Wednesday, November 21, 2007

november 21, 2007 - He gives me strength and endurance...

top of the afternoon friends.....

i got home yesterday afternoon from the hospital. the dr's kept me a while longer than expected due to my hemoglobin and blood pressure being so low, combined with the fact i was running a bit of a fever. i've received 11 blood transfusions thus far in this journey, which has it's own risks, but they sure have made me feel better. i can't yet stand without assistance, as the dr. had to be extremely "agressive" in harvesting bone and marrow from my right leg to use in my left one. they had to put 120 cc's of bone in my left leg, which was the most my dr. has ever done. he indicated that he's only done 10 of these procedures, so he wasn't sure my right leg would initially support me. it is extremely weak and feels like i've been hit by a car (oh, yeah...i was! lol). my left leg has been placed in a brace that will give my knee support, yet allow it to bend 90 degrees. my left hand is a bit sore from the dr's removing a plate, but that pain is minimal compared to my legs.

here are a couple of pictures post surgery. they had to open up my "flap" from my previous surgery to do the bone grafts. one pic is of my hip where they entered to harvest the bone and marrow from my right femur.

mary and sgt. rike both called me at the hospital to lift me up. my dad and my nephew michael came up friday, as well as terry and dianna. trish has continued to help me - otherwise i'd have been in a care facility long ago. wendy and others have continued to send cards and prayers, not to mention the multitudes of visitors i've received! elzie and captain dicken continue to check on me and keep me laughing. thanks to everyone who reads and writes to the've really been my window to the world and have helped me tremendously! i've got such a great support system of family and friends.

if i can stand long enough, i'm going to go and get cleaned up and try to enjoy some of this weather via my borrowed electric wheelchair (thank you, mary & sharon!).

i have two links i'd love you to see. one is about determination. the other is about Christmas. they both touched me and i hope you enjoy them:

more later....thanks for everything and happy thanksgiving, friends. continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

I pray that your recovery is quick, and that you are able to rest comfortably. You are such an incredible inspiration to everyone, including myself. Your spirit is strong, and never faltering. You, are my Hero.

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

You're such a gracious person. I'm so thankful that your surgery is over and that you are another day closer to walking again. I can't wait to watch you walk into work on your own.

The videos were awesome. You never know what mighty gift God has given until you take the time to watch and/or listen. We all have much to be thankful for if we are still then just watch and listen.

I just said a prayer for your pain to subside and your will to remain strong.

Mary, Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope that you are receiving good reports on your recovery too.

Hope to see you soon,
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving my dear, so thankful for you and that you are home now. As others have said you truly are my hero and inspiration.
Love you, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Lisa, Sorry to hear you are still going through the painful surgeries but you are strong and when they are done you will be a good as new. Don't ever give up the faith and spirit and you will be fine. I will call you after Thanksgiving and see if you are up to visitors and would love to see you since the last time I ran into you at Tee Jays. I always considered us friends and hope that is still the way it is. My prayers are with you and I wish you the best. Your friend, Al Cox, Retired unit 8020.

Anonymous said...


Hey what’s going on? Are you doing ok? Annette and I would like to come out and see you and talk If you have time, and see how you are doing etc. Yes Annette and I are still riding our H-D around I did about 300 miles on Sunday for the “Endurance Run” the longest continuous ride in America, now this is what I was told, something like 90 + years. It was about 38 degrees and about 70 bikes went on this ride, it was great! Any ways I’m sorry I got sidetracked. This is my personal email address: And just send me an email and let me know if you have time also send me your house address, we would love to come over and see you and talk, let me know if it’s okay.

Gary & Annette Humphries

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing for sure ladies... after all that you've both been through, just about any other problems that come your way will seem like a walk in the park, won't they??????? Stuff that used to seem important just probably doesn't seem that way any more, I'm sure! You both have been through so, so much... I (and everyone else I know) am praying that it will all soon be over for you. I can't wait for the day when you are both back at work with the rest of us.
In the meantime--rest, take VERY good care of yourselves, and do everything the doctors and therapy Nazis tell you (or I'll make sure that Kailee brings her big knife and comes to visit you both... in the dark!)

Have a marvelous weekend!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...


I was thinking about you and wanted to say hello. I hope you had a simply wonderful Thanksgiving. We are all thankful that your surgery went well and you are home now......I will call you soon. I was just giving you time to regroup and get things together from the surgery. I miss you and look forward to seeing you soon. Please keep up your strength and spirit, and soon you will be back to normal, whatever that is in your case. Again, please call me if you have time and let me know if you need anything. Naomi and I love you.......


Anonymous said...

Hey hope all is ok, since there has been no update. Happy Thanksgiving Week.


RR said...

Hey Lisa-
Hang in there! Sounds like this one was a little rougher than expected, but just give yourself a little extra time to recoop!
Hope you're feeling better each day. We look forward to seeing you back at outpatient therapy!
From, Rina, the "PT nazi"