Thursday, August 30, 2007

august 29 & 30, 2007 - amazing grace...

top of the evening, friends....

well, i've taken alot of heat for not updating my blog this is for wednesday and today. i had no idea what i write is so

yesterday - trish went and picked up her mom, janet while her daughter stayed with me (everyone thinks i'm fragile and can't stay by myself staff lt. carl roark, my fiscal officer stopped by to see me and gave me a multitude of updates. he was very helpful.

captain kevin teaford and his wife becky stopped by and brought me a gallon of sweet tea. they are so thoughtful!

afterwards, several of us went to dinner at o'charleys, where i ran into trooper davis, from the west jeff post. he and his family were very nice.

today - captain dave dicken stopped by to give me more updates. i'm so thankful to work with him. i've never seen anyone able to multi-task so effortlessly and eloquently! thanks dave!

tom chozdin, our OSP exercise physiologist stopped by and brought some wonderful homemade granola and chocolate cookies. mike hunter - he CAN bake and bakes well!!!!

mary pfeifer and her parents stopped by and we went to eat at....can you guess....the rice bowl! lol if you haven't figured it out, that's one of my favorite places to eat!

kelly & glenna - fish may very well have taken a few parts. is it normal to wear a trenchcoat in the summer??? lol

laura mourne - up to a whopping 102 pounds!!!!! but i am working out every day, and eating well to try and "bulk up." lol what about you? oh, i forgot, i'm not allowed to ask that!!! how fair is that??

debi flowers - good hearing from you girl! it's been a long time. i'm mending every day. as i've said before....God created my leg....He can recreate it! thanks for the prayers. give me a call sometime. i hope your family is well!

becky - sorry the sgts are making you nuts...that happens when the boss is away! hopefully mary will be back soon to get them in

jeff collins - amen, are so right about our Savior. He had my attention He's REALLY got it! lol God is so good, and i know He has other things in store for me...i just need to be quiet and listen. thanks for your uplifting words!

please pray for DX Supervisor dale robirds' dad - he had a grapefruit-sized cancerous tumor removed from his colon this evening. the surgery went well and they think they got it all, however he will probably have to undergo chemo in the near future. please keep the robirds family in your thoughts and prayers.

also, please continue to pray for my skin graft to heal...while it's looking still looks bad. my time is running out on preventing another skin graft. if it doesn't look better by tuesday, the dr. may very well take more skin from my right leg.

as always, i appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and concerns. your notes brighten our days and certainly help with our recovery.

may God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you....

lisa - 1095

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

august 28, 2007 - i can only imagine....

top of the evening, friends....

well, my nurse came for the last time today. she said that because i'm relatively mobile and no longer have a pick line, nor am i on a regime of antibiotics, she said she cannot justify coming back. she did say she really enjoyed her visits and would like to come and visit, but not on a professional level. i think she had fun here. i think i'm like the "hospitality room" of home she was a very nice lady.

elzie (AKA - my retired motorcycle buddy) came to visit. he even started my harley for me, as it hadn't been started for a couple of weeks. bless his heart. he said he rode it to cleveland "just to put some miles on it." i'm sure he rode it purely for selfless i felt bad because i fell asleep during his visit. he graciously accepted my apology since i'm on meds. otherwise, he might have just beat me

major bob booker and one his guys from OIS stopped by on their way back from cincinnati. bob's one of my dearest buddies in the patrol. i cherish his friendship more than you know. his wife, cheryl is doing great after knee fact, she went back to work this week, working 1/2 days!

my afternoon consisted of taking chrissy and amy for a long walk (of course, i was in a wheelchair), and a mcdonald's happy meal. how can life get much better than that???

i talked to mary earlier. she was working on a story about our wreck for the local paper. wow...its amazing what's newsworthy these days....! lol

thank you again are a lifesaver! even while i'm on continue to take great care of me!

mark fellure - thanks for your kind words....i hope your Christian rock group is still performing....i really enjoyed hearing you guys sing.

kim - thank you for your kind words as well. i appreciate your offer of help. continue to take care of my friend, mary.

kathy...i hope your flight went well. i tried to take care of bill in your

otherwise, things are good here...just settling in for the night. i'm trying to leave my leg uncovered to accelerate the healing of the skin graft on my knee. please pray that it will heal enough in the next week so i won't have to do another skin graft. those are like the worst case of road rash! i'd really like to get the bone surgery underway so i can start therapy. the dr's say it will be after the first of the year before i walk. i think i can do much better than that!

mike hunter - thanks for always being faithful to keep in touch on this blog. i appreciate your prayers, as i know mary does. miss you, friend!

steve & sandy belyus.....thanks again for all you're doing to help our case! your friendship and professional expertise are second to none. i love you guys!

may God bless you all....

lisa - 1095

Monday, August 27, 2007

august 27, 2007 - hear the angels singing...

top of the evening, friends...

what a beautiful day it was today--almost no clouds in the sky!

after my occupational therapist left, i took the opportunity to go to the zoo! i hadn't been there in years...and it was great! it was a nice and inexpensive way to spend the afternoon. i then ate at the rice bowl again - best chinese food in columbus!

happy birthday dianna....i hope no one gave you a hard time about the big, of course, know i wouldn't do that!

dear anonymous...who the heck is "inky????"

sylvia...i KNOW what you mean about not leaving the dogs upstairs! i'm with you, girlfriend! if my dogs are dying in a tornado....i'm dying with

kathy careful on your flight back from california...remember what i told you about the red buttons if things get ugly and you must take control of the are SO right about "where 2 or more are gathered...."

mark thompson...thanks so much for your kind words. you've always been a great friend - i always have appreciated you!

scott rike...thanks for your have been an inspiration to me. i'll email you personally later.

i talked with mary this evening. she is doing well and sends her regards to everyone.

well, even with a little day was very nice...i hope yours was as nice. remember to live every day as though it's your last. every day is a blessing.

may God bless you....

lisa - 1095

Sunday, August 26, 2007

august 26, 2007 - the meek shall inherit the earth....

top of the evening, friends....

i had every intention of going to church today, but it's rather difficult attending the 9am service when you don't wake up until 855am! i pray God understands.

terry came up last night....we had a great time giving dianna (who turns 40 tomorrow!) a few gag gifts for her birthday. it was absolutely hysterical! we were all very sensitive to the fact that she's having a hard time of the big 4-0, as you would guess!

essie - thank you so much for being such a blessing to me today! you certainly didn't have to do what you did, but i sure appreciate it. you are an angel!

had a busy day today...had lunch with the girls, then to wal-mart, where terry proceeded to look at candles for an hour! i didn't know you COULD look at candles for an hour! good Lord, another hour was looking a crocheting needles! i needed a 40 caliber glock just to put me outta my misery! just kidding...i really love my sister.

mary - ran into bernie from work...he said to tell you 'hi.'

had a bit of a rough night with my leg alternating between thumping and going numb, but it seems to be doing much better now. besides...i've got a beagle (amy) curled up beside me, snoring up a storm, keeping me warm. life doesn't get much better than that!

oliver - thanks for your entries...i "get" each one. back at you......

my next appt. is a week from this coming tuesday. please keep praying for us both!

hope all is well with you.....


lisa - 1095

Saturday, August 25, 2007

august 25, 2007 - when the trumpet blows....

top of the evening, friends....

i hope this finds you all well.

everything here is good....each day gets a bit better and easier - praise God. today, i went to breakfast with friends, then some banking, and got my hair cut. it was nice to get out other to go to the dr!

came home and took a nice nap...then i heard tornado sirens at about 5p. thank goodness one didn't hit! can you imagine me riding my wheelchair into the basement??? lol

mary said that when a tornado was spotted in zanesville a week or so ago...her mom and dad and sister inadvertently left her upstairs when they all took refuge in the basement!!! can you believe that?

pam & CC walker - thank you so much for the beautiful care package! i can now boast of a owning a hawaiian harley t-shirt! you know i'll wear it with pride!

kathy mccarthy - thanks for the great rice bowl veg. wonton soup yesterday!

thank you major peyton watts, major bruce ludlow, and captain andy stritmatter for the "get well" calls. i really appreciate them and every other call, card, visit, and prayers. thank you all. forgive me if i fail to mention know i'm on meds.

okay....okay....the cat picture is forthcoming....please no mutiny! give me time to get one taken and downloaded!!!

well, enough for now....i think i'm going to be forced to watch a movie soon...i gotta get psyched up. lol



Friday, August 24, 2007

august 24, 2007 - on wings of eagles...

top of the afternoon, friends!

i slept in a bit longer than normal...i had a hard time waking up today!

just got cleaned up and now i'm waiting on that crazy kathy mccarthy to come over for lunch.

great news......gina herbert from the Governor's Hwy. Safety Office (who was involved in a horrible wreck about 2 weeks before mine) -- gets to go home today from the nursing home! what a blessing! please continue to keep her in your prayers, as her recovery is far from over.

dan richhart - good morning to you too, friend. i really miss your BAD jokes every morning. things just aren't the same!

to "inquiring minds" - the chicken i was riding on the blog photo was in front of a restaurant in NC. we all took turns getting our pics taken on that silly thing. i will say, however, i believe i looked better than sammy on it--just my opinion....

karen morefield - the movie nazi's DID make me watch wild hogs! crash after crash, after crash! lol

gail sexton - split pea soup?????!! no freaking way! also...i think the whole Jesus story about Him coming back on a white horse was possibly a parable. frankly, i think He may come back on a white iron horse - perhaps a harley? what's your thoughts on that?

oh, yeah, i almost forgot.....dianna white turns 40 on monday!!!!!! shhhh....don't let her know i let the cat out of the bag! she's not a bit sensitive about it, either.....

well, my leg is thumping quite a bit this morning, so i think i'll quit for now and take some meds. more later, friends....


lisa - 1095

Thursday, August 23, 2007

august 23, 2006 - 2 planks + 4 nails = forgiven

top of the evening, friends....

how the heck are you?

things are good here. i just returned from the dr. who continues to be impressed with my progress. there is a place on my knee, however, where the skin graft did not take. he said he'd see me in a week and a half to determine whether it's healed enough to do the other surgeries, or whether he will have to do a small graft. i'm praying for no graft, as they hurt like crazy!

went to lunch today with my sister, trish, mariah, as well as mary and her mom and dad. we overate at the spaghetti warehouse! dianna, of course, ate everyone's leftovers....and she wonders why she can't lose weight!

kathy mccarthy and melanie schropp are coming over for lunch tomorrow. i made them promise NO SWEETS! i think we're having rice bowl soup!

christy clark came over tonight and we drooled over the new harleys in the latest HD magazine. girls can dream, cant they????! the new "rocker" rocks!

well, i think terry brought over a bunch of movies for the movie nazi's to torment me with. dirty di has already been flaunting the latest release she's going to make me watch. i'm going to be a captive audience for a LONG, LONG time!

congratulations to scott rike who has been healed and is returning to work at the OSP today from disability retirement! miracles do happen and prayers do get answered!

well, enough for now....please continue to pray for the cory winfield family, gina herbert, and a friend of mine's son, ryan, who is going to be deployed for his third trip to the middle east.

God bless....

lisa -1095

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

august 22, 2007 - a peace beyond understanding...

top of the afternoon friends!

i want you folks to know how therapeudic it has been for me to be able to communicate you you via this blog. i really appreciate you taking time out of your day to post your thoughts and to share your faith. it has blessed me more than you will ever know. in fact, when this ordeal is over, i plan to print these blogs and refer to them when i have a "down" day so they can refresh me. i will cherish this collection of notes.

kathy mccarthy - thanks to you and for the great food! also thanks for the comedy relief. your postings often crack me up. you write just like you talk! also thanks for always being faithful to write.

so far today, i've had visits from former trooper raejean riley. she's helping me to decide if i need to "up" my insurance in the event of another catastrophic event (Lord...i hope not!). raejean saw my leg unwrapped for the first time today. she said i looked like the bride of frankenstein! lol i told her i didn't care, as long as my knee and ankle worked.

my occupational therapist came and worked with my hand again. she's pleased with my progress. i think she's only going to come back one more time--maybe next week.

captain dave dicken and jim hansen also stopped by. dave gave me some updates. it was great seeing those guys again.

i talked to rick imhoff today too. he gave me alot of encouragement about my injuries, as he's "been there." thanks rick for lifting me up. may God bless you too.

please keep the winfield family in your prayers. brandy winfield was a marion county deputy killed in the line of duty in the not too distant past. a few nights ago, his brother, a marion city police officer was on his way home from work on his motorcycle and got hit by another drunk driver. officer winfield is in grant hospital with significant head injuries. his family has been through enough trauma. prayer warriors....they need your help!

tom reffey - i hope you are dry and don't have any water damage up there!

well, i'll be going to my plastic surgeon again tomorrow so he can check my progress.

well, i must go and make a few corrections on my finance paper....i'll write more later!


lisa - 1095

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 21, 2007 - Saved by grace....

top of the evening, friends...

jeff collins - thank you so much for your testimony! it always brings tears to my eyes to hear someone open up about how great God is! my home email is: . if you email me, i'll give you my home phone and address. i know you had a guardian angel with you the night of your crash, and you had a gazillion people praying for you too. that, my friend is why you're here today! may God continue to bless and protect you and your family.

good news...i went to my infectious disease dr. today for a follow-up visit. he not only took me off ALL antibiotics....he removed the pick line from my arm! additionally, i no longer have to take the daily injections in my stomach for potential blood clots! what victories! those belly shots hurt like the dickens!

we went to eat at the rice bowl was outstanding! i think the rice bowl is the best chinese food in the city.

last night i received visits from major bob and cheryl booker, robyn darden, jeanie kelly, and eric rowland. ironically, both brought over beautiful mums! i'm gonna have to get outside, sit on my butt and plant those things! i can't wait to get my hands back in the dirt.

major mark atkeson and s/lt. rob jackson stopped by today on their lunch break. it was nice seeing them again. mark has been so faithful about keeping me in the loop.

tom chozdin.....i didn't think you'd catch onto the fact that i was simply trying to get out of my i forgot how smart you are!

terri west...thanks for writing every day! you too have been so faithful in trying to cheer me up. i look forward to your comments every day too!

please pray for the tpr. jack holland family - he passed away at work today from a bee sting. his family really needs all the prayers they can get.

i think i'm finally done with my last finance class project, paper, and powerpoint. i'm having someone proof it for errors before i send it to my professor. thank goodness!

well, i think the movie nazi is going to make me watch another i'll write more later.

God bless you all....

lisa - 1095

Monday, August 20, 2007

august 20, 2007 - walk by faith, not by sight...

top of the morning to you, friends...

whew! i just read sgt. scott rike's blog! what an incredible testimony to God's power, greatness, and mercy! God is so good! He can take any situation to and turn it to His glory!

Scott...thank you for sharing! i did know you were ill, and i followed your situation. i'm so thankful you are healed! i look forward to your return. i had no idea i gave you a speeding ticket! i hope i made a positive impression! my time in bucyrus was was one of my favorites. i will pray for your continued healing and growing faith. may God bless you and your family!

yesterday was an energetic day! i had visits from major bob and mildred brooks, tpr. todd donnell (a former 'cub'), lydia wagner, sgt. steve & lori click, my neighbor, pam, and dianna. they brought cookies, candy, and shredded chicken sandwiches! boy, these guys and gals have made a mission of helping me gain weight! everything was wonderful!

today, i will have a visit from my nurse - she will be changing the dressing on my pick line, and will hopefully be finishing my last term paper for school. other than that...nothing scheduled.

trish, di, and terry continue to help me more than i could have ever wished. they are all angels. i could never repay what they've done for me. talk about storing up treasures in heaven!

i continue to gain movement in my toes and even a little in my ankle. i'm not allowed to move my knee yet, but i suspect that will be a bit painful when i can. the dexderity is getting better with my hand, and i have much better finger movement. bottom line leg and left hand are improving each and every day.

mary sends her regards. she continues to heal at her parents, who have been angels for her as well. we both have such a great support system of family and friends!

well....i must get my paper done and turned in this week, so enough for now!

be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Sunday, August 19, 2007

august 19, 2007 - faith is the substance of things hoped for...

top of the morning, friends....

i just wanted to say good morning before i take my shower and start work on my paper.

trish, terry, and my great niece mariah stayed all night with me. we had a very late, but very good chinese dinner from the 'rice bowl' - which i happen to think is the best chinese in the city!

we all tried to watch the movie 'zodiac,' but unfortunately, i don't think any of us saw much of it. i swear, i can't stay awake for movies these days....but at least what i saw did not have a motorcycle crash in it.

bob and mildred brooks are planning to stop by, as is lydia and toby wagner, i think. i really look forward to seeing everyone.

i feel pretty good today, just struggling a bit with a sore spot on the back of my injured foot. i think it's just irritated by the brace. i may have to have the therapists either remake or adjust the brace i have, because it's quite painful right now. i slept with the brace off last night, which meant i had to put the dogs in the basement (which i hate!), but that prevented them from inadvertently jumping on my leg in the middle of the night (which happens routinely!).

i think terry just snapped some fresh green beans and is planning to put them in the crockpot along with a ham hock for me! life don't get much better than that, for a southern girl! thanks drenda for being so thoughtful with fresh veggies!

tom.....i'll try to get a pic of sissy posted on the blog asap!

Friends, God does not give us more than we can handle. while i've questioned that alot lately, i know it's true. i serve a great God who has a far greater plan than i and it will be doled out in His time - not mine. that's what gives me hope.

may God bless you all.....i'll chat with you later.

lisa - 1095

Saturday, August 18, 2007

august 18, 2007 - the devil can not knock you lower than your knees...

top of the afternoon, friends....

well, it has been a very busy morning and afternoon! first tina and chris massey came over to visit. then, charlie and debbie chapman, as well as their grandaughter, brooklyn brought me a great mcdonald's lunch! then, my pastor from jackson - pastor butch, and my friend joycie. don grimwood and drenda kemp also dropped by! christy clark rode her HD over and just had to show me her new flame covered helmet. i'm thrilled that she's now (finally) wearing a helmet !!!
i just have to convince don and ty grimwood to wear theirs!

i posted some pics of chrissy and amy for you guys to see. they have not left my side since i arrived home. what loyalty!

mary told me that she was able to visit her home for a short period, and she was thrilled to be home. she was able to visit her neighbor - lesta. please pray for lesta. she has emphasema and struggles for every breath. mary is now back at her parents.

michelle - i DID receive your cracked me up! thanks so much for thinking of me.

thanks to everyone else for the cards and food! i received a bunch of cards yesterday that just lifted me up more than you know! i also appreciate the prayers too. i don't want to sound repetitive, but i don't want to ever fail to thank you guys. mary's and my recovery has been so good largely because of your thoughts and prayers!

rebecca siekman - thank you for the lovely letter! we've been through alot together and i so appreciate our friendship! your letter was very uplifting. please keep in touch, even though we're about 4,000 miles apart!

its been a good day....but it would have been better if i could have been on one of my motorcycles! i miss riding more than you know....but here's a promise - i will be riding this time next year!

enough for now, friends...must nap, do homework, and work my arms a bit.


lisa - 1095

Friday, August 17, 2007

august 17, 2007 - Christian under construction....

top of the morning, friends....

well, my appt. with the plastics dr. went well. in fact, he said that when this all happened, he was not optimistic about my leg. he said yesterday that he was very optimistic. that was a blessing!

after my appointment, i took the girls (terry, mariah, and trish) to the olive garden. there, i proceeded to try and pick up my iced tea with my injured hand and spilled it in my chicken parmesean. i was so embarrassed! fortunately, they took pity on me and brought out a new plate. the girls thought it was a pathetic attempt to get more

elzie (you know...the retired guy) just called and is on his way over. he wanted to know if i could fit him into my i should have had him bring over some wings. lol

i think john born is coming over at 3p. it will be nice seeing him. senior staff has been wonderful about calling, writing, and visiting. i could not work with a better group!

please pray for a friend of mine - glenda woodgeard. she is a DX employee in district 9. she has been battling thyroid cancer for some time and they just found more cancer. she is very young and has 2 small children. she is such a wonderful person and friend and she could use your prayers. she goes in for another surgery september 10.

michelle (my stepmom)....i got the blog message, however, did not get your card. thank you for thinking of me and your kind words. i appreciate everyone's prayers. it's probably been 20-25 years since i've seen you! i pray all is well with you. may God bless you.

well, my next dr. appt. is thursday...we'll see how the graphs are progressings....

more later.....the elz-man is here!


lisa - 1095

Thursday, August 16, 2007

august 16, 2007 - i pray the Lord my soul to keep

top of the morning , friends....

wow...what a thunderstorm last night! my dogs hate them! amy was either hiding under my bed or the computer stand. chrissy was trying desperately to get into bed with me...and there's just not room for her graceful self! she was breathing hard and nervous. poor things!

well, i went to the bone dr. yesterday and got some good and bad news. the bad news is that my bone surgery will not be for probably another 6 weeks. another bad news is that i mistakenly thought my lower leg was surgically done. it is not. the dr. informed me that he not only had to replace the 10 inches of bone in my thigh...i have 2 bone graphs to fix (about 1" apiece) in my lower leg. he said they'd use bone marrow from my leg, some donor bone, and some voodoo to fix both

the good news is that he said my leg looks good. they did remove about 10 staples the other dr. missed - so i'm now staple and stitch-free!

today, my plastics dr. appt. is at 1:15....i think he just wants to look at it.

i had several visitors last night! brenda pahl, her son DJ, and chris errington came to talk about old bucyrus times. we had a blast! they brought me a beautiful harley memory book. i'll certainly have no problem filling it!

wendy forbes and connie willbarger also stopped. they treated us to a wonderful dairy queen cake......these ladies are bound and determined to fatten me up! they gave me updates on the OSP and we also had a chance to visit and chew the fat.

christy clark stopped by as well. i gave her some cleaning tips on her harley. she, like captain dicken consistently needs a little guidance in harley maintenance. thank God they have me for direction, otherwise their bikes would look even more deplorable than they already
oh, yeah, christy....nice new helmet.....pretty red flames!

jennifer stabler just stopped by. she continues to taunt me with her huge wad of money she won at the last couple of chicknics. you know, i'd think she'd be more professional than that. frankly, as much as she wins, i think she cheats. i just haven't figured out her scam yet....but i will!

tom reffey...i will try to scan some pics of the pets as soon as i can. thanks for everything you've're a great friend!

trish (aka movie nazi) made me watch "ghostrider" last night. and guess what??? it had MOTORCYCLE WRECKS in it!!!! these guys are trying to kill me!

well, more later, as i have to go to the dr.

God bless you all....i love you.....

lisa - 1095

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

august 15, 2007 - He is my shepherd...

top of the morning, friends...

well, my stepmom, mary came through her surgery well. thanks for all the prayers! if all goes well, she should be released from middletown regional hospital friday or saturday.

i got up a bit late this morning, so i'm doing my blog and getting the first of my 3 antibiotic drips before i bathe and go to the dr.

i need to send my title to my yamaha roadstar to the insurance company. that is going to kill me! i love that many ways more than my harley. you'll probably laugh, but i BONDED with that machine! lol

colonel butch and s/lt. brenda collins stopped in yesterday and brought me some delicious zucchini bread! who knew brenda could be such a "home-ecky-becky???" the colonel even ate a hamburger and a diet coke with me. i was so hungry i ate 2 plates, but later paid for it. i was eating rolaids all night! but at least i kept it down!

terry was up all afternoon, but later went south to be with dad and mary.

the movie nazi's didn't make me watch any movies last night, but dianna kept me in stitches last night. i really believe she must have been dropped on her head as a small child.

amy (my beagle) sure loves me being home all the time. she never leaves my side! if i'm in the bed....she's right there with me. what loyalty! chrissy is with me too, however, she is about as graceful as a bull, so she can't sleep with me as much. she has a tendency to flop down on my bad leg, which is BAD, very BAD!

thanks again for all the blog entries, calls, cards, and guys lift mary and me up every day! this blog has been such a blessing in keeping in touch with everyone and simply being able to communicate has been so therapeudic for us both.

GROVE CITY NAZARENE GEARS - thanks for the blog entry! you guys are welcome anytime, however, you may want to call first, just to make sure i'm home. the business office has my address, as i don't want to put it out on the blog -- for many reasons. my email is: if you'd like to contact me that way.

may God bless each and every one of you....

lisa - 1095

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

august 14, 2007 - faith the size of a mustard seed...

top of the afternoon to you, friends...

yesterday was another busy day. i had visits from my motorcycle buddy (AKA "mr. retired") elzie fish, major mark atkeson, and lt. col. mike finamore. charlene finamore made me some killer corn chowder! dad and i both enjoyed a big bowl. my neighbor joyce brought over some very nice desserts as well.

my appetite seems to be coming back slowly and the nausea is now less often - praise GOD! it feels so good to eat again...and boy, do i need to put on some weight.

professor lukco - thanks for the reminder on my final project. i am trying to work on it a little each day. it is sometimes difficult to focus on reading for long periods of time with the medications i am on. i will get it to you shortly. thank you for your consideration, patience, and concern. and more importantly, thanks for going to bat for me with franklin university!

my dad came up yesterday and mowed my grass, watered my plants, and trimmed. bless his heart. his wife, mary is having a total knee replacement today at 2:30p. please keep her in your prayers.

trish, di, terry, and dad continue to take excellent care of me. others have been very kind as well - and i thank you for all you have done. we even walked the dogs again last night. it was a very nice evening to walk!

i think i finally got through the mound of medical paperwork i've received thus far. as of right now, i've accumulated over $100,000 in bills, and i've not received bills from each dr. yet. my 12 day stay at grant and the cost of one trauma dr. was $70K. i can't believe the cost of health care!

i think i 'turned the corner' yesterday regarding recovery. for some reason, i have a real peace about this whole ordeal. i'm going to be fine, i'm going to keep my leg, i'm coming back to work full duty, and i'm going to ride again. in fact....i've already been looking at various replacement bikes!

terry is on her way up. i told her and trish that i can stay by myself for a while...but you know how those guys are.

i have an appt. with my orthopaedic dr. tomorrow. hopefully, he will tell me if i'll be scheduled for surgery soon.

i have an appt. with my plastic surgeon thursday. hopefully, the skin stuff still appears to be okay. he forgot to remove about 7 staples last week. that ought to be fun!

i have some kind of therapy today at 2 or 2:30.

mary continues to send her regards. she really enjoys your postings and well-wishes. she is so anxious to get back home. she had really enjoyed her time with her folks, but she is pretty independent, as you know!

well, enough for now...i must do some more homework.

blessings and thanks for the prayers!

lisa - 1095

Monday, August 13, 2007

august 13, 2007 - where 2 or more are gathered....

top of the morning to you, friends...

well, i had a busy day sunday! tonya and bob benner stopped by with some beautiful flowers and a wooden cross. it was nice visiting with them. tonya has been so helpful with processing my college stuff--and i hadn't seen her dad for a very long time.

mary, her parents, her brother and sister in law were also over. they had a bowl of nurse paulas soup and a piece of her cake--paula....mary's mom wants the soup recipe!

dave dicken was here as well. he was giving me updates from work. i'm so blessed to work with such a 'class act!' my only complaint was that he rode his harley over and it really could have used a good cleaning. i showed him my harley to give him an idea of what a really well-maintained harley looks like.

my sister terry brought over the movie 'wild hogs.' does she really think i like to see motorcycles wrecking over and over and over again?????!!!! is she trying to kill me?

dianna is trying to lose weight and keeps trying to give me 5 or 10 lbs....which right now, i'd gladly take! unfortunately, i don't think she'll lose weight on her tostitos and frog ranch salsa and mountain dew diet!

right now, we're changing the dressing on my leg and i'm letting it sit with nothing on it for a bit. it just feels good to be unwrapped. i'm thankful i'm only in a 1/2 cast so i can allow it to air once in a while. its pretty ugly, but hey.....its still attached, mine and i'm thankful!

enough for now, prayer warriors....please continue to fight for us....our recovery continues largely due to you.


lisa - 1095

Sunday, August 12, 2007

august 12, 2007 - If you ask, He shall answer

top of the morning friends.....

well, i had all intentions of going to church today....but just wasn't up to it yet. i did, however, have a big day yesterday. we went to the bank, walmart, lunch and to the hairdressers. by the time i got home, i had to take a 2 hr. nap! just wore me out!

i received a very nice call yesterday from colonel jack walsh. he was the first colonel i worked under, so i was extremely honored that he called to check on me. what a leader and a gentleman! we talked about how special the 'patrol family' was.

i think tanya benner and her dad are coming to see me today. i warned her about what a wreck my house

thanks to nurse paula marr, and her husband for the wonderful homemade chicken soup and oatmeal cake! they stopped by for an unexpected, but very appreciated visit last night.

i talked to mary last night. she is really, really bored, but doing okay. she, like me, is used to being very independent, so this is tough for both of us. we've never had to rely on others to do things for us. we're very appreciative of all the help, but we can't help but think we're imposing. i'm sure you understand.

kevin and becky teaford - bless their hearts....came over and walked the girls for me. i think amy was going through 'becky withdrawal.' amy really has an affinity for becky. i think the feeling is mutual for becky.

my sister is coming up again today. i think we might just grill out some hamburgers. my meds seem to be keeping food down...i just don't have much of an appetite. i'm trying not to look like a cambodian refugee!

i hope you all have a very blessed sunday!

lisa - 1095

Saturday, August 11, 2007

august 11, 2007 - for His kingdom to come...our kingdom's gotta go

top of the morning to you, friends...

here i am sitting in bed taking my antibiotic iv, doing a quick bible study and updating my some circles, they call that 'multitasking' oh, yeah, and i've got a cute little beagle (amy) lying beside me. you know...when i die, i want to come back as my dogs, because they have it made!

i just finished my arms workout (because i'm freaking scrawny!!!) -- and it just about kicked my butt! i'm so amazed at how the littlest things just wear me out. trish is going to take me to run some errands after i get my bath. that too is a huge ordeal these days! half my body has to be wrapped in plastic! oh, Lord, i'll be glad when i can get in the shower like a normal person.

anyways...on a more serious cup runneth over! i'm too blessed to be distressed and too annointed to be disappointed. this little bump in the road is satan trying to get me down...but i'm doing everything in my power not to let that happen. keep praying for mary and me to continue our positive thoughts -- it will be imperative for our overall recovery.

i think terry might be coming up today. i think she's wearing herself out. please also keep her in your thoughts. she's the matriarch of our family and thinks she's got to worry about and take care of everyone. i love my sister more than life itself.

enough for now...i must get my butt motivated if i'm to get anything done today.

blessings to you....

lisa - 1095

Friday, August 10, 2007

august 10, 2007 - through Him i can do all things...

top of the evening to you, friends.....

i seem to be getting later and later on this blog -- for that i appologize! you'd think i would have lots of time on my hands, but the reality is that i'm busier now than ever! with dr's and therapist appointments, coupled with phone calls, visitors, and stuff, i don't seem to get alot done.

mary finally got to visit again today. we compared casts, scars and i am so thankful she was not hurt worse! i did discover she can't drive a wheelchair worth a it was good visiting with her and her parents for most of the afternoon. she looked really good.

my occupational therapist (nazi) paid me a visit as well. i think after she got done pulling on my fingers, they were about 2 inches longer -- and a bit more painful....but she said it was for my own good....i'm not so sure!

thank you to the albert family for the absolutely wonderful edible arrangement. nothing goes with fruit better than chocolate! God bless you for your thoughtfulness and prayers. also thank you for the heartfelt note on my have no idea how much that meant.

laura, you're an inquisitive lower leg has been reconstructed with multiple rods and screws. my upper leg is missing 10 inches of bone. they will be repairing it in 4-6 weeks with cadaver bones and marrow from my right thigh. my leg was degloved and shattered. it was broken in at least 8 places. can't wait for your next question!

laura paskoooooozzeeeee.....shame on you for not divulging the shift change info prior to the blog. you are in such trouble!

thanks for the prayers for trish's daughter, kaila. she was treated and released from dr's west. good news....they ruled out toxic shock syndrome. bad news...they didn't really figure out what was going on....but she seems fine now. that's such a blessing!

my dad and stepmom came up to check in on me today...they grilled out chicken breasts and we had fresh corn on the cob and tomatoes from his garden. it was wonderful and even better---i kept it down! praise God for that one!

friends....thank you all for being so faithful in communicating with me via this blog. you guys and gals have no idea how much it means for me to be able to stay in touch with the outside world during this difficult time. kathy, connie, terri, laura, cindy, boo, mike, jules, wendy and everyone else who posts (i know i haven't listed everyone...please forgive me) -- you folks give me more hope than you know.

may God bless you and yours....

lisa - 1095

Thursday, August 9, 2007

august 9, 2007 - Another blessed day....

top of the evening to you, friends,

sorry it has taken me so long to get to the blog today, but this day has been so hectic!

i had a dr's appointment with my plastic surgeon at 1:30pm. he said my leg looked better than expected. he removed about a gazillion staples (some of which hurt like %*&$@*^!!!!!). if that wasn't painful enough, when he removed my final drain, i darn near came out of my wheelchair! but the good thing is - my leg is staple and drain-free! aside from a few stitches put in by the bone dr, my leg is looking better.

the dr prescribed me vicodin instead of the percocet, as well as zophran for the nausea. while i still got sick after taking the zophran, i think i may not have waited long enough after i took it to eat. i'm optimistic that it will help.

thank you kathy milam for the inspirational note on my blog! and thanks to you and chuck for the best homemade chicken noodle soup i have ever eaten! it was delicious and just what the dr. ordered!

thank you laura pascuzzi (better known as "PASKOOOOOOOZEEEEE") for the inspirational book as well as the etch-a-sketch! you and jules are too much!

thank you uncle sonny for the very heartfelt letter. it meant more than you know. i know since johnny passed away after a motorcycle crash, you've had an aversion to two wheels, but you've always been so supportive of my passion. i love you and thank you for being you.

hannah reid - it was pleasure meeting you at buckeye girls state! who would have believed that we'd be talking again! what a small world. thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and card. please keep ole todd donnell in line...i did my best during his field training time, but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's just kidding....i think of him as one of my own!

please pray for kaila mcgarvey....trish's 17 year old daughter. she was rushed to the hospital this evening with severe abdominal pain. trish has been so faithful in helping take care of me. they would certainly appreciate thoughts and prayers!

thanks to everyone else for everything you've done!

in Christ and abundant blessings....

lisa - 1095

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

august 8, 2007 - He is my provider

top of the morning friends....

i had a really rough night last night due to the severe nausea i've been experiencing. we have determined it may be the percocet, but we're really not sure, since i'm on 3 meds. i've stopped taking it until we get ahold of my dr. at grant to see if he can either prescribe something else or give me something other than over the counter for nausea. i try to eat, but not much wants to stay down, so that's miserable. not a good diet plan! i need to eat to gain weight (you'll probably not hear that too

otherwise, things are good. i have been trying to work out each morning with some light weights to get my strength back. muscles are resilent, i'm told, so i hope they will bounce back. i was used to working out every morning before work - so this is hard for me.

mary didn't get to visit yesterday, so we think she's coming today. it will be good to visit again.

thank you finance & logistics for the very nice harley basket! you guys are too much!

also thank you athens for your lovely basket as well.

thanks to everyone for the cards, flowers, gifts, thoughts and prayers. i have never meant to neglect thanking anyone, but in the beginning, i was pretty well medicated and others were updating my blog for thank you all!

rachel dicken even baked some homemade dog biscuits for chrissy and amy. dad and my nephew michael even tried one and said it wasn't

tom dean, bob markowski, dave dicken, and carl roark stopped by for a visit. it was nice seeing some of my patrol family. tom and lisa sent me a beautiful candle entitled, "survivor."

tom reffey sent me some soda and popcorn flavored jellybeans for my next round of movies that the movie nazi's make me endure.

raejene stopped by and gave me an "easy button" to help with my

my occ. therapist just left. she worked a bunch with my hand...she said i did very well. that was another blessing.

enough for now....please continue to pray.


lisa - 1095

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

august 7, 2007 - He is my healer

top of the morning, friends...

praise God i was able to sleep through the night! it was wonderful! i woke up at 730 am and worked out a bit with small hand weights. that made me take a it seems the smallest exertion just wears me out...but i know that will lessen with each passing day.

the movie nazi's made me watch another movie last night - "premonition'. i'm not sure whats going on, but the last 2 movies they've made me watch have involved some sort of car crash...what do you think these guys are trying to do to me???? i've had enough of that, i

laura mourne....thank you and your church for the lovely quilt! i will treasure it. also, in answer to your question about the big motorcycle mary was on -- there is a motorcycle museum in maggie valley, NC that we always visit when my dad, my friends and i make our annual gatlinburg trip. this huge and functional bike was on display and mary had the opportunity to ride it in the parking lot. it was hysterical! she thought it was pretty cool.

speaking of mary...i think her folks are going to drop her off for a visit today. it will be good to see her again. she so appreciates everyone's kindness.

major ludlow just called. when i told him i'd certainly ride a motorcycle again, he ordered me to ride a

my sister, trish and i walked the dogs again last night. while it was quite warm, it was good to get outside again. trish pushed the wheelchair while terry held the leashes. i think terry wasn't quite sure who was walking who.

well, i must go and take a bath...which is quite an ordeal these days. i must start preparing for the physical therapy nazi, as well as attempt to sort through this mound of medical paperwork i have received. after that, i must finish my last finance paper so i don't have to take finance again when i return to school.

God bless dianna white and carl roark. we started this masters program together in january with the hope of graduating in may. i, of course, must sit out the next trimester. they have both dropped out with me, saying that "we started this together...we'll finish this together." of course, this made me cry.

major mark atkeson, ginny higginbotham, s/lt. sue rance-locke, capt. michelle henderson, and chris vincenty all just visited me...of course all before i got a chance to clean up....i must look afright! sue, michelle, and chris have threatened to kidnap me and take me to the argosy. of course terry volunteered to help

keep up the good work, prayer warriors....


lisa - 1095

Monday, August 6, 2007

august 6, 2007 - He is my provider

top of the afternoon, friends...

i hope this message finds you well.

in spite of some minor numbness in a couple of fingers, i'm finally able to type with 2 hands -- that's a real victory!

my nurse came and changed my pick line today and took a look at my leg. she said everything looked good -- another victory.

jeff shane stopped by to see me this afternoon. i told him that my arm muscles will look like his when i get back into

colonel collins and melanie schropp also stopped by to see me. they gave me the scoop on whats going on in the division. sounds like the fair is going well, as well as everything else. i hate not being in the loop! Lord...i can't wait to get back to work and life.

my nausea seems to be in check with the pepsid, but it is still a struggle to eat enough. i just don't have much of an appetite. i'm confident that will change, but i just can't afford to lose any more weight.

the movie that terry, trish, and dianna made me watch last night was very good for the first 5 minutes, until i fell asleep. they ridiculed me to no end. oh, the abuse i must endure!

my next dr's appt is thursday. i hope they will remove my final drain and staples...but will see.

my nurse visits on mondays, and i have physical therapy tomorrow. i hope to get into town tomorrow to go to the bank and take terry and trish to lunch. it will be our second 'girls day out.' that should be fun.

todd donnell (one of my cubs) called today and graciously offered to give me motorcycle riding lessons--very funny!

well, enough for now...please continue to keep mary and me in your prayers, as that's been the best medicine of all.


lisa - 1095

Sunday, August 5, 2007

august 5, 2007 - He is my strength. my fortress, my hightower

top of the afternoon, friends....

i had a bit of a rough night and morning due to some awful nausea, but thank God for my friends who went and got some pepsid, which was a tremendous help! i was finally able to eat the wonderful dinner that kathy mccarthy so graciously provided.

i had physical therapy today. it went very well. my therapist said she was thrilled with my progress--what a blessing that was.

the teafords visited today and brought the biggest piece of cheesecake i have ever seen. i think they are serious about fattening me up!

thanks to essie winfreys family. they mowed my grass yesterday. i am so humbled by the outpouring of kindness from my my family and friends. without you folks i would most certainly be in a rehab center somewhere.

dianna, trish and terry are are fully aware that i hate watching tv...but they have rented 3 movies today and are making me watch them. i guess i'm a captive audience. please save me....but dianna said don't try to rescue me during the movies--she said she hates to be interrupted.

on a more serious note...please keep a lady by the name of gina herbert in your prayers. on 6/28, she was also involved in a very serious car crash. she too was hit by a left of center driver, who did not have a valid license. she has major damage to both legs, which has necessitated multiple surgeries. after her stay at grant hospital, she has been recuperating at the wexner heritage village. she has worked for public safety for over 26 years.

mary sends her regards. she continues to mend. her next appt is next week...she's anxious to get back to some sense of normalcy.

well, trish just hooked me up to my antibiotic iv....i really had other ideas about a movie snack...popcorn would have been nice.

thanks again for guys are too much.


lisa - 1095

Saturday, August 4, 2007

august 4, 2007 - refinement by fire....

top of the morning, friends...

well, here i am dining on a mcdonalds breakfast burrito with trish and dianna. i do believe this might just be the breakfast of champions!

had a great day yesterday....therapy went well....had several visitors too. thanks to kathy mccarthy and company, i'll be in food for a while, as well. she offered to see if my stove actually worked, as she knows i'm not much of a 'home-ecky-becky.' i told her no....if the stove is used, it might void my warranty. simply serves as counter space and resell value, for when i sell my home, as far as i'm concerned.

alan (and wendy) forbes dropped off the most beautiful homemade card i've ever seen! when alan grows up, he could be an artist.

elzie stopped by again. his view on life and perpetual 'elzie-isms' are always insightful and entertaining. i think he may have been dropped on his head early in

i had dad pick up some strap-on type weights so i can attach one to my left arm since i can't grip weights yet. that way i can start to work my arms and upper body, at least.

dianna kept me quite entertained last night with some very unusual new dance steps to the tune of 'dirty dianna.' i wish you could have seen it. frankly, i think i'm traumatized by the whole ordeal.

mary called yesterday -- she continues to mend well. she really enjoyed our visit earlier this week. we hope to see each other again soon. i know she's anxious to get back to work too.

i'm waiting for my occupational therapist to arrive. this will be my first one, so i'm not sure what to expect.

thanks again for keeping mary and me lifted up in prayer. we need it more than anything. also...thanks for the blog entries. they are inspirational and sometimes humorous. when i'm having a bad day....the blog ALWAYS cheers me up.


lisa - 1095

Friday, August 3, 2007

august 3, 2007 - better is one day in His house than a thousand elsewhere

top of the morning, friends...

well, here i am, being forced to eat breakfast and take my meds AGAIN! soon i'll be subjected to my daily clot preventing belly injection - oh, joy! (lol). trish, my sister terry and my dad have become quite the nurses and taskmasters...the don't give me any breaks! (someone save me!)
just family and friends are terrific.

you, however, should have seen trish and my dad changing the dressing on my leg a couple days ago. they made a big production of putting on the rubber gloves, while dad dabbed trishes forehead with a cloth. he said he'd seen it done on the surgery channel many times. i did, however, get a bit nervous when he pulled out his pocket knife. they are crazy!

i have my 2nd therapy session today at noon...pray for me! actually, i'm looking forward to it. i've lost 25 lbs over the last 3 weeks , so i need to eat and work my muscles to stay strong--and i will!

please continue to pray for us...that is why we've had such miraculous recoveries.

may God bless you....

lisa - 1095

Thursday, August 2, 2007

august 2, 2007 - by His stripes we are healed

top of the afternoon to you, friends....

well, my first drs appt. went well. the dr. said i was healing better than he expected me to. he changed my dressings and removed some staples from the top of my left thigh. he also removed all the stitches from my left hand and will be starting me on hand therapy. 2 of the 3 drains in my leg were removed too.

while my leg continues to look like a really bad jigsaw puzzle and i like the bride of frankenstein (oh, well that may not be, i really don't care what my leg looks like as long as it works and i can get back to work and riding and the rest of the business of my life! God created my leg and He can recreate it!

it appears i might be scheduled for the orthopaedic part of ths journey in 6-8 weeks, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

i saw mary for the 1st time since the crash today. she looked great, other than the cast and crutches. her spirits are good and she wanted me to thank you all for the thoughts, calls, and cards. she commented about how many great friends we have in the patrol and all over the world.

otherwise...i have a wonderful support system of family, friends, and neighbors who have tended to my every need -- for that i thank you! recovery has been much smoother knowing you folks are praying for mary and me.

i hope to continue to have good news for you and will continue to keep you updated.


lisa - 1095

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

august 1, 2007 - God is so good!

top of the morning to you, friends!

i'm so sorry i missed yesterdays blog. i was so busy trying to get acclimated back to my house, time got away from me. i actually got to put on a little make-up, do my hair a bit and put on a t-shirt and shorts (rather than these awful backless hospital gowns). its amazing how much we take those little pleasures for granted. i also got to walk my dogs with alot of help from trish and christy (of course i was in a wheelchair).

mary is doing better. she still has a cast on her leg, but she has a dr's appt tomorrow to see how shes doing. hopefully i will get to see my buddy after her appt. please keep my friend in your prayers!

i also have an appt. tomorrow with my plastics/skin dr. to see how my grafts are progressing. i'm hopeful i may be able to get the 3 drains out then, but we'll see.

my dogs were so happy to see me, chrissy actually had to be restrained--she was so excited. amy simply howled non-stop like the hound (and beagle-butt) she is (lol).

i again want to thank everyone for everything. i especially want to thank my sister, terry, my dad, dianna white, trish mcgarvey and the teaford family. they have tended to me, my house, my pets, and my yard during this awful time. i can never thank you enough.

please keep me in your prayers as well...i'm not out of the woods yet. i have good and bad days, so i'm praying for patience, understanding, and grace.


lisa - 1095