Sunday, September 2, 2007

september 2, 2007 - i once was lost...

top of the afternoon, friends...

once again, even though i had the best intentions...i failed to get to church today. the meds i'm on make it very difficult to get up before 8am or so. i will try again next sunday.

i worked out with light weights to work my arms and good leg for about an hour this morning. even though i'm very thin, i can tell a difference, particularly in my arms. i want to get back into shape so i can start walking as soon as i can after surgery. i've been using strap-on weights for my injured arm and my good leg, which i think helps alot. i'm up to 125 sit-ups (in my hospital bed, of

i'm going to try to make it to peyton's house today for a cookout, if i can. it's always good to get out of the house. it would also be good to see everyone again.

afterwards, i plan to do some grocery shopping. i am out of about everything!!! i guess my appetite has

i'm scheduled for an appointment with my plastic surgeon on tuesday. cross your fingers....i hope he'll tell me that my knee is healing satisfactorily and that i'll be ready for the next bone surgery.

otherwise, things are good. each day gets a bit easier. the pain is usually pretty tolerable with the meds i'm on. some nights are better than others, but everything is OK.

squeak - thanks for the email was good hearing from you. you - retire???? no way!

anonymous - "inky" information has been compromised?????? is nothing sacred?

colonel b and brenda - thanks for the words of encouragement and i'm glad you got to spend some time with my friend, kathy mckinney. she's 'good people.'

hope all is well with you and yours and that your sunday is filled with blessings....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Major, you started your daily blog off with "I once was lost...". Ohhhh-h-h here we goooo-o-o. GEE-WHIZ! A fellow makes a wrong turn or two on poker runs and has to live with the guilt forever. Man what a tuff crowd to run with. What's wrong with being lost on your motorcycle anyway?

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...


I am glad to hear things are improving for you. You are in our prayers and thoughts here at the Ravenna Post. I am sure you will be back on a bike before you know it...

Lt. Mike - 1450