Monday, August 20, 2007

august 20, 2007 - walk by faith, not by sight...

top of the morning to you, friends...

whew! i just read sgt. scott rike's blog! what an incredible testimony to God's power, greatness, and mercy! God is so good! He can take any situation to and turn it to His glory!

Scott...thank you for sharing! i did know you were ill, and i followed your situation. i'm so thankful you are healed! i look forward to your return. i had no idea i gave you a speeding ticket! i hope i made a positive impression! my time in bucyrus was was one of my favorites. i will pray for your continued healing and growing faith. may God bless you and your family!

yesterday was an energetic day! i had visits from major bob and mildred brooks, tpr. todd donnell (a former 'cub'), lydia wagner, sgt. steve & lori click, my neighbor, pam, and dianna. they brought cookies, candy, and shredded chicken sandwiches! boy, these guys and gals have made a mission of helping me gain weight! everything was wonderful!

today, i will have a visit from my nurse - she will be changing the dressing on my pick line, and will hopefully be finishing my last term paper for school. other than that...nothing scheduled.

trish, di, and terry continue to help me more than i could have ever wished. they are all angels. i could never repay what they've done for me. talk about storing up treasures in heaven!

i continue to gain movement in my toes and even a little in my ankle. i'm not allowed to move my knee yet, but i suspect that will be a bit painful when i can. the dexderity is getting better with my hand, and i have much better finger movement. bottom line leg and left hand are improving each and every day.

mary sends her regards. she continues to heal at her parents, who have been angels for her as well. we both have such a great support system of family and friends!

well....i must get my paper done and turned in this week, so enough for now!

be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...


I know you've been busy, with all your visitors, and the endless movies, and all the snacks, but did you forget you're scheduled for a physical this Friday? I'll assume you're planning on cancelling... What Troopers will do to get out of their physical. Tell Mary I haven't forgotten that she needs to finish her treadmill test, also!

Since everyone is trying to fatten you up, I'll join in the contest. You probably didn't know that I do some baking on the side. I'll bring something nutritious, and something a little more fun.

Tommy C.

Gentle Ben said...


Tell Chozdin that you aren't coming and that you ain't skeered of no physical! Knowing him, he'd try to get you on that treadmill. I'm not sure about his baking, but if you want to know anything about the birds in your backyard, he's your guy! (Hi, Tom.) Your therapy people will probably make him look easy some day. You are improving, and with the nurse to help you with your paper, life is good - at least that's what it sounded like when I read it... Take care, Lisa.


Anonymous said...

Great seeing you today, Lisa.

Nice visit with you and your canine bodyguards. So very good to see you getting stronger. Thankful for our discussions and looking fwd to our next visit.

BTW Chrissy's harmonica song was priceless!

Anonymous said...

Hey, woman!
Just a quick line before I hit the hay (just getting home from job #2 at Cols. State, and I'm kinda tuckered out).
Did I mention how much I love reading this blog every day (hee hee). It is so uplifting--both your comments and the comments that everyone leaves for you to read as well. Simply improves my mood every time I pull up the Lisa blog and read it!
How did those green beans turn out? I bet they were tasty... did you throw some 'taters and onions in there too????? Mmmm mmm... I just might have to get MY crock pot out and fix some of those this weekend, they sounded so good!
Hope you had a great day today, both you and Mary! Yeah, something tells me you are not overly concerned with your OSP physical right at the moment! That will definitely seem like a piece of cake in the future, won't it after going through this?????
Have a great evening!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Will you please leave me your contact information at home? ( Your home address, E-Mail, phone, or whatever to reach you. I'd like to come visit ya soon?

In case you forgot, I work at the academy? That Troop that got hit back in 98'? We share some incredible revelations about life that we just can't keep to ourselves! You are doing just that with this blog! Witnessing is wonderful isn't it? People just don't know how good our God really is? Through trials, tribulation, and tragedy we are reminded how little we are an how great He is. Our suffering is but a glimps of what Christ did for us on calvary. Sometimes I can't help but stare at a crucifix and get lost in God's grace. What more could He have done to prove His love for me?

Anonymous said...

As a fellow "Sinner saved by grace" I too know of our Gods' love and forgivness.

He will carry us through any road we choose, even if we pick a wrong one He is still there waiting for us to come to our senses and realize our great need for His love and friendship.

He can calm the storms in our lives, if we trust and remember to keep in contact with Him.

I rode that crazy Tail of the Dragon, and I LOVED it.

I thought of you and your situation during many of my miles there and back.

Keep looking up and know that many people are still in prayer on your behalf.

Rubber down.....shiny up!!!!

Mark A. Fellure
A.K.A. The Drifter

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie,
Sorry haven't written in days, but you are always on my mind. Great picture of you and your sister!
Love ya,

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
how are you doing today? what no blog?? what is up with that??
With all of your visitors, Im certain that you need to catch up on your rest. So, I heard that Bill was at your house yesterday?? hmmmm, & you were in the shower. Remember what you always told me?? LOL !!!!!
Anyhow, I hope that you are doing ok today and I miss you very much. You are an unbelievable inspiration to us all!!
I hope to see you very soon with more goodies. Im heading out of town in couple of days, so I will catch up with you before then.
Love ya girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Major, Renee and I continue to pray for you, Mary, and your family. Know that your resolve, faith, and upbeat attitude are truly a testimony. I will come by to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Beth is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I wish I could visit also, but duty calls. Hope all is still good today since there is no update from you. If the movie nazis haven't made you watch "Fracture" yet with Anthony Hopkins, it was pretty good, and there were no motorcycles or crashes in the entire movie. Take Care and tell Mary I said hello and keep up the recovery.


Anonymous said...


Just a short note to let you know that Steve & I are always thinking of you and Mary, and keeping you both in our daily prayers. You two are living proof that there is a loving God who heals,restores and loves unconditionally.
We hope to be able to come to the big city sometime soon to visit again, it was so nice to see you and Mary a few weeks ago.
Your blog is so informational and such an inspiration to read, you know that you are truly blessed with so very many people who love you and think the world of you :)
We hope to see you soon, until then, keep up of pace of recovery and remember, we think of you often.

Sandy & Steve Belyus

Anonymous said...

It's amazing, for those of us who know, what the power of prayer can do. I bet you were ready to jump up and down for joy with all the good news from the infectious doctor. That's a lot of little steps in one day. Hooray for you!!! Kathy Imhoff