Sunday, August 19, 2007

august 19, 2007 - faith is the substance of things hoped for...

top of the morning, friends....

i just wanted to say good morning before i take my shower and start work on my paper.

trish, terry, and my great niece mariah stayed all night with me. we had a very late, but very good chinese dinner from the 'rice bowl' - which i happen to think is the best chinese in the city!

we all tried to watch the movie 'zodiac,' but unfortunately, i don't think any of us saw much of it. i swear, i can't stay awake for movies these days....but at least what i saw did not have a motorcycle crash in it.

bob and mildred brooks are planning to stop by, as is lydia and toby wagner, i think. i really look forward to seeing everyone.

i feel pretty good today, just struggling a bit with a sore spot on the back of my injured foot. i think it's just irritated by the brace. i may have to have the therapists either remake or adjust the brace i have, because it's quite painful right now. i slept with the brace off last night, which meant i had to put the dogs in the basement (which i hate!), but that prevented them from inadvertently jumping on my leg in the middle of the night (which happens routinely!).

i think terry just snapped some fresh green beans and is planning to put them in the crockpot along with a ham hock for me! life don't get much better than that, for a southern girl! thanks drenda for being so thoughtful with fresh veggies!

tom.....i'll try to get a pic of sissy posted on the blog asap!

Friends, God does not give us more than we can handle. while i've questioned that alot lately, i know it's true. i serve a great God who has a far greater plan than i and it will be doled out in His time - not mine. that's what gives me hope.

may God bless you all.....i'll chat with you later.

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lisa,

Been a while since I wrote and even though I read your blog each day to keep up on your progress, I don't always have something to say.

Anyways, as usual you are sounding great and have an army of friends and family spoiling you rotten I see....take everything you can get as it's always nice when someone else is spoiling ya eh?

Not to make light of your situation as I know you still have alot to overcome with more surgeries and therapy but I always like to look at the most positive side of a situation as it helps to deal with the more challenging sides one might have to face. You girl are doing a fantastic job.

Best of luck getting the doctors to adjust your brace so you get some comfort back.

I will be taking off to Africa in two weeks to visit Joan for the month of September. If I can figure out how to download a couple of pictures onto the computer I'll email you a couple of photos. I'll try to make them funny ones for entertainment value.

Take care my friend and talk with you soon.


Deb C said...


I just heard about your accidnet from Butch and Brenda Collins and wanted to drop you a note to see how you are doing.

I'm so happy that you weren't hurt more seriously and am confident that your positive attitude will do much to ensure your speedy recovery.

Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of your New York State Police family. If there is anything that we can do for you, please don't hesititate to ask.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

Major, I think you should get a HOV-AROUND-SCOOTER for entertainment when we come to visit.We could take turns riding it up and down the garage ramp and all around the cul-de-sac. We'd even wear helmets if you insisted.
Now I don't want to complain, but don't you think Trish is a bit mean to her MOM? After all, bringing her to spend the day and then putting her to work. Boy is Trish tuff or what? Next time she wants a ride maybe we should have her wash and wax the motorcycle. Heck, if it needs it she could change the oil too.

Your Retired Bud.

OSHPSgtRike said...

Major Taylor:

I just heard about your tragic accident. I am so sorry for you! About 20 years ago you gave me my first speeding ticket. I am sure you do not remember, however I never forgot. I was 16 and after that all I ever wanted to do was be a State Trooper. It was not a career choice but a life choice!!!

I am not sure if you knew of my illness and hardship that I have went through the last year. I was on my death bed for over a year. I was given 3 to 6 months to live. And during that time my wife miscarried with our first child at six months. I felt like Joeb in the Bible. I was really ready to give up on life. Everything I loved was being robbed from me. My health! My Job! My Family! I always thought it was cliché to reach out to God when death was near. I was soooo wrong! When the team of specialist at the Cleveland Clinic told me the last hope for me was a lung transplant, I prayed and asked for help! I am sitting here today typing to you. I have been giving a second chance at life!!! My doctors cannot explain my recovery. I can it is simple GOD!

I was shaking hands with the Grim Reaper on a daily basis. My wife/my best friend kicked my rear end every day to stay confident and pray to get better. My health has improved so much that I am returning to the Highway Patrol as a Sgt. I can't wait. And even better I just found out last week my wife is expecting. So miracles to happen and I am a gleaming humble example of that.

I could go on forever, in fact I could probably write a book on attitude and healing. However I just wanted to tell you that you will overcome this battle you are fighting! You will be back!!! This obstacle that seems impossible to overcome, you have something others do not have! You have that never give up attitude that is needed to overcome this fork in the road. I will pray for your recovery! If you every need to vent please e-mail me I have been in those trenches and fought out of them! Good Luck and God Bless!!!
Scott C. Rike

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmm... green beens in the crockpot with ham? Sounds good to me! That will definitely be a fine meal!
The reason you have so many wonderful friends and family keeping track of your progress and visiting you, etc. is because you are such a fine person. Definitely a reflection of how much you give to see how much you are loved in return.
I agree with you that God doesn't give you more than you can handle--although it sure is hard to figure out sometimes, isn't it? Just have to continue having the strong faith that has gotten you this far and will see you the rest of the way through. I really look forward to checking the blog every day to see how you are Mary are doing. The day just doesn't feel complete for me (and I know for lots of others) until I check on the biker chicks!
That was such a good idea to have this set up! The wonders of modern technology!
Keep your spirits up and keep smiling ladies!!! Much better days not too far ahead!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am sitting here wiping the tears away after reading what Scott Rike has written. Talk about an inspiration! I read it after leaving my message and just had to leave another one.
His message certainly gives one pause--as does hearing you with your positive messages daily. You, Mary, and Scott are certainly inspirations to us all! May God continue to watch over all of you.

Pike County Woman

Anonymous said...

I too enjoy reading the daily blog because it allows me to feel a part of things even though I am far away. Your upbeat spirit inspires me. I was happy to see a pix of "your girls" sorry to hear they had to bunk in the basement but they will understand. They will love you, no matter what....
I will try and call you this week. I don't like to trouble you because you obviously have a very busy social, rehab life and I know you need to nap. That is the most important thing of all. My best to all. My prayers for you and Mary. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Brooklyn saw your new pics and said to make sure I tell you to be careful and keep getting better so you can ride with us. It was so good to see you Sat., I'll send you the pics soon.
Debbie and Charlie Chapman (& Brooklyn).

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
I missed you Saturday evening, I am certain that you were exhausted from the day and of course those Movie Nazis Trish and Di making you do that paper. (good for them, they need to keep crackin' the whip)LOL !!!!
I just love the new pics, and strangely enough I can see you cackling like a chicken and laughing hysterically on that rooster. Where was that taken at?
Wished you could have seen S/Lt. Roarks office last Friday, was a hoot!!! and he blamed me for being a part of the caper?? what gives with that??? hmmmm??? can you believe that he is younger than us, of course you will always be older than me ? ? LOL !!
It sounds like you are doing incredibly well and I believe that you will be back here at GHQ better than ever !!!
Hey gotta go, 904 is crackin' the whip again. I will talk to you later today.
Love ya girl, and since Bill went to mass with me yesterday you and Mary had double prayers coming from us.

Anonymous said...

I know I already put TWO comments on the blog yesterday, but today I just HAD to put one more down about the lovely photo of you bronc ridin' the chicken! Did you stay on for the full 8 seconds????? Hee hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

Do you know why I don't like to read blogs and comments at work? Because they make me cry - then my eyes get red - my nose runs. But what uplifting people there are. You, Sgt. Rike everyone. When I read your blog my problems seem simple and nothing to worry about. Health is what it's all about. That and faith in God. Then there's Kathy McCarthy she's silly but lovable. Hi Kathy!!

Mary, I'm so glad you have wonderful parents to help and watch over you. You too will be back at work before you know it with the help of your angels and God.

God bless both of you.

Patty (P96)

With the attitude you have you'll be back at work before you know it.