Saturday, November 10, 2007

november 10, 2007 - love keeps no record of wrong... (I corinthians 13:5)

top of the afternoon, friends!

wow! what a firestorm of comments we've received regarding the punishment of the gentleman who hit us!

please don't misunderstand mary and me....we're angry that this happened, as our lives and the lives of those around us have been greatly changed and we've been terribly inconvenienced. however...we've both forgiven him. that's not to say that he doesn't deserve jail time. if nothing else, maybe it will assist him in getting clean. we simply hope that justice will be served.

thank you all for your very supportive and candid comments about this topic. we appreciate your insight. we've spent our careers removing impaired drivers from the highways. we never expected to be hit by one. but, we both feel that things are the way they are supposed to be and we'll deal with it in the best ways we can.

my sister, terry and i went shopping at the new target store in grove city today. what a nice place! of course i spent way too much money!

tonight, we're going to eat out with some friends. i think that even dirty dianna is planning to come. trish's birthday is next week, so we thought we'd surprise her with dinner. she's been so great to me since my wreck. it will be nice to do something nice for her.

dad came up today and brought me some firewood for my outdoor fireplace. he also brought me an think he has brought me every tool i own. i sure love that man!

to everyone who helped with and/or contributed to the benefit - mary and i are slowly getting cards sent out. with dr's appt's and therapy, we whittle away at it the best we can. please forgive us if we've missed anyone - it certainly isn't intentional. dianna and don tried to keep very accurate records, but we fear we might fail to thank someone.

mary and her parents came up thursday night. we had a great visit! while she was there, retired sergeant steve belyus came over and brought 2 copies of his in-depth crash reconstruction of our wreck. he retired from the patrol and now works for the governor's highway safety office. he also has a crash reconstruction business. thank you steve for your hard work and unbiased investigation. we really appreciate your professionalism! i'm sure it will assist with our case.

major mark atkeson and captain bob markowski stopped by to see me this week as well. of course i hadn't had a shower and my house was a total wreck! i probably frightened i do, however really appreciate their visits.

well, i'm gearing up for my surgery! thankfully, it will be very soon. this will be a real step in the right direction in allowing me to walk again. hopefully, after the first of the year, there will be some semblance of normalcy in my life. thanks again for all your thoughts, prayers, visits, and cards. the power of prayer has never been demonstrated more powerfully in my life.
please pray for the family of mary lou schehl, the post secretary at marietta. her daughter passed away this week. she leaves a husband and a son. they desperately need all the prayers they can get to get through this tragedy.
also pray for tonya, daughter of former norwalk post dispatcher jane bell. she is having complications during pregnancy and they are trying diligently to keep her from going into labor and delivering too early. the baby needs further development.

nurse paula - i just got your card and very thoughtful gift! thank you so much for everything. you are one of the people i miss greatly at the shipley building. can't wait to see you and "catch up" when i return!

colonel finamore & s/lt. campbell - thanks for your call yesterday. you've both been so faithful about checking on me and updating me on what's going on.

captain dave dicken - thanks again for all your updates as well. you've continued to keep me "connected" through this ordeal. i could never have asked for a better "wing man."

more later...continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


SP-70 said...

Lisa/Mary: Just learned of the accident. I am so relieved to learn the two of you are OK and are recovering well. I love the blog and the photos and all the comments and well wishes. My wife and I will keep you in our prayers as you recover and beyond. Sincerely, Strother & Melody Bracy (AKA...70)

Anonymous said...

OH BOY! How about mustering up some forgiveness for your old bud when he makes a wrong turn or two on a poker run. But n-o-o-o-o-o, he has to live with the guilt forever. By the way, I was down at the m/c club Friday so I stopped by your house around 2:00 on my way home.I guess you were out because your vehicle was gone. Try to catch you this coming week.

Your Retired Bud

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, I have to say, you and Mary are very humble to say the least to forgive this idiot that did this to you two.
So, if I may, please forgive me when I say this "I am still mad and shelter alot of hate, this guy needs to spend time in jail for a LONG time"!!! I don't care if he is trying to clean up his act or not. These types of people get their hands smacked, try to be on their best behavior, then they are back out on the road again!! He has turned your lives upside down !!!!!!
Furthermore, this idiot has not been beside you two during this ordeal to see what he has put you through, he does not feel sorry or remorseful. Right now he is just trying to save his own butt!!!! You know what I would like to see? For him to cross the State line into Ohio!!! There would be no mercy from anyone here!!
Ok, the most important thing for you to focus on right now is your anticipated surgery that is coming up very soon and I am certain you are ready for this next step in your recovery.
I love you sweetie, and gotta go!!! I think 1434 is snoring, I can hear him all the way to my office. LOL !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, woman!

Oh, we knew that you and Mary had forgiven the guy who hit you both... we just want him to be punished for what he did in hopes that he might have time to reflect on his actions, he might change his ways, AND it might keep him from hurting or killing someone else. I just can't help that I find it really galling that he thinks he deserves no jail time--it just shows his total lack of remorse and taking responsibility for what he's done. If the guy was remorseful at all and taking the blame for the consequences of his actions, it would be a whole lot easier to show compassion towards him. I just hope that it changes him somehow for the better.
YOU? Have an AX???? Oh, geez... I can see the poor neighbors now... look out! She's not content with yard work, the driveway, and washing vehicles anymore! Now she's rolling around the neighborhood with an AX for crying out loud! Makes the Kailee doll look a whole lot less scary! Hee hee hee...
Leave the ax at home when you go in for your surgery, o.k.? Makes the anesthesiologists nervous...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Darling, you and Mary as usual are in my thoughts and prayers, and like it has been said, we knew you both forgave that guy, but it is a little harder for us! You will be getting that surgery soon and that is the next step for you. Love you both, Wendy

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