Sunday, October 7, 2007

october 7, 2007 - ...that a man would lay his life down for his friends...

top of the morning, friends!

wow! the benefit that our friends planned for mary and me went very well! a special thanks to don & ty grimwood, dianna white, and rich - "the lube guy", and quaker steak & lube for planning such a great event.

also thanks to the people who helped with registration, prizes, and the auction - lori & steve click, carla cottrell, jan yates, marla gaskill, and christy clark.

another special thanks to the OSP motorcycle unit for their support and participation in the event.

thanks to margo roby of ricart automotive for assistance with the 50/50 drawing.

mary and i appreciate all the people who helped, participated in, or simply attended the benefit. it was one of the most touching and humbling events of our lives. we are amazed at the support of our friends, family, co-workers, and our "patrol family." we were also very touched by the number of people who attended, yet had no affiliation with the patrol or law enforcement, but wanted to support us.

once i receive a list of all the people or businesses who donated auction items as well as the people who purchased them, i will publish it on the blog as well.

we will be forever grateful for the financial assistance, as the medical bills have been extensive. our goal is to return to full duty as soon as we can.

mary and i thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, cards, calls, and visits, as well.

may God bless you and your families....

lisa - 1095


mary - 709


Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary, what a great event yesterday turned out to be. The weather was beautiful and perfect for a motorcycle ride for those who love to ride. It was something to see the great turnout and the many people who love and cherish you both. It is truly grand that everything came together so well. Thanks to all who were behind the scenes doing and organizing the event. Their efforts are deeply appreciated by all who participated. I do hope you and Mary weren't too worn out by yesterday and are suffering for it today. I know it was a long day for both of you. It was good to see you both up and about. Lisa, if we can find a way to liposuction some of the excess on my bones to give you a little extra padding, I'll do it in a heartbeat. You look good, but you really do need some meat on your bones. I've plenty to spare. I wonder if transfusion will work. Anyway, keep up the healing process and know that you are both loved. May that sustain you in the days ahead as you continue to go through the surgeries to come. I love you both, gals, as do so many others. May God bless you both and grant you wills the size of Texas and the spirit of the wind to heal you, and of course may His glory be in the golden light of the sun on distant hills, or in the drop of dew on a morning-kissed rose. May He comfort you now and always. Cindy

Gentle Ben said...

Lisa and Mary,

Wow! Glad to see it went so well. Sorry I couldn't be there! BIG SMILE!


Anonymous said...

Major T. ,
I just wanted to let you know that I rather enjoyed my time at the run yesterday. T'was my first. Also picked up some much wanted Browns tix at the Auction ! I have faith that you will make a full recovery ! Stay tough even when you don't feel like it,shake your fist at the odds,and dispense with those who are nay-sayers.I have heard you are the toughest of any of your peers,and,I don't doubt it one little bit!

When you are able,and if you so choose,maybe we can take a small cruise together.In the meantime,do as Hulk Hogan used to say..."Say your prayers,take your vitamins,and eat your Wheaties".

BTW...Aren't you glad 4287 didn't pass out on ya again....hahaha !

Peace 2 U,


Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since I've last written you and I really do hate to say I've had a lot going on this past couple months, but I have (I intend to write you and send an article out of the Dayton paper about the Dragon's tail in the Carolina's). I'm really glad you had such a beautiful day Saturday and such an abundance of friends showing support. I Really wish I could have made it. You do look very good and always glad to read about yours and Mary's daily activities and accomplishments. Keep faith and I know you will prevail!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day for you two! The love was all around you both. You both are such inspirations to us all, it was fun to be a little part of your day. Love ya,Wendy

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you again.

You are a very fortunate person to have so many that care. It says much about the person you are.

Please keep getting better and better!!

Prayers and His very best for you!

Mark A. Fellure

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary,
Lisa I dont know you but I have known Mary for 15 years since her statehouse days. I just found out about your event Sunday, and would have attended if I known. I retired from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation 5 years ago,and have since came back to work for another state agency. I wish you and Mary all the luck in the world, and hope you both return to full duty soon. Mary when you return to duty, drop me a line at
Take Care and God bless

George Walton

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
I love all of the pictures, so many people are supporting and love you and Mary, its truly inspiring!!
The power of our faith and the human spirit can do amazing things.
Your caregivers are true angels from heaven.
The event last Saturday was incredible, all who couldn't make it were certainly there in spirit. I had such a great time visiting with you and your Dad, Trish, Terry, Di was multi-tasking as always, of course always fun to visit with the rest of our patrol family too!!!
I just wanted to check in and see how you are holding up today after all of the activity last weekend.
Girl, we need to get some meat on your bones, god love ya, I know that you are trying but with all the meds, it makes it very difficult.
We will get there and you will be back here at GHQ before long.
speaking of that, I had better get over to your office and get my orders today from that life-size cardboard cut-out of you.
Love you and Mary !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, ladies!
I am so sorry I couldn't be there, but I was there in spirit! Wow! What a crowd you guys had... that is so awesome!!! As I have said previously, the number of people so willing to help you both is a direct reflection of the type of people you both are!
I am so very glad that it went well and was a resounding success as you both deserve no less!!!!
Have a wonderful day, both of you!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Lisa & Mary,

What a great event and wonderful turnout of people who care deeply for you two. We wish we could have been there, but we had to be home for the 6 guests we had for Oglebayfest. The photos speak volumes for the hard work that was put in by the organizers and all the fun and comaradrie that was had. Kudos to the planners.


K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
ok, get with the program, no updates since Sunday, Hey its Wednesday girl. LOL !!!!
I went over to talk to your cut-out look alike at your desk in your office and its still bossing me around. Whats up with that???? there is now a chip of your voice attached to it and its says "McCarthy I got your fat out of the fire again !!" whatever that means :-) LOL !!!
#1434 is now my surrogate #1095. Poor guy, do ya think he can handle it until you get back ???
ok, gotta go, #904 putting the hammer down. Love you and Mary much !!!

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