Monday, October 1, 2007

october 1, 2007 - we have been "grafted" in....

top of the afternoon, friends....

october 1st? can you believe it? summer has been so short for me this year. the leaves are changing so rapidly too. i do hope you get the opportunity to view some of God's beauty before the leaves all fall.

this weekend was quite eventful. my sister, terry came up and spent the weekend with me. we shopped, ate out and went "thrifting." she is always an interesting character to have around. she was mad at me, however, when she came outside last night and found me washing her car via my wheelchair.

my dad, his wife, mary, my brother, allen, and his girlfriend, brenda came up saturday to deliver a treadmill i have purchased. i know i can't use it yet, but when i am allowed to walk - watch out!

i plan to attend a retiree's event at D9 on wednesday.

i have a dr's appt. on thursday. hopefully, the plastic surgeon will have good news for me.

i plan to attend a portion of our staff & command meeting later this month. i look so forward to seeing some of my patrol "family."

i also just received word that my 25th class reunion is scheduled for this month. i'm debating on whether to attend or not.

dan richhart - you ARE good, my friend. i know of no one who can tell a BAD joke like you. lol

myra james - thanks for the encouraging comments. sorry we had to miss the conference this year, but we will do our best to attend next years - providing we've not been hit by another we may also take you up on a visit to canada. you have a beautiful country too!

terri west - do i know DIANNA, or what? i'm not sure what stories she's telling you, but be wary of what she says....

sylvia martinez - thanks so much for the card and prayers. i look forward to seeing you this weekend as well.

enough for now....


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon my dear,

Good to hear you had an eventful weekend. Ran into Bill Vedra and he said he saw you this weekend, everyone always talks about your strength my dear, you and Mary truly are amazing. Can't wait until Saturday for the BIG EVENT at Quaker Steak and Lube!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
I guess the luncheon you are going to on Wed. this week would be in Jackson? Thats great, cause I think you'll see my hubby there. As you know, Len never misses a meal. Been thinking of you and Mary alot. I keep praying for patience and healing. If I can remember I will see if I can find the picture of you riding the mechanical bull in Cherokee. Remember that???
Take care and God Bless,

Anonymous said...


Oh I see you can capitalize letters, when you want to!!! I have to dispell some of these vicious rumors I keep reading about myself on this soon as I find one:) Regardless, I'm saving up all the dirt I have on you, for my book which will be titled, "The World as I see it, the view from down here - according to Juanita"

Love Ya Man (**hint* that makes everything okay again)

Dianna White

Anonymous said...

Or maybe a book entitled, "Cleo, the Queen of De-Nial"!???
Hee hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Saturday and don't worry: I've bring enough sand and kitty litter to soak up the oil in the parking lot.

Harley Nation..bring it!

Kinda brave for a non-rider, eh?

Anonymous said...

Major, what a great covered bridge ride we had over in Greenville at Treaty City M/C this past Sunday. Mary ,Lowell, Sam, John Conley, and I went over and there must have been nearly 300 riders.
Since you're now mowing grass and washing cars how about I haul the the 63 Falcon over, sit it in your drive and you help me finish stripping the paint off the rest of the body? As for Bob's comment, any oil leaked on the lot is a Harleys way of marking its territory.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...


I think you must be a handful, mowing your lawn! Sometimes the Taylor's are hard headed and have to learn things for themselves!

I am glad you to hear that you are out and about every chance you get.

You and Mary were missed at the conference. It was a little diffrent this year, very low keyed. There was a casino about 30 miles away and no one even suggested we go, can you beleive that? One sad note of the conference, we were sitting in the hotel bar and we saw a young girl at the top of the parking garage across the street over the rail seven floor. Yeah you gussed it she did a Peter Pan and she didn't make it. Several officers ran out to try and stop her but they were not able to do so.

I have taken off the week trying to get things on the outside done before Old Man Winter gets here. I thought I would be done mowing by now (not).

Well, I have things to do, so I had better get my butt in gear.

Love you Cuz!

Anonymous said...

I am wishing a very good doctors appt. today my dear. Can't wait until Saturday, it will be so much fun.
Love ya,

Nurse Julie said...

I hope Terri got over being mad at you for washing your car. I would have loved to see you try to do the hood. You have been in my thoughts and prayers esp for today. Good luck at the appt. Won't be at the Sat. event my weekend to work.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, my name is Doug Rink from down in NC and your site was passed on to me from a neighbor who is married to a former HP in Ohio who was following your story. First and foremost I wish you the very best in healing and recovery as I know what your are going through. I like you had a bad day on my bike (06 Roadliner) this past August 13th which required 6 weeks in the hospital, 7 surgeries, and the loss of my right foot(just got home two weeks ago with at least 3-4 more months recovery, PT and getting a prosthesis to go, but I am very lucky and thankfull that I wll be able to return to my military duties and do just about everything I did before). I admire your courage and am praying for you.
