Thursday, October 11, 2007

october 11, 2007 - keeping the faith....

top of the morning, friends....

it's been a few days since my last update, so i thought i'd post a few more of the benefit pictures for your review.

i've been told that over 100 motorcycles and 135 riders participated in last saturday's benefit ride for mary and me - and that didn't even count the people who simply showed up and paid to eat breakfast! mary and i thank each and every one of you from the bottoms of our hearts! unfortunately, i don't have a list of all the riders and eaters, so please forgive me.

as promised, i am posting a list of people and/or businesses who assisted with the event by donating auction items or cash. please forgive me if i've failed to list anyone, as i've attempted to collect as accurate information as i could from several people. on the items with no name, i didn't receive the name of the person who donated it.

Mill Creek Golf
Mobile Cycle Works Gift Certificate/ Ron Kuszmaul
Oakehaven Golf for four/Ron Kuszmaul
Handmade decorative blanket/w wooden bucket / Terry Ernst
Silpada necklace and $40.00 gift certificate/Steve and Lori Click
Silpada necklace and $40.00 gift certificate/Lori and Steve Click
Longaberger napkin basket/Lori and Steve Click
Longaberger purse/Lori and Steve click
Longaberger pie plates and rod iron rack, Joe Carson HD mug and t shirts etc/Joe Carson HD / Lori and Steve Click
Texas Roadhouse certificate for dinner for two and a free app.
Pampered Chef basket
Mary Kay basket
Cleveland Browns signed football
Vest and riding gloves
Joe Carson HD cup with shot glass
Mens Captain Morgan sign
Handmade wreath and wall hanging
A.D. Farrows HD gift card
$20.00 DSW gift card, $25.00 Motor Sports gift card and $25.00 ASK gift card
Handmade quilt flag
Athens HD leather coat
Speedway Gas card and Highway Patrol key fob
Tastefully Simple basket / Melissa Fellure
Joe Carson’s HD t-shirt and shot glasses and dealer pins
Ask Motorcycle gift certificate
ASK Motorcycle t-shirts and hats
4 gift baskets of Wobers Mustard / Tammy Getz
Lancaster Sportcycles 2 t-shirts and 2 hats
Athens Sportcycles 2 t-shirts
Dr Scott Schumann (dentist) 4 pack whitening kit
2 Harley Davidson helmets from Motorcycle Ohio
2 Cleveland Browns vs. Houston tickets / Don Grimwood
Weekend stay at Hocking County log cabin / Dianna White
Milo’s Deli and the 3rd Texas Roadhouse certificate / Christy Clark
Rice Bowl gift certificates / Christy Clark
Tommy’s Diner / Christy Clark
Spaghetti Warehouse gift certificates good for and entrée and drink / Christy Clark
3 months @ World Gym / Christy Clark

Funny Bone 2 admissions
Ballet Met Dracula Capitol Square on October 17th
Roosters 10 wings
Tim Horton gift certificates
Amazing Promotions golf savings sheet
Misc. crafts / Tina Massey
DSW gift certficates
Embassy Suites 2 night stay / Sharon Arthur
Hampton Inn
Gift Basket Evelyn and Crabtree / Steve and Lori Click
Motorcycle Hall of Fame tickets 10 tickets
Big Dog gift certificates
AD Farrows HD gift cerificate
Highway Patrol mug, shot glass and key fob / Dianna White

$40 Bath and Body works basket / Lori and Steve Click
OSU purse
Iron Pony misc.
Highway Patrol hat and t shirt by Ohio Troopers Coalition (OTC)
OSP t-shirt and key fob / Dianna White
Handmade necklace and earrings / Margo from Ricart Ford
OTC t-shirt and Bath and Body flip flops
OTC bear
Good Year oil changes

Ken & Sandy Morckel - cash

Melinda (Massey) - cash

Mr. and Mrs. Tronerud - cash

Mr. and Mrs. Bruso - cash

Lin Herd - cash

Michelle Himes - cash

Laura Mourne - cash

Carla Cottrell - cash

Vicie Reynolds-Bitler - cash

Doris Bloomfield - cash

Rev. Ellsworth - cash

Tom Paster - cash

Tom Reffey - cash

Tami Norton-Fair - cash

Melanie Schropp - cash

Frances Huggins - cash

Paula Paulins - cash

larry balla - cash

heath & maura trester - cash

marla gaskill - cash

ronald & sharon sills - cash

blue knights of ohio - cash

laura pascuzzi - cash

mike cardinal - cash

gerald & glenna pfeifer - cash

michelle henderson - cash

sue rance-locke - cash
jeanie kelly - cash

thanks again to dianna white and don & ty grimwood as well as "rich the lube guy" for planning the benefit, and thanks to all who contributed in any way. you folks have no idea how much you've helped both mary and me with our many out-of-pocket medical expenses. while we are both blessed with excellent state medical insurance, it is still shocking when the hospital, physician, prescription, therapy, and medical supply bills roll in. we pray that you never experience such a catastrophic ordeal.

i think i failed to thank marsha rigsby for helping out saturday - please forgive my oversight, marsha! if i have failed to mention anyone else, please let me know and i'll post it as well.

well, today is a busy day. i'm having lunch with cindy kollin and staff lt. rick fambro, then a dr's appt., followed by therapy on my hand, ankle and knee. my knee is close to being healed, so i'm optimistic about the timing of the next surgery.

last night, i was supposed to have guests - jeanie kelly, robyn darden, donna wood, and eric rowland - but i was battling nausea again, so i asked for a rain check. they were very understanding and will reschedule.
dustin - thanks so much for your kind words - and yes, i'm thrilled that marsha didn't pass out again. i guess i must have looked a bit better saturday than when i was in the hospital! and yes...we will ride - just give me a while to recouperate!
yvonne - good hearing from you. sorry you couldn't make it to the ride! we too, shall ride together next year!
george - mary was thrilled to hear from you!

we'll, i'll write more when i have news. mary and i appreciate everyone who follows and writes to the blog.

be blessed,

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

WOW! WHAT A LIST! A phenomenal testimonial to the two women who all those folks rushed to help, you know! Like I said previously, you both are kind of like Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life" in that you each get to see just how many lives each of you has positively impacted during your lives so far. Granted, it is too bad that you both have had to endure such medical/emotional/financial hardships--but to see just how many folks love and care about you both must be overwhelming.
Good luck on your therapy and dr.'s appointment. So glad to hear the knee is coming along well--then on to that next surgery. Just look forward to the treadmill days. I know those will be so hard on you as well, but then that will mean you are approaching the crest of the hill and will soon be on the down side. Hang in there!!!! So many love you and are praying for you... when you feel blue, just try to wrap yourself in the warmth that everyone feels for you... we all care...

Pike Co. Woman

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, It was truly an incredible event, and so many people out here love you and Mary so much and want to help !! We are all truly blessed indeed. That is such good news on your knee! You are too tough to keep down girl !!!!!!!
:-) Goodluck with your Dr. appt's today I am sure you will get even better news.
I know that you will try to eat when you can dear.
Hey, don't be sneaking around behind Trish's back and doing things you aren't supposed to be doing..... You don't want to piss off the therapy Nazis. Bad things can happen !! You don't want to go there!!! They may force you to watch more movies with NO snacks.
Hey just wanted to check in, gotta go. #1434 is eating cold ravioli again. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

We all enjoyed having lunch with you today, Lisa, and we are praying for more good news on your road to recovery. We're sorry we missed Mary, but she was there in spirit with us if not in body. It was good to see Trish again and to meet her mom, Janet. As you can imagine, it's very difficult keeping the boys in line, but if I can handle over a hundred students at a time, I can manage to handle three troopers and their Captain. We work hard, but we always have a good time too. That is the one thing about District Six that is so unique. We genuinely like one another. May God be with you and Mary today as you go through your doctor appts. and therapies. :)


Anonymous said...

Wishing you both the best and many blessings as you both heal.


Anonymous said...

Mary: It was very nice to meet your lovely mom yesterday! And you are more than welcome... thanks for the lifesaver--it is taped up in my pod--made me "misty" when your mom gave it to me. I hope you have a great weekend!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just noticed the counter! How long has that been there? Already 6000 + hits! Bet you had no idea how many people were checking up on you guys. Continued positive thoughts going your way!

Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5

Hope this finds you feeling great. It was really nice to see you at the D-9 Retirees Bash. What a nice turnout for a lot of good folks. I want to tell you that I thought you looked just great, and as always smiling and an inspiration to all of us blessed enought to know you. I'm glad everything is going along well in your recovery. I just wish you were closer so I could visit you more often. I guess that is just my bad luck. I am really glad the Benefit turned out with such great success, but that is just another tribute and testimonial to the life you live and the way you touch all who know you. What a wonderful woman, and a cherished friend you are. I truly treasure our friendship and just feel blessed to know you. I hope to see you soon. We love you....

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...

Cheers to you this sunny day, Ms. Lisa!

We just returned from the IACP conference, where we met up with Colonel Julie Grimes (ret.) from the Alaska State Troopers. She is doing well and living in Florida. She wanted us to pass along her heartfelt wishes for a quick recovery to you and Mary. She spoke highly of you and had heard of your crash, so we filled her in the best we could on everything. She and her husband put about 6000 miles on their bikes this past summer...retirement seems to suit her well! Deb Campbell also sends her well wishes.

It was fantastic getting to meet many of the superintendent's from the other state patrol and state police agencies across the country.

Better yet, is the good news about your knee healing, which will lead to your next surgery. We continue to pray for you and Mary to progress towards complete recovery. We hope to visit soon.

Peace to all,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I was very sorry to hear about your accident but know with your heart and spirit you will make a full recover. I heard about it from Lori Welsh from an e-mail. I was surprised you even remembered me at Tee Jays that night but was thrilled you did. I enjoyed talking to and seeing you. It had been a long time since I had seen you and you look as great as ever. I remember the day you came along at the accident where the guy went through the fence and you stopped to help us. I remember when you were a dispatcher at W Jeff and you have come a long way. Congratulations on all you have accomplished and am praying for your recovery. My e-mail address is if you would like to drop me a line. Thinking of you,
Alvin L Cox