Wednesday, August 22, 2007

august 22, 2007 - a peace beyond understanding...

top of the afternoon friends!

i want you folks to know how therapeudic it has been for me to be able to communicate you you via this blog. i really appreciate you taking time out of your day to post your thoughts and to share your faith. it has blessed me more than you will ever know. in fact, when this ordeal is over, i plan to print these blogs and refer to them when i have a "down" day so they can refresh me. i will cherish this collection of notes.

kathy mccarthy - thanks to you and for the great food! also thanks for the comedy relief. your postings often crack me up. you write just like you talk! also thanks for always being faithful to write.

so far today, i've had visits from former trooper raejean riley. she's helping me to decide if i need to "up" my insurance in the event of another catastrophic event (Lord...i hope not!). raejean saw my leg unwrapped for the first time today. she said i looked like the bride of frankenstein! lol i told her i didn't care, as long as my knee and ankle worked.

my occupational therapist came and worked with my hand again. she's pleased with my progress. i think she's only going to come back one more time--maybe next week.

captain dave dicken and jim hansen also stopped by. dave gave me some updates. it was great seeing those guys again.

i talked to rick imhoff today too. he gave me alot of encouragement about my injuries, as he's "been there." thanks rick for lifting me up. may God bless you too.

please keep the winfield family in your prayers. brandy winfield was a marion county deputy killed in the line of duty in the not too distant past. a few nights ago, his brother, a marion city police officer was on his way home from work on his motorcycle and got hit by another drunk driver. officer winfield is in grant hospital with significant head injuries. his family has been through enough trauma. prayer warriors....they need your help!

tom reffey - i hope you are dry and don't have any water damage up there!

well, i'll be going to my plastic surgeon again tomorrow so he can check my progress.

well, i must go and make a few corrections on my finance paper....i'll write more later!


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Major: Hooooww Yoooouuu Dooiiinnn? your notes are sounding better every day ! If you keep this up , it will not be long before tyou are able to show the "Retired Guy" aka "Elzie" what it means to keep moving... LOL !!!
We sure do miss that smile around here and we all wish that you could be back here with us making our day a bit better ! Really want to come and visit if Fish would ever come back and take us.. you know how these retired guys are though.. right ? LOL.. Well hope that all goes well with your dotor appointments.. be good and hope to see you soon !

God bless you

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to hear you are making progress. Every day is a day forward. I'm sure it is a relief to have your paper finished and put on hold for a short while. Take the opportunity to concentrate your energies on recovery. Will continue to keep you in my prayers as always. Glad to hear Christy is wearing a helmet...Oliver

Anonymous said...

Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. Most of us have no problem praising Him when things are going well but many of us fail to do so when things aren’t going so well. He’s God of in the day time and He’s is still God in the night. Keep hanging in there and giving Him all the praise and glory. It is obvious that God isn’t finished with you yet. Girl your attitude is amazing! I can’t wait each day to read your blog and hear the progress you have made. God is Good! My heart goes out to the Winfield family. They are in my prayers.
Jerry and Gail

Anonymous said...

Everyday things sound better and better. You still eating those delicious rice cakes I got you into on my visit? I know you especially loved those chocolate ones and it sounds like you should eat dozens of them to pack on the pounds. Hope your beasts are keeping your spirits up. I know your wonderful friends are. I am sorry I can not be there to harass you in person. Stay faithful to your rehab and your napping; two very important parts of recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...


Kellie and I just heard about your accident last week from Grant Carper. We have been trying to find out some info on your recovery, but havent had much luck until I found this blog this evening. Sounds like you are hanging in there (I wouldnt expect any less of you!) and doing well with your recovery. Let us know where you are, Kellie and I would love to see you. We saw Mark Dennis last week and he said he would like to visit with you also. Please e-mail me at with how we can reach you. You are in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!

Your Freinds,
Chris and Kellie Graves

Anonymous said...

Darling, you thank everyone and everyone thanks you, I know just like me you lift us up everyday from your spirit and faith. You and Mary are always in my thoughts, and also all your guardian angels taking care of you!
God bless to you all,
Tom, Wendy and Alan

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
God bless the Winfield family and my prayers are with them as well. Us prayer warriors are out here for their family as well.
It has been a tough week with weather up north. I had spoken to a post up north and one of our troops almost lost their home in the flooding in Shelby, and one of the dispatchers had over 3 ft of water in their home. Its unbeleivable. There is so much catastrophe and sadness, with the miners out in Utah and the families of those that will never be found again. Is there anything that doesn't surprise us in this world we are living in??
We will be here for you and Mary and your families until you are back to work and healthy again. Of course after that !!! Hey Essie is just waiting for another chic nic, I think she is going to clean all of our clocks again !!! One of those SILENT Gamblers. hmmmmm. ESSIE WE LOVE YOU !!!! and SHE IS A BLAST TO PLAY LRC WITH.
Lets get another game up soon an we will have to make certain that Essie doesn't have dollar bills stuck somewhere LOL.,, we had so much fun that day. We will have many more.
Ok, well I must ring off now Lisa, its way past my time to catch my beauty sleep. NOT !!!!!!!
Love you girl, and let me know what you want me to bring you for lunch Friday.
Rest easy tonight, and I hope the movie nazis are keeping your eyelids open with toothpicks, ooooouuuuuuuucchhhhhhhhhhh.

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Lisa, me again.... I just gotta know.. what were singing on the chicken statue!!! I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I know????? I forgot to ask in my earlier BLOG..

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear your wonderful progress...God does work in mysterious ways.
Just want you to know Ironton is praying for you...

Take care

Trish Scarberry

Anonymous said...

Morning, woman!
Wow! Seems every day you are going better and better (which is just what you and Mary's army of well wisher are always hoping for every day!). Always such a nice way to start out the day, seeing how the biker babes are doing!
By the way, if you need any help typing any of your papers, please let me know! After a little over 20 years, I think I've finally got that typing thing down! Hee hee... seriously, I'd be glad to help you with any of your typing for school, o.k.? So please ask if you need any assistance.
Hope the plastic dr. gives you more good news today (as I'm sure he will).
May you and Mary both have a wonderful, great, awesome, fabulous day! And hang in there and keep going great guns!!!! :)

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hi Major,

So glad to hear that another day means another day of healing. What a journey you've been on the last 41 days. I wonder what the next 41 days will bring?

Just an observation and question, I remember when you were in D9 you used to type in all CAPS. Now that you are a blogger you write in all lowercase letters. Does that mean you are a "techy becky"? Cause we know you ain't no "home echy becky"!

You, Mary and the pups take care : )
Laura Mourne