i hope this blog entry finds you all protected, prosperous, and with plenty of provision!
dad had to go back into the hospital wednesday due to blood clots in both legs. they were able to put in two screens to prevent them from moving to his heart, lungs, or brain. apparently this procedure is effective 96% of the time. he was released saturday and appears to be doing well. please keep him in your prayers.
please continue to keep the following people in your prayers as well:
scott rike (his father is ill and his dog recently passed)
barb moores mom (stroke)
barb hauser (health issues)
i recently returned from a 12 day, 10 state, 3,000 mile motorcycle trip--on the trike, of course. it was to celebrate my graduation from school and therapy. the weather was absolutely beautiful and i was able to see many wonderful sights. the picture above is from a ferry on the outer banks of NC.
i received this article this week. it was so good, i wanted to share it. we don't have to look far to find someone with more difficulties than us.
By Amy Sandlin
As I slowly pulled myself into work this morning, I was overwhelmed with exhaustion; with full speed stress headed my way. Anticipating the "mind over matter" feeling I needed, my eyes not wanting to open my "inbox" to start the day, I remembered the crosswalk. I was on my way to work a couple weeks ago, frustrated at how late traffic was making me, annoyed at my bad hair day. It was already scorching hot, humid and NO wind. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep. While being frustrated and annoyed and just plain angry at the day, I was held at a stop light for what seemed like forever. I glanced over to my left and saw a woman probably in her mid twenties, waiting for the crosswalk sign to allow her to cross. She was dressed in bright colors, gorgeous shoes, with a purse at her side and a glowing smile! Along with these striking things, she also had her dog along for the stroll. A joyful golden retriever, hopping along on the leash, excited for the day and to be outside with his owner. He just couldn't sit still with how much energy he had. So the woman petted him with her hand, and was talking to him with so much expression, and love - they were so happy! It made me smile underneath my gloomy bad mood. One detail not mentioned; the woman dressed in bright colors, gorgeous shoes, purse and a glowing smile, with her pal at her side was handicap, in an electric wheel chair, which she could only operate with her right hand. As the crosswalk sign changed, and she pushed the black knob forward to operate her wheelchair across the street, her dog followed happily beside her as the leash was tied to the arm of her chair.
A tear filled my eye, and I smiled! Someone else's situation can kick your mind into gear and remind us what to be thankful for! I have no doubt this woman and her dog were put there for a reason, so I would wake up, and enjoy my day no matter what my hair looked like, no matter what traffic I was stuck in, and no matter what my day had in store for me! I greatly appreciate this woman and her golden retriever, for teaching me a wonderful lesson! Pay attention to the smallest moments, they will teach the most!
By Amy Sandlin
As I slowly pulled myself into work this morning, I was overwhelmed with exhaustion; with full speed stress headed my way. Anticipating the "mind over matter" feeling I needed, my eyes not wanting to open my "inbox" to start the day, I remembered the crosswalk. I was on my way to work a couple weeks ago, frustrated at how late traffic was making me, annoyed at my bad hair day. It was already scorching hot, humid and NO wind. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep. While being frustrated and annoyed and just plain angry at the day, I was held at a stop light for what seemed like forever. I glanced over to my left and saw a woman probably in her mid twenties, waiting for the crosswalk sign to allow her to cross. She was dressed in bright colors, gorgeous shoes, with a purse at her side and a glowing smile! Along with these striking things, she also had her dog along for the stroll. A joyful golden retriever, hopping along on the leash, excited for the day and to be outside with his owner. He just couldn't sit still with how much energy he had. So the woman petted him with her hand, and was talking to him with so much expression, and love - they were so happy! It made me smile underneath my gloomy bad mood. One detail not mentioned; the woman dressed in bright colors, gorgeous shoes, purse and a glowing smile, with her pal at her side was handicap, in an electric wheel chair, which she could only operate with her right hand. As the crosswalk sign changed, and she pushed the black knob forward to operate her wheelchair across the street, her dog followed happily beside her as the leash was tied to the arm of her chair.
A tear filled my eye, and I smiled! Someone else's situation can kick your mind into gear and remind us what to be thankful for! I have no doubt this woman and her dog were put there for a reason, so I would wake up, and enjoy my day no matter what my hair looked like, no matter what traffic I was stuck in, and no matter what my day had in store for me! I greatly appreciate this woman and her golden retriever, for teaching me a wonderful lesson! Pay attention to the smallest moments, they will teach the most!
quotes for the day:
"there is no such thing as can't, only won't. if you're qualified, all it takes is a burning desire to accomplish, to make a change. go forward, go backward. whatever it takes! but you can't blame other people or society in general. it all comes from your mind. when we do the impossible we realize we are special people"
-jan ashford-
-jan ashford-
"you can't help someone get up a hill without getting closer to the top yourself"
-h. norman schwarzkopf-
-h. norman schwarzkopf-
tina hursey - good hearing from you. it has been way too long! please leave your email on the blog and i will get in touch with you!
colonel & brenda collins - thanks for your continued words of encouragement. i always look forward to hearing from you guys and getting updates on cory. i pray he continues to improve.
until next time, be blessed....
lisa - 1095
Well there you go wearing out your Dad's motorcycle.
Guess this means its about time for an oil change.
I've been told you fell off the ferry and the fish tossed you back?
Your Retired Bud.
Wow, that's a WAY cool photo! I love it!
I am so glad you were able to be out riding again! That must have been just heavenly for you, girl!!!! Way to go! You certainly more than deserve every bit of pleasure you got out of your ride. Made my day when Dianna told me you were out riding!
Pike Co. Woman
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