Monday, November 5, 2007

november 5, 2007 - if God is for us, then who can be against us? (romans 8:31)

top of the morning, friends....

well, another weekend is behind us and the time change has happened once again. i really have a hard time adjusting to the fact it is totally dark by 6pm. sometimes i'm in bed by 8pm because it has such a huge psychological effect on me. but, come spring, we'll do it all again!

i'm really getting psyched up for my upcoming surgery. i can't wait to get this hospital bed out of my living room and get my house and life back in order! my family and friends have been nothing less than outstanding through all of this. i'd like to give them their life back too. i want to return to work more than you know!

congratulations to my niece, erin, who won "most photogenic" at the "americas role model" pagent in worthington, ohio. her 4-year old daughter, jillian won her category overall last year and she had to turn over her crown to the winner this year. they are both absolutely beautiful! not that i'm biased or

colonel jack walsh called me again to see how i'm getting along. he and his wife, huey are now in their winter retreat in florida. i really appreciate his thoughtfulness. he was the first colonel that i served under. what a gentleman!

i just received a call from a friend who's been kind enough to monitor my case in WV during the multitude of pretrials. a new prosecutor has been assigned our case. she informed me that the individual who hit mary and me is willing to plead guilty, providing he serve no jail time. while this is a joint decision that i need to discuss with mary, i already know my thoughts on the matter. of course, that's not a topic for the blog.

elzie f. - thanks for the call the other day. i'm sorry i missed you, friend.

tina p. - thank you so much for your friendship and your professional assistance. who knew when we met a few years ago what was in store today? i appreciate your help!

brian b. - let me get through my next surgery, then watch out! you're the one going down! may 1 is fine, but you'll be the one wearing an SMV sign. my arms are HUGE! i've been bench pressing toyotas in preparation for our match. the shop vac will be there to suck up what's left of your dignity!

wendy f. - i'm sorry i didn't get to hook up with you guys last night....i ended up having company. can i please take a raincheck? i'd love to meet you guys on another night.

heather d. - thanks for the call....i'm sorry i missed it. i appreciate you thinking of me too. we'll get together soon.

kathy mccarthy - i cracked up when you said that 904 and 1434 dressed up as law enforcement officers for halloween!

karen morefield - thank you so much for YOUR encouragement! God doesn't call the equipped - He equips the called! i sure miss seeing your smiling face.

be blessed....until next time......

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

I think his jail time would be a good topic for the blog. Don't let him get away with what he's done to you and Mary. This drunk belongs in jail before he hurts or kills someone else. He's devestated the lives of two wonderful people. Use your position with the Division to get the message out that we're tired of irresponsible drunks getting away with their crimes. We're tired of seeing innocent peoples lives ruined and the drunk plea bargaining to avoid jail. He can't hurt anyone if he's locked up. It's not vengeance, it's protecting your fellow human beings.

Anonymous said...

Hi Major Lisa Taylor
This is your ex step mom Michele's
neighbor just wanting to let you know that she asks me every day if i have heard anything on your blog about your progress.i keep her informed or she comes over and she reads what you have to say about your upcoming surgerys.she was horrified when she saw the pictures of your leg.tell your dad Ross and Mary that that Pat & Jon Haney said hello.we have known them for a long seems to us that if anyone can come thru this ordeal it is you with your strong spirit & faith in OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
best wishes from Michele,PAT & JON

Anonymous said...

Jail time for running over motorcyclists? I'm sure he didn't even see a motorcycle, nor the people riding it. Shoot,how could it have been his fault?
Doesn't this always seem the case when a biker gets creamed by a car.I read about stuff like this in the American Motorcyclist Magazine. Hey, he needs put away for a spell! At least the highways would be a little safer for everyone else.

Your Retired Bud.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, how the heck are you doing? That idiot that hit you and Mary needs to pay BIG financially and emotionally, and his butt in jail for a time (a long time, long enough for him to have friends that are glad he is there -- if you know what I mean)!!!!!! I know that you can't get blood from a turnip, but he really needs to suffer. Sorry, I know I should not be hating, but WHATEVER.. I am going to anyway.
ok, I am calming down now...
Back to the great news your upcoming surgery, its a goal now and I'll bet that you will be putting weight on it before the end of this year. We all know how you are and with our prayers and help you and Mary will be back to us very soon !!!
I love you girl, and congrats on your niece accomplishments.
We are all praying very hard for your upcoming surgery, I know you are in excellent care.
Love and miss you girl !!

Anonymous said...

absolutely you have a rain check my dear. I am like everyone else, that jerk needs some jail time! I know you are counting down my dear for your surgery, you and Mary are true miracles!
Love ya both, Wendy

Anonymous said...

First let me say I am so excited for you that your surgery is finally scheduled; and in the near future, you will be able to get your life back to normal. That is such wonderful news.
Second--I think I have to agree with the consensus of opinion on the guy who hit you and Mary. If he gets off with a slap on the wrist, he will most definitely continue on and either hurt or kill someone else! This guy needs some SERIOUS jail time for turning you and Mary's lives, and the lives of all of us who care about you both, upside down. Even when you are both smiling in photos, it is VERY easy to see the pain that has been suffered mirrored in those eyes... it is etched there for all to see; and after being the cause of all that, that guy needs to be put away for a long time. If it doesn't make him change his ways, at least he will be unable to hurt others while he is incarcerated. Off with no jail time? This butthead has some nerve. He needs to be reading this blog every single day to see all the havoc that he wreaked upon you two, your families, and all your friends. The utter gall that this guy has to ask for no jail time is just beyond me. If he had not been under the influence, it was foggy or something, and it had been just a total accident, would be a different story. But he willingly climbed behind the wheel of his "killing machine" being that out of it and almost killed two wonderful women. No jail time... what nerve!!!!!!!!! I think the prosecutor ought to pick up the biggest law book he can find and chunk the guy over the head with it! Do I sound bitter??? Yeah, probably... but I think it is more just outrage over his blatant disregard for what he has done, which is obvious by his asking for no jail time. Too bad he can't physically experience some of what you both have had to go through. Then he might think differently. Geesh!
O.K. Enough raving!!!!!! Keep looking forward to that surgery, woman. I'm so happy it is scheduled at last!!!

Hope you both have a great day!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Whether you know it or not, Maj. Taylor, you've been in my thoughts ever since I heard about your WV get-off. A certain Captain of our mutual acquaintance told me this morning of your blog, and I'm glad (but not at all surprised) to see that your spirits are intact (to say the least). Hang in there, girl, and let's go riding soon!

Anonymous said...

Pain is one of the most effective motivators, and if this gentleman (using the word loosely) gets what he is asking for he will endure no discomfort and will not be encouraged to change. Considering his request, it is clear that this experience, thus far, has not led him to change on his own. So the only way to give him a nudge in the right direction is to have him experience something painful. Which appears to be jail time according to his request. A change in his lifestyle and behavior would be a blessing for him, his family and the innocent people that he puts in harms way. This is way too serious of an issue for him to disregard.

I'm sure whoever is defending him has him convinced that he can get through this unscaved, as many have, however the majority of drunk drivers that kill are repeat offenders. So what is fair, just and Godly doesn't seem to line up with plea deals. It's awful that this situation even qualifies for a plea.

I will pray for this man to have a change of heart, accept his due penalty and not fight for a plea. You don't deserve one more ounce of worry over this idiot.

I'll be praying for all the best in your life, God speed recovery after the surgery and I hope to see you at church soon!! The new 'joy' theme really is uplifting!!

Stephanie Albert

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
hey wake the heck up already. You had better not get used to sleeping in :-) What do you think you are back here at GHQ or what?? LOL !!!!
ok, happy Wednesday. And who thought of the bright idea of naming it hump day anyway?? couldn't they have thought of something more creative like -I can't believe I made it this far "day" or Is it over with yet "day", What was I thinking "day" or better yet "Who decided that we were going to have 5 day work week "day". !!! LOL !!!
Ok, gotta go and see if 1434 made it back today to decide to work for a change.
Love you and Mary and hae you both in my prayers.

Anonymous said...


Best wishes for the upcoming surgery, I shall keep you in my nightly prayers.

As for the drunk..a four letter word is needed here: J-A-I-L !

Larry B

Anonymous said...

Hey there lady!!! Mowing grass?? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!! You are just crazy, I tell ya! Miss you terrible, and hope you are doing ok. You seem to be keeping yourself busy. Hell you do more in a day then I do in a week! .....hee hee. Was up at GHQ yesterday for Training. Made my rounds and visited some friends but it just isn't the same without you to bug!! Sounds like you are psyched for you next surgery. I'm glad......... get in there and "GET 'ER DONE"..........sorry, had to say it. :-0
Well dear, be good and be careful.
Talk to you soon :-)
Love and miss ya!!

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

Hope you are doing just fine. In just a short time now the surgery will be over and you will be up and about, just like before. As far as the guy who hit you, here is my thought. He is like the guy who hit Naomi and me. He suffered no loss of any kind, including physically or monetarily. I don't care as much about the money part as I do the physical part. Naomi is still having problems from our crash, and that was 2003. If someone hurts me I can handle that, but when they hurt someone I care about, like you and Naomi, it ticks me off. I am sick about what you have had to go through because of some bottom dwelling, scum sucking, self centered, illiterate, self serving, Red Neck deviate, with no respect for law and order. I have one suggestion for that guy, and any court system that would allow his plea. I feel his fair punishment would be six weeks in the Electric Chair, and I will personally throw the switch. I would then feel he should not have to serve any jail time......Sorry for my off the wall comments......He hurt someone I really care about.....Naomi says hello. We love you very much....

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Dale's comments for certain!!!! Also maybe if that guy had to actually be HIT by a car, go through ALL the pain and agony that you and Mary have had to (and continue to) endure, AND then PAY for both your and Mary's medical bills, AND maybe actually voice some remorse for all the pain and anguish he has caused to both of you and ALL the MANY who love and care for you both--then and ONLY THEN might I think he shouldn't serve any jail time! People like that idiot just go through life, causing consequences for everyone else around them, and think they don't deserve any punishment. Let that horse's butt come and stay with you and Mary each for a week or so and see how much fun both of YOU are having! Hell YEAH he deserves jail time and more...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

using a position with in the division would not be a wise move. If someone was going to do that for this crash, why not for every other OVI crash?? We can not pick and choose such battles. We have to mantain and perserver each drunken driver the same way. To get them off the road. Not just one but them all.

Anonymous said...

Too many emotions our playing into your comments about the drunken driver. Emotional justice is not even and fair justice.