Thursday, November 29, 2007

november 29, 2007 - i will lift my eyes to the hills....

top of the morning, friends.....

i hope you had an opportunity to enjoy yesterday's beautiful weather! i worked in the yard all afternoon. a friend and i mowed, trimmed, and planted a new mum. i couldn't believe that i was mowing - probably for the last time of the season - on november 28, 2007! of course, all my work was done on my tractor, as i'm still non-weight bearing. my yard is just as green as can be! while i was out mowing, a trooper from the statehouse stopped by to visit. i was shocked that he even recognized me, all bundled up. it was very nice of him. after mowing, i built a fire in my portable fireplace and had lunch there.

i have a dr's appointment today with my plastic surgeon. i hope he takes the stitches out of my hand from the last surgery, and allows me to bear weight on that hand.

my next appointment with my bone dr doesn't happen until next week. i can't wait. i hope he removes the staples and stitches so i can actually get that leg into the shower again!

unfortunately, my stepmom, mary fell yesterday and broke her left hip. it was the same leg that she just recently had a knee replacement on. she's having surgery today at 10:30am, where the dr. will put in a plate and screws. please keep her in your prayers.....she's been through alot lately - and so has my dad. i'm sure he's had his belly full of hospital visits between mary and me!

i talked with retired major fred goldstein this week. he's finally back to work after his knee replacement and seems to be doing well.

please keep patrol historian michele vaughan in your thoughts and prayers as well. she and her daughter lost everything to a fire recently. they need EVERYTHING! if you'd like to donate, please contact connie willbarger, OSP operations 614-466-2300.

laura mourne - thanks so much for the postcard from the biltmore! that area is definitely one of my favorite places in the world!

kathy mckinniss - good hearing from you! i know exactly the song you're talking about! i like it too. sometimes songs can really say what we're feeling, can't they? i'm looking forward to watching the "closer" marathon too!

quote for the day:

"We need to understand that thoughts are tools.
Are we using them as productively as we can?
Are our thoughts serving us well, or are we their victims?
It's up to us."

Dr. Tom Morris

i hope you have a blessed day....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Well Major, in your blog from the 21st you said you've now had 11 transfusions with the surguries and after the latest go round you again can't stand without assistance. I think I kinda know how you feel. Usually upon consuming a 12 pack of Bud Light I also need assistance standing. And by the way, I was the only one who voted against you and Chrissy becoming members of Capital City M/C. Thats just what we needed, two more "BAD A$$*$".
Real glad you're doing so well.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Keep your spirits up. Things are moving ahead. I hope the pain is more tolerable than it was the first few days, but the greater goal is to be back on your feet in the very near future. We want you well and whole again. How is the change in diet doing for you now? Is it still working out for you?
Good luck with your appts. Love you, gal. (That was good news about Mary.) Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

It is just absolutely wonderful to hear you are doing well. Naomi and I never once thought any different. We knew with your strength, faith in God, and wonderful spirit, that you would be just fine. I was really sorry to hear about Mary. Your dad is truly a man who will have a front seat in Heaven one day. He is a wonderful man, and a person you want to be just like. He is a good one, and a keeper for you i'm sure. Tell him I said hello. I hope to see you soon. Please let me know if you need anything at all. We love you...

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...

It's Friday evening, and I just got home from my weekly appointment with my Nazi therapist... helps a lot but very painful! So I know what you're talking about with them--but they sure know what they are talking about. I just wish mine wouldn't giggle so much when he's hurting me! :)
Hang in there, kiddo... your body is still exhausted and wiped out from all the procedures you had done... and having to have those transfusions is no small thing either. I know how eager you must be to walk again, girl, but give that little battered (but mighty) body time to rest and get some strength back. It will happen--I know it's hard to be patient... but it will happen. You're doing really great--way better than most folks in your position would be, so just give it time--like they say, all in God's time. He's taking you there--maybe not at the pace you want, but he knows what's best for our gal...
Glad you found out about the gluten thing. That can really make a big difference for sure in how your body feels. I have a sensitivity to it as well... when I slip and eat something with it, I can definitely tell the difference in the way I feel!
I hope you and Mary both have a wonderful weekend. Here in little old Pataskala, there is a Christmas parade and fireworks in the park on Saturday night... Laura told me about it, and it sounds pretty cool. I think I'll definitely be checking it out.
Have a great weekend, girls! We're all thinking of you and still, like always, wishing you the very best!

Pike Co. Woman

Gentle Ben said...

Hey, Lisa, I see you are still hanging in there and photos show that the doctors have been practicing their sewing skills on your flesh - among other things. Here's hoping that they are about done with that part. With all your transfusions Connie and I sent a couple pints around your surgery day to replace some you have been using. Use what you need - we'll make more. Hi to Mary too.


Anonymous said...

Hey Major, you reckon that "GLUTEN THING" your suffering from resulted from eating at that fancy restaurant you chose for all of us to have lunch at in the Smoky Mountains this past June? As I recall things did get a tad weird shortly after eating there.I mean some of you washed and cooled your feet in the town fountain(killing some of the goldfish)and then the next day rode that darn chicken. Proofs in the pictures. I suspect my system was protected from the alcohol in the Budweiser.

Your Retired Bud

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I watched both of those videos you recommended the other day on your blog (the ones on utube). Oh my gosh... they were both totally incredible!!!!!!!!! Thanks for letting us know about them. They were so wonderful!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chocolates.

Dan R.