progress.

Love you lots, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you're moving right along on the road to recovery! Woohoo! Ok, here's a question that I can ONLY ask you... how's the weight gain coming along?

Keep looking upward,
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

The first of the year before you walk? That doctor doesn't know you very well! I predict it will be way before then, girl!
Those skin grafts don't sound like much fun... with everyone still praying for you and for Mary like we are, I think it should heal up just fine. All of us praying, and your furry "kids" laying close by, keeping an eye on you, and you'll be just fine!
I bet the home care nurse DID have fun coming there. I'm sure she is used to working on lots of injured people who are very down and depressed--not someone like you, who is so upbeat! So I'm quite sure she really did enjoy her visits there!
I hope you have another beautiful day (and a beautiful weekend to boot). You and Mary definitely deserve that!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful thing ain't it? Yeah...most everyone knows it, but do we show it? Too dag-on busy to enjoy life! People like us have another chance. It's not about who you are but who we become that is important? Stop changing and your dead! I had alot of time for reflection when I was down in 98'. I couldn't help but ask God, "Why me?" He didn't waste any time with the answer either. "Why not you?" "Son, you have know idea what I see for you in the future, just trust me on this."

I'm left in augh to know that He chose me. I guess it took something that severe to get my attention? Hard-headed! Like a craftsman forging a tool in the fire.

The fire is where God molds us into what He wanted for us to begin with! It's a process you know?

Keep close those seeking that intimate relationship with Christ. We are the salt of the earth, a beacon of light, a story that "I can only imagine..." Take care, J

Anonymous said...

Great news about the nurse discharging you. That just means you are making great progress. I didn't expect anything less! Keep the positive attitude and each day you will improve.
Love and prayers for you, Mary and your caregivers.
Nurse Paula