Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December 17, 2008 - "and the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness…” (romans 8:26 NLT)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well and ready for the Christmas season! i know i'm not even close to being ready, but i'm not going to stress about it. the above picture helped remind me to look forward to the road ahead. it also makes me look so forward to motorcycle season again! my buddy elzie and i plan to ride on january 1--as we always do--providing the weather isn't awful. we had another "wing night for wing nuts" last week. dave, elzie, di, christy, kelly, trish and cheryl showed up. we were all captivated by dave's ladder modification/invention idea. in reality, we think he is simply too cheap to buy scaffolding to fix his ceiling fan (lol). we also had ladies night out last week. a bunch of ladies from jackson and columbus (terri m, jen, allison, nancy, terri b, trish, and i) went to dinner and the columbus zoo to see the lights. we walked for about 3 hours and had a great time! things are going well here. i continue to walk quite a bit without a cane, but do use them if i plan to be on my feet a lot. the limp tends to throw my lower back off, so i'm trying to be cautious. i am also about ready to publish a book. the premise of the book is how God worked behind the scenes to prepare me for the crash. He prepared everything from my family, to my friends, and my finances so that all would work out for the best. i'll share more with you on that later, once i decide on a publisher, etc... it will be entitled "was it irony...or was it God?" dad is doing well, however, he has stopped his chemotherapy. it was making him very nauseous all the time and he continued to lose weight. he and the doctors felt that there's a significant chance the cancer won't come back even if he doesn't continue the chemo. dad said that at the age of 75, he's willing to take his chances.
congratulations to lynn schucker on her upcoming wedding!
prayer requests for healing:
retired capt. wendell webb
connie everett (retired captain del everett's wife)
barb moore's mom
quotes for the day:
believe while others
by william arthur ward

believe while others are doubting.
plan while others are playing.
study while others are sleeping.
decide while others are delaying.
prepare while others are daydreaming.
begin while others are procrastinating.
work while others are wishing.
save while others are wasting.
listen while others are talking.
smile while others are frowning.
commend while others are criticizing.
persist while others are quitting.
Christmas gift suggestions:
to your enemy, forgiveness.
to an opponent, tolerance.
to a friend, your heart.
to a customer, service.
to all, charity.
to every child, a good example.
to yourself, respect.

-oren arnold-
i pray you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year! i will leave you with the following video clip that cindy kollin sent me. i found it to be very motivational!
lisa - 1095

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26, 2008 - I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close (revelation 3:8, NLT)

top of the morning, friends!

i hope this blog entry finds you well and preparing for a wonderful thanksgiving with family and/or friends!

things are good here, as i can walk further and further without the use of a cane. in fact, the only time use it now is if i am walking a very long distance or if the terrain is uneven. i suspect that soon i won't even need it then.

the first picture above is of me and another biker i met on deal's gap, tennessee---just before we tackled the "dragon." the second picture is of a turtle i rescued on the outter banks, and the third picture was taken after my first night in london, kentucky---preparing for the day's ride. all three pictures were taken during my recent 3,200 motorcycle trip---what an experience!

dad is improving daily. he started chemo about 2 weeks ago. while it does make him a bit tired, he hasn't gotten any sicker or lost any hair as a result of the medicine. thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers. he must be getting better, as he sent me a page from a magazine that had a nice motorcycle bracelet advertised. attached to it was a post it note that said, "hint, hint, hint!." so....i ordered it for dad. i hope he really likes it.

i have attended two MADD events over the last couple of weeks and hope to do some type of volunteering with them soon. i do feel that i can offer a unique perspective as a law enforcement officer who has removed impaired drivers from the road and from that of victim.

i am also going to start as an adjunct professor with ohio university soon. i am very excited about the position and look so forward to it and other potential opportunities.

prayer requests:

scott rike's family after the loss of their father

barb moore's mom after recent surgery

praise reports:

my niece erin had recent medical tests and they came back positive

quotes for the day:

"blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting"

- author unknown -


"you were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win,
prepare to win, and expect to win"

- zig ziglar -

until next time....remember that the only things we really control in life is our attitudes and our effort.

be blessed!

lisa - 1095

Thursday, October 30, 2008

october 30, 2008 - “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (II corinthians 12:9)

top of the morning, friends.....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well.

things are going well here. dad is improving daily and gaining strength. he is, however, continuing to lose weight. he has lost nearly 40 lbs, so we're monitoring that closely. he is back to walking his dog and fishing occasionally--so those are good signs. thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers during his recovery.

the first picture is of my buddy alan forbes and me on a recent trip to deer creek. later that week, he and his mom came over for a pizza and movie night. we watched "nim's island." i actually stayed awake too!

the second picture here is of my friend kathy and me in helen, georgia during my recent vacation. i stopped to see her at her retirement home and we enjoyed a day of riding together. she is a fellow law enforcement officer that a met at a conference a few years back.

the recent "2008 motorcycles and murals" tour was a great success! we had between 15-20 people this year. the murals, foliage, fellowship, and ribs were outstanding! thanks to all those who attended. although the ride was chilly starting out, it gets bigger and better every year! i will have a few pictures to post in future blog entries. elzie somehow managed to get through the event without getting lost or arrested!

i have a several praise reports:
  • i've added the eliptical to my training workout. i'm up to about 2 miles at a time, in addition to my daily walking routine. i still use a cane most of the time, as my limp still adversely affects my lower back.

  • i've contacted MADD to search for potential volunteer opportunities. i would like to contribute and make a positive impact from the perspectives of both a victim and as a retired law enforcement officer who has arrested impaired drivers.

  • congratulations on dianna's transfer to finance & logistics! she will be great in her new position! best of luck!

  • congratulations to christy c. for graduating from her military school in texas this month. she's now off to west virginia for additional training before her return home. she's been missed!

  • now that school and therapy are finished, i'm finally mobile and back in the hunt for my next career!

please keep the following people in your prayers, as they have had loved ones pass or are experiencing illness of some sort:

  • scott rike's family
  • barb hauser's family
  • barb moore's mom
  • glenda woodgeard
  • erin hubbard (upcoming tests)
quotes for the day:

"belief always precedes action"
- james allen -
"do not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us"
- virginia satir -

story for the day:

when your hut's on fire

the only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. he prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. he felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost. he was stunned with disbelief, grief, and anger. he cried out, "God! how could you do this to me?" early the next day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island! it had come to rescue him! "how did you know i was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "we saw your smoke signal," they replied.

the moral of this story:

it's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. it just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God.

until next blessed!

lisa - 1095

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 20, 2008 - “then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “peace, be still!” (mark 4:39 NKJ)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all protected, prosperous, and with plenty of provision!

dad had to go back into the hospital wednesday due to blood clots in both legs. they were able to put in two screens to prevent them from moving to his heart, lungs, or brain. apparently this procedure is effective 96% of the time. he was released saturday and appears to be doing well. please keep him in your prayers.

please continue to keep the following people in your prayers as well:
scott rike (his father is ill and his dog recently passed)
barb moores mom (stroke)
barb hauser (health issues)

i recently returned from a 12 day, 10 state, 3,000 mile motorcycle trip--on the trike, of course. it was to celebrate my graduation from school and therapy. the weather was absolutely beautiful and i was able to see many wonderful sights. the picture above is from a ferry on the outer banks of NC.

i received this article this week. it was so good, i wanted to share it. we don't have to look far to find someone with more difficulties than us.
By Amy Sandlin

As I slowly pulled myself into work this morning, I was overwhelmed with exhaustion; with full speed stress headed my way. Anticipating the "mind over matter" feeling I needed, my eyes not wanting to open my "inbox" to start the day, I remembered the crosswalk. I was on my way to work a couple weeks ago, frustrated at how late traffic was making me, annoyed at my bad hair day. It was already scorching hot, humid and NO wind. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep. While being frustrated and annoyed and just plain angry at the day, I was held at a stop light for what seemed like forever. I glanced over to my left and saw a woman probably in her mid twenties, waiting for the crosswalk sign to allow her to cross. She was dressed in bright colors, gorgeous shoes, with a purse at her side and a glowing smile! Along with these striking things, she also had her dog along for the stroll. A joyful golden retriever, hopping along on the leash, excited for the day and to be outside with his owner. He just couldn't sit still with how much energy he had. So the woman petted him with her hand, and was talking to him with so much expression, and love - they were so happy! It made me smile underneath my gloomy bad mood. One detail not mentioned; the woman dressed in bright colors, gorgeous shoes, purse and a glowing smile, with her pal at her side was handicap, in an electric wheel chair, which she could only operate with her right hand. As the crosswalk sign changed, and she pushed the black knob forward to operate her wheelchair across the street, her dog followed happily beside her as the leash was tied to the arm of her chair.
A tear filled my eye, and I smiled! Someone else's situation can kick your mind into gear and remind us what to be thankful for! I have no doubt this woman and her dog were put there for a reason, so I would wake up, and enjoy my day no matter what my hair looked like, no matter what traffic I was stuck in, and no matter what my day had in store for me! I greatly appreciate this woman and her golden retriever, for teaching me a wonderful lesson! Pay attention to the smallest moments, they will teach the most!

quotes for the day:

"there is no such thing as can't, only won't. if you're qualified, all it takes is a burning desire to accomplish, to make a change. go forward, go backward. whatever it takes! but you can't blame other people or society in general. it all comes from your mind. when we do the impossible we realize we are special people"
-jan ashford-
"you can't help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself"
-h. norman schwarzkopf-

tina hursey - good hearing from you. it has been way too long! please leave your email on the blog and i will get in touch with you!
colonel & brenda collins - thanks for your continued words of encouragement. i always look forward to hearing from you guys and getting updates on cory. i pray he continues to improve.

until next time, be blessed....

lisa - 1095

Saturday, September 27, 2008

september 27, 2008 - “your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (psalm 119:105)

top of the afternoon, friends....

i hope this entry finds you all well. i think fall is upon us today!

the picture above is terri's and jen's new "additions." they still have 3 available for adoption to good homes if anyone is interested.....

dad is not only home, but he is completely free of any ports, IV's, or tubes! God is so good! his wife mary is now with him and they are both improving daily. thanks again for all your prayers--they definitely worked.

i have several praise reports:

- di and i finished our MBAs last tuesday! we're onto our next challenges!
- i finished my 2nd 5K a week ago friday. i did the "night moves" 5K through german village.
- formal therapy ended the same day we finished our MBA's too!
-the elusive bat that had been living in my house has finally been captured and can
finally sleep again!

quote for the day:
"you are today where your thoughts have brought you; 

you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you"

-james allen-

please continue to pray for:

the election process
OSP leadership
barb moore's mom
joyce channel
jon haney's family
the unsaved, sick, lonely, hurting, hungry,and depressed as well as those suffering the effects from the recent hurricane

until next blessed!
lisa - 1095

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

september 17, 2008 - "i am the good shepard, i lay down my life for my sheep" (john 10:11)

top of the morning, friends...

i pray this blog entry finds you all well. its been a while since i've been on the blog site.
the above picture is me "taking aim" with my cane while out on a ride on the trike.....
things have been hectic here with everything going on, but i do have several praise reports:

  • we believe dad will be released from the nursing home today!

  • di and i only have one more week to complete our MBA's!

  • because i already do pretty extensive therapy on my own, my ortho doctor is allowing me to finish formal therapy the same day i finish school!

  • my family survived the hurricane with minimal damage and we all now have power and water!

  • i walked 2 miles one day last week with no cane!

quotes for the day:

"there are two primary choices in life:
to accept conditions as they exist,
or accept the responsibility for changing them"

-denis waitley-


"formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously and never permit it to fade. your mind will seek to develop this picture"

-dr. norman vincent peale-

please keep the following people/things in your prayers this week:

  • OSP leadership

  • the upcoming election

  • earl smith's wife

  • the larry meredith family

  • joyce channel

  • barb moore's mom

congratulations is in order for s/lt. kim campbell who retired from the patrol recently!

a special thanks to my family and friends who have kept me upbeat and motivated over the last year! you guys have been wonderful (and good shepards)!

until next time, be blessed...

lisa - 1095

Friday, September 5, 2008

september 5, 2008 - “as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways..." (isaiah 55:9)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well. thanks so much for your continued thoughts and prayers for my dad. he was released to a nursing home last friday and is getting some much needed therapy before he can return home. his spirits are good and he's walking some without a walker. he feels he is getting stronger each day and is eager to return home to mary and his beloved dog "tiki." attached is a picture of him and his two favorite nurses - rose and toni. they were absolutely wonderful to him during his 31 day stay at the hospital.
we are only 3 weeks away from our MBA's now...time is getting short...but what a journey! we plan to finish up on sept. 23...that's the same day i plan to finish therapy--if my ortho dr. will allow it. i'm anxious to get on with another career!
i have a praise report....i walked 3/4 mile one day last week without a cane! it probably wasn't very pretty, and i know it wasn't very smooth, but every day gets a little better!
quotes for the day:
"act as if what you do makes a difference. it does."
- william james -
"people who consider themselves victims of their circumstances,
will always remain victims unless they develop a greater vision for their lives."
- stedman graham -
please keep the following people in your prayers as well, as they are all fighting some kind of battle:
barb moore's mom
joyce channel
mary taylor
OSP leadership
until next blessed!
lisa - 1095

Thursday, August 21, 2008

august 22, 2008 - carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (galatians 6:2 NIV)

top of the morning, friends....

thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers for my dad. he is entering his 22nd day of his stay at the hospital. considering he underwent 2 major surgeries in 5 days, he is doing remarkably well physically. he is, however, struggling a bit mentally. he is terrified that something else will go wrong. his vitals are improving and various tubes are coming out almost daily. they have moved him to a step down unit--but still in ICU. he is so afraid of eating again, as that's when the last problem occurred. the dr's are taking it very slow, continuing to feed him via stomach tube. while he is still on mega doses of antibiotics, he continues to improve daily. he is very anxious to get home to his wife and his beloved dog, tiki.

i am sorry i haven't updated this earlier, but we wanted to make sure he was out of the woods. he appears to have "turned the corner" now and we're very optimistic for a full recovery.

on another positive note...5 more weeks to complete the MBA....then onto the next career search!
the picture above is the new 2009 harley "triglide." although i love the trike i'm riding....a girl can dream, can't she?

quotes for the day...

"believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you"
- cynthia kersey -


"failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently"
- henry ford -

kaila mcgarvey - good luck and have fun in your first year at loyola!

joyce channel - God bless you as you recover from leg surgery.

the ernestine abrams family - my prayers are with you after the loss of you mother. she was a great friend to me!
happy belated birthday to my friend, christy clark!

until next blessed!

lisa - 1095

Saturday, August 9, 2008

August 9, 2008 - "I will trust and not be afraid" (Isaiah 12:2)

top of the morning, friends....

thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers for my dad. we've had quite a week. after dad's second major surgery within a week, he has battled infection, an irregular heartbeat, blood pressure issues, diabetes, and pnemonia.

but, on a positive note, while he still has a tube from his stomach up through his nose, as well as a cath, he is off the ventilator and there are signs that his stomach is starting to "wake up." he is still extremely tired and thirsty. the only thing he's had by mouth is a few ice chips. he is wanting to eat and drink, but due to the last episode, the doctors are being extremely cautious. they want to make sure the sutures in his stomach, pancreas, intestines, and bile ducts are healing sufficiently and won't break like they did the last time.

my family and i have been staying with dad around the clock to make sure he gets the attention he needs. even as sick as he has been, he has still been such a gentleman. he has however, said some pretty crazy and funny things when he has hallucinated. i hope we can all laugh about this later. for now, he is still in the critical care unit.

he needs to get well so he can resume fishing, hunting, and motorcycling!

thank you again for all the thoughts, texts, calls, cards, and visits. they lift dad up more than you all know. special thanks to trish mcgarvey, jenny burns, and lisa rowland for all the help they've provided during dad's ordeal. your kindness has been unbelievable!

i will attempt to keep you all posted.


lisa - 1095

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

august 6, 2008 - "when I am afraid, i will trust in you" (psalms 56:3)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well.

it's been a tough week in the taylor household - but we're cautiously optimistic......

as many of you know, about 3 weeks ago, my dad went to the dr. for what he thought was kidney stones. he did, in fact, have a stone, but during the cat scan, a baseball sized mass was found attached to his small intestine--on the other side of the kidney with the stone. a biopsy was completed via a scope and colonoscopy and was deemed negative for cancer. the dr's decided that the mass was simply an ulcer and that it should be repaired, as it was located in a very critical and congested area. the plan was to simply go in and remove that small section of his duodenum and sew it back together.

last wednesday, dad entered the hospital for the surgery. when the dr's got into his stomach area, they found that the mass was larger and cancerous and is called a "gist" tumor. the surgery then entailed removing 1/2 of dads stomach, 1/2 of his pancreas, part of his bile ducts, as well as part of his intestine. the procedure is called a "whipple" operation. while the surgery was alot bigger and more complicated than originally thought, dad seemed to be doing pretty well sunday and was finally allowed to drink some clear liquids. he was so exited to eat--he had had nothing by mouth for almost a week. he had a popsicle, cranberry juice, some diet coke, and some chicken broth.

shortly after he ate, he started experiencing significant pain in his right side, having trouble breathing, and hallucinating. long story short, the sutures that had been performed a week ago had popped loose. the stuff dad drank ended up in his abdominal cavity and his stomach became very distended. he also became feverish due to the infection it was creating.

at 2am, the surgeons took dad back into the operating room to redo the previous work. dad is now listed in critical condition and currently on a ventilator. they are feeding him via feeding tube. please keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers, as each passing minute improves his chances of survival.

on a much more positive note, the doctors do think they got all the cancer, as it has not spread into the stomach, pancreas, or lymph nodes. they believe the tumor was completely encapsulated.

please keep the following individuals and families in your prayers:

joyce channel

the hauser family

the wright family

quote for the day:

"in the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength but by perseverance"
-h. jackson brown-

until next blessed

lisa - 1095

Monday, July 28, 2008

july 28, 2008 - "come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (matthew 11:28)

top of the evening, friends.....

i hope this blog entry finds you all okay. well, the ortho doctor says that my bone grafts continue to heal nicely. he is pleased with how my therapy is going and with the progress i'm making. i won't see him again for 2 months.
i completed my first 5K (walk) this past weekend. i came in dead last, but i finished--which was my goal. i hope to do one event each month for the remainder of the year and then do a 1/2 marathon next year. of course, i'm still using 2 canes, but they help me tremendously on walking more correctly.
dianna and i are counting down to 9 weeks to our MBAs.
quotes for the day:
"the person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones"
"adversity cause some men to break; others to break records"
-william arthur ward-
This is a long read, but well worth the time.....
story for the day:
Commentator and broadcaster Tony Snow announced that he had colon cancer in 2005. Following surgery and chemo-therapy, Snow joined the Bush Administration in April 2006 as press secretary. Unfortunately, on March 23, 2007, Snow, 51, a husband and father of three, announced the cancer had recurred, with tumors found in his abdomen,- leading to surgery in April, followed by more chemotherapy. Snow went back to work in the White House Briefing Room on May 30, but has resigned since, 'for economic reasons,' and to pursue 'other interests.' Here is Tony's wonderful testimony.

Blessings arrive in unexpected packages, - in my case, cancer. Those of us with potentially fatal diseases - and there are millions in America today - find ourselves in the odd position of coping with our mortality while trying to fathom God's will. Although it would be the height of presumption to declare with confidence 'What It All Means,' Scripture provides powerful hints and consolations. The first is that we shouldn't spend too much time trying to answer the 'why' questions: Why me? Why must people suffer? Why can't someone else get sick? We can't answer such things, and the questions themselves often are designed more to express our anguish than to solicit an answer. I don't know why I have cancer, and I don't much care. It is what it is, a plain and indisputable fact. Yet even while staring into a mirror darkly, great and stunning truths begin to take shape. Our maladies define a central feature of our existence: We are fallen. We are imperfect. Our bodies give out. But despite this, - or because of it, - God offers the possibility of salvation and grace. We don't know how the narrative of our lives will end, but we get to choose how to use the interval between now and the moment we meet our Creator face-to-face. Second, we need to get past the anxiety. The mere thought of dying can send adrenaline flooding through your system. A dizzy, unfocused panic seizes you. Your heart thumps; your head swims. You think of nothingness and swoon. You fear partings; you worry about the impact on family and friends. You fidget and get nowhere. To regain footing, remember that we were born not into death, but into life,- and that the journey continues after we have finished our days on this earth. We accept this on faith, but that faith is nourished by a conviction that stirs even within many non-believing hearts... an intuition that the gift of life, once given, cannot be taken away. Those who have been stricken enjoy the special privilege of being able to fight with their might, main, and faith to live fully, richly, exuberantly - no matter how their days may be numbered. Third, we can open our eyes and hearts. God relishes surprise. We want lives of simple, predictable ease,- smooth, even trails as far as the eye can see.... but God likes to go off-road. He provokes us with twists and turns. He places us in predicaments that seem to defy our endurance; and comprehension - and yet don't. By His love and grace, we persevere. The challenges that make our hearts leap and stomachs churn invariably strengthen our faith and grant measures of wisdom and joy we would not experience otherwise. 'You Have Been Called'. Picture yourself in a hospital bed. The fog of anesthesia has begun to wear away. A doctor stands at your feet, a loved one holds your hand at the side. 'It's cancer,' the healer announces. The natural reaction is to turn to God and ask him to serve as a cosmic Santa. 'Dear God, make it all go away. Make everything simpler.' But another voice whispers: 'You have been called.' Your quandary has drawn you closer to God, closer to those you love, closer to the issues that matter... and has dragged into insignificance the banal concerns that occupy our 'normal time.' There's another kind of response, although usually short-lived an inexplicable shudder of excitement, as if a clarifying moment of calamity has swept away everything trivial and tiny, and placed before us the challenge of important questions. The moment you enter the Valley of the Shadow of Death, things change. You discover that Christianity is not something doughy, passive, pious, and soft. Faith may be the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But it also draws you into a world shorn of fearful caution. The life of belief teems with thrills, boldness, danger, shocks, reversals, triumphs, and epiphanies. Think of Paul, traipsing through the known world and contemplating trips to what must have seemed the antipodes (Spain!), shaking the dust from his sandals, worrying not about the morrow, but only about the moment. There's nothing wilder than a life of humble virtue, - for it is through selflessness and service that God wrings from our bodies and spirits the most we ever could give, the most we ever could offer, and the most we ever could do.
Finally, we can let love change everything. When Jesus was faced with the prospect of crucifixion, he grieved not for himself, but for us. He cried for Jerusalem before entering the holy city. From the Cross, he took on the cumulative burden of human sin and weakness, and begged for forgiveness on our behalf. We get repeated chances to learn that life is not about us, that we acquire purpose and satisfaction by sharing in God's love for others. Sickness gets us part way there. It reminds us of our limitations and dependence. But it also gives us a chance to serve the healthy. A minister friend of mine observes that people suffering grave afflictions often acquire the faith of two people, while loved ones accept the burden of two peoples' worries and fears. 'Learning How to Live'. Most of us have watched friends as they drifted toward God's arms, not with resignation, but with peace and hope. In so doing, they have taught us not how to die, but how to live. They have emulated Christ by transmitting the power and authority of love. I sat by my best friend's bedside a few years ago as a wasting cancer took him away. He kept at his table a worn Bible and a 1928 edition of the Book of Common Prayer. A shattering grief disabled his family, many of his old friends, and at least one priest. Here was an humble and very good guy, someone who apologized when he winced with pain because he thought it made his guest uncomfortable. He retained his equanimity and good humor literally until his last conscious moment. 'I'm going to try to beat [this cancer],' he told me several months before he died 'But if I don't, I'll see you on the other side.' His gift was to remind everyone around him that even though God doesn't promise us tomorrow, he does promise us eternity, - filled with life and love we cannot comprehend, - and that one can in the throes of sickness point the rest of us toward timeless truths that will help us weather future storms. Through such trials, God bids us to choose: Do we believe, or do we not? Will we be bold enough to love, daring enough to serve, humble enough to submit, and strong enough to acknowledge our limitations? Can we surrender our concern in things that don't matter so that we might devote our remaining days to things that do? When our faith flags, he throws reminders in our way. Think of the prayer warriors in our midst. They change things, and those of us who have been on the receiving end of their petitions and intercessions know it. It is hard to describe, but there are times when suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and you feel a surge of the Spirit. Somehow you just know: Others have chosen, when talking to the Author of all creation, to lift us up, - to speak of us! This is love of a very special order. But so is the ability to sit back and appreciate the wonder of every created thing. The mere thought of death somehow makes every blessing vivid, every happiness more luminous and intense. We may not know how our contest with sickness will end, but we have felt the ineluctable touch of God. What is man that Thou art mindful of him? We don't know much, but we know this: No matter where we are, no matter what we do, no matter how bleak or frightening our prospects, each and every one of us who believe, each and every day, lies in the same safe and impregnable place, in the hollow of God's hand.'
-Tony Snow-

please pray the for the following individuals and/or families, as they are all fighting some type of battle:
the don hauser family
levi from portsmouth
glenda woodgeard
eric welsh's family
sue rance-locke
scott rike's dad
my dad ross - he has surgery this week

and finally, for my motorcycle is an awesome video!


until next time....

lisa - 1095

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

july 16, 2008 - What is impossible with men is possible with God" (Luke 18:27)

top of the afternoon friends....

well....sunday, july 13, 2008 marked a year since our motorcycle crash. what a difference a year has made! who would have guessed we'd be hit off duty by an impaired driver? who would have thought i'd have to retire? but....things are how they should be. God continues to work in my life in ways i never thought possible. this event has stretched me more than i could have ever imagined and i've found determination that i never knew i had. soon, i hope to finish formal physical therapy and walk without assistance. today, i walked a mile, then went to therapy. it continues to be difficult, but i can definitely tell i'm getting stronger with each day.

thanks to everyone for all the prayers for my dad. they definitely worked! he has been deemed cancer free, however, he does go into the hospital late this month to have an ulcer repaired. the drs. will take out a small portion of his small intestine to remove the irritated area. he will be in the hospital for 5-7 days, and will have a tube from his nose to his stomach for at least 4 days to ensure there is no leakage in the repaired area. the surgeon said it is a serious surgery, but much better than what i could have been. he's nervous, but optimistic.

school is continuing....dianna and i only have 10 weeks to go! my sister terry said that this endeavor has been alot like being pregnant....the closer it gets, the farther it seems! it think i agree!

congratulations on the upcoming retirement of dispatcher carolyn mcmanis! good luck in whatever's next in your life.

quote for the day......

"Nothing limits achievement like small thinking;
nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination"
-William Arthur Ward-


Just Five More Minutes
Author Unknown

While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground."That's my son over there," she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide."He's a fine looking boy" the man said. "That's my daughter on the bike in the white dress."Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. "What do you say we go, Melissa?"Melissa pleaded, "Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes." The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart's content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. "Time to go now?"Again Melissa pleaded, "Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes."The man smiled and said, "OK.""My, you certainly are a patient father," the woman responded.The man smiled and then said, "Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'd give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa. She thinks she has five more inutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch her play."Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities?Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time today!

Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers, as they are all continuing to fight some type of battle:

len gray

glenda woodgeard

gina herbert

ty grimwoods daughter, lauren

thanks to colonel & brenda collins, terri west, bob booker, mark atkeson, wendy forbes, & mike hunter for continuing to keep me lifted up.

elzie - i know that my dad would NEVER tell you that i ate him out of house and home. he assured me that you made that up! and yes....i can still fit in that dress!

chris errington - you promised you'd never tell anyone about the baby's breath ordeal! what happens near youngstown....stays in youngstown!

until next blessed!

lisa - 1095

Monday, June 30, 2008

june 30, 2008-"love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way...(1 Cor 13:4-7)

top of the evening, friends....

i hope all is well with you and yours. things continue to progress well here, aside from a pulled muscle in my right ribs--which makes walking with a cane a little more challenging.

i received a praise report this week--i will be done with my MBA in about 13 weeks! it's been a long process, but i pray it will pay off down the road in the form of another job i'm passionate about. i was so blessed with a wonderful career with the division, i fear it will be hard to find something i love as much.

i came across my kindergarten picture today and because it cracked me up, i thought i'd share it with you. i'm the one with the VERY short dress, first row, 4th from the left. i can't wait for comments from elzie.

on a more serious note, i'd like to ask for prayer for my dad. during a CAT scan for kidney stones last week, the dr. found a baseball sized mass near where his stomach and small intestine come together. he goes in to be scoped (and/or a colonoscopy) very soon to determine if the mass is on the inside or outside of his intestine. if it is on the outside, the surgery will be much less complicated. whether the mass is malignant or benign, it must come out. the dr. said that that particular area is very congested with several organs and he does not want to risk any obstruction. while dad is concerned, he is confident that whatever happens we will deal with it. for those of you who don't know him, he's a pretty special guy and my "motorcycle buddy."

quote for the day:
"what if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it-would you be likely to give them another? life is the same way. in order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have"
-ralph marston-
Words Of A Feather
"There was once a man who loved to gossip. He loved the attention it brought him, and could not stop himself from speaking about others, sometimes sharing the good they did, but most often sharing the mistakes they made. "In time, however, he realized the harm his speech was causing and he sought to make amends. He went to his rabbi and explained the situation, and asked how he could make amends. "The rabbi thought for a moment and instructed the man to go to the marketplace and purchase two of the finest feather pillows he could find. He should then take the pillows to the top of the mountain overlooking the village, tear them open, and spill the feathers into the wind. "The man was surprised and pleased at the rabbi's advice. He thought repentance would be much harder than this. So he ran to the marketplace, purchased his pillows, and within an hour had scattered their feathers to the wind. "He returned to the rabbi all aglow. He was ready to be forgiven for his gossiping. Not just yet, the rabbi told him. There was one more thing to do. He had to return to the mountain and repack the pillows with the feathers that he had scattered. "'But that's impossible,' the man said. 'Those feathers have gone everywhere, there is no way I can take them back now.'" "The rabbi nodded solemnly and said, 'What is true of the feathers is true of the words. Once spoken they can never be retrieved. The harm caused by gossip cannot be undone.'"
—Rabbi Rami Shapiro from The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness-
please continue to keep the following other people in your thoughts and prayers, as they are all facing difficulties right now: gina herbert, glenda woodgeard, dale robirds son ryan,
mary taylor, scott speakman's mom, & ernestine abrams.
congratulations to ginny fogt and mike nisky on their upcoming retirements! and thanks to my "breakfast at the barrel" friends for a wonderful time of fellowship friday!
until next time, be blessed!
lisa - 1095

Monday, June 16, 2008

june 16, 2008 - "prayer is not asking for what you think you want, but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine"

top of the evening, friends...

i trust this blog entry finds you all well. things here are progressing. i have recently been able to take a few steps without my cane. it's still pretty choppy and a bit uncomfortable, but i consider that a great victory. the therapy nazis are doing their magic and killing me! actually, i do believe it is helping a lot, but they really push the envelope. my goal is to at least walk a half marathon next year, if my leg cooperates. right now, i'm getting about a 70 degree bend on my left leg. tonight i walked just over 2 miles--i'm really slow, but getting faster by the week. i return to the orthopedic doctor in late july, so i'm hoping for another great report.

mary and i are still a bit stunned at how this ordeal has come to an end. after the funeral service, i sat down and wrote a letter to john's family. i told him that they were all in our prayers and that we certainly didn't want or ever expected john to feel that hopeless. what a tragedy.

my retirement has really given me time to reflect and has given me time to do some writing. i'm not sure what i'll do with the end product, but its been very therapeudic for me. i've also had the privilege of doing some public speaking. that too has been very rewarding. you can only do so much homework and grass mowing! lol

someone needs to hook up with elzie fish and inform him that he does not resemble brad pitt--grizzly adams, maybe....but not brad pitt. i think he's slipping a bit since retirement. poor thing.

and by the way, mark fellure....the obetz racing team does not exist. in fact, it's simply another figment of elzie's very vivid imagination!

as you go about your week, please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all fighting some kind of battle:
junior salyers
glenda woodgeard

i couldn't select just one quote so here are 2 quotes for the day:

"there are two primary choices in life;
to accept conditions as they exist,
or accept the responsibility for changing them"
-Denis Waitley-

"when we accept tough jobs as a challenge and wade into them with joy and enthusiasm, miracles can happen"
-Arland Gilbert-

congratulations to:

major bruce ludlow on his retirement
kaila mcgarvey and mitch errington on their graduation from high school
marla gaskill and cassie kocab on their MBA graduation

thanks to:
mike rankin for the great CD - and for your very kind words of encouragement
larry balla for your continuing support and prayers
terri west for always checking in - i stopped in to see you last week, but you were MIA!
wendy forbes for always keeping me lifted up with calls and're the best!

the attached story and video (at the bottom) is so incredible, i had to share it--it demonstrates both true love and determination.

until next time, be blessed!

lisa - 1095

A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?' The father, who despite having a heart condition says, 'Yes.' They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together.' To which, his father said 'Yes'. For those who didn't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile (3.86 kilometer) ocean swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike ride, and ending with a 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the coast of the Big Island . Father and son went on to complete the race together. Click Here to View the Video of the duo.

Father and Son

Thursday, May 29, 2008

may 29, 2008 - “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father…” (James 1:17)

top of the morning, friends.....

i hope this entry finds you all well.
its been a while since i made a posting, simply because i didn't have a lot to report.
today, however, i do have some extremely unfortunate news to share. mr. walenciej, the individual who hit mary and me on friday, july 13, 2007, committed suicide this week. we don't have all the details yet, but we are asking for prayer for the walenciej family, as they have lost a son, a brother, and a father. may God bless them. mary and i had long forgiven mr. walenciej, and both feel that there is nothing worth taking your own life over. the criminal case, of course, will be dismissed. please keep mary and me in your prayers. we both wanted closure, but certainly not in this manner.

quotes for the day:
"only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"
-robert f. kennedy -
"a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug"
- patricia neal -

captain paul pride - thanks so much for the invitation to the retirees luncheon. the food and fellowship was outstanding. it was great seeing everyone again!

retired captain les reel - thank you so much for your wonderful, heartfelt letter. you humble me, friend. i will cherish your kind words. please keep in touch - i miss your friendship and mentorship!

retired sergeant steve belyus - thanks friend, for all the crash reconstruction work you did for mary and me. we will be forever indebted to you!

for my motorcycle friends - please send me your home email addresses to, as i'm trying to put together a "motorcycle email group" to share upcoming rides, bikes for sale, bike shows, and any other pertinent motorcycle information. in the meantime, my friend jules (641-227-9156) has the above (orange) road king for sale right now for$17,200. Also, my friend sgt. jeff skinner also has the above (white) road king for sale as well.
capital city motorcycle club will be having a "gypsy tour" ride on saturday, june 21, 2008 for those interested. capital city is on borror road just south of grove city. let me know if you need start/end times. all are welcome for riding, food, and fellowship.
please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all experiencing some health issues:
glenda woodgeard & her mom
junior salyers
mary taylor
janet barbee
ernestine abrams
scott rikes dad
jillian salyers
also keep the patrol and its leadership in your prayers as well, as a dedicated funding source is attempting to be determined. hearings are being conducted now.
thanks to everyone who has continued to keep me lifted up via emails, phone calls, visits, prayer, etc.... things are going great! my rehab is going well, as is school. everything is as it should be and will be just fine.
until next time.....
be blessed,
lisa - 1095

Thursday, May 8, 2008

may 8, 2008 - for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks - (Matthew 12:34)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this finds you all well!

i don't really have much to report today, but wanted to ask for prayer for a few people. we all need daily prayer. the Father says that when two or more are gathered in His name, great miracles will occur.

cindy kollin - is going in for surgery today. please keep her in your prayers - for strength both physically and emotionally.

junior salyers - is battling cancer and is currently going through treatment. please continue to pray for healing and endurance.

mike salyers - my brother-in-law who is too stubborn to go to the doctor for a continuing bout of the flu and/or bronchitis.

quote for the day:

"people may fail many times, but they become failures only when they begin to blame someone else. experience is determined by yourself -- not the circumstances of your life"

- gita bellin -

story for the day (submitted by cindy kollin):

Scars… Some years ago, on a hot summer day in south Florida , a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore. His father working in the yard saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In utter fear, he ran toward the water, yelling to his son as loudly as he could. Hearing his voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his father. It was too late. Just as he reached his father, the alligator reached him. From the dock, the father grabbed his little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the father, but the father was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard his screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator. Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches where his father's fingernails dug into his flesh in his effort to hang on to the son he loved. The newspaper reporter who interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, 'But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Dad wouldn't let go.' You and I can identify with that little boy. We have scars, too. No, not from an alligator, but the scars of a painful past. Some of those scars are unsightly and have caused us deep regret. But some wounds, my friend, are because God has refused to let go. In the midst of yourstruggle, He's been there holding on to you.

please continue to pray corporately for our country, our troops, our families, and our friends. remember, everyone is in the midst of some sort of physical, emotional, financial, or spiritual struggle today.

thanks to all who have sent words of encouragement about my retirement. i appreciate them more than you can know. for now, i'm going to focus on school and rehab and see what doors might be opened for me in the future.

God bless you all....

lisa - 1095

Saturday, May 3, 2008

may 3, 2008 - a generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed - (Proverbs 11:25)

top of the afternoon, friends....

i hope this finds you all well!

well, my retirement is official, as of last sunday. thanks to dave and fran dicken for opening their home for the wonderful send-off!

also thanks to everyone for such kind words, cards, and gifts. i have been so blessed with wonderful friends. you guys and gals have been nothing but stellar during this ordeal.

the rehab continues with my leg. i continue to walk 1-3 miles a day either with crutches or cane, but i am working to put more weight on it each day.
i return to the dr. the middle of this month to determine if i can be placed in formal rehab. for now, i'm just trying to become acclimated to walking again.

mary is continuing to work light duty, but should return to full duty very soon. she thanks you all for your thoughts and prayers that have made her recovery much easier.
we have another pretrial toward the end of this month. there will be at least one more after that before the jury trial.

quote for the day.....

"a happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes"

hugh downs

colonel collins - thanks so much for the nice gesture this week. i enjoyed our visit.
OFLS friends - thanks again for your generosity! you guys and gals are the best!
i'll let you know how the rehab/dr.'s appointment goes. the progress is slow, but sure!
until next time,
be blessed....
lisa - 1095

Saturday, April 19, 2008

april 19, 2008 - if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘be uprooted and planted in the sea’ and it'll obey

top of the afternoon, friends....

once again, i hope this blog entry finds you all well. as you know from reading previous entries, my orthopedic doctor, beginning march 31, is allowing me to now put some weight on my left leg. while i am still on crutches, the majority of the time, i continuously add additional weight each day. i have also walked with a cane for varying periods of time. unbelivably, i have even walked with no support, although its very jerky and unstable. the following two videos at the bottom of the screen show a little of my progress.

thanks to your continued thoughts, prayers, and support, i am progressing with each passing day. while i don't always notice huge improvements on a daily basis, i do notice great improvements weekly.

the picture above is of my friend sammy, who incidently, is also on Mt. Rushmore, as you can

the MBA continues. carl, dianna, and i forgot how much work and research goes into this, but we're all doing well.

for my motorcycle friends (but ALL are welcome!)....there are some upcoming rides at capital city motorcycle club. the details are listed below:
  • may 4, 2008 - 11a signup - 1230p ride
  • june 21, 2008 - gypsy tour - 9a signup - 10a ride
  • september 7, 2008 - kids & kamp ride - signup 11a - 1230p ride

capital city motorcycle club is located at 9700 borror road, orient, ohio 43146 - 614-877-1777

quote for the day:

it is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts
- anonymous -

terri west - thanks again for your little "pick me ups." they always make me smile.

brenda pahl - you, friend, are my inspiration. i have seen how you have fought adversity and won. i hope i can do as well!

colonel & brenda collins - thanks for always checking in on me. i so appreciate your leadership and friendship.

dave & fran dicken - thanks so much for all you've done and continue to do to make this part of my life easier.

cindy kollin - congratulations on the new house - can't wait for the housewarming party!

larry balla - thanks for your continued concern. the blue knights have been nothing but stellar!

wendy forbes - you have been such a God-send to me, friend. your thoughtfulness and compassion never cease to amaze me.

elzie fish - thanks for the visit and ride info, buddy. i don't care what my dad says, i think you're a pretty good guy.

len & shelly gray - i'm so sorry about the passing of shelly's dad. my thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

scott rike - congratulations on the birth of your new son! he's a very handsome little man!

mike hunter - thanks for the very nice note....i wish you nothing but the best on your bicycling goals. if anyone can do what you have can!

until next time....

be blessed!

lisa - 1095