Saturday, April 19, 2008

april 19, 2008 - if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘be uprooted and planted in the sea’ and it'll obey

top of the afternoon, friends....

once again, i hope this blog entry finds you all well. as you know from reading previous entries, my orthopedic doctor, beginning march 31, is allowing me to now put some weight on my left leg. while i am still on crutches, the majority of the time, i continuously add additional weight each day. i have also walked with a cane for varying periods of time. unbelivably, i have even walked with no support, although its very jerky and unstable. the following two videos at the bottom of the screen show a little of my progress.

thanks to your continued thoughts, prayers, and support, i am progressing with each passing day. while i don't always notice huge improvements on a daily basis, i do notice great improvements weekly.

the picture above is of my friend sammy, who incidently, is also on Mt. Rushmore, as you can

the MBA continues. carl, dianna, and i forgot how much work and research goes into this, but we're all doing well.

for my motorcycle friends (but ALL are welcome!)....there are some upcoming rides at capital city motorcycle club. the details are listed below:
  • may 4, 2008 - 11a signup - 1230p ride
  • june 21, 2008 - gypsy tour - 9a signup - 10a ride
  • september 7, 2008 - kids & kamp ride - signup 11a - 1230p ride

capital city motorcycle club is located at 9700 borror road, orient, ohio 43146 - 614-877-1777

quote for the day:

it is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts
- anonymous -

terri west - thanks again for your little "pick me ups." they always make me smile.

brenda pahl - you, friend, are my inspiration. i have seen how you have fought adversity and won. i hope i can do as well!

colonel & brenda collins - thanks for always checking in on me. i so appreciate your leadership and friendship.

dave & fran dicken - thanks so much for all you've done and continue to do to make this part of my life easier.

cindy kollin - congratulations on the new house - can't wait for the housewarming party!

larry balla - thanks for your continued concern. the blue knights have been nothing but stellar!

wendy forbes - you have been such a God-send to me, friend. your thoughtfulness and compassion never cease to amaze me.

elzie fish - thanks for the visit and ride info, buddy. i don't care what my dad says, i think you're a pretty good guy.

len & shelly gray - i'm so sorry about the passing of shelly's dad. my thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

scott rike - congratulations on the birth of your new son! he's a very handsome little man!

mike hunter - thanks for the very nice note....i wish you nothing but the best on your bicycling goals. if anyone can do what you have can!

until next time....

be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Hey babe you look great. The progressive is wonderful, don't push too much. We want no setbacks. I am on-call Fri-Monday of your next hearing, so unsure until last minute if I will be able to attend. I will always be there in spirit if not in person.


elukco said...


I am amazed to see the progress you are making. I am also pleased to see that you have reentered the MBA program.

Continued prayers for your recovery and best of luck with the MBA program. Don't forget to let me know when the first ride takes place.

Ed Lukco

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Good for you! So glad to see you walking again! A walking miracle I'd say! Enjoy this beautiful Spring week and don't study tooooo hard.

Take care,
Laura M.

Anonymous said...

You go, Girl! Actually, just take it step by step, day by day. Remember how now one believed that man would really walk on the moon one day? Well, it happened, and so will you walk again without assistance. It may not be the smooth gait you'd like, but you have made amazing progress already and will continue to make strides. That's your nature, friend.

I'm finally getting settled in at my condo, and have one or two more loads from the storage unit, probably two with my Corolla, but it's coming. I've had some minor home owner issues that I'm sure I'll laugh about at a later date, but right now, I'm too pooped to see the humor.

Keep up the good work, little gal. You'll ride tall in the saddle again. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

Sorry it has been a while since checking in....I keep track of the blog at work (gotta do something with those loooong night shifts) but can't comment from work....Glad to heard things are going well. Looks like spring is arriving your way as well. Would you believe we actually got snow here last weekend? Not quite motorcycling weather but am starting to tune up the Virago for summer!

Take care my friend,

iawp seattle

Anonymous said...


You are such a strong person, not to mention the power of prayer! I have checked the blog for a while, so a was so happy to see no wheelchair! I'm sorry about the retirement. With you're will and faith, you'll be back to work before too long!
I wanted to share something with you. My husband build his first chopper. Take a look at my webshot site for pics. I'm very proud of him!
Again, You look great!

Lesa Funk(Pollock)