Thursday, August 23, 2007

august 23, 2006 - 2 planks + 4 nails = forgiven

top of the evening, friends....

how the heck are you?

things are good here. i just returned from the dr. who continues to be impressed with my progress. there is a place on my knee, however, where the skin graft did not take. he said he'd see me in a week and a half to determine whether it's healed enough to do the other surgeries, or whether he will have to do a small graft. i'm praying for no graft, as they hurt like crazy!

went to lunch today with my sister, trish, mariah, as well as mary and her mom and dad. we overate at the spaghetti warehouse! dianna, of course, ate everyone's leftovers....and she wonders why she can't lose weight!

kathy mccarthy and melanie schropp are coming over for lunch tomorrow. i made them promise NO SWEETS! i think we're having rice bowl soup!

christy clark came over tonight and we drooled over the new harleys in the latest HD magazine. girls can dream, cant they????! the new "rocker" rocks!

well, i think terry brought over a bunch of movies for the movie nazi's to torment me with. dirty di has already been flaunting the latest release she's going to make me watch. i'm going to be a captive audience for a LONG, LONG time!

congratulations to scott rike who has been healed and is returning to work at the OSP today from disability retirement! miracles do happen and prayers do get answered!

well, enough for now....please continue to pray for the cory winfield family, gina herbert, and a friend of mine's son, ryan, who is going to be deployed for his third trip to the middle east.

God bless....

lisa -1095


K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, good evening, sounds like you had a great day and get ready for the movie nazis tonight !!!! Get your popcorn and settle in and enjoy!!!
I am just now relaxing from the day. Hey that is great news. Considering what all you have been through another triumph !! so what if a little graph didn't take yet, its still deciding whether it likes you or not LOL !!!! It will take dear, a miracle will happen and the doctor will be amazed and say that you don't need another. You just wait and see !!!
Mel and I are really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow so be prepared and brush your teeth and put on your deodorant, geez !!! what do you think you are back at work or what ???? good thing your office is across the hall!!!!
Hey, tell Amy I am getting her a pink collar too. No wonder why she bites you LOL !!!!! ok that made me laugh too. First time today, what a day.
ok, gotta ring off, YOU KNOW HOW I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP !!
Love ya and you had better be ready for the SOUP NAZIS TOMORROW GIRL.
Call me if you can think of any last minute items you need and Mel and I will pick them up on the way.

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Lisa, GIVE IT !! What are you singing on the chicken????????? You know that inquiring minds want to know or is it convenient memory loss? LOL !!!!!!
L8tr, Kath.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed the visit, but Beth filled me in and said you look great and blabbed that you do things you are not suppose to when nobody is looking or is around. Well that does not suprise me, I am just surprised it took you so long. As far as I know the hearing is still a go, so if it does I will see you there. If not my loss. Take care, if you were wondering I am working, and it has been a stress filled, working for my pay, week. Hope to see you soon,

Tina, always your WV Protector

Anonymous said...

"The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will and the other comes from a strong won't." Henry Ward Beecher

Hang in there, Lisa. You know there are bound to be little setbacks, but they just make you stronger. It isn't so much the destination, but the journey. How do we handle the twists and turns in the road, did we take a different route, make a stopover in an unplanned location, stay longer in one safe haven over another? You've logged over a million and a half miles on your motorcycle, so just think of all the places you've seen that most never will. You have a wealth of memories and resources packed in that little body to transport yourself to one of them. Remember it is the journey that gives glory to God. Love you lots, Lisa. :)

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major Taylor.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning My Dear, sounds like you did have a great day, and don't worry, your leg is just taking a little extra time to heal. You truly are amazing. Wanted to let you and everyone know, Gina gets to go home this morning, she is so excited about that and wanted me to share with you.
Love ya sweetie, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Hi Major!

It is good to "hear" the change in your messages........they have always been great to read, but there is more of your bubbly personality in them now!

It seems like your recovery is moving right along. We all will be praying that you won't need another graft, small or otherwise!

Ok, so I have to know, when they made you watch "Wild Hogs" did it make you laugh?

Well, better get back to work. Take care and keep the faith!

karen morefield

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, We all just wanted to say how impressed we are with your amazing recovery. You are such a strong and determined lady. We are all still praying for you and hope for a speedy recovery.

Mansfield P-70

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

Hope you are doing just great. We are going to try and see you really soon. There is hardly a day goes by that I don't think about you or talk to someone that you have touched. Naomi always asked about you and hopes you feel better and are up and at it very soon. Please let me know if you need anything at all. Naomi and I love you....See ya later.....


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, sounds like you are doing better every day. Don't let a slight set back get you down; I am sure some of Terry's split pea soup will make everything all better. lol

Did you know that it was biblical to ride a motorcycle? (The triumph of David)

Take care,

Jerry & Gail

Anonymous said...

Hey, Miss Lisa! I haven't had the time to read your blog for the past few days....I've missed it! I just got myself caught up. But I am thrilled that you have received such great news this week. You are so on your way to complete recovery....I just know it. I am putting a card in the mail for you today. It cracked me up when I found it. I hope no one has sent it to you already. I know it will make you laugh. You have a great week-end and behave yourself. I talked to D. White this morning and she said she is about to reveal some really juicy stuff about you on this blog if you don't quit jabbing her! I said, "Oooooo, bring it on!!!"

Anonymous said...

Hea 109'er5,

It's me again just thinking about you and wanting you to know I miss you and our great conversations. I'm glad you are doing better and will be out on your new "ROCKER" really soon. A woman like you will look really "HOT" on that thing. I hope your dad is doing good, what a wonderful man.......I know he is proud of you, and you are blessed to have him for a dad....Tell him I said hi. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Just in case someone drives up out in front of your house and asks, Naomi and I love you......Talk to you later....


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa-

I have been following your ordeal and recovery. We met at the Colonel's retirement party a few months ago when I was invited to attend by Jeff Grayson, my son. While our meeting and talking was brief, I was impressed by the enthusiasm you seemed to have with your job, the relationship with others, and life in general. With all you have been through, you seem to have kept your spirits high, and have remarkably wonderful support from family and friends. I wish you continuing success in the journey through your recovery process. Keep smiling.

Jerry Grayson
Placitas, NM