Thursday, October 4, 2007

october 4, 2007 - He is Jehovah.....

top of the evening, friends....

another beautiful day! this has got to be one of the finest indian summers that i've ever experienced. and...i don't have to mention that I'M NOT ON A BIKE!!!!

just a rundown on what's been going on:

wednesday - i traveled to jackson for the first annual "retiree's luncheon/cookout." several other senior staff and GHQ members were there, along with a multitude of D9ers and retirees. i don't know the actual count, but i wouldn't been surprised if 150 people showed up. the local ambulance service did the cooking while everyone socialized. what a nice event! thanks to captain paul pride, staff lts scottie borden and jeff carman, and their staff for putting on such a class act event! thanks for the invite.

after i left the luncheon, i traveled to 4-winds nursing home to visit a dear friend - ernestine abrams, who is in her 90's. i used to check in on her several times a week when i lived in jackson. it was great seeing and visiting with her. even more importantly, another friend of mine, joyce channel went and spoke with ernestine a few days ago about God. joyce tells me that ernestine gave her heart to the Lord that day! the angels must be rejoicing now!

thursday - i had physical therapy on my hand, ankle, and knee today. the physical "terrorists," as they like to be called, put me through the mill! it was a great workout, however. i'm hoping to start ramping up my workouts at home even more so i can be prepared to walk when the time comes.

i later went to the dr - plastic surgeon. he indicated that my knee graft is healing well and he'll see me next week. no mention of my next surgery. he did, however, give me some phenegran for the nausea. boy, i hope it works....i continue to have trouble keeping things down.

this evening, i attempted to mow my grass again. after i stopped to talk with a neighbor, my mower wouldn't start again. i'm having a bit of trouble with disengaging the deck. i'll work on it again tomorrow.

sounds as though my dad and sister are coming in for the benefit on saturday at quaker steak and lube. i think i'm going to have a full house!

things are good here...i'm staying extremely busy to keep my mind off things. my plan is to go back to grad school (i have 5 more classes) after i have my next surgery - providing the meds don't keep me from focusing.

wendy - look forward to seeing you guys this saturday too!

elzie - don't be too hard on major bob booker about his derrogatory comment about harleys. remember...he carries a gun for a living!

dianna white - who thought of the name of my book? certainly, you're not clever enough to think of that one on your own. lets face it....other than being "eye candy" as you've described yourself, you don't have much going - love ya man.....yes....that makes everything okay

doug rink - thanks for the blog entry! i'm so sorry you lost one of your feet. i will continue to pray for your healing and positive attitude. i'd love to talk with you more about your ordeal. please send me your email.

cuz taylor (from iowa) - sorry we missed the conference....there's always next year. i'm also very sorry no one could convince that poor girl that suicide was not the answer!

shelly - i did get to see len yesterday. he looked great! can't wait to ride with you guys next year. dad says hi.

enough for now....keep the shiny side up and be blessed....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Wow... with all that PT AND a doctor's visit, you sure had a full day. The physical terrorists sure do wear a girl out when they're just working on ONE bodypart, let alone several like you, poor girl!
Glad to hear the graft is healing nicely, and I sure do hope that medication helps with the nausea. Nausea is such a nasty, awful feeling; and you need to be able to keep your food down to put some meat back on your bones. Here's hoping that the meds help you.
And don't worry about the grass--it'll keep. Just make sure you don't tax yourself too much working on that mower, kid. You need to be well rested for the benefit on Saturday. I will be sending funds; but unfortunately I won't be able to be there. I will definitely be there in thought though, as I always am.
You take good care, and I hope you and Mary both have a great, GREAT weekend. The weather is suppposed to be beautiful.

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hello Major Lisa Taylor
I am a next door neighbor of your
ex stepmom MICHELLE. i was keeping her updated about your progress.
i told her about your ride in the mustang convertible and you thought
it was nice having the wind blowing
thru your hair and in your face.not as nice as riding your bike though. also i told her about you cutting your grass on your riding mower.she asks me every day if i have learned anything about your recovery.she wanted me to wish you well and she and my wife and i are keeping you in our the middletown journal there was a article about the rash of motorcycle accident in our area this summer.we had another one today.
may GOD continue to BLESS YOU.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
Sounds like you had an enjoyable time on Wednesday seeing old friends. Len said he had a good time also. He said he got ragged on about not riding his bike. I told him to, but he took pity on Larry and Steve. I haven't ridden much this year with him, but then again it seems like we're always at the campground. I think his plan is to come up to the benefit tomorrow. I, however will be stuck in Athens because I am having my tattoo touched up on my leg. Oh, in case he forgot to tell you, I had a pink ribbon tattooed on the inside of my right ankle. I wanted to do it as part of my journey. I am glad that things are going well with you. Tell everyone Hi for me tomorrow, give Lt. Mary and your Dad big hugs!!!! Love you guys, continuing to keep you in our prayers.
P.S. Hope you enjoyed the photos.
Love ya, The Grays

Lesa said...


I was on-line reading about rides in Columbus this weekend, and saw the benefit ride stating at Quaker Steak, then read who the benefit is for, and could not believe it!

You probably don't remember me, but I'm Lesa Funk (Pollock) from Bucyrus. We met while you were at Bucyrus post. We met through Brenda and Avery. (hung out at the AmVets) I also worked for OPS at P-51 then Bucyrus. Anyhow....

I've read through your blog, and am so happy you're doing well, and keeping God with you through all of this!

I plan on going to Quaker Steak and riding my 2006 Harley Roadking. Yep, I'm a rider also. That being said, I know this wonderful Indian summer is killing you!!! :-)

Take care, God bless, and know you're in my thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Glad to hear your doing well. Not sure if you remember me or not. This is Paul Fire Chief in Marengo. If you want to say hi you can email me at

Take care and wish you well on your recovery.

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary,

See ya tomorrow. I was thinking about wearing a Kawasaki t-shirt, but in the words of Dana Carvey:

Not gonna do it!
Wouldn't be prudent.

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
what a great day today at the benefit. Man, I just couldn't believe it. What, there must have been almost 100 people there. Its hard to believe that so many people like you!!! LOL !!!!!! Yes, yes, I am BACK !!
ok, Terry and I decided that if something were to happen to either of us, we would have to rent friends, I suggested that we could also check into those life-size cut-outs of people too !!! We have one of those in your office sitting at your desk until you return. Funny, it seems to still give me orders !!! whats up with that??
It was so good to see you and Mary today, you both look great and we are so blessed to be able to have you both still here with us to share our friendship and love with.
Mel & the Arnster called from Vermont, Bill spoke to her, I was napping,,, he told her that the benefit went well today and she was very pleased too!!
I am sure that you are probably just exhausted from today, so get some rest and I will talk to you tomorrow girl.
Love you much !!!!

Anonymous said...

Maj. Taylor, I just recently heard about your crunch. I'm glad to hear you are now doing well. Don't beat up on yourself for those little tasks unfinished. They have a way of working themselves out. The grass will always be there. ALWAYS!

You remain in our prayers here in Morrow County.

Chaplain James Ginn
Morrow County Sheriff's Office