Saturday, August 18, 2007

august 18, 2007 - the devil can not knock you lower than your knees...

top of the afternoon, friends....

well, it has been a very busy morning and afternoon! first tina and chris massey came over to visit. then, charlie and debbie chapman, as well as their grandaughter, brooklyn brought me a great mcdonald's lunch! then, my pastor from jackson - pastor butch, and my friend joycie. don grimwood and drenda kemp also dropped by! christy clark rode her HD over and just had to show me her new flame covered helmet. i'm thrilled that she's now (finally) wearing a helmet !!!
i just have to convince don and ty grimwood to wear theirs!

i posted some pics of chrissy and amy for you guys to see. they have not left my side since i arrived home. what loyalty!

mary told me that she was able to visit her home for a short period, and she was thrilled to be home. she was able to visit her neighbor - lesta. please pray for lesta. she has emphasema and struggles for every breath. mary is now back at her parents.

michelle - i DID receive your cracked me up! thanks so much for thinking of me.

thanks to everyone else for the cards and food! i received a bunch of cards yesterday that just lifted me up more than you know! i also appreciate the prayers too. i don't want to sound repetitive, but i don't want to ever fail to thank you guys. mary's and my recovery has been so good largely because of your thoughts and prayers!

rebecca siekman - thank you for the lovely letter! we've been through alot together and i so appreciate our friendship! your letter was very uplifting. please keep in touch, even though we're about 4,000 miles apart!

its been a good day....but it would have been better if i could have been on one of my motorcycles! i miss riding more than you know....but here's a promise - i will be riding this time next year!

enough for now, friends...must nap, do homework, and work my arms a bit.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Nice pet pics. How about your cat?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
It's one thing to hear about your progress but it was wonderful to actually see for ourselves how far you have come in this journey. We know you will continue through this with flying colors. As God doesn't give us more than we can handle.
We know you will once again enjoy the thrill of riding. "It isn't a matter of "if", it's just a matter of "when"!.

Charlie fixed the tire on my bike when we got home so we got to ride for a while this evening, it was a BEAUTIFUL evening. Of course, Brooklyn enjoyed the ride as well.

We know you have a great support system, to see you through. It was great to meet Trish, fellow Jackson Countians, and other visitors, and to see what a blessing and inspiration they are to you, as you are to the rest of us.
Keep getting well so we can all take a ride together! Of course it must include a stop at a good resturant.
You made your point!!! Unfortunately the hard way.
We will be visiting the shop you told us about for motorcycle gear.
I found it on the web.

Take Care, Rest & Keep up the Good Work!
Love Ya!
Charlie and Debbie Chapman

Anonymous said...

All right! Finally some photos of "the kids!" Somehow that is just how I pictured them just from your talking about them. They are just beautimous! Sure is nice to get that love from them, isn't it? That wonderful, unconditional love.
Sounds like you had a really great day, girl, with all those visitors (and lunch for McD's too)!
How great, Mary, that you got to go home for a little while. Home sure takes on a whole new meaning when you can't be there when you want to! It becomes way more precious. Hang in there, and you'll be there full time soon enough! Don't go home too soon like I did after a surgery--laid down on my waterbed and because of stitches, I couldn't get up! I thought oh great... in two weeks, they'll find me here, shriveled... but I managed to throw and hook the robe onto the doorknob and pull myself up. Undignified? Yes. But did it work? Yes! hee hee...
Hope you both have a lovely, beautiful Sunday and enjoy yourselves.

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hey sunshine,
Hope you're doing well. Am looking forward to coming by and pestering you. I want to thank you for using your injury as an opportunity to share your faith. That is a strength that a lot of others don't have but a bunch of us need.
You are truly a treat!