Thursday, October 18, 2007

october 18, 2007 - His goodness, mercy, and grace are abundant....

top of the morning, friends....

i hope you had an opportunity to enjoy yesterday's weather. i took the dogs for a walk in the neighborhood (of course, i was in the wheelchair), and then built a fire in the fireplace on the back deck. the weather was absolutely perfect!

i got visits yesterday from majors bob booker and mark atkeson. they gave me updates on whats going on in the division. thanks guys, i really appreciate that and your fellowship!

thanks to everyone for your continuing kindness. thanks to the jack holland family for their kindness even during their time of grief. may God bless you....

i am looking forward to this evening - alan and wendy forbes are coming over to watch "ice age 2." alan's birthday was last week, so we're celebrating with pizza and snacks.

my knee is looking better than ever....only an area the size of a dime needs to heal before my surgery. hopefully, it will be closed by next week and i'll get a date.

please continue to pray for retired captain walt ashbridge. i got an update yesterday from terri west. here is an excerpt:

"he is top on the transplant list now, his potassium has been high so they have been trying to control that because it can effect his heart. They did tell us that the second transplant would be more difficult 1: To match the antibodies he currently has from the new lungs, to the lungs he has now and 2: they are not sure they will be able to get the lungs he currently has out due to the scaring he has incurred from the previous surgery. So there are some big obstacles but we feel God will bless him."

i have therapy today. my hand is doing much better! i still have alot of work to do on my knee and ankle, but i'm getting there. i'm evening using crutches more now.

congratulations to my niece erin and her new husband jessie. they were married yesterday.

jan lawrence - thank you for keeping mary and me in your thoughts and prayers.

dan richhart - i'm standing....just not walking yet! i'm still non-weight bearing on my left leg.

be blessed.....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Good Morning my dear,

We are looking forward to coming over tonight. Alan has talked of nothing else! So glad the knee is healing so well. You and Mary are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for putting the info on Walt Ashbridge on the blog. God love him... as I said previously, he is too much fun and too ornery to be that ill! I certainly am praying that God will restore him to good health.
That's great that you are getting around on your crutches more! Good for you, girl! Make sure you have them properly adjusted so they don't come up into the axilla (armpit) area to hard, or you can damage a nerve up in there.
I hope you have a great day! And enjoy your evening with the famous Forbeses!!!!!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

hey lisa, is there a trick in getting the seat to pop up on the roadstar? a friend of mine just bought a, i think 01 and cant get the seat to unlatch w/ the key. somehow it works of the ignition switch. he didnt get a manual of course.
your leg looks good i think. i still want to wheel chair race you.
i bet youre scared.
-Brian J. Bender

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a fun evening lined up. Good luck with the therapy today. That's great news about the skin graft. Let's hope that it does continue to heal so that you can get on to the next phase of your recovery. May you be blessed. Also, hope Mary's news is good. Will you get to visit with each other today? Wheelchair races, huh? I bet on the straight away you can zip around pretty well. May you and Mary be blessed today and every day. :) Cindy

Anonymous said...

Major: Hoooowww Yooouuuu Dooiiiinnn?
Sorry I have not sent any messages lately, been very hectic around here. Sounds like you & Mary are finally starting to get to where you need to be.. Looking forawrd to having you back !!
I was really hoping that during this time that you could straighten that Retired Guy back up? LOL... of course that is a lost cause by now ! ha,ha,
We have been watering those plants in your office and for some reason they are doing even better now... go figure !! LOL..

Well take care and keepp up the good work on the recovery....

God bless you

Kelley & Glenna Willams

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor-

I know we do not know each other personally, but I have messaged you once before. (Michael from D9)

I was wondering if you could help me out with an assignment that I have to do for my English class at Ohio U., that is, if you have the time?

I have to discuss, in my assignment, the kinds of writings that I will have to do in my profession. Since I intend on becoming a trooper or of higher rank, I thought you could help.

Part of the assignment includes me interviewing someone from the profession...

I need to know

1. how much time is spent writing as a portion of the total duties at your work

2. the kinds of documents written and shared

3. the audiences for your writing,

4.the role of group work or team projects in your field.

Also are there any oral presentations involved?

If you can help, please send me an email..

Thank you!

Michael (D-9)

Anonymous said...

A Great Day to you Lisa!

I just wanted to let you know I received the picture and note today, which you sent via Dianna. It made me smile thinking about what a great get together that was! I read your blogs (when I get the chance...seems like the older you get the less time you have)and I'm glad to hear you are doing so well and fighting so hard!

Of course, I still believe you should aim for the 2 seater convertible...much safer in the long run, and much easier to converse with your passenger! Karen and I enjoy it and since she was involved in 3 motorcycle accidents, none of which were her fault, we opted for the convertible.

We would love to get over there and visit with you....just give me a call (562-4634, cell#) and let me know when there's a good time for you.

Hope to see you guys soon!

Linda P.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Ms. Lisa:

From your blog, we are guessing you are out enjoying the great weekend we are experiencing in Ohio! We hope your knee is healing well and will soon be healed enough for you to get your surgery that will help the walking begin! We continue to pray for both you and Mary. Patience is a virtue...just continue to work hard at the therapy.

We thought you might want an update on Cory. He has progressed tremendously. Thanks to all of the prayers for his recovery! He is able to speak (softly) since they have put a cap on his trachiotomy piece. He is responding to commands and is doing what the doctors predicted he would. They said people with brain injuries are agitated when they "wake up." He will only be in the extended care facility for another week and if everything progress like it should, they will transfer him to Dodd Hall for his rehabilitation therapy. While it is hard to understand him, we are all sure he is ready to get out of bed and start walking. Please continue to keep him in your prayers, as he still has a long road ahead.

You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for your positive attitude and your never give in spirit. Keep looking ahead! We do like the idea of a two seat convertible! You should really consider looked so good riding in the convertible with Christy.

Peace to you,
Butch and Brenda

Lydia said...


Thanks for sharing the pictures on your blog. You look great. You are such an inspiration to all of us.

I want to watch you wheel chair race Brian J. Bender. He doesn't have a chance. Lydia

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I hope you received my last message and you are doing ok. It sounds like things are looking up for you even though you have a long way to go you have a lot of friends that are standing behind you for support. That is one of the greatest things in the world right now is the friends and their prayers for you and Mary. I keep checking you blog and stay up on your progress. Hang in there kid it will all get better and you will be back to normal soon. I really believe you are tough. Your friend, Alvin L Cox, MVI Unit 8020 Retired.