Sunday, August 26, 2007

august 26, 2007 - the meek shall inherit the earth....

top of the evening, friends....

i had every intention of going to church today, but it's rather difficult attending the 9am service when you don't wake up until 855am! i pray God understands.

terry came up last night....we had a great time giving dianna (who turns 40 tomorrow!) a few gag gifts for her birthday. it was absolutely hysterical! we were all very sensitive to the fact that she's having a hard time of the big 4-0, as you would guess!

essie - thank you so much for being such a blessing to me today! you certainly didn't have to do what you did, but i sure appreciate it. you are an angel!

had a busy day today...had lunch with the girls, then to wal-mart, where terry proceeded to look at candles for an hour! i didn't know you COULD look at candles for an hour! good Lord, another hour was looking a crocheting needles! i needed a 40 caliber glock just to put me outta my misery! just kidding...i really love my sister.

mary - ran into bernie from work...he said to tell you 'hi.'

had a bit of a rough night with my leg alternating between thumping and going numb, but it seems to be doing much better now. besides...i've got a beagle (amy) curled up beside me, snoring up a storm, keeping me warm. life doesn't get much better than that!

oliver - thanks for your entries...i "get" each one. back at you......

my next appt. is a week from this coming tuesday. please keep praying for us both!

hope all is well with you.....


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

god bless all your friends, family and care takers.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter that you got up at 8:55 you don't have to be in a church to pray and thank God for all he has provided. I know you know "where two or more are gathered in his name." I know that you thank him everyday. Oliver

Anonymous said...

Lori and I were happy to have run into you and see you out and about. We thought that you looked great, you always have a big smile whenever I see you. We hope that each day you gain more and more strength and energy. It is nice to see that you have so many friends and family that are helping you out. Mary I hope that you are getting better and that you are taking it easy for while too! -Bernie

Mark Thompson said...

You have truly inspired me during your recovery. It is unbelievable how upbeat, positive and faithful you have been through it all. We should encourage you yet you are the one that continues to spread good cheer, hope and encouragement. You have an amazing faith and outlook on life. God has blessed you in many ways and I pray that he will continue to heal you and comfort you.

Anonymous said...

Lisa: All of us at MO'ville are continuing to wish you well on your recovery. We were so happy to hear you were wearing your protective gear. Things could have been different if you hadn't.
We look forward to your return to ps. Take care..... "Big MO"

Anonymous said...

I, too, heard the sirens on Saturday, however, I did not go to the basement for two reasons...(1) my basement is creepy...and (2) Zoey and Bexley don't like it down there and I certainly wasn't leaving them alone. I think dog lovers can back me up on this one :)

As always, it's wonderful to hear from you. Your daily blog never fails to put a smile on my face--I can only hope we do the same for you. Take care.

Sylvia M.

Anonymous said...

You keep mentioning your dogs, what about Inky. He misses you too.

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
here I am in sunny Calif. missing my BLOG ENTRIES. My bad !!!!!
You should see the motorcycles out here in Southern Calif. It seems as it is always great riding weather out here, all year.
Heading back to Ohio late tomorrow night. One of the neat things that I did out here was after mass I went to another mass at an assisted living care facility with my uncle. Every Sunday he does this, take food to them, visit and spend time with them. It was very humbling and uplifting for me to experience this with him. The priest was from Zulu, Africa. He was amazing!!
It sounds like you and Mary are progressing well just as I thought and every day is a blessing. Were you able to get your nails taken care of like we spoke about? Your fingertips are almost completely healed up and look great. You looked great last week!!
Well I must go now, its 5:36p California time and my last night here. Can you believe that they have wine out here that is not in a box with a spout, LOL!!!!!!
Love you girl and miss ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that you haven't been forgotten down here below the mason dixon,glad to read your blog entrys every day to see how your doing and it sounds like your doing much better.Take care of yourself.

kevin d9