Monday, October 15, 2007

october 15, 2007 - thy kingdom come, thy will be done....

top of the afternoon, friends....

i hope you all had a nice weekend. i got to go home and visit my sister and dad on saturday and sunday. we all had breakfast together at the cracker barrel. it was very nice.

i also attended my 25th class reunion for madison high school in middletown on saturday night. it was funny how everyone got older but seriously, it was great seeing everyone, however only about 25 or 30 showed up. still - a good time had by all.

fortunately, i get to skip my plastic surgeon appointment this week (yeah!) - but he wants to see me next thursday. i do, however, have therapy twice this week - on tues and thurs.

i promised you a photo update on the progress of my left leg - so here it is. i think the change is no less than miraculous! God is so good!

please keep retired captain lt. walt ashbridge, of the OSP in your prayers as he has been admitted into Barnes-Jewish Hospital, 660 S Euclid Ave #8052, St Louis, MO 63110. Walt has been placed on a ventilator, awaiting another lung transplant.
also please keep mary pfeifer in your prayers. i know she's anxious about returning to work, but her dr. has not released her yet. she still suffers from lingering effects (leg, neck, etc...) from the crash.
also, keep the len gray family in your prayers. len's mother in law (shelly's mom) passed away sunday morning from what they believe was a stroke or heart attack. the graveside service is tentatively scheduled for thursday at 10am. shelly's dad has been in the hospital since thursday for emergency gall bladder surgery. the family is in desperate need of thoughts and prayers.

laura mourne - you're the first to notice the counter! actually, it has only been on the blog for 3 weeks. i'm so humbled to see that there have been over 7,000 "hits" in that short period of time. i wish we had had the forethought to put it on at the beginning of this ordeal. thanks for your attention to detail!

dale & naomie robirds - thanks again for your kind words! you guys have been such good and faithful friends! i hope things are going well for you and yours down south!

colonel & brenda collins - welcome back from your trip - i hope it was beneficial both personally and work-wise! good hearing that colonel julia and her husband, jimmy are faring well, as is colonel campbell. those are great alliances! thanks for always checking on me. i appreciate you keeping me "part of the family."
OSP senior staff - thanks so much for your calls and visits. it means more than you know.
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Wow, girl! The change in that leg IS miraculous! Doesn't even look like the same leg. And as time goes by, it will continue to look better and better. As I said before, it is amazing how scars heal up over time and become less and less noticeable. My brother was horribly scarred after coming through a car windshield--it "scalped" him and left a hideous bunch of scarring. Now it is barely noticeable, and you have to look pretty hard to see it! Your leg sure is coming along great!
Glad you get to skip the plastic surgeon this week--it's always nice to get to skip some doctor's appointments, huh? Now if only we could skip the therapy Nazi's--now THAT would be something! But then they would just turn their sadistic gaze on some other poor, unsuspecting person I guess. We can't let that happen!
Sounds like you had a really great weekend--non-stop fun! Glad you got to go to your high school reunion. I bet that was a blast, getting to see everyone and what they are like now.
I definitely will put up some prayers for all the folks you mentioned. They are all definitely deserving. Wendy advised that Rich Rucker said Walt Ashbridge had contracted pneumonia, and that is what put him where he is. I thought immmediately that if ANYONE can get him some help, it would be the Mighty Prayer Warriors! Walt is such a great guy--he is too ornery to be that ill!
I hope you have a great week this week and that the PT Nazis don't hurt you too badly! Just keep repeating their mantra "it's good pain!", "it's good pain!" Yeah, whatever!!!!!!!! At least it's nice if they would stop giggling while putting us through all that "good" pain, huh? Hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

P.S. I have been worried because your blog wasn't updated; but now I see it's because you were too busy having fun over the weekend. I'm so glad.

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

It really is amazing how bodies heal isn't it. With the prayers and your guardian angels, and your healing powers your leg is really looking better. So glad you went to your reunion, funny how it seems other age but not us, right?
Alan is hoping to watch that movie with you guys this week.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information on the counter at least I noticed before it had been up there for six months! I too wish it could have been there from the start, you'd be pushing AT LEAST 100,000 hits by now. I'm sure of it!

Looks like God is doing quite the healing job on your leg. Hallelujah!

Behave yourself...

Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're standing! Well, how about that. And, your leg looks pretty good, too. Just keep on doing what you're doing. Lord knows you continue to push the inside of the envelope.

We continue to witness great things.

Anonymous said...

Hey you look great. What a miracle. Nobody can say you don't have any color, lol.....

Headed back to VA State Police for those wonderful, fun promo boards. Will be thinking about you next week, when I am reading and writing at 8 in the evening.

Take Care, I will try and call Fri on my weekly drive. Tell Mary hi,


Gentle Ben said...

Well I doubt you are ready to go back to jogging, but there is certainly an improvement from your very recent past. Wow! 7000 hits! Sound like my old pitching days. Some people like you out there. Way to get better.


Anonymous said...

It is SO wonderful to see that you are progressing in such fantastic strides. God truly is great.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
wow !!! it is truly a miracle!! Your leg is starting to look like your leg again...see those therapy nazis are angels now aren't they??
And you are up without anything on your leg, I'll be that feels really good too!!!
You will be running with Chrissy and Amy in no time at the park, this time your left leg will be so strong they won't be able to keep up with you. 1434 will definitely not be able to keep up with you... LOL !!!!
I am sorry to hear about the residual affects that Mary
is still going through, we all want you two back to badly and our prayers will all be answered soon.
We all have faith and know for certain that your faith has been a true testament to all of us !!!
They say that everything happens for a reason, after tragic events like this but it makes us all wonder why?? Why does such awful things happen to such wonderful people like you and Mary?
I have to tell you, that it has truly instilled in me that faith and perseverance are absolutely required in this life, and you have showed us all this. Especially over the last few months!!!!!
Geez, I hate it when I am so philosophical this early in the morning. LOL !!!!!! anyway...
Because of you and Mary and this Blog that was set up for us to communicate to you both, it has been such a blessing. I have discovered such wonderful,caring people, beside myself of course !!! :-) (I'll bet that made you laugh, that even made me laugh !!!!)
Well, gotta go, Capt. is crackin' the whip again.
Love you and Mary!!

Anonymous said...

If I could just whistle. What a beautiful site that leg is now!!!
You are such a good healer (with help from above of course).
Be strong.
Nurse Paula.

Anonymous said...

Keep on getting better, gals. May you have the strength and fortitude to make it through the coming events. May you have the strength of your characters and the inspiration of His love to give you the courage to face what is ahead of each of you, and may you continue to be held in His embrace. Remember you are deeply loved by Him and many of his earthbound angels. May you be blessed with radiant smiles as your faith and hope in Him continue to surround you. May you have peace and comfort as you continue to heal, and may your pain be less each day. You are loved, gals. I'm blessed because I have known you. Keep on shining! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hey Major Lisa,

Wow!! You have come so far. I'm sure it feels so nice to get out and about a little bit. Those therapy Nazi's are probably helping a little, huh?
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I am still keeping track of you and constantly keep you in my prayers.

Keep that chin up!
Teri Bridges P-98

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious you are standing up.

You are missed.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are getting stronger and that your leg is getting better. Excellenr News!

Larry B.