Thursday, October 25, 2007

october 25, 2007 - my cup runs over...

top of the evening, friends....

well, this week has flown by! i don't know where the days go!

therapy went well on tuesday and thursday. rina, jeremy, and norma (the therapy nazi's) were kind to me. i was bruised and battered, but it was a "good bruised and battered." lol

i mowed grass again today, under the watchful eye of my friend, trish. she is so afraid i'm going to hurt myself. i have to admit, it does feel good to actually accomplish something! hopefully, we can plant some mums tomorrow. i finally was able to get the picture of me teaching her how to edge to post on the blog...pretty funny!

i went to the plastic surgeon today and got the green light to see my bone doctor to have the orthopaedic surgery done! praise God! while it will be a rough surgery, i need to have it so i can bear weight on my left leg. the plan is to replace 10 inches of bone in my left thigh (with a cadaver bone), replace 2 one-inch pieces of bone in my left calf, and take marrow from my right leg to fill the cadaver bone. the dr's also plan to remove both plates from my left hand/forearm. the bones have healed sufficiently that they can remove the plates that are impeding my pinky finger and wrist movement. the dr's will put their heads together and come up with a date they can both be available for surgery.

i talked to mary today. she's still going to physical therapy and anxious to return to work. she was extremely disappointed that she was not able to be there for her post inspection, however, she said she was very proud of her post "team" for the way they handled the inspection preparation. the inspection went very well. unfortunately, she may have to have an MRI done on her left ankle, as she has very limited range of motion. because of the position of her ankle on the motorcycle, i think it probably took the same brunt of the crash that my leg did. please continue to pray for her healing as well.

update on retired captain walt ashbridge: he has developed 2 infections, one being a blood infection which is what the doctor's did not want to see happen. they are still optimistic and are treating the infections with antibiotics. however, time is really of the essence now to get the lungs within the next 2 weeks. he continues to need our prayers now more than ever!

on october 6th, mint john grandson of rosemary suffered a ruptured aneurysm on the right side of his brain. he was stabilized and they transported mint to children's where a drain tube was inserted in his head to relieve fluid pressure and allow time for further evaluation for a course of action. testing revealed the rupture and two additional aneurysms-a small one in the frontal lobe and a larger one on the left side. his condition was such that a catheter process could not be performed so they opened a "window" in his skull to clamp the ruptured vein. they were also able to isolate and encase the one in the front. as of now, the left aneurysm is "stable" and doctor's want him to heal some from the surgery before going after it. We celebrated his 15th birthday on October 12th. he then had to deal with vasospasms caused by spinal fluid on the brain. normally the brain absorbs the fluid but due to trauma, is not functioning so mint's "brain drain" relieved the pressure and was finally removed on the 18th. while his condition continues to improve, the doctors say that he will be in ICU for at least another week and then a hospital stay...not sure how long. this family also desperately needs our prayers!

unfortunately, i've heard that the "kailee" doll has given many of you nightmares. i apologize for that, but i have to say....welcome to my world! lol my sister terry is twisted, don't you think?

tina p. - the promotion boards will NEVER be the same without our teamwork! in fact, pennsylvania will never be the same after our visit. lol when's the next court date...i've heard nothing yet.

terri w. - kailee wants to come visit you......!

dale r. - it was great seeing you guys in D9 last week. thanks for the hospitality. i miss you all!

laura m. - we DO serve an AWESOME God! thanks for your testimony!

elzie f. - shhhhhh! what are you talking about? a butcher knife in my boot?????!

tammy w. - thanks for visiting the blog. you continue to be one of my best and dearest friends. i'm glad we've had the opportunity to see each other and reunite after several years. let's not let time and distance keep us apart again. i pray that you remain strong during this tough time in your life. continue to rely on Him for courage and guidance.

i'll write when i have more information. thanks for continuing to read the blog! be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

MAJOR,It does appear from the blog picture you're looking for things to do. As I mentioned before I could bring over the '63 Falcon and you could sand paint off the left side quarter.I've done the right side and half the top, of course I know you couldn't reach the top(HA).Went down to the M/C club on Monday as we were going to paint the m/c trailer. As Lowell and I were preparing that old garage there (the same one the Falcon is stored in) to paint, something just happened to catch my eye.I was standing on the tail end of a 2 foot snake and it was trying to get free.I stepped back so it could flee.Thought you'd get a kick out of that. Of couse the more I tell the story it will end up being the size of an ANACONDA.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is wonderful news about scheduling your surgery! I'm sorry Mary is having it so rough, but we are all still sending those positive prayers.
You both continue to amaze me with your strength.
Love the picture of you and Trish edging!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOO! I don't want Kailee to come and visit me! She's too scary looking! Might have to borrow some of my dog club friends' attack German Shepherds to keep her at bay with that knife!!! My luck, I'd open my eyes at night, and she'd be at the top of the stairs, looking at me! Mommy!
My Lord, girl... that's a hellacious couple of surgeries you have coming up. We will all definitely be praying that those are over soon! I know it will be wonderful to be able to continue your rehab and put weight back on that leg again. As I said before, when you are ready for massage (and your doctors clear it), PLEASE let me know! Massage will help your body heal up even more quickly and can help alleviate a little pain. I will be very happy to help you out.
Mary, you hang in there. I hope they get that MRI soon so they can figure out what's going on with your ankle, girl. I'm confident that they will (and if they don't, let us all know--we'll pay them a visit and "convince" them to!)

Love you both. Have a great weekened! And Lisa, if you want to come over and do my yard, you're more than welcome!!!!!!!! Hee hee...

Pike County Woman

P.S. I sent you an e-mail about Walt Ashbridge that I got today (another update). He is in dire straits and needs all our (and the Lord's) help ASAP. So please everyone--keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers!

Gentle Ben said...

Uh, oh. Looks as if they're getting ready to put you through the mill. Oh, well, the grass will go dormant any time now, so it won't need to be mowed. Say, do you have a snow plow for your chair yet? (Gotta keep busy when you're done.) You're definitely on the road back!!!

Anonymous said...

As they said they would schedule another status hearing, I am guessing that is all this will be. It is Monday, November 5, 1030 hours.

Had an ok time at Virginia, Only one thing would have made it fun?


Anonymous said...

10,488 visitors to the blog as of this morning (10/29/07)!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!! That is so amazing! Way to go, Lisa and Mary!!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman