Thursday, August 16, 2007

august 16, 2007 - i pray the Lord my soul to keep

top of the morning , friends....

wow...what a thunderstorm last night! my dogs hate them! amy was either hiding under my bed or the computer stand. chrissy was trying desperately to get into bed with me...and there's just not room for her graceful self! she was breathing hard and nervous. poor things!

well, i went to the bone dr. yesterday and got some good and bad news. the bad news is that my bone surgery will not be for probably another 6 weeks. another bad news is that i mistakenly thought my lower leg was surgically done. it is not. the dr. informed me that he not only had to replace the 10 inches of bone in my thigh...i have 2 bone graphs to fix (about 1" apiece) in my lower leg. he said they'd use bone marrow from my leg, some donor bone, and some voodoo to fix both

the good news is that he said my leg looks good. they did remove about 10 staples the other dr. missed - so i'm now staple and stitch-free!

today, my plastics dr. appt. is at 1:15....i think he just wants to look at it.

i had several visitors last night! brenda pahl, her son DJ, and chris errington came to talk about old bucyrus times. we had a blast! they brought me a beautiful harley memory book. i'll certainly have no problem filling it!

wendy forbes and connie willbarger also stopped. they treated us to a wonderful dairy queen cake......these ladies are bound and determined to fatten me up! they gave me updates on the OSP and we also had a chance to visit and chew the fat.

christy clark stopped by as well. i gave her some cleaning tips on her harley. she, like captain dicken consistently needs a little guidance in harley maintenance. thank God they have me for direction, otherwise their bikes would look even more deplorable than they already
oh, yeah, christy....nice new helmet.....pretty red flames!

jennifer stabler just stopped by. she continues to taunt me with her huge wad of money she won at the last couple of chicknics. you know, i'd think she'd be more professional than that. frankly, as much as she wins, i think she cheats. i just haven't figured out her scam yet....but i will!

tom reffey...i will try to scan some pics of the pets as soon as i can. thanks for everything you've're a great friend!

trish (aka movie nazi) made me watch "ghostrider" last night. and guess what??? it had MOTORCYCLE WRECKS in it!!!! these guys are trying to kill me!

well, more later, as i have to go to the dr.

God bless you all....i love you.....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Wow! You really will be a true bionic women when this is over. Any chance they can attach a little window so everyone can see all the hardware in your leg?? If so, I'm sure the circus has openings!! You could be a star!!

Still in our prayers,
Keith and Stephanie Albert

Anonymous said...

Lisa! I'm going to have Blake walk over some of his and Conor's movies. They are all motorcycle wreck free (OK well most of them!) Seriously, if you guys ever want a movie to watch just yell - we have a ton! Glad to hear things are going well!

Anonymous said...

Motorcycle wrecks??? Yeah, I'd think that's the last thing you might want to see right now! Like me and car crashes on screen--no thanks! Even just crash sound effects give me the willies!
That is good news from the doctor--I know you were hoping the surgeries would be sooner, but it will come more quickly than you think.
Gee... will you be like Will Smith in I,Robot (where he had been horribly injured in a crash and was part robotic?) A Taylor-bot? Robo-Lisa? Hee hee...
Yes, it would be nice to see photos of your "babies" since we've been hearing about them. If you want to get them something to help them with their fear of thunderstorms (my one cat is terrified of them), go on-line to 1800petmeds. Click on "anxiety" products. I think it is called Homeopet--it's a homeopathic bottle of drops that you give them--it doesn't dope them up, it just helps them to calm down some. I ordered them, and they seem to be helping my kitty. They are for both cats and dogs. They include the dosage instructions too. I got up this morning, and my little kitty girl was petrified. Gave her some drops and held/petted her for a while, and she seemed to get better. If you'll be gone, you can even put drops of it in their water dish too.
Wow... sounds like you had some great visitors, girl! A Harley memory book, a DQ ice cream cake?
Well, you take good care today girl. Hope you have good news from the "plastic dr." too!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Remember where I showed you that they took bone from right below my knee to put in my lower leg where I had a non union? Better to take it from the leg than the hip! Too many problems with long term pain when they take it from the hip. Also, cadaver bone is excellent too. Sounds like your doctors are right on top of things and doing an excellent job! Continue to let the Lord heal you with a little help from the doctors. I will continue to pray for your doctors,that God will give them the knowledge and guidence to continue to give you the best treatment. Love, Kathy Milam

Anonymous said...

I thought you looked fantastic yesterday, you really are an inspiration to us all. It was so good talking to you and seeing your guardian angel Trish, but sounds like she needs some movie guidance.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Wendy and I so enjoyed our visit with you. I am amazed at how wonderful you look and act. You just chatted and laughed like you are totally pain-free. If you're not, you do an excellent job of not letting anyone know. After you commented in your blog about how much weight you'd lost, I was truly expecting you to look really, really skinny. Honey, you look great. And now that you're able to eat more (have some more ice cream cake), you'll fill out your skin in no time!! :)

I just talked to Kathy. We were talking about the fact that you are just one special lady. Not only are you a GOOD person throughout, you have so many GOOD people in your life. Trish is a saint...truly a saint to so selflessly take care of her mom and you. I just came away from your house feeling like I had an aura of goodness around me that came from you! That sounds really hokey, doesn't it??? Oh well, call me hokey then. Even though you are doing fantastic, I will still be praying for you and Mary and the things you need to have happen for a complete recovery. I hope I can come visit you again soon. Oh yes, and please do post pictures of the girls. They are also very special.

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
wow are you chatty one today, I thought your blog was never going to end, geeeezzz LOL !!!!!!!! Yep I know that got a laugh outta you girl :-)
It is truly amazing what they can do today with technology and I am so thrilled that the Dr. said your leg looked good. Did ya tell him how much praying is going on out here for you and Mary? That Dr. had better step up to the plate and make you and Mary like you were before !!!! (well ok, maybe I was stretching that a bit LOL !!!! although you could be a little nicer to me at times, you know how fragile I am LOL!!! I even cracked myself up on that one.
Loud storms last night, heck Bill crawled under the bed with Madagan and Kyte. I had the whole bed to myself, it was great! I wonder if I can get some kind of taped thunderstorm sounds and when I want the whole bed, just play it in the middle of the night. All three of them will go back under the bed. What do you think???, ok maybe Bill won't go for that.
What a day today here at GHQ, wheeww. I walked into your office and just stood there for a bit, (not that I was missing you or anything like that :-( and it looks like you just stepped out for your normal MBWA tour and you were coming back. I REALLY miss you ALONG WITH 4 or 5,000 people here in the state and other countries across the continent!!!!
I think that you will be getting a surprise visitor in the very near future with goodies. who knows ??
Love ya girl and talk/see you very soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Cleaning Tips? Please!!! Are you on drugs? O'h nevermind. I guess you are. :)I had a great visit. It's nice to see the sparkle back in your eyes.

See you soon,

Anonymous said...

Ghost Rider does have a few 31's in it but the story within the story is cool. And who doesnt like Nicholas Cage and Sam Elliot.

Gentle Ben said...


The nice thing about deaf Dalmations is that they are never bothered by thunderstorms, and that's good as you wouldn't want one (or two) in bed with you. Ouch, give me back the covers! If you want motorcycle wrecks I could send you my video from when I was learning to ride. Did you wonder why I stuck with the pedal type? That's also how I keep my girlish figure. Connie says "hi", and the deaf Dalmation says "HEAL!".
Take care.


Anonymous said...

Major Lisa you make me laugh and smile at how you are trooping (excuse the pun!) thru all these trials and tribulations of the aftermath of survival!! You can give anyone an uplifting message just from your blogs!! Keep the faith and so glad you are coming along well too!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa
I have asked my neighbor to send this message to you. my name is Michelle Romans,Baker,Taylor,Hollingsworth & Fryman. I sent you a card that played a message when you opened it.if at all possible could you let Jon my neighbor know if you recieved it.i have tried to get your blog but i am unable to. Jon's
email address is ask jon every day if he checks your blog. he does most days Jon & Dave & I SAY A PRAYER FOR YOU & MARY everyday.with all the friends & family you have caring for you it will be no time untill you are back on that HARLEY.

Anonymous said...

good morning - sounds like you are coming along good, but then I had no doubt. you are a determined woman. want to get back up to see you again. I enjoyed our visit last week. Terri & Trish are taking great care of you. they are both such special people. see you soon. Ginny or just "G"

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

Been checking in on you since the accident threw this blog. Decided to say "Hi" and I'm glad you are doing so much better. I can't be to nice to you or you would think I'm sick. But, you have been in my nightly prayers. Plus now I know I could take you haha Hope to see you soon.

Your Friend,
Robin Lester