Thursday, August 2, 2007

august 2, 2007 - by His stripes we are healed

top of the afternoon to you, friends....

well, my first drs appt. went well. the dr. said i was healing better than he expected me to. he changed my dressings and removed some staples from the top of my left thigh. he also removed all the stitches from my left hand and will be starting me on hand therapy. 2 of the 3 drains in my leg were removed too.

while my leg continues to look like a really bad jigsaw puzzle and i like the bride of frankenstein (oh, well that may not be, i really don't care what my leg looks like as long as it works and i can get back to work and riding and the rest of the business of my life! God created my leg and He can recreate it!

it appears i might be scheduled for the orthopaedic part of ths journey in 6-8 weeks, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

i saw mary for the 1st time since the crash today. she looked great, other than the cast and crutches. her spirits are good and she wanted me to thank you all for the thoughts, calls, and cards. she commented about how many great friends we have in the patrol and all over the world.

otherwise...i have a wonderful support system of family, friends, and neighbors who have tended to my every need -- for that i thank you! recovery has been much smoother knowing you folks are praying for mary and me.

i hope to continue to have good news for you and will continue to keep you updated.


lisa - 1095


K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
that is wonderful news!! And if I must say and sound repetitive, YOU ARE AMAZING !!!!! Your angels still and will continue to have you and Mary under their wings taking extra good care of you two, my dear.
I am so happy that you and Mary were able to see each other today, since the crash has happened. You two will always share this bond !!!
I can't begin to even tell you how many times a day that you and Mary are in my thoughts and prayers. (remember I have a prayer extension from the big guy, but my confessional time is limited..I am in big trouble..LOL!!!)
I have been thinking about you two alot today. Its been 3 weeks since, and you and Mary are truly incredible to have come this far.
Lisa rest easy tonight, give your fears and troubles to the big guy above and remember tomorrow is another new day of healing. (mind and soul)
When you get back to work, you will be like the bionic woman and will really be able to kick some _ _ _ _ !! Talk to you in the morning !! Shout out for Friday Lisa!! TGIF..
Love you both !!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your appt. went well. I know that you have the faith to give it up to the good Lord and let him take you through it. I think of you often and wish I was a bit closer so I could see your healing first hand. But distance can never keep prayers away. Keep up your great spirits and I will give you a call over the weekend.
Much love and healing to both you and Mary.
Kathy (FHPLT)

Anonymous said...


What great news! Measure your successes by the little things because they all add up. It is amazing how God creates and re-creates. Remember that there is a season for everything under the heavens, and that God orchestrates it all with infinite love and mercy. Be strong, my dear. You are lifted up in prayer by so many. Continue to allow God's healing grace to be your constant companion. We all love you. Cindy

Gentle Ben said...

Hey, Lisa, we're glad to hear you are getting attention from your friends and doctors. One group heals the body and the other heals the soul. You're still in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. I'm glad to hear also that you remain upbeat.

Mike H

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I was so glad to hear the great news, but I already knew the Lord has His healing hands upon you and Mary. I am sure that you and Mary had a great visit, and you will have many more to come. Just keep on keeping on. By His Grace you are healing much faster than most doctor's cannot understand, but with our Lord, and Savior taking care of the two of you, the healing is fast, and complete.

We are thanking God, and giving Him all the Glory. Let's give a shout and Praise the true and Great Physician. May your Blessings become more. You have been such a good voice as a true believer, and it has touched a lot of people.
Take care. David and Marlene

Anonymous said...

Lots of us are keeping up with you and your progress through this site. Thanks for your updates. The wife and I saw some of your friends from Jackson tonight - said she talked to you on the phone. There are lots of folks out here keeping up with you and supporting you with their thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I couldn't get ahold of you or Mary, you were together gabbing it up and comparing war stories.

Your phone message made me laugh. I knew your were the missionary type, but I never thought I would have you preaching at me about wearing my helmet. Give it a rest old woman, Jules has been preaching enough and I have been wearing it SO far. We will see.

Your voice sounded stronger on the phone and I hope the body is too. I know your spirit is strong.

Love ya

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
Are you and Chrissy still sleeping?? I know that Madagan always tries to keep me from getting out of bed in the mornings. I think that dogs can sleep all day without a problem. Boy do they have the life !!
Ok, how far are we going to walk the dogs today ??? Another beautiful, but hot day out...
Lisa, you are healing faster than anyone I know, and you will continue to progress every single day. All of your prayer warriors are busy out here praying for you and Mary!!!
Love you both, gotta go wake up Capt. probably sleeping at his desk again. LOL !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary: We are so glad that you both are doing better, keep the faith. Remember to get plenty of rest, that helps the healing process. We want you back to work and able to ride again. The lord makes miracles and you are two of them. Keep up the healing process. We look forward to the blog everyday to see the update on the both of you. Take each day one day at a time. Glad things are going well. KEEP THE FAITH AND WE SAY A PRAY EACH DAY FOR YOU.

Roger and Karen B.

Anonymous said...

We will continue to remember you both in prayer and think of you often.

I an headed to The Dragon this weekend and I will have you in my thots as I ride.

Please keep getting better and are an inspiration to us all as to how to deal with life when something bad happens to us.

oh.......and's rubber DOWN...shiny UP!!!!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Previous post by Mark Fellure

A.K.A. "Drifter"

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa!
I bet it felt good to have some of the staples and the drains removed. I'm glad the news was good at the doc's office. Keep your spirits up--God is obviously working to heal you as fast as he can. It sure does seem that (in spite of the crash) everything happened in just the right way to facilitate both your and Mary's survival and quick recovery.
Don't forget either--the reason you have so many people pulling for you, praying for you, and ready to help is because you are such an amazing and special person.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please make sure to take extra good care of yourself and GET ENOUGH REST! Do not be afraid to take the phone off the hook or ask visitors to leave when you need to get your rest--your body has been through so much (and continues to go through so much), it will be craving much rest to enable it to heal. So do NOT be shy about asking folks to let you get your shut eye. They will definitely understand.
It sure does get my day off to a great start to read your good news!

Terri (Pike Co. Woman)

Anonymous said...

Good morning mamme, I'm so glad you have so many that love a lady! Surrounding yourself with love is always good. I just found out about this blog and must say that I am impressed. It's an excellent way to keep open the channel open? I mean this is exactly the vehicle I need to carry-out a project that I'm working on. I'll send you more from home. Who and how did you get this "Blog" created for you?

You know a little about me and my trials? God kept me here for a specific reason...not just for my good looks!
"Tough Enough-2-Pray Minitries" Stay tunned!