Friday, August 10, 2007

august 10, 2007 - through Him i can do all things...

top of the evening to you, friends.....

i seem to be getting later and later on this blog -- for that i appologize! you'd think i would have lots of time on my hands, but the reality is that i'm busier now than ever! with dr's and therapist appointments, coupled with phone calls, visitors, and stuff, i don't seem to get alot done.

mary finally got to visit again today. we compared casts, scars and i am so thankful she was not hurt worse! i did discover she can't drive a wheelchair worth a it was good visiting with her and her parents for most of the afternoon. she looked really good.

my occupational therapist (nazi) paid me a visit as well. i think after she got done pulling on my fingers, they were about 2 inches longer -- and a bit more painful....but she said it was for my own good....i'm not so sure!

thank you to the albert family for the absolutely wonderful edible arrangement. nothing goes with fruit better than chocolate! God bless you for your thoughtfulness and prayers. also thank you for the heartfelt note on my have no idea how much that meant.

laura, you're an inquisitive lower leg has been reconstructed with multiple rods and screws. my upper leg is missing 10 inches of bone. they will be repairing it in 4-6 weeks with cadaver bones and marrow from my right thigh. my leg was degloved and shattered. it was broken in at least 8 places. can't wait for your next question!

laura paskoooooozzeeeee.....shame on you for not divulging the shift change info prior to the blog. you are in such trouble!

thanks for the prayers for trish's daughter, kaila. she was treated and released from dr's west. good news....they ruled out toxic shock syndrome. bad news...they didn't really figure out what was going on....but she seems fine now. that's such a blessing!

my dad and stepmom came up to check in on me today...they grilled out chicken breasts and we had fresh corn on the cob and tomatoes from his garden. it was wonderful and even better---i kept it down! praise God for that one!

friends....thank you all for being so faithful in communicating with me via this blog. you guys and gals have no idea how much it means for me to be able to stay in touch with the outside world during this difficult time. kathy, connie, terri, laura, cindy, boo, mike, jules, wendy and everyone else who posts (i know i haven't listed everyone...please forgive me) -- you folks give me more hope than you know.

may God bless you and yours....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, gal. Knowing that you can keep food down is a good thing. Before long, you'll start to gain weight again. I'm glad to hear Mary is doing better, too. You both have been through a lot. So many people would have given up and felt sorry for themselves, Lisa. That is what sets you apart. You have your faith to keep you going. You have your friends who love you and admire you. I know you have had so many visitors, so even though I haven't been there in person, I have been in spirit, and through this blog. If you need anything you only need to call. I'll send my info to your e-mail address. Love you and want you back up on your dancing feet again. Cindy

Anonymous said...

You are only as strong as your purpose, therefore let us choose reasons to act that are big, bold, righteous and eternal--Barry Munroe

Take care, thinking of you today.

Anonymous said...

You go girl!! You'll be back at it in no time. Maybe longer fingers will help your typing skills! I still can't bring myself to buy a "real" bike, but I did buy a new bicycle. However, it has those fancy pedals that attach to your shoes, so I may just bust my nugget yet!! I don't think the world is ready for me on a Harley, but my dad is loving his! Must be nice to be retired with money to burn! Keep listening to the doctors and the therapy nazis...see you soon!


Anonymous said...

You would think the Therapy Nazi's would know the thing about "pulling fingers" something about that being dangerous.. LOL Hang in there. It will get better. Through him all things are possible. Love ya...

Anonymous said...

Through Him anyone can do anything! You are so positive about all of His Blessings that are being bestoed upon you and Mary. It is wonderful to read your blog daily, it always lifts me up, but then yesterday I had the Nazi doc's doing a discogram. The first dig brought me right off the table, so they know there is a problem. I was singing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" between heavy breathing.It was absolutley wonderful that a lot of the people joined in with me. Lisa I really needed that. Then one of the anthesiologists gave me 10cc of morphine. David (Dave) thought we were going to be there into the night, because we were there at 4:45am. We made it home by 2:30p, and I naturally had a reaction to the needles in the discs. I was singing "Jesus Loves Me", and some of the nurses were singing with me. That is when I would come to. Anyway your Nazi theropist isn't really that bad. Just remember what Jesus went though. He was nailed to the cross for us. Stick in there! There will be Peace in the Valley, before you know it, and that is for sure.
Love and Prayers continue for you and Mary. Dave and Marlene

Anonymous said...

Hi, woman!
I just read what you wrote to Laura Mourne--I knew your injuries were very severe, but I didn't know that in addition to being so shattered that your leg was also degloved! My God, it is such a miracle that you've been doing so well starting to heal from that--that is a horrific injury. Just more proof that God is definitely looking out for you.
I know everyone else is also very grateful that Mary wasn't more severely injured. I know some days that it's hard to be grateful, Mary, because of the injuries you DID suffer. But the fact that you two are still here is such a miracle, and I know everyone who loves both of you is so very grateful for that.
Thought I'd check in on the blog and see what's going on with the two of you before I hit the hay. Have been up bathing a long-haired cat who is having, shall we put it delicately, intestinal problems? Bathing a dirty, long-haired cat who has absolutely no desire to be bathed is not exactly my idea of a dream job, but oh well! :) Somebody's gotta do it! I think she's in for a serious trimming of the fur tomorrow!
Hang in there, both of you. And don't feel badly when there are days and times that you are blue and discouraged. That is definitely only natural when you are trying to heal from such trauma. Also remember (and I don't know if the surgeons told you) that general anesthesia can cause depression in some people. I found that out, and it took my regular MD to fill me in on that little fact! So it could be brought on by the residual anesthesia left in your body after a surgery. Just something to keep in mind--so if you need to rest, REST and to heck with everything else! If you need to cry, go right ahead and cry! And if you need one of your friends or family so you can get out or have someone to talk to, or just someone to make you laugh, we are all right here and just a call or e-mail away! If you need anything at all, let me know. Whether it's walking the dogs, or bringing food, or whatever. Be glad to.
Just keep opening the card I sent you (hope you got it) and listening to the song it plays when you get to feeling blue!
Hang in there, girls! Much better days ahead in the very near future! So many people care for you both and are pulling for you!

Pike County Woman