Sunday, September 9, 2007

september 7-9, 2007 - 2 sets of footprints in the sand....

top of the afternoon, friends...

well, i pray that this writing finds you well. i haven't written for a couple of days because i have little to update.

i feel pretty good and am sleeping well. my ankle tends to burn alot in the morning and right before bed, so keep ice packs on it during those times. but otherwise, my pain is manageable.

i go in for therapy tomorrow at a rehab place here in grove city. please wish this old ankle and knee luck, as they aren't moving quite as good as i'd like them to. hopefully, they'll help me get a bit more range of motion than i have now.

my sis, terry came over friday night and we all watched the movie, 'fracture' with anthony hopkins. good movie! we even made kettle corn.

on saturday, we went to breakfast, to the 'mini' casino in circleville (where we LOST! lol), then watched another movie, 'disturbia.'

right now, we made turkey sandwiches and potato soup for lunch. terry is snapping green beans to put in with a roast that's cooking in the crock pot. she takes such good care of me! i think she'll be leaving soon, however. her husband is looking for his

this evening, one of my friends, raejean and her son cooper are coming to visit.

please continue to keep my friend glenda woodgeard in your prayers. she goes in again tomorrow for tyroid cancer surgery. she will be going to the James Cancer Center at OSU. she and her husband have 2 small children.

also pray for linda ellsworth (wife of Reverend Ellsworth - OSP chaplain), as she goes in for hip replacement surgery tomorrow as well. rev and linda have been wonderful supporters of the division. rev was one of the first to visit me after my crash.

well, i'll update when i have more info. please be blessed!

thoughts & prayers...

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a wonderful weekend! Remember my friend it will take some time on your knee and ankle but with all the prayers being said we are all with you. Hope to see you soon.
Love, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your therapy.

Dan R.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
sounds like a perfect weekend and also sounds like you are getting used to those Movie Nazis too. Are you becoming friends with the enemy???? R they brainwashing you?? LOL !!!!!!
Hey , how did your babies do this weekend with all of the storms ??
Good luck today with your therapy. I am sure that they won't be as gentle with you as YOUR therapy nazis are :-)
Love ya girl !!! and talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Good morning to you!
Sorry I didn't check in this weekend, but my internet was still down. Hopefully will have it running again shortly.
I definitely will wish you good luck on your therapy! I know how much fun THAT can be when the Nazis are killing... uh, working on you! Just keep repeating what they always tell me--it's GOOD pain, it's good pain! Doesn't FEEL very good when it's happening though!!!! But it is all worth it for the end product. So just try to hang onto that thought!
Hope it goes very well for you today! Always remember to REST after therapy as it is very hard on you. You are re-educating all those tendons/muscles/nerves, etc., and it is hard on you. You need lots of rest after therapy to help you recover!
Have a really great day, woman! And keep hanging in there with that spirit of yours!!!!!! You will be just fine!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

P.S. Where are the KITTY PICTURES??????????

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Good Morning hope your Dr's visits go well this week and you continue to get good news. I made my first venture out and watched the fireworks at the Sternwheeler. Lots of bikers, looked for Elzie, Sammy and Mary? It will take time for your knee and ankle to heal, if you are feeling pain, remember, it means the nerves are are healing. I'm sure your faith and strength wil get you through. Listen to the medication Nazi (Trish - keep up the good work)and you will continue to heal. Keeping you in my prayers always for a full and painfree recovery. Mary

Anonymous said...

Keeping you (and your caregivers) in my thoughts and prayers...

Sylvia M.

Anonymous said...

I have been unable to either read your blog or send you good wishes for longer than I care to admit! Although, not an excuse, I've been busy, busy, busy here at work and even busier at home...of course when you are in bed by nine, it doesn't allow for much to be done at home in the evenings. I did, however, catch up on your past blogs and it is so wonderful that you are doing so well. Go has certainly taken you under His wing and is helping you to progress so nicely. I just got word about the event on Oct. 6th. Of course as luck would have it we are committed to a family reunion that starts at Noon that day. IF I can get my act together (which is debatable) I'm hoping my husband & I can come for the breakfast. But whether or not we are able to attend, I am sure it will be a huge success because so many people love you & Mary and will want to support this effort. Take care, & I hope you continue to get good news from the medical ppl. YOU ROCK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, girl!
Just read Mary's comment ref. experiencing pain--and just remember what they taught us in massage school--pain is your body's way of saying, "well, DUH!" Hee hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, ooooppps , its afternoon, pretty crazy lately. How was your therapy yesterday? You will be severely punished for not blogging us with your status since SUNDAY !!! DID I SAY SUNDAY ??? LOL !!!!
Alot cooler outside, looks like Fall skies out there today. Well gotta go, 904 is crackin' the whip :-))))). Bundle up tonight supposed to get down to 47 deg. we will be able to give our AC a break. Love you and Mary and talk to you soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

I'm glad things are progressing. You will be up and at it VERY SOON. We had a DX dinner this past Saturday evening. Everyone asked about you and send their thoughts and prayers. I hope your therapy went well and it puts you one step closer to getting back on your feet. Pleae call me if you need ANYTHING....PLEASE....Love ya....


Anonymous said...

Major Minter told me that he spoke to you last night and your news wasn't what you would have liked to hear. You know you won't be alone before, during or after the graft. I liked the positives you pointed are so right on. I know it is difficult to accept any kind of set-back because you want to get up and run around the block as soon as you possibly can. But just think of the cold nasty winter we will for sure have....and you will be snug as a bug in your warm toasty home while the rest of us will be walking a mile from the parking lot to the building with the wind howling and the snow flying. Then, by next spring, when it gets warm and the birdies return from the south, you will be ready to walk, and maybe...dare I say.....take one of your bikes for a spin. Just keep that vision in your mind to keep you going now. You know we'll all be praying for you on Friday, while you're "out". I have to be out of town for a funeral, but I will get the word on how you're doing somehow! Take care and keep that chin up!!