Monday, August 27, 2007

august 27, 2007 - hear the angels singing...

top of the evening, friends...

what a beautiful day it was today--almost no clouds in the sky!

after my occupational therapist left, i took the opportunity to go to the zoo! i hadn't been there in years...and it was great! it was a nice and inexpensive way to spend the afternoon. i then ate at the rice bowl again - best chinese food in columbus!

happy birthday dianna....i hope no one gave you a hard time about the big, of course, know i wouldn't do that!

dear anonymous...who the heck is "inky????"

sylvia...i KNOW what you mean about not leaving the dogs upstairs! i'm with you, girlfriend! if my dogs are dying in a tornado....i'm dying with

kathy careful on your flight back from california...remember what i told you about the red buttons if things get ugly and you must take control of the are SO right about "where 2 or more are gathered...."

mark thompson...thanks so much for your kind words. you've always been a great friend - i always have appreciated you!

scott rike...thanks for your have been an inspiration to me. i'll email you personally later.

i talked with mary this evening. she is doing well and sends her regards to everyone.

well, even with a little day was very nice...i hope yours was as nice. remember to live every day as though it's your last. every day is a blessing.

may God bless you....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Sounds like all aspects keep improving everyday. It sounds like the "rice bowl" is a place to go. Maybe when I come visit, you can take me there. So what was the latest movie review?

Take Care, Tina

Anonymous said...

Good morning - sounds like the time at he zoo was good for you! I pray that each day brings more strenght for your recovery. Oliver

Anonymous said...

The ZOO? I work here every day. Hee hee hee... sometimes I do expect to see Jack Hanna come walking around!
Sounds like you had a most lovely day! Those are very therapeutic and good for you during your healing process, girl. Make sure you take MANY more! Did you spend any time in the aquarium at the zoo? I hope so--if you didn't, you need to go back. I've always said if I ever hit the lottery big, I would have one room in my house that was just a giant aquarium so people could just come and sit and watch and relax... that would sure be mah-velous.
O.K. Some of us are still waiting for kitty pictures!!!! So get with it, sister!
Poor Dianna! How kind of you to make sure to let everyone know about her birthday! You'd better watch out or she might be bringing over some motorcycle crash movies for you to watch!!!!
I hope today is just as lovely as yesterday for you! And by the way... gee, I have such a tough time believing that anyone who works at the Patrol could go to the Rice Bowl! Does that ever happen??? Hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Gentle Ben said...


Don't worry about missing church. I think a bunch of us went in your stead and reminded the Lord about you and Mary. Neat to hear you went to the zoo (instead of the puzzle palace). Can you imagine what your two companions (4-legged ones) would have done there? What might they thought of the big cats?!


Anonymous said...

Sorry you miss my stories so I will give you a little sample ....

"Seems that authorities were called to a scene where a man was found drowned in a huge bowl of milk with a banana stuck in his ear. After some investigation authorities suspect it was the work of a cereal killer."

Hope this helps your day.

Dan R.

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
I just love reading your daily blog. It has become a daily ritual. Well I am about ready to leave my Uncles house here in Fullerton, CA. You know that my uncle told me that I need to make certain that I leave enough time to get to Burbank. Which is 36 miles, takes apprx. 2 1/2-3 hrs + you take your own life in your hands driving on I-5. You just wouldn't believe it. I will keep in mind what you told me about the red buttons. 91 degrees here right now its 12:46p, but we have a breeze off of the ocean too. Wish you were here, you & I would have a blast. I am so glad that you had a good day yesterday, sounds very relaxing.
Well I am heading out. Bill was waiting at the airport at 6a this morning LOL !!!!
Love ya girl, and see you very soon.

Anonymous said...

Major (Lisa) Taylor, wow, I am so happy you went to the zoo, I have been wanting to go for momths. Which animal is your favorite? Major, mine are the monkeys! Well, thank you for your sweet words and blessings you always give me. I want to do more, Melanie suggested something she knows you like, a secret, I am not telling you. Tell Mary I said hi! Also, you are blessed to have so many friends in your life. Major, did you see the flowers Wendy and her son left you on Sunday (door). I love you and I will see you soon. Essie

Anonymous said...

Don't give up.....look up!!!

Words my pastor used this past Sunday.....I thought of you when he said you have been a great example for us all.

I know you have your "down" times that we don't know about....but I appreciate my daily read of how your life is going, and how you have chosen to respond to your daily "cross" that you bear.

Keep looking up.

Mark A. Fellure

A.K.A. The Drifter

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better each day. I always pray for you to have strength during your recovery. Mary always gives me a daily update as well as reading your blog. As a physical therapist, I know the pain that is encountered during the rehab process but it will get better. Please let me know if there is anything I could do for you. I know you do not know me personally but I would certainly help you in anyway I can. God bless.
~Kim Smith

Anonymous said...

Hey girl hope today was ok since we have not heard from you. Today was a tough day at work, but then I think of you and all of a sudden my is not bad at all. Thanks for making my day easier.
Hi to Mary, hope all is well.


Anonymous said...

Did you sleep through Tuesday?? I was catching up on your blogs because I had a busy weekend and there wasn't an entry for today. You and Mary both amaze me with your high spirits and sense of humor. Take care and God Bless both of you. Kathy Imhoff