Saturday, August 11, 2007

august 11, 2007 - for His kingdom to come...our kingdom's gotta go

top of the morning to you, friends...

here i am sitting in bed taking my antibiotic iv, doing a quick bible study and updating my some circles, they call that 'multitasking' oh, yeah, and i've got a cute little beagle (amy) lying beside me. you know...when i die, i want to come back as my dogs, because they have it made!

i just finished my arms workout (because i'm freaking scrawny!!!) -- and it just about kicked my butt! i'm so amazed at how the littlest things just wear me out. trish is going to take me to run some errands after i get my bath. that too is a huge ordeal these days! half my body has to be wrapped in plastic! oh, Lord, i'll be glad when i can get in the shower like a normal person.

anyways...on a more serious cup runneth over! i'm too blessed to be distressed and too annointed to be disappointed. this little bump in the road is satan trying to get me down...but i'm doing everything in my power not to let that happen. keep praying for mary and me to continue our positive thoughts -- it will be imperative for our overall recovery.

i think terry might be coming up today. i think she's wearing herself out. please also keep her in your thoughts. she's the matriarch of our family and thinks she's got to worry about and take care of everyone. i love my sister more than life itself.

enough for now...i must get my butt motivated if i'm to get anything done today.

blessings to you....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Glad I had a chance to speak with you yesterday....did my heart good. I know you said you have a long road ahead of you but you didn't have anything planned anyway, right? I am also glad you are getting so much support from family, friends and co-workers. Remember what I told you; football season is just around the corner, now is your chance to learn about football and pick a team! Keep up the hard work. I am proud of you. I know how "anal" you are about working out so rehab will just be part of your program. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love ya! FHPLT

Gentle Ben said...


Wrapping your body in plastic? Hmmm. No it doesn't sound like fun, but rather a real production. I'm glad to hear that you had a good meal that stayed down. It is no wonder that even little things "kick (your) butt" with a lack of blood sugar and all the fixing that your bod is trying to do to itself. So how long are your fingers going to be when they stop pulling on them? It is no wonder Mary cannot drive a wheelchair with you sitting there doing the front seat driving. She was probably trying not to hurt you and getting advice from close at hand all at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking. Mary, I'm in your corner! Keep getting well, lady, so people can stop pushing you around. Connie says HI.


Debbie C. said...

Hi Lisa,
Charlie and I got your blog info. from 1463. We were without a computer for awhile,and had to buy a new one, so we're just now getting caught back up with email, etc. So glad to hear you are making such good progress. And that you have such a great support system in place, (Your Faith, of course being #1). It's nice to see from your updates that your sense of humor is alive and kicking. I will always remember the comedy you provided at BGS, and yes, I still have the pictures to remind you in case you need them.
I know how small tasks (and visits) can zap your energy, but, when you're up for it, Charlie and I will drive up for a visit. Just let us know. Meanwhile, we'll keep up with your progress thru the blog, and we'll always keep you and Mary in our thoughts and prayers!
Charlie & Debbie Chapman

Anonymous said...


May god continue to keep you in his tender loving care..

Chuck and Royel Jones

Unknown said...

Dear Major: Just wanted you to know that all of us in Layout & Design (whoops, Visual Communications - old habits are hard to break - ha!)are thinking about you. It seems like we all start our day by reading your blog. I am especially touched by your attitude and strength. Many times just thinking about you has stopped me from complaining about the small stuff. You are truly an inspiration. Your progress has been amazing and I'm so glad that you have shared it with all of us.

Anonymous said...


Can't wait for all of us to get together for those breakfast gatherings you made famous. Set the date. We'll be there.

Bob Booker

Lydia said...

We are glad you are doing so well.
Hope to see you soon.

Lydia and Toby