top of the morning, friends....
thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers for my dad. we've had quite a week. after dad's second major surgery within a week, he has battled infection, an irregular heartbeat, blood pressure issues, diabetes, and pnemonia.
but, on a positive note, while he still has a tube from his stomach up through his nose, as well as a cath, he is off the ventilator and there are signs that his stomach is starting to "wake up." he is still extremely tired and thirsty. the only thing he's had by mouth is a few ice chips. he is wanting to eat and drink, but due to the last episode, the doctors are being extremely cautious. they want to make sure the sutures in his stomach, pancreas, intestines, and bile ducts are healing sufficiently and won't break like they did the last time.
my family and i have been staying with dad around the clock to make sure he gets the attention he needs. even as sick as he has been, he has still been such a gentleman. he has however, said some pretty crazy and funny things when he has hallucinated. i hope we can all laugh about this later. for now, he is still in the critical care unit.
he needs to get well so he can resume fishing, hunting, and motorcycling!
thank you again for all the thoughts, texts, calls, cards, and visits. they lift dad up more than you all know. special thanks to trish mcgarvey, jenny burns, and lisa rowland for all the help they've provided during dad's ordeal. your kindness has been unbelievable!
i will attempt to keep you all posted.
lisa - 1095
Lisa....just saw the 5K post...Gotta say...YOU ROCK!!!
I am so glad to hear about your Dad, he and you all are on our minds.
Love ya and know we are here for you.
Tom, Wendy and Alan
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