Wednesday, August 15, 2007

august 15, 2007 - He is my shepherd...

top of the morning, friends...

well, my stepmom, mary came through her surgery well. thanks for all the prayers! if all goes well, she should be released from middletown regional hospital friday or saturday.

i got up a bit late this morning, so i'm doing my blog and getting the first of my 3 antibiotic drips before i bathe and go to the dr.

i need to send my title to my yamaha roadstar to the insurance company. that is going to kill me! i love that many ways more than my harley. you'll probably laugh, but i BONDED with that machine! lol

colonel butch and s/lt. brenda collins stopped in yesterday and brought me some delicious zucchini bread! who knew brenda could be such a "home-ecky-becky???" the colonel even ate a hamburger and a diet coke with me. i was so hungry i ate 2 plates, but later paid for it. i was eating rolaids all night! but at least i kept it down!

terry was up all afternoon, but later went south to be with dad and mary.

the movie nazi's didn't make me watch any movies last night, but dianna kept me in stitches last night. i really believe she must have been dropped on her head as a small child.

amy (my beagle) sure loves me being home all the time. she never leaves my side! if i'm in the bed....she's right there with me. what loyalty! chrissy is with me too, however, she is about as graceful as a bull, so she can't sleep with me as much. she has a tendency to flop down on my bad leg, which is BAD, very BAD!

thanks again for all the blog entries, calls, cards, and guys lift mary and me up every day! this blog has been such a blessing in keeping in touch with everyone and simply being able to communicate has been so therapeudic for us both.

GROVE CITY NAZARENE GEARS - thanks for the blog entry! you guys are welcome anytime, however, you may want to call first, just to make sure i'm home. the business office has my address, as i don't want to put it out on the blog -- for many reasons. my email is: if you'd like to contact me that way.

may God bless each and every one of you....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Major: you are sounding better each day! Sounds like Mary is doing better also. It also sounds like you are getting really great meals, and plenty of company...
Are they going to repair the bike or just have you get a new one ? Have there been any charges against the "jerk" that did this ? shouldn't he be paying for all of this? well we know how that works anymore.. I love reading the blog as well. Each day your messages pick us all up and let us know that you are doing better.. Keep pushing that leg & arm and get better soon...

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Hey Darlin'
I'm so glad to hear you 'turned the corner'. That's HUGE! You have always appeared optimistic in your blog, but with the serious injuries you have, I'm sure there have been times when you wondered to yourself what your future held. But now, you've obviously been assured by your Maker that you WILL be healed and you WILL ride again and most important to us at GHQ, you WILL return to full duty. Kathy mentioned taking things for granted. I'm sure a lot of us took for granted that you were up there on the 5th floor doing a great job every day....until you're not here and now we all miss you desparately! I'm sure Mary's 'peeps' at Post 84 feel the same way. I'm so glad you are both recovering. You both remain in my prayers. See you tonight!

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, you are getting up later & later everyday!! LOL !!!
You had better not get used to that girl we need you back here at GHQ!!
I am glad to hear that you are eating, plus Amy and Chrissy like it when you eat because they know that you are a sucker for giving them treats. Who would have thought that our great creator put animals on this earth to condition us and teach us such valuable lessons about love, loyalty and affection?? But they certainly do, and they break our hearts when something happens to them. I just hate that!! Last year when I was home for a couple of weeks after surgery (remember that? when you had me on speaker phone with company in your office and I didn't know what I was saying or what day it was??) well Beethoven, my poodle didn't leave my side. I think they know when their human masters aren't feeling well.
Lisa, it seems that there are always lessons to learn in this life and mountains to climb. We can only hope and pray for a couple of smooth, flat roads along the way. You and Mary are certainly showing us all what can be done with our strong faith, love, and friendship and ...oh yeah percocet and vicadin (LOL!!)
Talk to you and see you with some goodies soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Isn't 'dog love' the best love ever?!?!? Even if they do move like tanks!!! We're glad you are recovering well and have the time to cherish your babies.
Keith and Stephanie Albert

Anonymous said...

Hi Major,
So glad your stepmom came through her surgery well. I had total knee replacement in 04' and I know the pain that leads up to the decision to have the surgery. I knew I needed it for years but, unfortunately I went through 3 operations before I met Dr. Fada at Grant who immediately recognized that was what I should have regardless of my age. He is such an awesome surgeon and an angel in white. My surgery was done at Grant also.

I know all to well what it's like to be used to doing anyting and everything for yourself and others, then the rug is pulled out from under you, and it is a challenge to accomplish the smallest of tasks. I hope your stepmom has the same success with her surgery as I had. It has made such a difference. Walking without constant pain is such a relief.
The weeks and months of being on leave and not knowing if I would be able to return to duty were very difficult. You don't go completely through the Academy twice, (1980-109th & 1992-122nd),unless the Highway Patrol is in your blood.
But, thanks to my loved ones and the Great Man above, I knew that God doesn't close one door without opening another. I returned to school and earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from Ohio University, and will soon begin work on my Masters Degree. Teaching young children is such a Wonderful Blessing and responsibility. This is my 3rd year after 2 years teaching 1st grade, I am teaching Kindergarten this year. (Please get well and come visit my classroom). Children need as many positive role models as they can get. Of course, I teach my students (boys and GIRLS)
that they can be anything they want to be with hard work and the proper education.
I can also relate to becoming attached to a motocycle. I recently
sold my KZ1000, I had since 1982. The main motivation for the separation is that Charlie bought us each a new Kawasaki Vulcan 2000.(One in May and one just after we got married, in June of this year). From LaDean and her gang at the Kawasaki shop in Jackson of course!
I didn't realize they made motorcycles that big!!!
We have such a good time riding,and enjoying the open road. We often take one or two of our grandchildren with us. We haven't gotten to take a long trip yet. Although one day we rode 200 miles, through Jackson, Ross, Pike and Scioto Counties. We do try to take at least a short ride each day it doesn't rain. Rainsuits stay nice and dry,especially when they're at home still in the box! (Funny story here!)
Better let you go,so you can get to your next message. Just know we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We also had you and Mary added to the prayer list at our church Sunday. (Hamilton Christian Church). Our e-mail is, would love to chat with you, and stop by for a visit. If you need anything, just say the word.
Love Ya, Girl
Charlie & Debbie Chapman

Anonymous said...

Hi, woman!
Wow... the news from you keeps getting better and better every day, which lifts up those of us who are reading it!
Right after you both were injured, someone here at work asked me if I thought you'd come back to work. I told them I'd bet my paycheck on it!
How nice to have little guardian angel pups to watch over you. I have little guardian kitty angels at my house--will have a puppy in the near future. My little youngest kitty hardly ever lets me out of her sight. Wherever I am in the house, you can bet if you turn around and look; she is there as well. And she is especially vigilant if I'm not feeling well. They both know when I'm not well and stay right there until I'm better again. God love our little animal buddies!
Got a break from the movie Nazis, huh? Hee hee... I don't know which one cracks me up more--movie Nazis or "home-ecky Becky". That was too funny.
Hope the rest of your day is great, girl and your evening even better! You both hang in there and just keep getting stronger and stronger!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Gentle Ben said...

(Spelled your name right this time with my fat fingers) my daughter Natalie just got home from summer job before going off to her last year of college - sends her greetings and hopes for recovery ASAP. My Dalmations send greetings to your dogs and say "Bad dog" to the one lying on your hurt leg. (Gives me shivers to even think about it!) Don't worry about the Yamaha - they'll keep making new ones and will be happy to send you a brochure as a motivational device!
