Friday, August 24, 2007

august 24, 2007 - on wings of eagles...

top of the afternoon, friends!

i slept in a bit longer than normal...i had a hard time waking up today!

just got cleaned up and now i'm waiting on that crazy kathy mccarthy to come over for lunch.

great news......gina herbert from the Governor's Hwy. Safety Office (who was involved in a horrible wreck about 2 weeks before mine) -- gets to go home today from the nursing home! what a blessing! please continue to keep her in your prayers, as her recovery is far from over.

dan richhart - good morning to you too, friend. i really miss your BAD jokes every morning. things just aren't the same!

to "inquiring minds" - the chicken i was riding on the blog photo was in front of a restaurant in NC. we all took turns getting our pics taken on that silly thing. i will say, however, i believe i looked better than sammy on it--just my opinion....

karen morefield - the movie nazi's DID make me watch wild hogs! crash after crash, after crash! lol

gail sexton - split pea soup?????!! no freaking way! also...i think the whole Jesus story about Him coming back on a white horse was possibly a parable. frankly, i think He may come back on a white iron horse - perhaps a harley? what's your thoughts on that?

oh, yeah, i almost forgot.....dianna white turns 40 on monday!!!!!! shhhh....don't let her know i let the cat out of the bag! she's not a bit sensitive about it, either.....

well, my leg is thumping quite a bit this morning, so i think i'll quit for now and take some meds. more later, friends....


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Where is the pic of the cat??

Anonymous said...

Major: you must still be delerious from the meds.. if you are missing Dan's jokes....LOL.. :)
I think they are trying to make you go crazy watching all those movies with motorcylce wrecks !!
Your dogs look like they are pretty happy since you returned.
Try and have agreat weekend eat something on the grill and watch a comedy instead of all those wrecks.... keep smiling :)

God bless

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Hey, girl!
You sound even more chipper than normal today! That sure is wonderful. You continue to amaze me (and everyone else) every day.
How very kind of you to make everyone aware that Dianna is turning 40! So very thoughtful! Hee hee...
By the way, if you don't hear from me this weekend, it is because I'm having trouble with my ancient home computer--I can't get Internet Explorer to come up on it. So if you don't hear from me, I didn't forget you!
I hope you and Mary both have a great weekend and that everything continues to go well in your recovery. And that sure is great news that Gina gets to go home, poor girl. She has a long road ahead to recovery, but being home sure makes a BIG difference!
I also agree with "anonymous" today... where is the picture of "Kitty Taylor"?????? :) Have a great weekend!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

We need to see the cat or there is going to be a revolt!

Anonymous said...

You're awesome. You always cheer me up when I read your blog. I'm not sure that's how it should be, but that is clearly one of your fortunes in life; a great attitude and faith to match. I'm glad that you have meds to manage the pain during your recovery. You deserve peace in your life and within your body. You are a special soul and I feel blessed to know you better via this blog.

Have a great weekend!!

Stephanie Albert

Gentle Ben said...


Always good to hear of progress and all the good banter speaks volumes about recovery. Speaking of blessings, aren't you glad someone invented air conditioning? How fun would movies and other things) be if it was 100 degrees in your home?


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I think I am going to have to blind fold you and Terry and make you try that soup. You would like it if you didn't know what I was giving you. lol

I think that He will come back riding on a big puffy white cloud but it really doesn't matter as long as He comes back and dosen't forget to take me back with him.

Hang in there girl - you are in our prayers.

Gail & Jerry

Anonymous said...

I assume no flood issues in your area, Ohio is such a tiny state I didn't know if your area was feeling the weather. Now, I want you to make up your mind right now, tell yourself, "I will become a football fan." Football season is just around the corner so you might as well pay attetnion and learn the game. I saw "Football for dummies" and thought of you. Not that you are a dummy, maybe just where football is concerned. I would be happy to send it to you. You've got your choice of pro teams to root for, Browns and Bengals; maybe not the best example. But hey! You've got Ohio State, and they were almost number one but they got Gator chomped! Ouch! Keep up your good spirits. You mentioned looking at the new Harleys; boy have they got some funky new designs, or what? Anyway, please send my best to Mary. And my thougths and prayers are with you both. Miami Dolphins #1!! Love ya!