Wednesday, August 1, 2007

august 1, 2007 - God is so good!

top of the morning to you, friends!

i'm so sorry i missed yesterdays blog. i was so busy trying to get acclimated back to my house, time got away from me. i actually got to put on a little make-up, do my hair a bit and put on a t-shirt and shorts (rather than these awful backless hospital gowns). its amazing how much we take those little pleasures for granted. i also got to walk my dogs with alot of help from trish and christy (of course i was in a wheelchair).

mary is doing better. she still has a cast on her leg, but she has a dr's appt tomorrow to see how shes doing. hopefully i will get to see my buddy after her appt. please keep my friend in your prayers!

i also have an appt. tomorrow with my plastics/skin dr. to see how my grafts are progressing. i'm hopeful i may be able to get the 3 drains out then, but we'll see.

my dogs were so happy to see me, chrissy actually had to be restrained--she was so excited. amy simply howled non-stop like the hound (and beagle-butt) she is (lol).

i again want to thank everyone for everything. i especially want to thank my sister, terry, my dad, dianna white, trish mcgarvey and the teaford family. they have tended to me, my house, my pets, and my yard during this awful time. i can never thank you enough.

please keep me in your prayers as well...i'm not out of the woods yet. i have good and bad days, so i'm praying for patience, understanding, and grace.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

We have every faith in you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Mary and your familes. Stay strong!!!!

Steve & Lori

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary:
You will definitely have good and bad days--do NOT let the bad days get you down (or get down on yourself when you have them). It is a natural part of the healing process, and it happens to everyone who has been through trauma like you both have.
As I've said previously, I've never had injuries to match YOURS before; but I've been through several surgeries/injuries with long healing processes, and you have to be good to yourself and be patient--exult in each little victory that comes during the healing process. And if you need to cry sometimes or be grouchy sometimes, then just go ahead! You are entitled to be, and it helps to release all those emotions and get them out.
I am so glad you are home--bet your "critters" were beside themselves when they got to see you. And you will definitely heal up much more quickly now that you are home!
If either of you needs anything at all, all you need to do is call, o.k.? Hang in there and take good care of yourselves!!!! Everyone is with you both and praying very hard for your quick and complete recovery!

Terri (Pike Co. Woman)

Anonymous said...

Miss Lisa,
Continuing to pray for you & Mary. I'm so glad you're home. I will be coming to visit you when I get rid of the sinus infection I am afflicted with. BUT I'm not complaining. I know things could be a lot worse. It's your inspiration that keeps the rest of us from boo-hooing about silly little things. We just remind ourselves of all our blessings, which include the healing of you & Mary. Take one day at a time and follow the doc's orders. You'll be back out among 'em real soon!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lisa:

Home is a wonderful place. We are sure all of your pets were ecstatic with your return, as you were to return to them. Your story should be a lesson to us all. You never know what tomorrow may bring, so live each day to the fullest. We should also learn that no matter how big the task ahead, with the love and support from friends and family you can overcome any obstacle.

You and Mary remain in our prayers. Positive thoughts are being sent your way!

Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Major: sounds like everything is starting to turn around. Just being home always helps. Just take it slow, do not over do it, let those loved ones help you out.And spend some time with your kids...Keep smiling and if you need anything let us know...
Miss your smile, and your words of wisdom..

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Dear Major & LT.,
I am glad to see that you are on your way to recovery and I know "HOME" has to feel much better to you. Well keep up the great job and you both are in my prayers so keep the faith GOD is great and when that mean nasty Satan keeps knocking at you door just step aside and ask God to answer it for you....
God Bless you all!!!!
Michelle Cottrill

Anonymous said...


You had some of us wondering what happened yesterday...reading your blog signifies the start of my day!

I was thrilled to hear that you were back home. There is peace of mind sleeping in your own bed...watching your own TV...and just being back in familiar surroundings. Best part of get to see your babies!! I wonder who had a bigger smile on their, Christi or Amy!

--Sylvia M.

Anonymous said...

Lisa & Mary: I wish I had known that I could send mail to Mary sooner, and she would know that David (Dave), and I are keeping the two of you in our thoughts and prayers. YES. God is Great! You also need to remember that it takes little effort to overdo. Both of you! Listen to the doc, and pay attention. I am having trouble everyday with David, because he overdoes every day, and then is dead by 1P. I just know that the two of you will be healed to the fullest, and get back to work. Love and Prayers to both of you. Be Patient, as you have said, God has a plan. We don't like it sometimes, but the plan has been set into motion.
Dave and Marlene Noell

Anonymous said...

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered,
and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."
--- Orison Swett Marden

You are truly a "success"!!

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major, well don't let that happen again (skipping the BLOG entry ... GEEZZZ LOL...!!! we need our daily dose of our girl and communication from you on how you are doing.
I can see your babies going crazy to see you, what a wonderful feeling !!! They dearly love you too, like so many of us do.
So you didn't like that drab blue hospital gown hhhmmmmm- and Im sure it felt great to get your own clothes and walk your babies. You told me that you couldn't wait to do that when you got home.
You and Mary have been in our prayers and will continue to be for healing, both mind and soul.
The Big Guy gave me a renewal on my prayer subscription for another year. Although he did mention that the I am limited now on my time in the confessional. Well that is ok, because since I am ALWAYS on my best behavior LOL, that I would be ok...Lisa, quit laughing I can hear you all the way to the Shipley !!! Im fragile. REMEMBER??
We will all be pushing you to accept our help too, so be prepared and LIKE IT!!
Love ya !!!!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well I was unable to start my day yesterday. I knew you would be busy and probably exhausted. It was like the day was incomplete not hearing how your day was going and reading about all your progress. Missed you, keep your head up, the real healing has now started since you are home.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like being in your own crib right? That is awesome news! Many prayers have been answered and continue to be answered. Keep to the doctors orders and keep that smile on your face. As always we will keep you and Mary in our prayers for healing. Sending you a smile :-)
Tom & Brigette

Anonymous said...


So glad to hear that you were sent home. That means you are progressing! Here's hoping that all of the future doctor appt.s will go well. A whole lot of prayers are still with you and Mary so I have confidence that your patience will be overflowing.
(When) you get frustrated, just close your eyes, breath deeply and thank God that you are able to do so.
Take care~
B. Elkins

Anonymous said...


I've led a fairly trauma-free life, and have often wondered how I would handle a situation like yours. I hope I would react like Job; after Satan's first assault, Job's response was "the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." After the second attack, when even his wife told him to curse God, Job answered "shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" Your positive attitude and faith have been inspirational, and will aid in your recovery. The road to your recovery will be long and probably bumpy---remember Job.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Just remember you are going to have good days and bad days. I learned to look at those as "peaks and valleys" with Len's recovery. We continue to pray for you and Mary. You have a long road ahead, but with your faith and strong constitution you'll be fine. Those dogs and all your friends will do wonders for your spirits. Just keep the faith.
Our love to you,
Shelly and Len

Anonymous said...

Major, so glad to hear you are home where you belong! Your critters will help you heal faster. I have been kept in the loop thanks to the Toledo Troops ref. your terrible day. Hard to get info in Cape Coral, FL ya know. You and Mary have been in my prayers from the beginning, from one biker to another. You have many challenging days ahead of you but I have faith that you will push right through.With all the support I see from this site everyday there's no doubt that you have touched many lives and now they are giving back to you. Keep you chin up and once again....Prayers from the Cape Coral Police Dept.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are home girl. Keep a smile on your face and the Sprit of the Lord in your heart and each day will be much brighter. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Jerry and Gail

Gentle Ben said...


I just figured you were busy. I see that you were. Glad to hear you are home.

Mike & Connie

PS - Hi to Mary and she should listen carefully to her doctor as well! MJH

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
This is my morning shout out to ya girl!!! RU up yet, time for to get your hot tea and look outside at that beautiful sunrise. Another new day sweetie !!!
Hey I thought of something, how about we attach Amy and Chrissy's leashes to the wheelchair that way you have together time outside, they get their walk and its all good !!! LOL !!! ... did ya laugh?? ok thats good. You won't be in that wheelchair much longer soon you will be walking with them on your own.
I'll await your daily update, just don't do it a day late again or your fired !!!
Remember its ok to experience emotion, you are under angels wings and we are here with you too!!
I will be down very soon, you'll get tired of me Im sure.
Love ya !!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary,

It has been so hectic with family in town. I'll will try to talk to you both today. I have been thinking about you, but somehow I didn't think either one of you needed a call in the middle of the night when I was on my lunch break...wait a minute...I didn't get a lunch break last night!

My squad caught three robbers last night. Of course you traffic cops wouldn't know anything about REAL police work like that. LOL

Your in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...