Sunday, November 25, 2007

november 25, 2007 - better is one day in Your house than a thousand elsewhere....

top of the evening, friends.... we are at the end of another weekend....i don't know where time goes!
the above picture was taken on halloween night - obviously before my last surgery. we had just passed out the last of the candy and eaten the last bowl of chili spaghetti that my sister so graciously made.

on thanksgiving, i wasn't feeling up to traveling to my sisters for dinner, so my friends and i had a roasted chicken and a multitude of vegetables. no bread, noodles, or mac & cheese due to my new gluten-free diet - thanks to finding out i am highly allergic to wheat, rye, barley and oats. it's rough, but i'm adjusting. i guess i've had this condition (celiac's disease) long before my crash, but after the crash, it was highly accelerated, causing me to be sick almost everyday. now that i know what to eat, i'm eating well and finally putting some weight back on.

on friday, i had an appt. with my regular dr. who sent me to mt. carmel west to have dopplers done on both legs to ensure i didn't have any blood clots. thank God there weren't any! i'm still extremely sore and have trouble standing and using crutches, although it's getting easier each day. i have to say that this surgery was the roughest thus far.

i will be continuing my hand therapy, but my leg therapy will stop until i get the green light from my bone dr.

my sister terry and mary came up this weekend as well as trish and di. we all had a feeding frenzy and watched movies. we ate at o'charley's and applebee's and watched "grumpier old men," (which reminded me of my relationship with dirty di) "bug," and "hostel." i think these guys are trying to make me fat and lazy! actually, after the first week, i finally started working out again with my hand weights. i didn't feel much like it last week. di is once again on one of her famous "lose weight quick" diets. she says she's lost 5 lbs for "the biggest loser" contest at work, but frankly, i don't see

on a good note, mary hopes to return to work this week, if she gets the clearance - but she's still on crutches, so it would have to be light duty.

thanks to registrar mike rankin, BMV for the beautiful white roses! they were delivered late friday. that was extremely thoughtful and they really lifted me up.

gary & annette humphries - hey guys! thanks so much for writing and for not giving up motorcycling! i need to live vicariously through you guys right i'd love to hook up with you guys and talk sometime soon. i'll send you an email once i'm a little more mobile and you can either come over or we can meet for dinner. i hope all is well in your neck of the woods. good hearing from you!

alvin cox - yes, we've been friends for years, and how surprised i was to see you after all this time. i pray your back surgery went well and you continue to improve. did you ever sell your beautiful motorcycle? we do need to get together too over a cup of coffee or tea. good hearing from you as well!

laura mourne - thank you so much for your continued prayers and support. i was, however, disappointed that there was no question in your blog entry. i look so forward to assisting with your insatiable quest for

wendy forbes - thank you too for your never-ending supply of cards and well-wishes. you continue to boost my spirits more than you know. give alan a big kiss and hug for me. we need to have another movie night!

terri west - NOOOOOO KAILEEEEEEE!!!!! i'll do whatever i need to, to ensure that nightmare doesn't happen again!! don't give my sister any ideas! thanks to you too for always being so thoughtful to write and lift me up.

jen stabler - thanks for calling and checking on me on thanksgiving morning. i hope your trip and visit with your family was great. don't spend any of that "left-right-center" money...i need an opportunity to win some of it back!

boo & lee - you guys are too much! i appreciate you calling. terry said that when i was in the hospital, you checked on me every day. i'll be down to visit just as soon as i'm able. God bless you!

dale & naomi - i love you guys too! i hope your holiday was great and that you were able to spend it with your family. i apologize for not calling you back the other day, but it's been a rough week. we'll get together soon.

tina - sorry for not updating the blog sooner or calling you back. like i said, it's been a tough week, but every day gets better. hope all is well in your world. i'll call you soon.

more later...until blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...


A belated apology for making that granola---didn't know you had celiac disease. I'll try to find something more tolerable to your system. I think chocolate still works.


Anonymous said...

I didn't add this to the last entry but seeing the picture of your scar made me think, that will look real good with your fluorescent orange shorts when you mow next summer.
;-) lol

Amy Marino

Anonymous said...

Darling, I am just so proud of you, you are getting around, slow but sure! Wow, no wonder you were so sick my dear, glad they figured that out for you. Thinking about you and of course Alan sends his hugs!
Love, Wendy

Anonymous said...

My gosh, girl! No WONDER this surgery was so rough on you with all they did to you! Your poor little body said ENOUGH ALREADY! I'm so glad it's over and that now you can concentrate on putting all that behind you and getting better and better.
O.K., O.K. I won't send Kailee over (for a while any way!) As long as you do what the docs and therapy Nazis tell you, I'll hold her at bay!
By the way... was down in bee-oootiful Southern Ohio this past weekend. Mom and I go down there twice a year to decorate all our relatives' graves (once for Christmas and once for summertime). It's an all-day job, but one I really enjoy--being down there just kind of lets you breathe a little easier and take things a little slower... and being surrounded by the thought of all those relatives who I love... just a nice day. Thought about you while I was down there and how one of these days, you and Mary will be out on your bikes again, checking out all the beautiful scenery.
Well... hang in there, kiddo. Make sure along with all the therapy and working out and eating well that you remember to get enough rest. Your body has been through such major trauma with the last surgery that it will need lots and lots of rest!
And Mary, you too... take it easy, girl. Going back to work will be great, but it will be harder than you think... you can do it, but ease into it. I know after any of the surgeries I had in the past that going back to work REALLY wore me out the first couple days or so. So you get some extra rest too and both take GOOD, GOOD care of yourselves!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary, Sorry it's been a while, but you both continue to be in my daily prayers. There's a song by Jo Dee Messina that always inspires me when I'm down, the chorus goes "oh we just get one ride around the sun in this dream of time, oh it goes so fast and one day we look back and we ask "was that my life." I'm sure you and Mary both know how precious every minute of our time here on earth is, so enjoy it. God bless you both. There's a "Closer" marathon on next Monday (all of last seasons shows) Kathy McKinniss